Marching Band
I watch the leaves across the field fall as if in slow motion
My arms and hands raise in a flourish
The fading light of day glintsoff their instrumets
I hit the down beat beat with as much intenstiy the first chord should have
I pick up sped I can feel their determnaion and excitemet
I hit each beat with as much precisio as I can
The first tune ends with a bang
I count off slowly keeping my eyes on the soloist
I smile as she hits her notes beautifully
I hear the roar of the crowd behind me
The tune ends a marcher out of place
Sticks it like he meant to be there
The snare taps and sizzles throuigh the drum break
The final tune is up
I count off smiling knowing it's their favorite
I watch the smiles on their faces they're ready
I hand them the note
The last chord dies out
I turn to the crowd and acknowldge the band
For they are the ones that made the show