Last Week's Alcohol
Life is passing by and we're still drinking
Last week's alcohol...
All my life I've sat in my room
Dead inside
Watching the world pass by
The wind blows outside my window
And life passes me by
So many stupid rules
Forgetting-or never knowing-how to live
What it's like to be alive
I'm watching you
Fall apart
I watched you crack and shatter to pieces
And I never wanted to be that girl
I was always the good girl
I am the golden girl
I am the smart, mature girl
Who screamed inside and threw my book at the wall
I couldn't hear myself
Over your damn expectations
All my stupid rules got me nowhere
But dancing by myself
All alone
Screw my stupid rules
I'm tired of dancing 'round all alone
I am alive
The weakness, the silence, the sirens, the madness
The tears and screams
I feel everything you think I don't
I watched you be normal
I begged for it on my knees
I'm so sick of wallflower pity parties
I'm so sick of hearing you get drunk
I hold my breath
No one is dancing with me
Yet again
I have nothing left to lose
I was the good girl
I brought in the good grades
I was the angel
I didn't go to parties
I didn't go out
I never once touched booze
So why is my life is passing by
While I'm drinking last week's alcohol
You say you're scared of this
Well I'm. scared. too.
This is how it feels
To fall in love
This is how it feels
To fall
But I'm alive here
I'm living here!
Watching you...
Watching me...
Watching us....
....and I'm still drinking last week's alcohol.