Every car ride
Music on the radio
Filled my ears,
And every day
Music of my own
Filled my free time.
I wrote,
Song of happiness, songs of sorrow.
I wrote for myself,
For my friends;
I dreamed of writing for my career.
My hobby, my mentor-
It taught me creativity.
Cello came next.
Practice very day,
Lessons every week,
Performances every year;
Lots of rules,
Lots of techniques,
Lots of exhausting days
Playing the same song
Over and over.
My labor, my mentor-
It taught me hard work.
I started guitar.
I learned a few chords,
I learned a few songs,
And began to sing:
Harmonies, melodies,
All came so naturally
My expression, my mentor-
It taught empathy
Football season became marching season.
25 pounds
Carried around
A field.
To others, it seemed strange;
To me, it seemed amazing
That 125 students
Could form pictures on a field
And invoke feelings
From the ensemble we played.
One drum,
Many practices,
Lots of exhaustion,
But the smile on our faces
When we recieved our rating
Made it all worth it.
My passion, my mentor-
It taught me Determination
Hard work
And I couldn't be more grateful for my mentor.