Lake Huron
Am I alone? The only wanderer.
Drift wood in a sea of rain drops
Flowing with the breeze
Against the waves as they flow
Is this it? Watching the sun set
A mosaic on the horizon
Is this the best it will get?
Did I miss my chance? My hope?
The shore has been gone for so long
I’ve forgotten how it felt
How the sand felt on my toes
Just how it made me feel
How it made me feel to know
To actually know things would be ok
That I would be ok.
That we would be ok.
I don’t know much of anything anymore
Just fear and how much it can take
It can take everything and anything
Like it took you and your smile
I can’t help but think how old it all is
How old I’ve become and my heart.
The waves churning like clouds
How much of it had been tears?
How many more years?
How many centuries have you seen?
Washed away the memories of time
Stories and scars long forgotten
Why do they call you fresh water?
There is nothing fresh about your depth
Nothing fresh about your secrets
Just the way you refresh the shore
Wash away what’s better forgotten
Wash away my eyes, my hands
Take me far away. Far from the earth
There’s nothing left here for me
Haunted by the ghosts of your laugh
Searching for a path without you
What am I supposed to do? Alone.
Give me back to the sea