We Are Awake
When the world is in its softest sleep, we are awake.
We are roaring down the highway
past city lights and nostalgic meadows.
We roll down the windows, and
a heavy petrichor fills the bitter cold air.
The night sky is stippled with unbounded universes,
and I swear our freedom is nearly tangible.
She turns to me and asks me to put on
our favorite song, our song.
The melancholy tune that we know all too well
shakes the car at top volume, and although
neither of us have the heart to acknowledge it,
I know we both have silent tears in our eyes.
And when it's over, and the final chord
strikes through our hearts with a gentle sigh,
I swear I can feel the weight of my sorrows
emanate out the window and into the night sky.
When the world is in its softest sleep, we are awake.
And we are alive.