Joker, smoker, midnight toker
I don't know anything about the things in this Steve Miller Band song
I think maybe, despite that, my love for it is totally justified
Ya know, I think that you don't have to understand something to love it
Like guzzling rootbeer in the summer, Who the hell knows anything about sassafras?
But you sit and taste the sweet and think
'God bless ice and carbonation"
The sun drapes on your skin and boils your brain but everything is okay because
That's how I feel about Steve Miller and his compadres that liven my room with dulcet beachy tones
and secretly impart their keys to highly functioning addiction
Shred me with that perfect, perfect bass
Shake me down, love
Go forth and sin no more
That's how I feel about one particular boy
For whatever reason my heart has his name carved carelessly into the side
Like a tree, the scar of it will never grow up and away or disappear
Permanent and obvious evidence of his having been and always being
I don't understand him or see why he should exist
He lives on air, cause I've never seen him eat
He lives in my head and is always there when I expect him
Right when I need him
Is he imaginary?
Can't be. He tickles and pinches and his teeth are crooked
So goddamn real I could touch him
He touches me
In deep, deep places like magic on his lips
He's got rhinestones in his eyes and they pull me
I don't know his name or where he's from
His affiliations or what his grandma looks like
He is the greatest mystery to walk this earth but he seems to me like misty roses
Too soft to touch,
But too lovely not to try
The thorns bleed me like a de facto Christ and that's simply the way it is
I love him like music in my brain and cool wetted lips
Too lovely not to try