Music is The Only Thing I Have Left
I've been left wordless,
As my mind is tangled witth the problem.
The letters float around,
But no words come out.
So my ipod I plug in,
And my heart will live on,
As the words I will never find come on.
My family doesn't know my thoughts,
And my friends don't know enough.
I keep it all to myself,
Because I refuse to burden others.
But the days I snap
I am left alone and broken.
But my words are what can save me,
But what do I have when there are none?
Music becomes my saviour,
The only thing I have left...
The only way to say what I have left unspoken.
It creates the emotions that I kept hidden,
And pours out the thoughts I can't create.
There have been days,
That are cold and empty,
When my words aren't enough,
And a blank piece of paper,
And a beatiful pen,
Are no longer my friends.
So I turn to something shining,
Reflecting the light.
It looks welcoming,
And promises relief,
I stare it down guiltily.
But a song comes on reminding me
That I will be okay,
That it is not a bad life,
It is just a bad day.
The music pours out what I feel
In my heart and my soul.
A reminder to learn to ignore
What is said, and what is done,
All the hate that I face,
Created by my own fate.
The beat of the song
Mimicking my heart.
The wailing guitars a company
To my dying thoughts.
The voices that sing and scream,
Replacing the demons in my skull.
Music in my body,
Music in my life,
Music is there to solve my plight.
Music is there to catch me,
Music is there to save me.
Music is there when I have nothing left.