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L-O-V-E 4 letters we want
But do we know what it is
Sometimes we think
Sometimes we do
But do we really know
4 extraordinary...

Divided this world remains,
we judge by skin color, but we're really all the same.
Every man for himself in this life,...

School Life just isn't right you look to your right and you see a fight.
The young boy getting bullied everyday of his life...

Happy place
Walking to the sea shore bundled in soft blankets.
Early morning chill fills the air as the sun hasn’t yet risen...

To my past selves:
My pissed off selves, and silent selves;
Those selves that sold their richness for a desperate dose of...

You come to school, ready to go with all your might
And then you see her, fall in love at first sight
She simply smiles at...

Don't look at her, you love me right?
You always pay for me, becuase you love me!
OMG look at that diamond! He must love you...

i never got the chance to see your face again.the clock tiking seeing your pains, saddness and worries in your eyes. Moving...

The green, shell-covered fellow lurks quietly about
He tries to avoid the attention of the others
deep down inside he...

you know i love you, never intended to shove you,
or getcha out my life, tentions inside just needed to get out,

because I love
I will wait for you
if you say forever
I'll wait forever and a day
if you say no I understand without an...

On this island that is in my head I want to see you there with me. At this point I'm a shipwreck And you're the lonesome...

Head twitch, sniffing, throat clearing mess
I can't hide them I must confess
Art calms my Tics that are so hard to hide

A girl, or a monster.
Is she new to school.
She looks sad.
Yes, she thought.
They staring with wide eyes.
The girl with a...

We all have a Purpose by: Nia McCrea We all have a purpose Or so I thought Till you made me believe I do not We all have a...

Like a woman I'll talk
Like a woman,I'll do chores
But dare you try taking advantage of what I do for youu
Like a woman,I...

I see you walk down the hallway
Staring at the ground dully
When you lean your head up you give a weak smile
I can see the...

You were never there for me.
You Weren’t there when I said my first words.
You weren’t there when I took my first step,...

Is your adoration for me the same as the world's or different?
You wake up
and I may not be the first to see you - clothes...

Picture an eternity of just listening. Of course everyone around you is aware that you’re there and your so painfully aware...

Last time I was spitting game
It was about the captivity and shame,
That gave us this luxurious, change to fame
But still...

Our school is from outer space,
it could demolish the human race.
The bread was baked ten years ago,
the burgers look like...

Tonight I lay down,
With nothing but a sound.
My thoughts play memories,
As if they were histories,
All the sudden mysteries...

If I was gay I would think hip-hop hates meHave you read the YouTube comments lately?"Man, that's gay" gets dropped on the...

White people think navajoes are a discrimination to "their" land. "Thier" land where these monsters assume they can control...

Brother Man
Brother man, brother manWhy do you act they way you do? Fighting, cussing, gang-bangingThis is why no one would...

I'm constantly conjuring conundrums to confound the wise and enlighten the child.
You look into my eyes and ask me "Why?"...

All you need is some nice tits and a great ass,
Some illegal drugs and an eating disorder,
That’ll make up for your lack of...

I pause to think.
a second too late and the opportunity; gone.
that fate might allow a genius to slip, the slip of a genius...

they say I'm a loser, i say I'm anomalistic.
optimistic, perhaps wise to the things of the spirit.
cannibalistic maybe, i...

I am Kilah Onjelle Jacobs
I am futuristic
I am kind
I am loyal
I am who i want to be
I am God's child
I am a music enthusist...

Innocent, playful, potential victim.
Seeing the real world first hand, scared.
Efforts to stay pure, tarnished by...

what did i do to deserve this?
does he know i feel the pain of his diss
i know the back of his hand more then his face

It was a bright yellow bracelet,
That was given to me that day.
If there was anything I remembered about my bracelet,
It was...

You say I’m stupid,
Never going to amount,
I don’t understand,
What you’re talking about,
I try as hard as I can,
But I’...

You see the smile plastered on her lips, dripping a story with a twist. Lies escape with every phrase, across your ears. You...

Testing! Testing!
Screaming through my head,
quivering hand,pencil of lead.
many questions left unsaid,
motor boat of a...

The children of today
never live past tomorrow,
Their classrooms have become war zones
Fire drills turning into a friendly...

I have a lot to say
But if I speak,
I think I'll go astray.
Like those poor young soldiers
fighting a rich man's war

Day one
Water and sand
No need for someone
In this deserted land
I shoot my thoughts
Into the sky
Judgment aint here

See we all got problems, but looking for someone to solve em.
Despise the corruption and the contamination of our...

It took me few weeks to find an idea for this slam,
I’ve been scratching my head in deep thought,
Tossing and turning in my...

I am an ocean wave, grasping for the rocks.
There’s no need for time, nor for any clocks.
God has a future planned, planned...

They saw me coming they arose
I was burning high like mama rose
Who gave birth to her beautiful daughter like flower...

I looked up in the clouds
A year ago I was making sounds
Now I look at trees, and the fallen leaves
Last year I made music...

Running around, not worrying
Talking in a language only family will understand
Trying to keep up with them, scurrying...

After all,
We all are awesome.
Everybody is awesome.
Sand is awesome.
Octupi are awesome.
Me is awesome.
Everything is...

Shes beautiful and strong . She gave us life and is wise when to take it. She loves you even if you attack her. She gives to...


i'm scared of silence
within sience you hear everything
within the silence you hear thoughts
your thoughts
others thoughts...

The bell rang and it’s time to start the day
All I say is how long until the end of May
Does the staff around here not...

Light fading fast darking my present with my past racing to out run the case
standing atop my pile of broken dreams looking...

Life isn't meant to be all beautiful and happy and full of excitement. Sometimes life if going to be dark and dull and full...

Look in the mirror and what do you see
I see a person just like me
Beauty on the inside; beauty on the out
Why do you...

You tell me I'm beautiful when you see I have different shades of make up on. You tell me I'm beautiful because I bought a...

Flawless? yes me!
The way I walk into a room. The way I carry myself. The way I talk. I'm not stuck up or rude.

Since last Thursday night,
my three year old man has
Disappeared into the clutch of
My three year old man can do so...

The rock in a hard place.
But if the rock is broken apart you find gold.
Girl tried to get a date, but rejected.
Honor roll...

Follow your own path, because no one is going to do it for you,
dream big, and do not fear the road before you.

In a desert, once, on a hunt did I find,With a radiant smile, a flower so fair;Sadly, I approached and sighed, “Ah! Of my...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem. music,i love music its straight grooven feel the beat let the sound of your feet tapp to the sound...

What if…
What if you said, “Straighten up”
or get yourself together.
What if you showed you cared,
instead of being rude....

We once had a year-long sub for a class.
We thought we would all pass.
It turns out the sub was a fool,
and he would...

He's such a, but when you hear those weak mumbles, almost like a cry, I can't help but feel like, the most luckiest girl...

Petrified air sits frozen in the sweltering, deserted city of sand.
Its horizon the same in all directions, rural settings...

I am not what people see
I hide secrets like everyone else
Afraid of what they might think of me
If my facade melts

I don't know how to apply for a loan,
I can't decide whether to rent or own,
Oh the things I wish I had known,
When I left...

The small glances,
Minimal eye contact,
The butterflies,
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
I know,
It’ll never be anything more.

To the one who waited
hours upon hours
days upon days
weeks and weeks
years to years
a lifetime
You're the one who raised...

My life is my life, I should be able to live it free people don't really know me but always
have an opinion about me just...

Does structured poetry convey the same emotional movement as slam poetry?
Who am I to say,
That a three lined haiku

I love to love the people who don't love me.
In my mind we were in deep love.
we were like drugs to one another.
But when...

In 5,4,3,2,1
The words I will here when I sit in front of the camera at my dream job
It will be more than a job it will be...

No one to turn to...Alone in this world friends who you thought were your friends...not...They left you in the dark alone...

I feel like school is one of
Societies’ biggest misunderstandings
We put so much value
And trust into this system, ...

Let me sing with some beat add sounds like a Harmony and a Melody I want the music to move me so I can lift my voice when I...

If an Author is a job than believe me my life will be changed.
I sit and pondered on what is it I want to do for the rest of...

America? Great?
Two words that everyone seems to know
Racism, poverty, egotistical leaders
Thats what you call great?

Fumed by what is lingering and coursing with pain staking agendas.
The bag has a whole in it, and with the trail of ache is...

Her grip was like claws around my throat
dragging me down
making me ebb away into the distance.
She sat on my pillow...

The space between their world and ours, is not defined by wealth or power.
They break with strength of a different kind. ...

Letters of Recommendation.
Hours of work.
Work that makes my eyes blurry
Or fingers...

I vaguely remember my father. I was three years old when he died, so his presence in my memory is distant. I view...

I'm sorry but I've got to go
The times come for m tleave
It's pleasant here though
I just can' believe
All the nonsene

7.79 is what they pay us if we aint 18.
break every 3 hours or we get fired
they take advantage because they think were dumb...

Who are you?
A guy I wanted so long to love me
Who are you?
A guy I desired so long to accept me as a daughter
That was...

I'm not just a number,
I sit here and wonder,
Does my teacher even know my full name?
I don't care about your personal...

To capture a picture means a memory
To capture a feeling means a moment
The cotton candy fields bloom with color as I open...

Everybody wants a reason to be.
Something to dedicate yourself to and need.
Just a little something to love.
It doesn't...

You might want to get out a pen and paper and take some notes
Listen up, no texting please, awkward eyes contact is...

I didn't want it to be you,
After all we've been through,
All the memories that we shared,
I finally found someone who...

I love you so much that I sometimes have to pause and tell myself.. “get a grip.” But see the crazy thing about it is that,...

I’m 16 about to be 17.
I try to get away from everything.
Everything that makes me feel like I’m not worth anything.

When Christopher Columbus discovered the new land, he really thought it was oh-so-grand
Of course, now, if he could see what...

My love, I write this letter to my dear soulmate you are the love of my life thats taking me for ever to find.Your my love...

Im beautiful from the flats of my feet
To the shape of my head
Anyone would be lucky to share my sheets
I dont flaunt

after the trayvon verdict
there were vibrancy of disbelief
as if they were watching a horror flick
it was frightening
how a...

<<..Bring Back Our Girls...>>
NO..! I Will Fight For Mine
They are mine, and I want them backYou are...

In May 2017 I borrowed a bike from my Bishop.
I was told not to ride it to school.
I was running late one day and decided to...

As she stared into the mirror
It became clearer, as she walked nearer
There were cuts on her thighs
The monster told her...

I am a student
Who in fact, tries hard
I'm not trying to be your pet
So, don't expect a card.
I am a student
Who has some...

What a frustrating
and confusing time,
especially high school.
But is it really the school or the education?
You or...

Black man,
I see the sulk in your eyes,
The wrinkles, the bags of countless years of work,
Trying to race ahead through the...

When I was a kid my mind didn't know
what to think of all the things happening to me,
and I kept quiet because,
who would...

My skin color may be black
but I have a lot of colors that I don't lack
like my pride I am proud of my rainbow
But also I am...

I am, the most complex symphony
at long last composed of by some of the most esteemed
and baffled composers.
I am the...

Why do you give us so much homework?
I learn better in class
so stop being an ass
im sorry for my language
actually im not

See I'm just regular girl, well a girl who makes herself believe those words.
Deep down inside, I'm a girl who loves to...

Poetry oh what is thee?
The value of an inner connection with oneself
Expressing yourself
Developing a bond with...

Give me hope,
I'm livin' in a nightmare.
Praying for better dreams;
Jesus weeps
As he hears the
Screams of...

Like a breath of cold air, i am lonely with fear,this pain i feel ,i just can't bear,it is painful enough to kill,ones...

She told herself that she never wants to be awaken,cause all guys were clearly nightmares in her eyes.She tried many times...

Well roundedness
Is it necassary, or just a school themed mess?
Must I learn these books?
Is this how a doctor looks?

The Flawless Panties !
As she wakes and rubs her eyes she is reminded that her eyes are too small,
As she sits on the...

In a kingdom by the sea...
What? No!
Two households both alike in dignity...
That's not mine, yo
Fine, I'll speak candidly...

Being a kid brings out the joy in a person.
Look back, at the time when you were that.
You could just go to your friends...

Although I am no good at writing and rhyming, I decided to give this a try without whining. A poem I am only writing one...

A Girl Had A Dream
A Job That Would Change The World
She Loved Books
And knew she could make a difference
She wanted to...

Because I love you,
I see less of the world,
and more of heaven.
Because I love you,
I see my scars
like a sunrise.

You're different,You're special,You're really one of a kind.You're funny, And delightful,I really wish you were mine.You're...

"I do things in secret
you wouldn't believe it
or could you conceive it
i couldn't decieve ya
i keep it to myself
Like a...

Time ticks and flies, while we sit and watch as it passes by.
For? Who knows a bus, a job, or a man..
Somebody need to get...

I am an African, an African
taken from my homeland and
brought into a place where I am known as
being "inferior" Why was...

See it to the authority of Hades,As he decides the fate of souls
He tells me he's obligated,Bound to the ones who sold their...

That four corner flag, see it fly
From the sky Blue in my eyes
Yet pride in my land is marked Red
From all the stupid things...

A kid who just wants to be heard
Someone who wants success
Others look at him and say oh my he's blessed
They don't know the...

Blame it on the other car, they should have seen me it’s called being a careful driver.
Blame it on the sender they should...

Why are people always so fake?
Why do they constantly, constantly hate?
I wonder why they are always the center of attention...

Your lips are mouthing words, and I know you’re pleading
The same lips that filled my dreams and lifted my spirit

Because I love you,
I hide the stars
Behind bars.
I tell the moon to stay awake a little longer,
The sun to smile a little...

Aren’t You
Aren’t you suppose to help me do better
Aren’t you suppose to stop what they do to me
Aren’t you suppose to stop...

The girl I strive to be
Is the one that loves the Lord whole heartedly,
The girl I strive to be
Is the one who serves the...

She, named Winter, is cold indeed,
Her sister, Summer, full of glee,
Spring’s wakening wrought rivalry,
But Fall’s child is...

I am reaching out to youBut you cannot or will not hearCan’t you see that I am in need?You look without seeing my tears I...

first I was negro stolen from the land of my people thrown
from my throne like animals forced into a cot - tin field in the...

Like a baby born without a mother
Shit just don’t make sense
So how the hell can you walk around without a split lick of...

Everything seems so big when you’re only ten
So scary, and so big when you’re only ten
You don’t understand everything when...

He is so beautiful in so many ways unknown,
without him realizing,
he makes me feel like I am known.
I know I am...

He went home and cried
How many times he had tried
It was all in vain
Nothing could lessen his pain
The bullies were all...

He thinks he knows everything
Trying to teach us nothing in reality
Then comes the assesment, and we all fail
Of course

My crimson sorrows, pour onto the floors,
Bathing each torn petal of my orchid,
Lying in my puddle of crimson crystals,

Today was a good day
I won’t rap a song, but
I can sure bust a rhyme or two.
Today was a good day
I am not feeling blue...

Need to have for college,
easy way to pay,
so many words,
too many essays.
Everyone writing, scripting, making

I know who I am
I know who I am not
I know what I want to be
A rising star
In the perfect sky that everyone watches

I once met a farmer whose name was Brain
He gave me a packet of seeds
All that was needed was sunshine and rain
To grow...

my best friend
my ace
my brother
have the pleasure to known for 19 yrs plus counting
it was funny
we didn't like each other...

say you love me once or twcie
hurts me at a price
say you love me once or twice
cuts me in a slice
say you love me once or...

Things going through my head
gasping for air.
Chills running all over my body
thinking why me
Its my choice
Should of...

Even though we have nothing left, the storm robbed us of everything, I am still in love with you my love, in the morning...

As I age on, I'm finally able to see
My dreams are no longer what they use to be, because of the value that grows on trees....

Oh, when will we see the land of the free
There is a war not away
But right in the streets
A place of division
And fear of...

The many colors I grow,
How many shades can be seen.
The family affair and the many seasons I spring,

No one knows about what goes on behind the curtain
The struggle to keep all the robes un-tangled
And every object nice and...

I Rise at six everyday,
get dressed and ready to leave.
Before I leave i throw the hay,
the horses and cows recieve.

Fear had controlled my life since birth.
I don't know why it had, it just had always been that way.
Growing up only being...

Life isnt always great. We do things we dont want to do. Some people don't like the things we do. We make life how it is. We...

It is said to be best served cold.
It grows in your soul incripting like mold.
Such a sinister idea, an evil from the inside...

At times, you might feel as though you are all alone,
No one is there for you and no one understands you,
You forget about...

I’m standing in the middle of a street suffocating and no one can see
No one can see the pain and embarrassment I have...

texas,don.g.nutt,59.poem,wigg splitter head busta known to be a bad muthai,fuckai, tuffai, then leather know one split the...

I am born on March 17, making me a Pices
But I don’t like pet fish
I’m 5 foot 2, making me the tallest girl in my family...

I'm tired of the routine that follows my day
It's the same things over and over she say
I want to be that change to motivate...

History is something that can never be erased. It can never be changed the past must be faced. The future is supposed to be...

you light up my world when you enter my presence sometimes when you speak i just died and went to heaven. the emotions i...

There is an dimension between love and war; in mentality, arguements occur in thought. In dreams, I get a particular emotion...

I am a fetus. My living space is small, and my body is even smaller.
The world is dark, but warm and life beyond conception...

They have become the sleepless immortals in our country.
The instrument leading to too much blood spilt.
The goodbye...

Do you ever wonder what your future is?
How it's going to turn out?
What awaits you?
How you look and how act?
Who you marry...

When you say that you love me
My heart walks across the sky
You talk about forever together
Please tell me one more time

Life is beautiful just look around
Don't you see all of the lovely creatures
They're having fun just crawling around
So why...

It’s not a chicken that crossed the road,
just a funny looking possum.
He’s round and plump with a ratty tail,
but he...

Thirty-five year old knees,
too much sugar,
not enough tables,
and a crush on a brown-eyed Vegan
can make a girl grumpy!

To: Stepdad, “You can’t take your money with you when you die.”You left nothing here and it made you the bad guyScattering...

Its so ridiculous/ how much we can hate/ So ridiculous, the things that we take/ People tripping on others rhymes/ Is just a...

Engaging in a brand new property or home are able to on its own end up being a fantastic nerve-racking know-how along with...

Black ice bites fingertips.
sharp edges, shrapnel travel up long bladed, byzanite blue fingernails.
Thin frost, covers a...

Five Nine she stands tall,
Praying that she will overcome the obstacles in her way
Trying to keep a smile on on her face...

She walks as if she has no care in the world.
Think again.
Everyone looks twice as she passes by
and everyone longs to...

Onecs in the red sun,
Little Red Riding Hood was heading out to her grandmother’s.
“Would you like me to come,” asked the...

The doctors said I couldn't.
They said that I wouldn't.
Never acheive my dreams.
What they didn't know,
Is the tears I...

Top of their class
We know you love them
You kiss their ass
Top ten percent
Oh, the selection
Another trophy...

Peel the mask off.
No one is fooled.
You claim a Savior,
but you're in charge of this school?
Show us your face.
Let us...

A shutter, a cornucopia of colors.
Pixels, little boxes,
fleeting moments, fleeting dreams.
Vicarious livings, romantic...

I see someone that feels lonely most of the time
Someone who fits in but sometimes feels left out
A girl who is scared to...

We spend our lives seeking a path,
attempting to realize a purpose-filled life.
Trying to find contentment, avoiding wrath,...

If you listen closely, you can hear the sotft breathing of his slumber
The motions
Your lips form
When you say you love me.

All you know is she's so perfect
All you hear are the right answers coming out of her mouth
All you see is her dazzling...

These words are reincarnation of past quote
Black is beauty, beauty is black, beauty I be because I be black, and black Ibe...

Understand that stereotypes are appart of our world
No area is free of sterotypical people
For our country to be better we...

Finally in my true home,
I have a strong and whole heart.
Strengthened by my new family,
And nurtured in my new community...

-Every Life Matter , Whether You Are , Black Or Brown
Even If You Wear A Crown , Or Whether You Are Pale
...And Waiting To...

The day was cold,
When to the world your soul you sold.
You were pure to your mother you were gold,
But we know truth be...

The world has no roots, the only one you can trust is the god that made you and the people who care, for their are demons...

Eric Koston
Everybody loves Mr.K
Really he skates every day
In his blood is skating
Can't do alot of hating
Koston is a pro...

they say true love comes from the heart
what does the heart know about true love
because I say that I like girls
what does...

I need my black and white
Not because you’re beautiful,
Not because you’re bright,
I need you because you bring music into...

What is he for who canno't stand
is it shallow for him to give a helping hand
death is shallow like a dark cave
it consumes...

Rules Regarding Teachers
They are set to be followed and yet made to be broken
If they are never broken they can never...

Graphic Design, Oh what a job
Sitting on the computer, but not being a slob
Creating digital artworks, for magazines and...

I am
the road less traveled
funny indeed
the creation of two families
one of birth
one of adoption
I am
the one that they...

to that little boy that lives inside of me
in that dark clandestine place where the reaches of the sun fall short
(in the...

Femininity, subservience, inferiority,
Instilled in us by society.
Lack of control over our own destiny.

As I write this
I am sitting in my world...
It is where I always like to be
When thoughts are flowing
This place makes me...

Greatness shine bright as a star.
It tastes sweet in your mouth like a candy bar.
Greatness luster in the dark.
Making its...

It's awesome we can blink
It's awesme we can think
It's awesome we can move
It's awesome we still have food
It's a blessing...

I am: not poetry.
I am a perfect example—quintessential
Textbook sample
Playing it safe

I am a woman of god
Where the wind blows like the sun that shines beneath god
I am the reflection that sees my soul where...

No house is left out. On October 31st each house contains a festoon of Halloween decorations. Skeletons and ghosts are...

I'm all you'll ever need
If you cry I'll let you scream
If you thirst I'll leave you be
I don't do anything
But I'll...

I sit here and think
How have I come to be,
This young man that has transformed
It all matters to me.
I see how my world has...

Devoted, Giving,Compassionate

The firecy fire building up in the inter of my knowldegedoors shut but windows openopen just enough to hear the contain...

You seem to love to teach,
not one of those who always preach,
but your test are unfair,
teach us the right content, that is...

To feel love is not a sin
To feel love come from the soul within When the cold wind blows and you lose your way
Keep your...

Age fourteen was the age I matured,
No one should go through what I endured,
Mother dies left feeling gloomy,
Angry at...

I heard sirens ringing
And I saw mothers crying
Dad's and son's were dying
Night's I used to cry myself to sleep

i am society's worse nightmare
i'm puerto rican
i'm a taino indian
i'm black
and i'm proud
i'm educated
i'm from the hood

1. Get up,
Mom will ask if something is wrong if you dont.
2. Smile when she drops you off at school,
she loves it, just...

She works harder than ten men combine
Working night and day till her knees break and hands swell
Living in a cardboard box...
Regardless of what I do or become,
One thing about me will never change.
Whatever amount of joy and grief come,
I am human...

I must say that I expected more from high school,
I thought that after high school I could to everything by myself,

Rising with the sun starts my everyday
Look out to the arena and see a mere
Horses and boots are my life
Ride everyday with...

Sitting on the beach
Hearing the waves crash against the sand
Feeling the sand betwee my toes
Wrapped in the arms of the...

Digging my feet into the hot yet warm sand
Not knowing that it would be awhile when I could feel this again
Living here with...

My mother is a tax preparer
My father is an Electrician
They been so for twenty five years
They struggle to keep up...

I am a flawed individual who's living day by day
Been in an lonely dark place for too long,
I'd to settle for less, which is...

A's. B's. C's.
The things that define us.
Not our faces;
Our personalities.
Test Scores:
They make or break us.
They show...

As each day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound
The day before yesterday;
Clouds glide over bold black...

can you be my guidance?
the one who leads me through the way
the one who clears up my mistakes
if i were to go back and...

Dreams will be dreams no matter what people seem to say.
We all live everyday by the dreams we continue to replay.

You can be a real pain at times
coming whenever you feel like it and make me feel
small, worthless, tired,
I have enough...

What harm can we do you on our knees?
Every month we double over in pain for we,
You call it disgusting, unnatural

This dream I dreamed,
I dreamed of a job of great caliber.
I was glittering blitheness and success.
I didn't have to overtax...

First off this will not be a formal conversation Mrs. “This assignment will count for 30% of your grade.” You think that I...

Crying to You was not what I wanted to do
For You to see me laying on the ground
face down caused sweet shame so I refrained...

You can't take a stand in your room
I won't care to stand to hear you
Your suppose to be a leader,
a role model
a teacher....

18 years
Looking over my shoulder every hour
I coward into paper
Unto them, my greatest fears
Seeing a face I haven't seen...

Just breathe.
Though your world may seem like its crashing around you,
Just breathe.
Thats what the nurse says as she checks...

March again; Revive; Awaken!Build atop what has been taken,Find your mantra, young disciple:"Do not tarry; carry on."

No limits to what I can become.
No standard I have to live up to.
Divergence is who I am and what I can become....

Patiently waiting on someone to answer my prayers instead of taking them away.
I’m afraid to say the wrong thing because it...

The blood, sweat and tears she lay,
as she smiles from day to day.
Sweet as flowers of a rose,
Bitter than a lemon that...

Were we there, do we know?
Do we know true facts for sure?
its our minds who believe what we're told.
who ever caused it,...

I come from everywhere, and everywhere is where I am from.
But can I eat the whole cookie without leaving a crumb?
I am my...

He turns the doorknob as the bell rings.
“You’re late” greets him with rolling eyes.
He takes his seat as his teacher...

Progress does not come without struggle,that is what my mom would say.So changing the world wouldnt be easy,take it day by...

The gears in my mind are turning
A burning desire inside
These emotions I can no longer hide
My ideas and emotions no longer...

Love is so new and true.
Can it takes to become the new you.
Love is the color of red.
Can it be curl up in bed?

As I look in the mirror, who do I see?
Who is this girl staring back at me?
With her bright eyed smile, so pretty and nice,...

I am dedicated.
I am strong.
I can see now.
I'm almost there.
The road is not blurry anymore.
I've reached my destination....

Once Upon A Time, there was a girl with golden hair,
Locked in A tower waiting to pair
Her mother was a devil
And also a...

A Night Under The Moon With The Queen
I remember her hand, as we danced forth
The way it fit perfectly with mine
We moved...

Life after Death "Life after death is always on everyone's mind""We wonder were we go and what happen to the things we...

Something I want,
Something I want,
I could fill a book in nine point font with things I want.
I could tell you about my...

The "Unfortunate" Tree
He is standing by the tree,
Counting the growing leaves.
When the whooping wind blows,
The green...

The presence of LONELY
through the expansion of NIGHT
And the mood... SOLEMNLY
out of MIND, out of SIGHT
Once a world......

My life depends on you,
Like rose depends on the sun.
My life without you can't go on,
Like a ship out in the blue.

I do love you but, you love me more! I do care for you but, you care for me more! I do want you but, you want me more. I do...

Art is Inspiring
By Ashley Rissmiller
Art is inspiring!
Art flows from the creative mind.
The poet…
The painter…

Becoming who I am destined to be
Will put me on covers of VOGUE
will allot me the favor
Of rubbing elbows with Anna Wintor...

You cry
I cry
We cry
I wish you loved me
I wish I loved you
Sadly we do not love eachother
We cry
We feel bad for...

Am I really ready to change? Every year it is so hard for me to choose a
resolution because I don't know if I am ready to...

You’ve brought us so much Inspiration
Providing us with a stong foundation
We can not thank you enough
Although things...

My life is cripled,
Everytime I do something I trip over, then start all over.
I feel like I dont exist, cuz no one seems to...

and it's not crazed
or spontaneous
not momentary
no midnight blur
or vodka haze
not morning-after

They put the frame on the wall for all to see
And frequently the pictures change
For this is how you are supposed to be...

This life is mine.
I refuse to settle and allow potential to diminish.
I will follow my heart and break off the chains of...

My classroom is not good enough
For me to stay in it.
The way it is now
I can not learn anything.
The boring lectures,

We open our eyes.
And there I see.
My husband to be!
He wraps his arms around me.
Moves slowly to my ear.
And I hear.
I love...

You know what makes me happy, I like laughter and people lauging, at funny jokes I tell my friends happily, when life goes...

The golden hue of a time forgotten
Silver shades of today,
Together they meld into the generations of my family.

Ever since I was young, I wasn't sure what life was about. Sometimes I'd sit in my room and pout. As I was growing up, I...
My buck teeth are beautifulThey make me look like a bunnyMy one hidden dimple is gorgeousIt pops out when something's...

I am told to report bullying,
I see it everyday.
But every time I talk about it,
I get shunned away.
The bathrooms here at...

I remember your bare feet in the sand.
I remember your wonderful laugh.
Crossword puzzles on the table, army medals.
I love...

Most people regret what they didn't do rather than what they did
With me, it's the exact opposite
I regret doing you

Sitting in class and all I hear are
You wanted to be a dancer, not a teacher.
So go out...

One can walk along their merry way
Without a care or single stray
Along their path, they run into fear
Now's their chance to...

I want to go back
To the day I stared at a paper that tested my knowledge
This day was like a nightmare
I read and over read...

Give me no option, no opportunity and no voice I will utilize and equip words to my arsenal as if a warrior needs bullets...

What were you doing the night of August 28, 1955?
How were you feeling on May 15, 1970?
Where were you on March 3, 1991?...

You want me to do what? You need to go home and have a shot. A shot of something strong to get your head right. Why do...

Among the many things that I wish I could shout in my classroom, most of them I cannot say,
But my words cannot forever be...

If I could change one thing, I would change people's mentality. Why not change racism, segregation, gay marriage laws, or...

If the world could be changed
I would rearrange
the way we look at and think about each other
No matter what the skin...

Learning is easy, but can be difficult for others. people who want to learn will learn . the others don't yearn to learn...

Will there be a day where the sky’s not grey
Or hate and pain not overpower love?
Will my ears block out all that others say...

Family is where the heart is
It's where the love is
Being the second oldest
Life has been the hardest
My parents are...

Don’t give up just yet,
We all go through hard times
I don’t want to say goodbye,
And I care so please don’t cry
But when...

It ok-
dont feel bad
im sorry I made you mad
its ok
its alright
Please I don’t want to fight
its ok
its just fine
you can...

Alright so it’s been a while
I feel like this is a journal entry
to the lifestyle of myself
So much to mention, so much to...

The value of money is the root of all evil,I would chang that to make all things equal.Money makes all things change,that is...

The Seven Stages of FFA Membership
First you have the member
The follower of it all
"To practice brotherhood"
Starting in...

Well teachers, you did it.
You succeeded in breaking us.
We’ve been stressed beyond our explosion point,
Cried for no...

I can be near you, and I can be happy,
But being sad away from you is scary
To let my happiness be dictated my another

In a world of black and white,
be the shades of grey.
They bring value to each day.
In a world of broken dreams,
be the...

As a college freshmen, there are a lot of things to expect
Picking courses, proving your self to your peers,

As a teacher, to us, you don't get itWe think that it leaves you dumbfoundedWe'll say what you want to hearRegardless of how...

I feel as though I have been set free
allowed to be who I am truely meant to be
I see freedom through my eyes with a new...

I Grace The Stage With ... " Elegance " ...
Then Utilise Words With ... " Eloquence " ... !!!
My Wordplay Sways With...

(U)sually people wouldn't know who they are
(N)ever thought I would be this far
(I)n my life I went through a lot of pain

In the quiet of the night, We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.No lines to mark where you end and...

I continue to read the chapters of my book. I am getting to the part where I hear "Dr. Romero, we need your assistance...

Because I love you
I relinquish my heart's repel
I succumb to your tenderness
my mind under your spell
Because I love you...

Sometimes I feel scaredScared of what the future might holdI must be successful, that I've been toldWhen I was a little girl...

The Fall
Just like an empire, you fall
One day you’re on top of the world
The next, you’re fighting to climb a...

I’mma a caramel covered dream, bruised from within.
An educated girl, who speaks what she thinks.
Mama calls me beautiful,...

Bird’s joyful chirps and children playing,
Constant friendly greeting.
While passing through, color
Is bursting from every...

My Love….
This is our season
You are my only reason
For celebrating this period
So many do celebrate devoid
Of the knowledge...

So sick of freaking war
I turned on the television
Flipped the channel to watch some CNN
For maybe bout an hour or more

There are people that expect just too much
Those people ussually get let down
They blame it on you say you lost your touch...

When I was little, about 6 or 8 my dad built me a dream house. He built me my club house he built it with his bare hands....

Oh say can you see why I'm so upset
Our freedom of speech has become such a threat
I’m not singing, at least not anymore...

i live to write
i write to live
if i don't tell my own stories
someone else will
that won't happen
if i don't write my own...

Roses are red,
Violets are purple
The teacher does nothing when i get a "purple nurple"
I scream, i cry,
The teacher ignores...

The name my mother gave me
She said it was strong
And at times I can live up to it
Then at times I can’t
Its when...

The place where I learn
And am supplied with textbooks.
New knowledge is earned
While sharing hot new looks
My personality...

Teacher these days are just ignorant
They like to teach us stuff we already know.
When you correct them, you suffer a...

Poetry is the beauty of words.
Words that are very powerful.
Poetry is for the ones who are blind of the beauty and for the...

It is said it can change a life and help a person or maybe two
that if your lost,stuck, and can't figure out what next to...

I love music, and nature, and flowers, and suchI love helping some students with homework and stuffBut what I love most of...

Will they love me
When they see that I am not perfect?
Will they care for me
When they see that I don’t believe in God?

There's a war in america not for the american people but for the american soul. Not for the american culture but the...

Poverty is that thing that really makes me tick,
Poverty is that entity that can persuade even me, to doubt me,
At times I...

How I feel
Its hard to think with all these emotions running wildly in to this sink
I blink and rethink as a sounds escapes...

When you took at your phone and asked me to smile
And tell you I loved you, I just waved you off
I didn't notice the...

You broke my heart
You betrayed my trust
I thought it was love, but
It was only lust
Turn me inside out and
Let my heart...

America, America, the price of freedom fought,
The colonies contested all the way, oppression and tyranny not,

The busy hustle across the sidewalks
makes a walk turn into a shuffle.
Going from class to class
is nothing short of a...

Walk in my shoes
Take two steps forward
And tell me when you get pushed back five
Have faith to trust
And tell...

What is happiness?
It is the feeling you get when waking up on Christmas morning,
It is the sound of laughter while being...

Karens chapter
In the beginning there was darkness and darkness was right. Darkness fit me like my favorite knitted sweater...

It’s always hard to find a way
To find the words you want to say
Writing words and scribbling them away
And come back to...

Education is the confirmation,
that your life after will be grand,
from learning physics to foreign language conjugations,...

I was the magnificent
confident and swift
strong and untouchable,
Yet it was only in my mind.
I flew,
I conquered and...

Act so kindly
Out of spite
as if it were
to send your fright
You scream my name
I hear your call
Reached to me
but seen by...
Although it's been two years now
I am still reminded everyday and it brings me to a bow.
The new playful puppy next door, ...

I look and see greatness and admiration.
I always have to look pass my procrastination.
I would like to change that so I...

Waking up
Filled with anger
Blaming the world
Why - Do I
Do this to myself
It's just me and no one else
The games I play

I am.
What am I?
I wonder every day with no apparent response.
My fears, my thoughts, my dreams
They all seem to be in vain...

Dear Mom,
I know I don’t tell you that I love you very often and that you’re the best mom in the universe.
And I...

The seas are calm.
My soul is free
The birds are singing let them sing.
In sweet harmony and song my soul is...

Where's the one I thought I knew,She held me tight when I was brand new,Through thick and thinNot now but thenShe sewed me...

You hear me
How silent is the silent cry
Do even you see
How lonely my sigh
I don’t understand why I try
You hear me

While clutching the book I read before bed,
I hear the pounding of boots echo.
Awaking to the smell of kerosene,

We live to be freeOozing phrases like, "You don't understand me."But hold up. Wait a minuteI think they're beginning to get...

I wish you could see the fear in my eyes,
or the drumming of my fingers against the table.
Minutes of my high school...

Religion is meant to guild the people who don't have a way
Countries/ territories/ boundaries are being given without a whim...

My Words Are Like Music
My Fingers Tap The Keyboard Like A Drum
Different Notes Pop Out My Mind
Its A Beautiful Rhythem ...

It is easy to follow a path
then you realize, it's easy to get lost.
Shall I guide you to find your way,
no need to worry...

Through the toughest times we must stay positive
No matter the circumstace
Life is there to teach you
Life is there to give...

There once was a man named Awesome.
His very presence could make a flower Blossom.But one day Awesome was attacked by a...

For years I've wondered who am I?
What is it that I'm meant to be?
Right now I can't see the road ahead of me.
I've been...

Literature is My Cover Up
I am a girl who readsI find comfort in worn pagesThe spaces between each word hold each sentence...

Hate and violence fills the streets
Money love and power is how everyone thinks
Without a doubt and full of...

I am running, hiding from the relentless grip of REALITY
But no matter what I do or where I go, it always seems to catch up...

You have the right to get married
I have the right to get married
Rights of all are for all
You have the right of freedom of...

When I was young, I dreamed of growing old
Becoming old
Old enough to understand what the unspoken universe held for me

forgiveness is like releasing guilt and hatred in and out your life.sometime forgiveness is a really hard to deal

Is it because my skin is not as light?
Or should my jeans be more tight?
Is it because my body isn't tiny?
Or my shoes aren'...

If you aren't gunna help,Why do you ask?If you're not gunna try,Understand,Sympathize,Why do you wonder?The answer is simple...

It was a beautiful day in May.
Little Ela and her friends went outside to play.
It wasn’t too long after they walked out the...

My life is like a blade of grass, whenever I feel I am growing, I get mowed down only to start over again. I...

I am a student.
I have spent 2,340 days of my life in school.
That comes out to 18,720 hours.
I am ranked 7th in my class.

My mom, dad and family military
Freedom, fears, blood honor pride
One nation
Red, white, blue, and personal courage...

Bananas are like
a summers moon
soft, yet bright,
They are edible boomerangs.
A magnificent fruit...

there is nothing incredible than be around people
who are incredible
to not only fulfill their aspiratons
but see others...

What is going on today?
Our world is moving backward
Antievolutionary in every way
We encounter social injutice everyday...

Geometry shouldn't even be a subject in high school
Why do we need to know how to plot point on a graph?
It's a new...

Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?
You might as well ask a man in a dress
A riddle deemed to have no answer
Well are there...

Amazing and beautiful
not a flower or a tree
Much prettier than that
and only I can see
Loving and caring
right down to...

She is the missing piece.
The one that was opt for somethig great..
To be a part of something much larger than herself alone...

“I wanna be an engineer so flippin’ bad”
I’d learn all of the math I’d never had
I wanna be on the cover of Science magazine...

Let’s start this with some countingOne, two, ThreeOne, two, ThreeOne, two, ThreeThreeOne in three girlsIn this room...

It is nothing new.
The claim of a country united has never grazed our states.
The words of judgment and racism have only...

Flowers at bloom
Water that falls
With so much room
Nothing is gloom
When Paradise calls
Smiles Collide
Trees stand tall

Powerful, strong, smart i may appear the fear of the unknown controls me the thoughs of ...what others say if they really...

You will not be of the minority my brother
You will not be another gunned down black man just trying to make a way for...

I am American,
the color of my skin or the kinks in my hair do not define who I am meant to be.
I too am just as equal as...

Love can be beautiful thing but sometimes ugly
Love can be the sunshine of the world but also the darkness
Love can make you...

We give into your system
We pay so we can earn
We give into the methodry
It's how we're taught to learn
A hundred thousand...
I once had and enemy whose name was Fear.
In the concrete She nourished the tree of life,
ignating an ardent flame that is...

When did I get older
Feeling the time slip by
I can’t help but plea
For time to stop
But I can see time still fly

Black and white.
It’s all black or white.
Ana is the white. She tells me to starve, starve, starve, you’re not good enough,...

WE are the children of America
The children of those who traveled land and sea.
The children of those who plowed fields and...

There are many things that matter to me the most.
In school, friends matter to me the most, but it hurts really badly

If it was for me. It could be meant to be. There's a chance for you and me. Asking
me for a dance is like counting the stars...

Centripetal forcepullin' me off courseCheckin out my new PorscheSippin on some Russian borsch
I'm ill, you're diseasedthat'...

I lye on my bed while thinking and dreaming
How will I let him know how I feel?
Sometimes it makes me want to start...

Ms. Walker, why must you lecture the whole entire class for one student’s wrongdoings?
Why must you badger the whole entire...

Searching for love is a mystery in disguise
Unrecognizable and sneaky through the night
A man in search of a journey at sea...

Hands join together
For worse or for better
You accepted me for the worse
You hold me when I can’t
You use a gentle...

Fairy tales fill us with hope of a happy ending,
Legends give us a purpose to achieve,
And Folk tales can give us a laugh...

Why do we judge our own culture? The ones we call our brother and sister are fighting a battle against the world, our own...

We say that we all dreams and only we can chase after them, but no that's not always true. Sometimes having someone looking...

I have stopped counting the number of days when I feel unable to do anything
But sit on my bedroom’s carpet and allow my...

Eyes red, dried tears on her cheeks;
On the roof she sits with pen and paper
Describing the beauty of the street lights

When your heart is beyond hurt
It feels like it's been ripped out, abused, and thrown in the dirt
You feel like your entire...

Light replaces dark
Dark replaces light
Light, the first thing you see
Light, the last thing you see
(Or so they say)

Long way I have trot, in the hope you will change.
Love me the way you did
My every desire you will fulfil.

Saying "I love you" is a hard thing to do. You might be worried if you are really expressing your truly feelings or if you...

I don’t understand,
Why is there war,
Country against country,
State against state,
Brother against brother,
Sister against...

Rose bushes line the yard, ready for the slaughter.
Their roses torn in two,
A malignant growth, and an empty space in my...

I constantly hear that money is the route to all evil. But if you ask me its not the money its the people behind the money...

Your flawless exterior, shines like a self-righteous diamondGleaming and reflecting, deflecting and beguilingMeddling in the...

You said you cared, but did you really? Well,that was a lie. You looked me into my very own eyes and lied. How could you?...

Serious delerious mysterious carnivorous shiversup spinal some slither my nizzlerup pan plate and hand cakes. Tock didly...

According to statistics I never had the chance to make it out of my city.
There was no way to break the cycle of poverty....

As I awake from my dreams and into my reality.
My body no longer desires the rest it craved.
It needs to take action, and go...

Pregnancy used to be a beautiful thing
Now everyone is hooking up with their highschool flings
And growing their own wings:...

Education is importantRight from when an infant
Education is not about collegeIt entails a wider range of knowledge...

Excuse Me
dont mind me
my hand is all ways attached to air
I dont underst..
Could you explain that agai..
Oh never mind.....

texas,don.g.nutt,59.poem,tender lover,tender to you all about you pretty sexy an cute choosen to be your lover lover like...

I Am Strong
Stronger than I thought really
I have bones made of the finest metals
I can
withstand anything that comes my way...

You first introduced yourself when I thought I lost everything. You told me I didn't need them, that they were holding me...

When you get into a relationship
both of you see colors,
Now you will see red mostly
and he will see pink,
Alot of pink,...

Who am I?
Well who are you to say?
But, then again, who am I?
Seventeen years to ponder this fact.
So? Who am I today?

Yea its me the diva.
I'm the girl your guy wants.
I'm that flawless girl
making good grades and rocking pearls
you know...

The glowing moon illuminates the land,
Its light warms me where I stand.
Wolves let ou their battle cry,
I follow suit with...

Stop don't let them
Do not let them controle you
Embrace you're brain stem
Don't give them power
Let them speak what they...

“I’m in class and I’m happy”
You amazed me
“Even though you’re just one of those silly art teachers”
Is what others say to...

When i look in one's eye, they already know, who i am today is what i've come to show. getting on that stage, i have no...

A hello here,
A handshake there,
A hug here,
A greeting all around
I float amongst my piers,
Socializing from clique to...

swirling past in a flurry of opportunities.
Life is a boardgame-
use my mind or use my heart?
I can be...

I’m the kind of girl who skips to the end of the book, because the ending of things sounds better than the beginning....

I found my voice in dance.
Some students don’t have the money for the private studio classes
Some students don’t have an...

The Embrace
Escape in her innocent moves, o'how they are graceful and full of life, for the true meaning of elegance...

I promised not to show weakness
I promised not to let them in
I promised not to tell my secrets
I promised not to care

these words oh this sweet words
there is a word that makes music hip
makethe birds flip makes
dafadills and lions roar

Your tomb tattooed soul rest in peace, still no peace in my living soul
Death of you slain life cheers, spewed my joy as...

Things going through my head
gasping for air.
Chills running all over my body
thinking why me
Its my choice
Should of...

One job may change my life. or will I go bck to th dark only takes a bunch of time, before I realize what's right.I'...

What do you see when looking at me from afar?
Staring at me with those stones in your eye sockets.
The lava pours over the...

Is there not a way that we can improve todayThe design of your mind is built to climbI see faces that count themselves as...

Underneath the makeup
And underneath the scars,
Titanium plates –
They break her heart.
Once a pretty face,
A joyride gone...

Autism is Awesome
Autism brings negativity and ignites your creativity
Autism can bring you down and Autism can lift you up...

I am a Black Girl.
I am another individual in society.
I am a Lost Black Girl.
Trying to find my place in this world but I...

My eyes filled up with tears as I heard the newsIt never occurred to me, how much I could lose
I cant believe I'm standing...

there nothing to fear except fear itself
except fear fills our every thought.
what on our mind, cloud our hearts,

That disparaging look cast upon the poor vagrant
The leaves swept off the sidewalk and the puddles avoided
Notions of...

We are created with only three Words
"i love you"
and the love exuding from those Words is somehow enough to create...

I wish I could be a superhero
I wish I could heal all the wounds of the world
Make everything better
Fix all the evil that'...

I can't do it!
Everytime I try,
I Fail!
You keep pushing,
But you don't understand
Everytime I try,
I Fail!
Study you say,...

Yo teach havent you discovered my mental capablities , You cant teach me nothn, I've learned about the monuments, the...

I can not love you
not because you are not worthy of my affection or attention
and not because I worry of your intentions or...

Clearest voice, sincere talks
Laughing mouth, slow walks
Walking with Him by my side, living with such heavy lies

It is hard to decipher
Exactly what love is,
But I surely know
What it isn’t.
Love is not just what you say -
It’s how you...

Pressed Alive
I feel the visions in my mind
I cannot Strive
The feeling of drowning
Oxygen lacking
Carbon Oxide Impacting...

Where is my pride? Hanging over the loft.
How can I gather it? With all your determination.
My will is the force that guides...

Everything is Awesome Scholarship Slam
More often than not
Dullness is bought
People settle for and accept
The subpar, the...

Never fall for it.
stop falling for it.
her beautiful smile and soft skin.
how she tricks you into coming back.
How somehow...

Life, life is hard I knowYour a girl who thought this would never happenThis is your storyYou go to workYou love itHanging...
People look at me,
and only see
the bad.
I do get mad,
but that's only one side of me.
Look for the key,
to see what I...

If there’s one thing that makes me cry
It’s seeing the cold tears from my mother’s eyes
That fall because she tries to pay...

The child we all is the child we want to be,
To wonder free and jump carelessly,
We all miss our childhood,
It was full of...

Everyone wears a mask
Some are large and some are small
Some cover your identity
Some show you a glimpse of what you aspire...

This world is bitter cruelAnd I was a foolA fool to think I could change a world of coldThat I could change it into...

I wonder where you are now
How's life treating you
How are you
I misses you
I wonder if you walk with God
I wonder what...

there's a government shutdown
why? obamacare
really, got to be kidding
people are trying to apply to medical and dental plan...

Afraid of my black sisters and brothers since we're a few shades darker
Did you know we all scientifically originate from...

To envision, imagine the world like fusion as thee life unfolds a dragon,
To speak no evil to hear is good and we only did...

There was this girl
she was sick and lost
lost in all her pain and depression
feeling sad and alone
she wanted to be loved...

Your scent reminds me of blossoms
Your smile is the light of my mood
Possibly seeing myself in your eyes
That swift touch...

My college has a lake,
oh how it looks so fake.
What good is it for?
Our school is supposedly poor.
The lake does not serve...

I know who I am, but I can't seem to be able to show it to you. Why do I hide? I don't know, can't pinpoint a single thing. ...

A spontaneous enigma rooted in doubt and despair.
Attacking the inside and destroying the outside.
Capturing hundreds of...

My goal is to create a world full of hope
Hope so that young women are able to cope
Cope with problems that no one would...

She was a question he was always trying to answer
He never once saw how beautiful the unknown was
How beautiful she was

Meaning to life is a hard thing to find
Repeating the same steps every day with no idea of the future
No hopes, no dreams,...

We all are made of a society,
With different types of varieties,
A majority of our teenagers today,
Are born prematurely,...

Abuse is a filthy stain that leaves its residue on your soul,
the trauma of it will leave you with a big hole,

The classic classroom consists of boys, girls, and an educator
who knows how to mutiply and factor
however, my classroom...

Twenty-three tally marks
carved into an arm
stared at with eyes like a question mark
I want to speak,
and tell why
but the...

These hands
They shall mold this world's greatness
These eyes
They shall envision the world I wish to see
These lips

What would I change?
The violence portrayed in video games.
The numbness to a gun and blood.
The unneccesary gruesomeness...

Freedom comes with each word that pours out of the speakers
Every step I take and move I make
Grace is wrapped around my...

The storm leaps around
it wanders everywhere
it runs fast like a monkey
and grabs everything around it
a banana from the...

You've heard it before; in fact we all have
Ever since grade school, or even earlier. That question that bears so much...

Somber eyes full of tearslittle red was lostfar worse than she feared
she had blissfully traversed the path of lovenow she...

It's so easy to just exist, to breath and let breath, to be no more then walking flesh, among a sea of skin.
To keep...

Me without filter,
Is like the stars shinning bright
All filter does is hide who you really are
It makes you someone you're...

7:00 AM
Wake up. Brush teeth. Eat breakfast made by a corporation with campaings that are aimed at pre...

My heavy,
Gapped incisor teeth,
cleaving into the glassy skin of this green apple,
Instantly filled my harden veins with...

This is my testament to future students who have fallen victim to the hierarchical system called: school,
Where teachers are...

I am Kiersten.
I eat ten teryaki, chicken wings in one sitting,
Including the Bleu Cheese dressing that sits on the side...

One thing I cannot live withoutTrust me I have no doubt that this One this would be my heart Pumping blood into my veins ...

I've put much thought into this
I can no longer hold it in,
We slave away,
For full-time days.
And still,
We never break....

Falling in love hurt..
it was like the best contradicting feeling
it was my mind saying run
but my heart was screaming for...

Girls are told from day one,
“You’re so pretty.”
Yeah I know, but pretty what?
Pretty smart?
Pretty creative?

Poetry has taught me that the more I put on my page,
The less chaos I have in my brain,
There’s a class of 900-some-odd...

Always thought life was peaches and cream,Nothing went wrongLife was but a dreamThen my kingdom fellAnd nothing was wellOne...

You say you love us, yet your always out cheating.
Mama tries so hard, to the point were shes hardly breathing.
Our fridge...

Our education system has got to do better.
I know nothing is perfect, but we can not go on like this forever.
Kids using...

Hey Mr. Grey,
I’d always thought you were gay.
Being forced to go to your class every day,
Having the urge to run away....

Being Healthy is like a Vegetable,
you grow, your sweet and edible
But habing a Healthy Relationship is better
you have a...

They say put makeup on, curl your hair, sit up straight and behave
"Stop acting like a little girl" grow up
They say wear...

You are inside of me.
And I am inside of you.
Your heartbeats inside of me
And my heart beeps inside of you.
I hear Little...

Someone once asked me who I was
I told them that I was the sunset after a storm;
Calm and collected, but frighteningly so...

Am I old enough to go,
Am I wise enough to show,
Am I young enough to grow,
Am I ever going to know?
I am young and I am...

I Live in a generation, where anger is all you Got waking up to a late night shot where Love never Existed and Visions of...

I am a flawless queen I could never be mean. My dark brown beautiful eyes could freeze you where you stand. My long black...

I don't want to seem selfish
I know there's bad all around
But this holllow sound of emptiness
Drowns out all of the cries...

A few months old
I watch around,
Three years bold
I am safe and sound,
Five year leader
small, mighty and loud,
Eight years...

I'm coming up in a society lost in variety
can't tell weather or not if I'm flying , or if its really even reality
we work...


You think since you've earn a "title" you can control us in everything?
I think not! You are just a piece of nothing under...

How does death choose?
Who we lose?
How does it pick them?
Each victim.
I wish it hadn't picked you.
I had no choice as...

I am not a normal girl
They tell me it not real
I am not a normal girl
I know how I am feeling
I am not a normal girl

I am tired of the hurt and pain i see across people faces
High school is not game so do not try and play it
It's time I...

Tomorrow, lets do it tomorrow.
I cant bare another day of listening to those morons babble about things i swear didn't...

Fat, ugly, stupid, whoreThose words hurt, sureBut people don't know that that words have thousands of meaningsAnd can bring...

George Strait, the king of country, is tuning his guitar.
Anticipating a large crowd
Listening to the excitement of his band...

Last time I checked, the only
Immediate danger we face is in
Middle school and high school from the
Increasing large amounts...

I have come too far to stop,
Cash flow in a money world,
Success is bought not earned,
Education blows the bank,

She came to me in a dream
A vision of angels in flight
Her skin was pale as cream
As she approached me that night
I looked...

I am strong
I am dedicated lifelong
I am not lazy
I am sometimes looked at as crazy
I am a Physical therapist in the making...

I use to lust a lot of females they weren’t the right kind
Is love really worth it or is it a waste of my...

The shattered pieces of my psyche scatter across the arid land as a result of the unspeakable horrors witnessed after months...

Football and food
Girls and sometimes school
These are some things that got me feelin' good
Laughing is the best
It makes...

So many things I wish I could say
If only I could get away .
All of this homework I have every night.
Gosh teacher this isn...

Pain comes in diffirent shapes and forms
Pain can be physical or mental
And it's so hard to find words
When hearts have...

i hope i look pretty when i cry
because i do an awful lot
i hope my tears look like raindrops
the good ones on warm summer...

Dear Heart, why him?Why him? My love for him is unprecedented. He always makes me smile,he always brightens my day,I still...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,candy just like candy she is the baddest chick cute in the face bad typa chick pull up on her candy...

I stroll aimlessly along the crowded sidewalk
With people of all races, heights, weights, stories
I can’t help but...

Liberty is something we all want
Hope is something we can only do
No one can help you if they can’t help themselves

Lonely nights sitting in my room
An unfamiliar place so I hardly ever move
The whole time I’m thinking... God I miss home...

Our leaders are in a haze
the fog has settled to stay
tisk tisk to school systems these days
teachers do not come to teach,...

Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us,
spoken one word of encouragement to us,
or simply believed in us,
has entered...

I am a very humble man
I do everything I possibly can
Discrimination needs to stop
There is no race who is on top

I wear a mask
Or two
One for him and one for you
For you I lie
But impress much
For him I cry
But not for such
The distant...

Many teachers give requirements that they can't even keep. Standards giving to us that they can’t even meet. How you gon...

Why can't we be like birds?
Birds are light
Birds have a beautiful flight
Birds live a simple life
A life without strife...

Old Flame grew big and bright
For once I could compare you to sunlight
but the light had been a scam
for when I touched it...

not breath i cannot breathe i cant
not breath i cannot breathe i cant
not breath i cannot breathe i cant
not breath i cannot...

I am not the only one
who is afraid to feel this way
I am not the only one
who can't make people stay
I am not the only one...

When I was in the 9th grade, you looked at me with happiness
You smiled at me like it was some obligation; an obligation to...

Quiet your breathing, new young foal
I’m here to aide in achieving our goals
No need to breathe tirelessly
There, relax,...

I am seen unnoticed
as much as dead
I show the world hate
I have been treated like dirt
The inside has true love
The love...

Pencils tapping,
Children laughing;
to jokes that were never spoken
It's just busy work.
There are no windows see
my mind...

Unquestioning devotion
to the words of many,
our minds become dry and useless.
Wake up! We must transgress
beyond this era...

I'll be standing till i get hurt I will NOT fall.
They tried to shut me down but I didn't let them
They tried to make me...

At least, be pathological.
Amateur patron saints owing the tardy hour.
Your face is photosynthesis, tattoo residue, a...

My flaws? Yeah, they're outside,
always invalid and detected.
Out in the open, never can hide.
I'm feeling happy, my...

My feet have always moved within the city's walls
but my heart wants to take me to the night sky
The sun falls behind the...

If there was ever a time to dare,to make a difference,to embark on something worth doing,IT IS NOW.Not for any grand cause,...

My mask is simple
and plain,
soft spoken
so no one can judge,
but no one can hear.
My mask is simple,
quiet, but the...

May I have your attention please?
I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
To beyonce (to beyonce)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take...

My Whole Life
I grew up thinking
Making a difference
Instead of sinking
Into a workforce
That had no meaning
For I was made...

Helping hands touched my heart to an extent.
They saw and felt my pain, my distress and wanted to help.
They guided me to a...

The oxygen is rich
Green leaves hanging
Soil and grass surrounds you
Drink it all in
Fresh crisp wind soaring through...

We are so obsessed with fitting in, with being apart of the "in crowd". I've been alone when I'm surrounded by friends, How...

I’m sitting here,
Playing with my pencil,
Doodling on my paper;
You’re rambling on about nonsense,
The implicit derivative...

Hazy bell lights are hung lazily
Against the four walls
Nerves are inside
Others nerves whose are relaxed
Mine which are...
From a small town in Wyoming there’s very little to do,
Except dream up a life much bigger than you.
People like me aren't...

Im Flawless and I Know it !
Im not afraid to show it !
I go about with my head held high
and let you focus on my Flawless...

"Choosing" to be gay
Is the cause of my depression
God hating gays
Will not terminate my faith
Lack of monogamy
A myth...

beauty is not always sweet
beauty is not always kind
for even the bee with the sweetest honey
has a stinger that can make...

The day begins when the school bell rings,
A hundred nervous kids file into their seats,
It's time again for the freshman to...

Power, is that what it is?
Making people feel insubordinate
Because of your own personal preference.
How about this,...

Why I am fighting for your attention
Why I am looking for your consideration
I need you in my life, but why?
I want you to...

I see the light of day.
I see my fathers face.
I seen my friends today and last Friday.
I hear my moms voice.
I hear the...

I HATE SCHOOL BUT I LOVE EDUCATIONHard desk, major projects that are dumb but I still gotta do it.I hate waking up early and...

Trapped in the night
Can't see a sight
Far away from light
Strings around so tight
Every wrong not right

I sit down and dream, when I had that day on hands. My eyes twinkled, there was some sort of importance on hand. My actions...

He sits at his desk
night and day.
He reads from the monitor
its boring I say.
He looks up
and with a monotone face

Dear God,
It’s been a while.
At least, probably longer than it should have been.
Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever...

Are you talking too fast or am I writing too slow?
I can't comprehend, you're speaking too low.
I try to catch up but fall...

Growing up your my main inspiration,
I gave you hardship and lots of frustrations,
But you’ve always been there when I...

I would take away that shade of grey.
That shade of grey that blocks the sun,
And keeps the light from everyone.
It moves...

The sketches in my notebook, and the raindrops on my window
This, Blissfully this
The art of nature and its beautiful galore...

Depression is the silent stalker which follows and haunts me each and everyday ruining everything I am. Cold and quiet like...

Give me hope,
I'm livin' in a nightmare.
Praying for better dreams;
Jesus weeps
As he hears the
Screams of...

The things that haunt you, tear you apart inside. Can be pushed away by a positive light. No matter how far you go to reach...

texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem,headsringing from the boom the bang the pop of the truck im so much an to much gangstafunk bobb ya...

People say I'm gifted
I just actin like I missed it
Cuz I'm usually a giver
Not a taker that's for granted
Real people ...

Sign me Up Here
To Uterus who is not commute history
Write my name
Never I breastfeed from the bosom of the women in the...

A man that walked upon the earth being Human and being God
A man who healed the sick and made the leper whole
A man who was...

her lips where as soft as the sweetest song.
her eyes more beautiful than a rose.
her kiss more deadly than the barbiturate...

About 43% of high school students are depressed. Most of them have to face the devil itself, all on their own. Fighting a...

I am a sophiscated young black girl with a dream. As nice and sweet as a can be .
I can also be mean. Not mean in a way...

Trust No Future Tell me that there is no past,So the pain inside won’t last, Life is always a different dream,Where things...

I look around at the faces heading here and there.
The faces look how They want us to.
Who are They?
Why do They want us...

I look back at all thoughs years
at all those many fears,
I realise that family keeps me going through everlasting time

The gun goes off
The sound of thunder rushing through my ears
Adrenaline running through my arms, hands then feet
Sour and...

My Future is for me to decide. The decisions from now on will decide. People try to put me down. But really...

If i could change one thing it would be our mindset
Were trying to flex on people like its our bicep
We talk about each...

Public Back Stabber
You gave me life and breath, Yes thank you,
You feed me and house me, Yes thank you,
You educated me...

The sun comes out through the windowWaking up to the smell of bacon and eggsShe takes her prescription meds, so tired she...

Your Choice.
Shooting Clicking Facing.
My life in pictures:
Seasons Reasons Growing Changing Why?
One Chance Shot Goal...

Two birds in a feather, you and I together. Lets run away into the stars and the moon. The world is over, you and I are...

what does columbus day mean to me
i celebrate the day off because i don't work on this particular day
it's amazing how news...

Sitting in classsss
Rashad Flowers
Things you want to say to a teacher but CAN'T
Sitting in class, just listening to...

Based off my understanding ,
Poetry can reveal, come through pain ,can politely hide, or it can simply amplify anything...

Say Hello like you care Not like you are forced to be there. Lessons must be written & taught Not written and rewritten...

What’s the difference between school and prison?
Students are identified by numbers on cards
Prisoners are identified by...

God stretched out His hand
And created all the land
He devided the day from night
And He found to His delight
He made the...

Justice for all?
Damn near justice for none!
People die everyday,
Because the world can't control their guns
Innocent people...

What I want changed in my classroom
we need teachers who are masters at developing kids as learners who are adept at sense...

You crept insideLike a deer in head lightsI was before you. And thenCrushed slowlyJerking aboutTo the beat of making loveI...

To be someone that judges makes others feel worse.
why do you bother?
To act cool in front of friends and foes do you think...

My sister is crazy
and often lazy
She is very tough
And very rough
She is very short
of some sort
Althought she's my...

Study tonight,
so you'll be bright,
get the answers right,
to soar at new heights.
Come into school,
wipe off your drool...

The utterance of a single syllable wordKnowing that I SPOKE and she HEARDGive her craft supplies and she knows what to...

I'm a good student, but where will that get me
My only plan is Del Tech so college prices won't hit me
Nobody wants you...

If I could change everything,
I woulnt change anything.
God put our community together a certain way because he knows we can...

Sleep, hush, dont make a peep, this foolishness of acceptence is causing my will to seep.
The day is cold and the night is...

The name of my people is "Hmong"
and we are self-dubbed "The Free" -
whatever that means.
But contrary to the lies,

On a cold, winter morning I ran out to see my dad,
My small body stuffed into a warm, winter coat,
My ignorant mind that was...

My yellow brick road is outlined
with lunch boxes, drying art projects,
and embellished surfaces.
Hundreds of little feet...

Holiday joy
Tis’ Christmas the season to be jolly,
As we awake to presents under the Christmas tree,
There is a light...

When life is not going my way
And I am having a very bad day.
I come home and walk through my door
And I see the thing that...

In the Sky, there are many stars.
In the Sea, there are many fish.
In the Land, there are many sands.
In the Forrest, there...

You saw the ache under her artifical simper yet you sat and said nothing as her eyes plead for a cure to...

My dream is help athletes.
Heal their injuries and ease the pain.
Give them tips on how to gain their strength back....

Flowers leading me to the unseen room
Smell of the perfume hits me from afar
Dull lights flowing with a slow sound
As the...

Come dearest, watching the walking flash
My blue sky becomes a silvery ash
Your sonorous taste of your way get brilliant

Men have always been a mystery to me
I sit, consumed by the confusion they fill inside me
I ponder on the thoughts they put...

never amounting to the tuition
just to enroll seems like a mission
not able to obtain currency, so i just keep wishing...

It’s a disease.
I can’t help it.
I have to be right.
I crave perfection.
I am not a know-it-all;
I just like to be correct....

I have a dream, a future that I envision
A mission to make change in the nation
What if we can fix the broken upon recent...

What would I change you ask?
not change simply demask
all of you murdering fools
but I wouldnt put you on the news
I'd lock...

She lays there
Her body in effortless pain
She cries out
People are surrounding her
Yet there is no one to help

Slam Behind The Curtain SensesBy Samantha PalacioI see the endless blue horizon that appears to go on for eternity paired...

No, I am not a teacher,
That I will admit,
But I've long been a student
And I think I've learned a bit
About how classrooms...

Children on thier phones
No communication
Snapchat is here
So is twitter
Instargram is here as well
Children sit and...

Eyes swelled up with tears,
As i said goodbye to YESTERDAY.
The promise of romance drowning in the ocean of my heart....

World is changing. Never the same.
Please don't yell. I can't take this blame.
Each day is new. It's mind more complex....

My name is Morgan
Without a filter I am normal
Without a filter my teeth are gray
Without a filter my eyes are just okay...

My passion is compelling
I'm selling this flavour savour this
The quality woven through my words
Disperse the seed grow

And what if I say that the president says a dream with no advance?
And that families are lacerated because of the...

You came into my life unexpectdly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way...

There is no day that goes by
I feel angry with the world
I sit quietly in my room
I pray for a better tomorrow…
How would my...

Dear Jesus,
I met someone...
When I learned he was a Christian I knew exactly why You sent him
You wanted me to become...

Where do we get Hope?
Where is it?
What is it?
Why do we need it?
I'll tell you...
Our Hope is in Jesus Christ, the rock of...

See life is like a game, everybodys heaed for first place, everyones competeing, moving at their own pace, In they're fast...

He's white and tan and blond
smoldering blue eyes
He plays baseball, a star jock
She's black, well brown-skinned actually...

Sore inside and out lost in thoughts that can’t be figured out. My emotions are just caught up about...about love,...

My pounding heart is taking over my body.
I am afraid but I know this day has come.
Today me and my fellow friends will...

People say we fear what we don’t know
And I was scared of big words.
Scared they made me look stupid.
See, I thought big...

Inside here I am safe
Inside here I’m truly alive
Inside...It’s lonely, but I’m still comfortable
I would hate waking up in...

lowly hanging my head
walking slow and somber
easier may be dead
for seemingly no cure
except music as it rings

You make look beatiful on the outside
but on the inside you might be the opposite.
They say your sweet and innocent but you...

Alexis Penuelas
5318 Barbados Circle
Stockton,CA. 95210

What do I do again
Can you repeat that
How do i do this
These questions annoy me and the teachers
You can see it when...

Early adolescene consisted of
bulky sweaters, dusty shoes,
and baggy jeans to aid in invisibility.
I sat in a corner with my...

Dear friend,
I know it may be weird,
Maybe even you have feared,
But there is something I need to say,
And you really need...

Home faraway drenched in a heavenly glow
Shrouded generationally by times snow
Animals roaming free along the...

I am reserved, particular, and kind.
I am blessed with a brilliant mind.
I am often confident and strong.
I am willing to...

Actions move mountains and words spark inspiration
With every thought their is joy and desperation
We claim that we will...

God Bless America!
Where the grand homes spit on the peasent who make the ground they walk on
God Bless America!
Where black...

I am extraordinary because I say so
I've witnessed tradegies and lost loved ones
I've been told I'm not good enough and I've...

A strong feeling of desire or enthusiasm for something important. It is the very fiber of human emotion as it allows us...

In distant lands
On foreign sands
Our soldiers fight
To keep our rights
Tanks roar
Planes soar
Bullets fly
No place to hide...

The endless amount of work we do to please you, the stress and frustration that runs through our bodies continuously...

Some think that killing yourself is just suicide. It's also a kill. I have a lot of confusion on its meaning, suicide....

People always say the girls in this generation are so narcissistic
Why can't they be smart instead of worrying about little...

as I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I visualize space when I open my eyes.I was in space in space I saw stars that...

those are the enemies the danger is with them around the who were once trusted not anymore they hurt you say they love you...

One job...
When I was little i wanted to be,
A princess, a singer, a mother of three.
I'd rush into my mothers room laughing...

A Firm Conviction
The scope of life is the sole interpretation
Of what a man claims to be his,
Even such a possession is at...

From the time I was small, I was obsessed with the mall,In pre-school, I cared what I wore.I laid all my clothes on the bed...

Morning streaks on and off, upon such day dream 's oft, phasing off in horizons vast, leaving dry memoirs of whimpering...

Beautiful black girl
This goes out to all of the people who judge me because I can’t read or spell and they sure didn’t...

I'm angry. My body aches, I've made mistakes, I've done no wrong, I can't be strong, no not anymore. I'm confused. So many...

The break is over, time to get back on the road.
I return to the highway, headed to my success.
Searching for my correct...

As the wind brushes against my cheeks I close my eyes and let it take me away.
Beyond the rushing rivers is a beautiful...

There was once a little girl who was queen,
And lived in a world where the sky was pink and the moon was made of cheese!...

Like an unused piece of paper thrown into the bin of despair
Words of pain slashing very my neck into a X that will simply...

Black is just a color so don't make that define who we are we may be different But...we are the same flesh and bone we...

waking up hoping everyday wont be the same
as my eyes open i can see the hate
and as my body moves i can feel the pain...

My skin is dark
My hair is short
I'm beautifully unique
my African American me
My eyes are brown
my voice is loud

A Prayer
A Wish
A dream come true,
Your love should come with a warning sign
Didn’t know I would fall like this
You came at...

The hair brought back behind my ears
by chilled hands as we walked
through the falling leaves
The colors around us

Ahh the gentle breeze of a classroom
Felt amongst many that has come
From past and future
That has come and left
I always...

Am I clingy?Am I weird?Am I annoying?Am I the girl in need of sympathy? No?Then why do they look at meLike I am the odd one...

Dear first Love,
i hope you can hear these words
all that we faced has had its turn
i see you smile but you see mine first...

We decided to build a house
It was that part of time before school
the leaves had started turning
and the reeds in the swamp...

I wake
Sun hitting my eyes
I know if I open them I will have to face the light
The light of life
Where I put on a smile and...

I'm broken up here
she pointed to her temple
because I'm broken down here
She laid her hand on her left breast
I felt my...

Wasteful beings we've become
Loving creatures that suffer silently
Not by choice, but by force.
Loving Creatures, who...

The life I live at school
Is somewhat rough,
I use to like it
Until it got tough.
Don’t get me wrong
Learning can be...

What is happiness?
It is the feeling you get when waking up on Christmas morning,
It is the sound of laughter while being...

What Can I say?
Waking up is already a hassle
Having no car was a major thing I couldnt handle
Ahh Sh.. I forgot, I cant say...

I am a calm guy who loves hockey.
I wonder where I'll end up career wise.
I hear the stress my parents exert night after...

I am nothing.I am scum.
I am stupid. I am ignorant.
And be sure to remind me how much you despise the fact that I walk this...

The sand, the water, all so Beautiful
Recovered from a past of Ashes
Earthquakes, hurricanes, Drought,
Mother Earth filled...

Nature consumes every part of her being;
filling every square inch of the body with natural entities.
Her veins flow with...

They say
“It doesn’t happen here, we’re different.”
A 5th grader on a bus, while they all...

We decide only once, and that one decision will change our lives
Why do we only have one moment to decide, it makes us all...

The teacher who is boring as a brick wall,the teacher who is never involved with their students, yea yea I understand we in...

just to say i love u it never seem enough.
i've said so many times
i am afraidyou want uderstand.
What i really meant when...

Is it spoken word for me? Or spoken reasonsBecause he inspires me,He's one of the reason I'm even speaking, His words spoke...

Destruction, devestation, anger, lonliness. The words that have come and have yet to come. Hope, Faith, determination...

kjfnndknfnkd My LifeBy Erika HibbitsI’ve grown up as a lonely childLost and all aloneA girl with no friendsAnd nowhere to...

Teachers aren't very conscious
that their students are human beings too.
Teach with compassion and desire to spread wisdom...

Boomerang, boomerang, where are you?
I threw you away when I didn't need you.
You needed my hands to hold you, but I did not...

Just because I sit in the back of the room
And send an empty stare…
I’m not an air!
I care!
I swear…
You look at me but you...

A cup of tea,
cup of happy.
New fuzzy socks
that are freshly washed
and from the dryer.
They have poka dots
and stripes on...

I ponder and I pace,
Like a dog pursuing a bone.
How much time I would save,
If I only had a phone.
Tossing and turning...

The world that we live in feels so cold
The attitude the world lingers is becoming so old.
So old that it is now camouflaged...

FIGHT THE FEAR AND LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE Fight the Fear of DiversityExpress your INDIVIDUALITY.Exhibit your ORIGINALITY....

Walking into the coffee shop
As the dark aroma absorbs you
Roasted coffee beans that indulge you
The sound of brewing...

Rain comes crashing down as it hits my face
You injure the living
You are too distracted to see pain
Just the colors of...

One job...
Creations sprouting from vivid imagination
Setting the characters free from a
paper-bound prison.
To write for...

I hate this, loathe it with a passion.
Why must I write an essay on something that means nothing to me.
When I write I offer...

It happens so fast, you hardly can explain, the lights begin to flash and then comes to pain
the pain that you feel is...

Twitter, Facebook,InstagramDoing anything to get an instant gramHigher than a bird but not reaching the starsSittin on...

How does he construe these thoughts
that make him act in heinous ways
Ways that few would dare to dream
for the fear of dark...
That's who I am
scared of what lurks on the outside, while I am behind the curtain
waiting for the right moment to...

I seek a job to change my entire retched life
a job that could seek my vivid dreams
a job not only for me but,
for my...

In a desolate bed I lie awake Remembering the good things Time did take Like memories and love and trust that broke Its...

I see beauty beyond the pains of this world, the thoughts of our young boys and the heartbreaks of our girls. I am a...

The world in shambles
Not everyone can see, but those who do suffer most
Sadness, sickness, Hunger
Children suffering,...

Look at me
Look at my eyes
Look at my nose
Look at my thighs
Look at my lips
Look at my color
They all have one thing in...

I just hapen to be Goth
It isn't about despair or sadness
But finiding light in the dark
I love and appreciate everything...

In this period, you can say am lonely
still searching and looking not finding
someone who will make me smile again

I have to write a poem.
I'm sure you all already know.
I didn’t know what to write,
or what to say.
My parents exclaim “...

When I walk into classthey make us feel like trash.Blabbering about collegeso we supposibly gain more knowledge.The real...

Why oh why did I choose to sit up here
she's going to call on me, man I'm too near
Why are you looking at me like that

Deep in long and narrowInfront of stupid teacher as ghostInside four walls of classesSomewhere my dream is lost
There lies a...

Dear femininity,
Oh femininity why must you flee from me? My body is curvy, and breast are larger than the average yet I...

With our flags waving
And our light ignited
We stand before our grave
And call ourselves United
Our land, strong and proud...

You feel the heat rushing through your veins; the time is now.
All of the things that have caused you pain will vanish...

If they should ask I want you to tell them That I lived in an amorphous box A glass house And my windows were not ...

Dear George Zimmerman, If only you knew what you were getting yourself into when you killed Trayvon, you probably wouldn't...

They say "Be the change you wish to see in the world", little do they know that it starts from within.
We cannot change the...

The light of the moon caught my attention
The cold gush of air made me shiver
With nothing less than nature's beauty...

When Did I Grow Up
You say, “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up!” “When did you get so big?”
“Are you going to...

I look up from the phone wher I argue
My pitiful pleas for help, just for one chance
Needing something, anything to drop...


praise to the life i live
as i am never promise tomorrow
praise to each day i wake up
i thank gor for making it possible...

All the hurt and the pain seemed to melt awayWhen my first kiss was taken that summer’s dayAll the secrets I had harbored...

Two cultures can get me twisted,
The white community is always listed,
When filling out my race,
There is always a blank...

When I feel like I am six feet underground
I look up at the sun and say,
This too shall pass.
Then I feel dirt as it hits my...

My parents will never understand.
The part of my direction,
they will not seek for attention, in me.
Every single time I...

inspire by: eamonflaherty i've seen the city's dirt that have no heart Through battered train windows cracked with writings...

Many would find it hard to fly through a storm
But some would try, even though they've been warned
I want to blossom, to see...

Stranded & Him
By: Codi.J.Quick
All I see is his eyes in front of mine,
so you would understand why I tripped on this...

I am beautiful.
From the roots of my hair to the soles of my feet.
From the way my hips sway to the way a smile creeps upon...

Like a sparrow's nest without mud,
The robot crackles and shrieks
on his tottery legs, he stumbles fast
Landing on the...

Up comes the sun, up comes the sun, down goes the grimm, down with the grimm. The birds awake me almost like they shake me....

Where is the line
Severing night and day
It resides in our mind
Yet is so far away
Where consciousness meets
Its state of...

She goes by no name. Nor has any friends. She sits alone watching everyone else smile and laugh. She looks at her reflection...

Loneliness. The pain of being alone and ignored. Different isn't always better. The world only accepts those who conform. So...

Mom told her to never fall for a poet
For his eyes would draw you in like a nat to the scorching light
And he would open...

There is no person or object
I can't live without,
For I know that all that surounds me
comes in and goes out.
I embrace the...

He looks down at the bill, anger apparent on his face
You look down at the floor, you know he needs space
After he yells,...

You ask me for an explanation
I tell you
and you end it with a detention?
You ask why am I late
I tell you
And you end it...

My childhood fled away from my life
Absconding , like a prisoner from jail
Knowledge rescued me
But imprisoned me in "...

You have to choose.
I can't.
You have to.
But I can't.
Because there are so many choices.
So many paths I could take.

I look back at all thoughs years
at all those many fears,
I realise that family keeps me going through everlasting time

Our feelings of emotions are laid on the table,
Our actions are like a horse flying out of his stable,
Why do we act and...

Do you see me?
Can you hear me?
I am hurting
Look at me
You walk by me
I am crying
Do you not see me ?!
Can you not hear...

i speak for those who have lost their courage to speak
for those whos words run to the tip of their tounges just to...

From the months November to March
We suffer in cold and biting winds
But where we would rather be
During the harsh winter...

Life forgot my passion there
And handed me the key;
For what possesses better snare
Of curiosity?
The key, ornate with...

Moonlight in the sky,
I looked up, then I sighed.
Tears rolling down my cheeks, where he had pecked at me.
Each flashback...

I suppose I'll just start writing. It’s like thinking but confined somewhere between you and me and everybody else.

I struggle. I can only speak for myself when I say, I struggle. I struggle at being an older brother, a friend, and a...

You are special in every way
You are simply cute all round
You emergence into my world is awesome
You brought hope, peace,...

A little to generous you could say
Jumped in front of a classmate about to be shot on the CTA
Leaving his family and friends...

Dear Mrs. C,
So, I'd like to say I feel bad for you.
For there is more to see,
with your unexpierenced eye's having a...

One week of the year
They asked to give up.
To them this one week
Was more than enough.
An impact too deep
for words to...

Red as the lips that colored snow whites pale face just before her prince kissed her back to life,
as soft as the feathers...

Landed in a round blue atmosphere,
everything's so different here.
A thing called humanity is obeyed by its creatures.

Change is coming you will see, closer now than it was the other day. Many want to change the world but only a few will...
As tears slowly fell from her eyes
The paper written with our next future step
Slips from her hands
She looks...

Why are you a teacher? You don't even teach. You said it yourself you don't care about us. You find it more interesting to...

Today is the day,
the day to rise.
Rise above all that has been lost, all that has been done.
I have been told that hope is...

At the age of twelve, I was in fifth grade
My life wasn’t filled with a lot of shade.
Learned about the things I want...

And it was then were in the cavern of insolence where he was kept
All that was deemed unfit and of akin to detriment on the...

Cursing words
Mean words
Hateed Words
Disgusting words
Inappropriate words
All of these are unexectable!
Be nice!

Being broken cause,
Being unhappy causes,
The cool,
Night shines,
Bright with stars.
Everything gone....

Darkness and Light (August 20th 2015)
Sunlight pierces my body
The way a school of comets pierce space
Yet these two ,...

colorful phrases
of never having reached manhood
bass notes lost no soul
loud laughter carried
on a gay boy’s shoulder

I watch her from a distance
she's just two desks down from mine
She's just an average girl
so it seems...
But beyond her...

k cometexas.don.g.nutt,59,poem,reapping my hood reapping my block,comeing from the blvd ghetto super star off the chain you...

I always wanted to bethat girl;too brilliant to resisttoo pretty to dis,that girl that stops trafficwalking down the street....

How can you love when you can't walk down the halls without being judged? How can you love someone when you are constantly...

Can you hear that?
That's the sound of oppression being hidden behind the obnoxious ringing of "regulation".
Drowned in the...

One of the many, but not one as well
Under the crissum of the whole country
Tip toeing through the land mines

You push me up against lockers, you throw me on the ground.
You say all these harsh words to me, but they mean nothing to me...

For all my teachers of all my grades,
there's good ones and theres bad,
the good memories will never fade,
but this poem is...

You're gone, I wish you weren't, please come back my heart is breaking.
I'm hurting deep inside, yet to you my love's still...

I am a Christian who grew up in churchesI pray to God night and dayPeople say, but you’ll go to hellWell, why would he make...

I am Cody Rowcliff
I have suffered through heartbreak
and survived.
I have challenged new things
and excelled.
I have been a...

One of The Hardest Things I'm Ever GonnaHave To Do Is Say Goodbye To You.
I Love You With Everything I Got,But Its Just...

America the Great
Once divided, continued to push past the stake,
With hope, we will rise up and deliver
Our founding...

No filter you say?
Ha. Well this should be fun.
No holding back.
No hiding inside.
Let the words shoot out of my mouth like...

In this generation, you find little education.
Quitting becomes a common choice in your situation.
You strive to be the...

You guys can go and play the chase game,
While I lay here and do me.
During my whole life time, the wind told me how ‘I...

It's hard to build an education.
Especially if you have a busy life.
Things you're supposed to know.
More assignments are...

School makes me lonely
It’s not like
Being here has made me friends
In my dreams I can see
Smiling faces of friends and...

You don’t like the way I talk or the way I walkIt’s funny to call me names and antagonize meWhen I’m down and out you know...

Having a big imagination and believing in anything.
Believing in Santa, the tooth fairy, and monsters.
Pretending to be a...

Instead of clipping your wings
I will let you fly
When we argue, I will listen
Instead of letting our...

I am forged by life itself, the energy that surrounds me.
It’s crafted me into the work of art I’ve came to be.
Life wasn’t...

All the same sides of the same coin.
"Privacy privacy!" In an intricate web weaved by the shadow spiders.
"We value it!...

Walking around campus
Not sure where I belong
Going day by day
Just singing to my own song.
Everyday is a question

Whispers surround me
The looks
The stares
The laughs
It follows me
Wont let go
Good, bad
Who knows
Not me...

Everytime i make noise you tell me be quiet and i wish you would.Whats the deal with the homework,are you doin bad or good?...

I just wish that I could be myself, you know?
I wish that I could just find my way and go--
Beyond the limits, life to the...

How could you just go
How could you just leave
How did you come to the decision
To just walk out the door and leave me

We are getting pulled on strings
we wish one day to grow our wings.
One day we would like to see
what we are made to be.

Why don't you see. you look right through me
Am I just a pedicel of dust floating around something you don't want to cross...

Dear “The Other Side of Me,”
Why have we been fighting lately?
I honestly think it’s my fault
It’s not you
It’s me
On your...

Most of us believe that we are free,
But in reality, we are nothing more than a working bee.
Most of us believe that the...

As I'm looking down at this screen,All I see are the words, "Has she sent you anything yet?"Just an indication that I'm not...

Dear Congress,
Dear Congress,
This is how I addressed you today
Dear Congress,
I was supposed to thank you for the things...

Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch ...

I can try my best to succeed.
But I can only do so much when you don't teach me.
You get paid to educate,
this is your job...

I realized where my passion lies
and through open eyes I saw the prize.
I'd go back to school to gain the tools

Warmth enfolds me.
The cleansing current upon my spine,
without it I'd be filthy,
and safety no longer mine.
I remain...

It’s funnyhow the lack of color and the emphasis of colorexpress the peaks that pull you out of your inner canyon.From thisI...

Most of my peers may say they can't live without thier phone.
But in my life my faith is more important, heaven is my goal....

Night and Day your at my side,
my friend my heart my peace.
Lighten my mornings,
watching you run...

My voice might be soft, but it carries a lot of weight.
To say what I feel may be to heavy for some people to take.
But I do...

“You’re skinny, ugly, and stupid. You’re too fat to wear that,”
Words of that nature can only come from someone who has...

Teachers are entrusted with the future of the nationClass should be a celebration not a dictatorshipTeachers should and not...

Where R U?
Cant U answer my text? See U at 9?
Party is gonna be wild; hope U make it in time.
-B There Soon-
Where R U?...

What's deep but very shallow?
What's thin but very thick?
What's white that could turn to black very fast?
What could cause...

Somehow I always end up at this road
I just keep driving
I drive until my soul starts to fold
Every time you leave my body...

Who am I, without my well being
To strong for Armstrong, to quick for Usain, and to intelligent for Einstein.
On my best day...

If I could change the world I would
I am so small
so invisible
But don’t you see
there is change everyday
lead by...

Holding back,
No longer allowing slack
Pulling in the reigns
On this issue that is causing me so much pain
If I could create...

Since being a young boy in the hood
My life has never been good
Gunshots at night and standing under streets lights
I told...

I am a Queen...
Descending from a great land
Where the sun shines
And the people's skin are summertime fine
The beat of the...

Once you feel the breeze you know it’s near
Hot chocolate, cozy, socks, and Christmas music
The holidays are here it’s that...

` Sh adow. Follow me every step of the way,
from young to old, night and day.
Watch me make mistakes and over come...

Mr. Brender: In your pre-calc class, we only do two things. We either sleep while you talk or wait for the bell to ring. The...

Home is feet running to meet you
The sparkle of a child’s eye
A moment of bliss
Home is the innocent laughter
The precious...

Tick-tock-tick-tock 45 minuets go by
I see the girl wipe her eye
Yet another victim of the carelessness others
Given her...

Thy desolate land cannot contain, the phenomenon of which is so mundane;
And yet from each eternal ray of light, thou...

Officer I'm a little black boy I have caused no trouble and done no harm why you treat me as if I have just take me and...

My clothes do not determine my consent. Yet my clothes reek of your scent. I went to a a girls day at my church one breezy...

I’m hiding in myself
It’s like I cease to exist
Fighting to hold onto the truth that persists
Walking around outside I seem...

Everybody says, “Life isn’t fair.”
Governor Quinn & other politians, shout, “We should all go to school, go to college...

He cries everyday and night
Wishing everything would com out right
But Jack recieves not a thing
Even though he would...

there it is, the tapestry
of the impassably steep.
a precipitous rambling through
numb metal music stands or beads with...

If the most simplistic thing to do is be yourself
Answer yourself
Why is it so hard to be yourself around others
Do not...

New to a school in Indiana.
A junior' I was.
I didn't know a single person.
New schedule, new life, and a new persona.

Oh I hate that
It looks lovely
Too much fat
It’s so free
Your life is matte
It’s quite glossy
Why do you try?
Never give...

Where I do I start
I am empathy
Listening with the ears of another
Seeing with the eyes of another
and sharing the...

you stand there with your chest poked out, trying to tell us things we dont know about.well how about you sit in this...

My roses are no longer red and my violets didn't turn out blue.
Maybe because my world is turned up side down due to you....

Where have you gone ?
Its been way to long .
A nightmare come true.
Everyday we search for you.
We pray that you are safe....

The child wanted to be an artist until she saw one with talent.
The child wanted to be a teacher, but her slight lack of...

To my ambition,
To my dreams.
At first, you popped into my mind
Like a grape from a vine,
Whilst I watched Youtube videos...

You feel like
Or a moment worth celebrating over bob marleys' and rum
Like a baby's first words
And it was this poem...

You know I like to go my own way.
I'm not being led astray.
It's just hard to obey
The rules you set for the day.
I'm just...

As I swim through the sea of information, I lay eyes on a nation. One lead by education. Where the classroom represents the...

She is my good computer
Because I find happiness whenever I login,
She gives sweet scintillating sounds,
Her speaker is not...

The feeling of love is atrocious
It brings quarreling and despair to us
I quiver in fear- you are ferocious
We rot and...

The power of a mind isn't always incredible .. Some people use their minds for hurtful && unextraordinary things...

Wouldn't you get tired?
Tired of seeing the same pictures
Your ABCs
Isn't that taught in like the second grade?

to my cross i walk, daily crusified
you called me out of death, unto enternal life
covered by my savior, i hear your voice...

they still feel. they still see. they still want. they still care. every day i see it. hear it. awknowledge it. i take...

These thighs say thunder.
These thighs say celluite, wide, say open.
These thighs say stretch marks, bad tattoos, say...

Don't be mistaken by these pretty eyes, what lies behind may suprise you. Don't be mistaken by the soft hands, what lies...

Every human wears a veil,
It is one that we choose to wear,
Not because we want to, or because it's fair,
But because we...

Sometimes I do things i do to escape.
But who am I trying to escape from?
Is it myself?
it's impossible
I just want to that...

There is darkness
That is layered by a shield of smiles.
She stands tall and proud,
Deceivingly beside a best friend,

Open to the world
Just a second
As my stomach is twirled
I look down and see how hectic
Oh how chaotic the world is from...

Change is what we need
In this divided world.
Where it is not acceptable
To be oneself.
Conformity is condemned
By the...
Throughout my life, supportive people were there for me
Granting me with a key
A key through the steel doors of reality

Love is kind but also cruel
Everyone said don't fall for it ....don't
But she still looked at him as a hidden jewel

My life? My family? Myself?
What would i change?
I wish i can change the way my life started off
Not being a motherless...

To many it may seem like I’m someone who will go far.
Someone who is going to change the world,
Someone who goes to school,...

Listen you say to get an A
and do your work to succeed
you say to ask questions about things i don't understand

texas.don.g.nutt,59,poem,still,mobbing, mobbing deep in this texas streets you know the name by now its fame no false claim...

We’ve seen death.
We’ve experienced what the clueless would call “murder”.
We’ve felt every emotion possible
After that...

Life's a game I have to play. Heads or tail? Nevermind. your going to loose either way. Game over! But maybe thats were it...

I feel a heavy weight
Weighing down on me
Blocking my entrance to the pearly gates
Setting my inner demon free
I don't want...

a butterfly,
whos wigs are a little dainty,
a person that hold high self esteem,
she love herself,
Who like waffles with her...

And then I did Chemo!
September I am anxious I have an STD, My doctor thinks my uterus is enlarged.October brings an...

I ------ have a habit of searching for inspiration in the exterior of faceless people-- and wonder why my pages always end...

It's been days when you've been just sitting there relaxing
Relaxing like you don't feel those contractions
It's been years...

Some people you call "friends" arn't your friends; just some people that want you to open up like a kool-aid package, so...

My heart feels like it's been punched in my chest my cramps feel like my stomach wants to pop my head feels like it wants to...

I promenade the path of my youthful desires
My heart pulsates to the beat of my soulful cravings
I feel it drum as failure...

1. My voice is not an angry mob
pummeling quiet tones
to promote teen anarchy.
My voice does not take violent breaths...

Writing you this poem reflects my lovemakes you doubt, it’s hard to concealAccused to things that’s hard to dealso please...

I’m a fighter, not a lover.
Love is unknown, because all I ever known was violence.
I lost love and he rests, six feet...

The Special And Awesome BirdA Poem by Nicolas Hunter
Whose bird is that? I think I know.Its owner is quite happy though.Full...

Her eyes, blue like a deep ocean.
I dive in and feel the velvety soft water caressing my skin.
I swim through the endless...

Walking down the hall,
I hear things that make me stall,
Kids saying things like they have no sense all.
Where has this...

That is my dream job
One that I will want to wake for
One that I can’t wait to...

We all have a Purpose by: Nia McCrea We all have a purpose Or so I thought Till you made me believe I do not We all have a...

Flip open that dusty old dictionary and, what do you see ?
The word RESILIENT and underneath it an illustration of me.

I am Human
There is different cultural and religion
I am Asian, Hmong
What are you?
Different laws, different rules

my brother and i are like cats & dogs,oil & water,fire & ice.
but when he needs me i am there,when i need him he...
Standing In My Blackness
“I Love Being Black “
I love being black
Different shades of melanin
Dripping off the accents...

Growing started before I was even aware of life itself
Growing started with a woman standing in a bathroom, holding her...

My garbled news congests online highways.
crashes with people I never see,
contact through fragmented ideas
and a...

Who am I?
Is a good questions no ones ever not ask themselves Like all the cells in your body come down to one thing and...

It's there story, mostly said inside their souls.
Shouted out frequently in tumultuous thoughts,
Regrets of mostly who they'...

Who I am.
Searching in the deepest corners of the oceans
The uplifting smirk of my smile and soul.
Big Bad Bold.

a book is not its cover,
nor the title or the colors,
its not the essays or grades,
its not the B, C, D or A,
i am not a...

There are things that people judge you on.
My conclusion is that their opinions are wrong.
All the bully's out there, no...

The love that shines
Into our lives,
Is like a pool,Breathless I diveInto it deeper...Deeper stillAlthough I get tired,There...

There will come a day when you will find me
Whenever that day may come, I will be here waiting
As of today, I am preparing...

If there was "one job that may change my life" what would it be? let us see what I could be. Could I change history, could I...

Spider Man or really Athena?
Written by
Ismael Dominguez Flores
The neighborhood friendly Spider Man?
Maybe you’re...

I see her staring at me
Both picking out each others flaws
wondering how it could be
Thinking about society laws on beauty...

People view me as four eyes,
But when I take those glasses off
it’s something about those chestnut brown eyes that sucks you...

As a high school graduate,the job of a college education is what I seek,
it can change my life and make me complete....

Mrs.Perkins Mrs.Perkins
You always keep me in after my period
Its so annoying to me
Sometimes i just want to run out of...

HATE is not LOVE By: Nate' DixonHATE is the bullet that kills young lives.HATE is that thing that steals our successors’...

Raindrop drops,
In elegant grace.
Refreshes the land,
In gentle embrace.
Raindrop drops,
From a foreign place.
But blesses...

There a lot of things u can't buy
one those things is time
time is precious
Sometimes Time is expeditious
There are...

Peace lies within; peace begins within
Peace is a special gift, not everybody possess
Peace is a concrete shell engulfed...

Music Is My Life,
Let The Lyrics Be My Spirit,
The Melody's My Emotion,
So I'm Hoping That You Hear It,
Music Is My...

You smile. You frown.
You laugh. You cry.
Am I doing it right?
Through those tear-filled eyes, I see how you really feel...

My pride and joy. the one person that keeps me alive everyday and keeps me striving to be better. i look back and see how i...

Oh how the clock strikes past a quarter to noon
Finally Ill be rid of this dreary math full of gloom
Why must I learn the...

Fear Nothing
Women rise, worldwide
Inexplicably, yet powerfully.
From the top of the King of all God's heads,
To the...

Faculty only, no students allowed.
I occupy the space between the ceiling, floor and walls,
With the grey smudges from...
I am like a painted picture...
As they pick up the brush
The bristles slightly hit the paper
They move their hand in every...

Talking about The true me you ask.
Well that’s a very difficult task;
For I have lived by the view of society
That I forgot...

I am determined and confident.
I wonder when world peace will occur?
I hear screaming fans outside of the
I see...

Everyone said my life was easy.
That I had it all - "you've brains,
you've family, you've health,

I made a full length remix to Macklemore's song "Same Love."
These are the lyrics I wrote:
Verse 1:
When I was 7, I knew...

Society: Be yourself, but not like that!That’s all I seem to hear.People encourage you to be unique,but blast it on Facebook...

Paradisiac Lips
Everyone please gather around.
Yes you may exam,
That I have big lips and that I am brown...

Walking the halls
Is harder than you think
Losing friends
Can happen in a blink
Having stress
And feeling depressed

Bare with me
Love is not a quick fix at jiffy
Its complex
It's more than getting it in with the opposite sex
Or same...

I was walking with my friend
Having non-stop fun
When a man asked us to mend
A store bought gun
As gullible as we were,...

Candles have no need to burn when you are smiling. They are for the nightime hilltop journeys you take across the expanse...

There a lot of things u can't buy
one those things is time
time is precious
Sometimes Time is expeditious
There are...

Hold on to your dreamsFor if your dreams dieLife is a flat tireThat cannot driveHold on to your to dreamsFor when dreams...

You, My First Love,
When We Met, It Was Like A Message From Above,
Now You've Left, And With You,
You Took My Heart,...

The one thing that everyone loves,
Are the strings of chords that create a buzz.
Long gigs create late nights,
But I'll keep...

The system is flawed
and I follow it just like all the rest.
Going for grades by law
and earning A’s to be the best.

No one sees who I am inside
No one can understand
Depression is my darkside
It seems to have the upper hand
I feel...

For Some
Music is their muse
But for me
Music is my soul
The rhythm my heartbeat
The lyrics my breath
Bursting forth...

My silence is perfect although
You may think it not.
Silence is powerful
Interesting and intriguing
Like the stars and...

It’s a mans world or is it a mad world, I wonder what would happen if it should all turn to ashes from fires of notes...

Every place we explore
Filled with negativity
Every person
Complains about dignity
Every popular news station


(A conversation between a granddaughter and her granddaddy)
Little one my time is coming the sun will set soon and I must go...

Imagine swimming in a sea of broken glass,every word spoken cuts like a
blade across your skin.
Then you crash! And you...

White molecules bunched together in bundles.
Shifting from left to right as if they were in a huddle.
Fingers touch and...

I don't understand
you roll your eyes and laugh
when you point me out I feel embarrassed
Your writing looks like chicken...

Since being a young boy in the hood
My life has never been good
Gunshots at night and standing under streetlights
I told my...

Grasping trying to get everything out the way,
Not knowing what life will bring today,
Sometimes I feels as if Im slowly...

College, the time In your life where you are in search of finding your own identity. Day by day as I am trying to portray...

Like a machete I cut these people out Those rude insulting people Those red lipped Bleach blonde BimbosThose brand wearing...
Unfit I was, high school started.
Scared of words, I suffered
Months of hunger, I chose
Not small enough, I continued.
At a...

Wear the makeup, act the part,
so no one sees your one true heart.
Keep it quiet and hide it good,
be the way you know you...

My mom asked me how you are. She didn’t look up
from the stiff sound of her sponge bleaching the trashcan
she was bent over...

Read my Mind, Read my Face,
It is possible to replace,
Sad, Happy, Fake, Depressed,
It is all there to impress,
Day in and...

If I Lose Myself...
Gabriel Reyes
I am no ideal person
But I am exemplary.
If I lose Myself...
I have lost everything.

Why aren't they listening?
They talk and talk.
Going over the same things over and over again.
I don't understand.
They are...

Crashing waves
Horses racing for peoples debts
Amature volleyball games in the sand
Posiedon's serving calamari

You are the one that is special to me,
Just like honey to a bee.
Every time we hug,
Its like i got stung by a love bug.

I stared down from the peak of the crag as nothing but rope and pure strength supported me
As I turned my head, I heard only...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,get tired like gates i dont get tired still in the mix still in the shine still in the groove to...

One whip
Two whips
Three whips
Four whips
He lays on the floor with tears in his eyes
One hit
Two hits
three hits


Change is something that is so sought for,
Yet so feared.
When the war came to an end,
The freedom we wanted neared.

Quiet and unsure,
Shaking and scared
With a stutter so obscure
The words wouldn't come out
They asked again,
“How do...

To what is a poem that flows like the sea?
That creep like the night slowly up on me
To what words taste like an abunding...

You make look beatiful on the outside
but on the inside you might be the opposite.
They say your sweet and innocent but you...

When I was a kid, the biggest problem I had was following through on the decisions I made. Whenever I started a new year of...

Rising with the sun starts my everyday
Look out to the arena and see a mere
Horses and boots are my life
Ride everyday with...

She fustrates you bad
She makes you mad
Tell her how you feel
Tell her she should chill
Dont tell her shes the worst

I wonder what college athletics is like
I hear ankles crack becuase the dude got crossed
I see...

I hope some day we'll meet again,
and continue our story where we left off.
I want you to know that deep inside there was...

Tell me why I heard someone once say that we were all equal regardless of race.
But every time I turn on the T.V. I see...

From the day you were born,
you've been feeling vile scorn,
for the future they say is so bright.
The school that you stay...

Why do we continue to insist
On saying 'our flawless nation'
When that very statement
Couldn't be further from the truth?...

Power As Americans
From the beginning
we were over taking nations to “help” them.
Haughty and proud, we stand.
We believe,...

What do you think when you see that girl walking across the street?With her head held down, eyes forward, feet flat on the...

Her bracelets are not just jewelry; they are memories of a lifetime.
Each a ticket like the ones won by tossing rings on...

I still remember my first day in school
I was two and a half years old then and would drool
Neither reluctant nor stubborn...

You struggling to get to college , you try to fill out all the scholarships that you can
You get tired and drained from...

Some people ask where you come from.
But I know your twisted ways.
You reach down into the dark, filthy souls of the...

High school, the tomb of all emotions.
Gangsters, thugs, nerd, Jocks, and Leveled Teens.
Earning their way into things to...

I would change everything
Not just for one place
But for all the races
Or else nothing will change
Things would be the same...

All we want is for you to understand,
that this is more than a place to apprehend.
School is a battlefield, new problems...

Do Not Look up,
Look straight,
Face forward,
Walk in a straight line,
Do not slouch
Sit up straight,
If you're hungry

Social Studies and Science are the best,
Computers and technology are the rest,
Hot, hot ,hot in July,
October is where the...

Hold your head up beautiful
Show them who you are truly are
You’re strong,you’re tough, and special
bloom like a flower,...

We cry every day and every night
yearnig for someonet to say we are beautiful
wanting to know how it feels like to be loved...

I'm trying to act like I'm invisible because I know that you can see that I'm not #perfect.
But I know that if you...

I look past the sand and into the water,
but all I can really see is you.
Holding me tight, keeping me calm
then reaching...

What is a job that can change?
What is job that can save?
A job that can change is to become social worker? why?
Beause i...

Falter as you may, through life's many trials,
Rest assured you are held steady
By a greater force--someone, something, who...

Ring, ring, ring, the damn tardy bell rings. Sit in your seat or I’m marking you tardy. The words of my 9th grade English...

Help me understand.
I must know.
I cannot comprehend why you beat him down knife in hand.
You tell them you regret him,

i took,
one pill,
then two more,
then three more,
then the rest of the bottle,
just to stop breathing.

scared confused happy
anticipatory worried nervous fragile
elated euphoric dazed

I know what I want.
I want to inspire the world.
My dream is to use my words and font
to make others imagine
a better place...

Being with you for just a few seconds takes away dreadful day where people still never smiles Feeling the warmth of your...

Why thou museth describe thee?
Wow, what a gorgeous lion you are.
Strong , but gracious towards the one you care about.

So much you can see from the eyes of me,
The real and fake of our society,
How beautiful to them is perfection,
The more...

Dear Inmate XIII – V,
I need a chiropractor and a zoo keeper
to help me let loose and unleash the beast
because no bull at...

Dear Maxine,
Life seems so unfair right now doesn't it?
Just last week you got a phone call saying your father had a...

When someone asks you to think of a dream job your first thoughts are Doctor, Lawyer, Astronaut. But is it for how much...

You are stuck in this hole as well as I.
Does this not take you by suprise?
Death, despression, and despair inside;
the hole...

I am going back
Back to the school i am forced to attend, for what seems like the rest of my life.
Using my priceless time...

It started out with me alone in a deserted area
standing with a little girl and a little baby carrier
I didnt know what was...

You pick me up when I am feeling low. Our friendship is the key to my soul. I love the feeling of knowing you've returned...

Look at Me
By: Mariah McKesson
My voice is not my own
My body hides behind a sheer black curtain
Look at me
Just look at...

"Gay", "Straight", "Confederate", "Union", "United", "Pride", "Religion", "Flags". These words, all have one thing in common...

The first meeting I had, I was scared but I didn't let it show. I didn't realize that the popular boys where on the team....

My faith was sinking and I didn't know what to do.
So I decided I needed to look up to you.
I hadn't prayed in so long I...

Firefighters help in many ways
Putting out the fires everyday
To keep us safe throughout the day
Firefighters helps us every...

Old Soul
Who I am exactly is perplexing to say,
when the filter fabricated in your eyes is cliché.
I was fashioned in the...

Not many people like change
But it’s okay to be different
To take others ideas and perspectives
And turn them into wisdom

people today think they know what respect truly is,
when they don't even respect the opinions of others.
people think they'...

The smallest thing can change your life in the blink of an eye something happens by chance when you least expected such a...

At first it was just a cut from the cat,
Then it became flesh tearing from our backs,
We cry in the night so others can't...

Because I love you,
Hate is a disease; no one is ever born to hate, hate is taught.
Because I love you,
Insecurity is a...

I try to justify my thoughts and what I feel but I will convince myself that they are wrong even though I know they're real...

It starts at birth, who you're born to, what kind of status your parents have
It depends on your neighborhood, where are you...

I'm like a bird who tries to soar, but can't be able to fly anymore.
Fighter of this clan who needs to make a stand.

What is a friend?
If you are unsure, I can tell you more?
Friends are not selfish
This I can say for certain
My Friends are...

It's undeniable, so true.
Laying on the bathroom floor-fighting.
It's so hard to go on when darkness...

When you feel - you feel deeply;
a sense of belonging is dealt with no sympathy;
love is felt through the power of your...

Dear Lord,Please bless these graduatesas they go out into the worldto make it a better place,while they pursue their...

I am the girl that is permanently stainedThere’s more to sex than giving birth and STDSSometimes if your lucky you’ll still...

Can you put a number to the
Feeling of gentle rainfall on your head?
A percentile to the warmth of

Honestly I never knew how much you meant to me till I lost you. We are good friends we been friends for years and years, and...

Who do you love?
Simple isn’t it?
Mothers. Fathers, family all around.
We love the mere sight of a lovely sound.
The sorrow...

My teacher looked at me with disappointment but I know because I head told her one big lie.
I can't tell her that I can't...

I picked you up only one year ago,
had no idea my talent would show.
Watched countless videos, eyeing the frets,
learning my...

I am what god has aspired me to be
I am that survivor that shines through like a breeze
I am a tough hard-core fighter
I am...

Why can you not see that my future is not bleak,
When it is help that I seek.
The amount of time to please the school,

I did not have a dream
I know what dreams are like
I was not even sleeping
And those usually come at night
The first was...

They saw,
They gawked,
They thought it was too much,
Unruly, unnatural, undesirable
My hair.
My personality.
My identity...

I slowly exhale, letting the air escape my lungs
and crystallize on impact with the frigid, autumn air.
I start picturing...

Bite your tongue
and if you can't then I
will Bite it for you!
Listen as I speak.
Don't criticize me over a
mistake made...

What gets me inspired? Damn, I don't really know
guess this prompt has been really eye-opening though.
I'm just sitting here...

Dear Love,
Let me inhale your exhale. When you first met me I was as sweet as they come.
I was loving, I was open,I was kind...

The Most High God has changed my life and opened my eyes to the world.
He has forever changed me with these simple words:

That last summer was a right of passage,It was one that brought two friends together.Where it all started with a text...

You look at me and you see what I want you to see
You see the glitz and glammer
The pretty face, and name-brand clothes...

She kept her Instagram comments within a box secluded from her mind.
Never to be seen
She was once told to keep her...

it’s a hell of a lot to take in and with one big breath you inhale for what seems like
four years
one century
an eight count...

I am tired of the hurt and pain i see across people faces
High school is not game so do not try and play it
It's time I...

I am proud that I'm different, I want to scream out loud. I am the person who stands out in a crowd! I want you to notice me...
Content, friendly, and dramatic
Lover of modeling, fine arts, and vacations
Who feels nervous for the future,...

This Conversation is meaningless,
Conversations about parties, and getting so fucked up that we forget everything the next...

The summer of 2012 I was sitting on the porch
On my right was my big sister of course
We sat there talking as if life was...

Fear is what keeps you up in the night, the noises the knocks the sounds.
It can get kind of scary when no one is around....

I look beyond a windows pain
A freagment of glass, with tears that stain
My life of sorrow brings out a fire
To write of...

What if this time i'll lose
What if tomorrow dies
'What if' she said
What if this time i'll win...

High School, a place of pity, I ask the teacher "are you listening",
all of these muiltple assignments when you know...

you tell me how to feel what to think.
clouding my mind like i am stuck in the fog of my dreams.
not letting me out. not...

Last Call, by Eriq Gale-Anderson
A force as cold and pale as the winter ice, Hair as black as a panther, Eyes as red as...

Today is a new day but yesterday still linger behind regrets and broken promises I made karma is ready to sneak up with a...

I try to keep myself from lashing out. Cause if I do I feel that I would only be without. You'd think that people understand...

Bully Beatdown
I was doomed from the start
Torn apart
A dart through my heart
Self-hating Bogart

Peace is very two dimensional ,
There comes happiness,
And there comes sacrifice,
With peace you have to make a sacrifice to...
Suffered. Hurt. Buried. How many more violent words can she take? How many more bruises do you think that she has?

'Calm down.''You're fine.''What's wrong?''Will you please talk?''I want to understand what your anxiety is about.''How's it...

As a child you were held, kissed and felt love.
You knew she cared about you and seemed like an angel sent from above.

Words of poetry shine bright to form,
a light on this troubling world.
make it beautiful and display your dignity and...

Paradise of Restoration
Victor Otuya
A new world, a new life
What else can I ask for?
A life filled with Dignity and...

It’s horrible
To be stuck in a place
While wanting to fly
Far above space
Dreams, illusions, future schemes
So bright they...

I am not black
I am not white
I have always been in the in-between
When I look back
I see a life
That clings to my memory...

He laid his life down for me.
Never in my life have I loved someone to this extent!
His kindness, graciousness and...

Quick with a joke and full of hope
Quirks and a smile that will stay for awhile
Love for music, love for people
Love for...

long ago these words were my own
trapped in there cultural flow
stuck no were to go
then the light shined
on a night i dined...

I couldn't live without my dog if you asked me to
For no amount of money could I leave her
That's simply something I could...

I am breathless
I rush from moment to moment
From class to class
From someone who hears me
To someone who listens
I am...

I once was. I am Brian. I am to be.
I am to be many things that I never was.
I am to be parts of the people that I'll come...

I need my black and white
Not because you’re beautiful,
Not because you’re bright,
I need you because you bring music into...

When I have a bad day or feeling sad or gloom .
I take out my ice cream and sit with you.
I write my little heart out ,...

binds us together
makes us care about each other
makes us strong
but also can destory us
I love you

Dear white woman,
Just because you don't have it
Doesn't mean you take it
big lips, big hair, thick body
Everything that...

Greatness is all I want to achevieliving life right and completeing all my dreams even going thru all the strugglr and...

A wife leaving her little home,
Her hands shaking grasping for the phone.
Memories flash through her mind.
A first smile, a...

for some
this is the season to be jolly
for others
there's no family to celebrate the holidays with
regardless of one's...

Please do not doubt a word I say to you,
My thoughts and my words are sincere and true.
And to you my darling, I must...

When things go wrong and sometimes they will, when the road your trudging all uphill
When funds are low and the debts are...

If I could change one thing
Anything at all
Such joy it would bring
And happiness would fall
If I could change...

Chop chop chop
I watch them cut her down everyday
They are vicious with sharp blades
And loud laughs
I watch as every blade...


"The water flows between my fingersmy hair entangles amidst my crooked nails and moist ridges within my skin.a cry of...

Teachers become teacher because they like to hear themselfs talk.
They end up with a group of students that are either nerds...

If there was "one job that may change my life" what would it be? let us see what I could be. Could I change history, could I...
Cover me up, hide my flaws, hide the truth burning behind
my green pools of fire
that don’t crease when...

Sh*t You can’t say to your teachers
Through a focus I see my future ahead of me,
But I can’t reach my goals unless

Have you ever tried listening to lifes beauty
examining what love feels like
what about the sound of yellow crickets at...

I am not a preacher and I'm not trying to preach,
but you're my teacher and you can't even teach.
its the monotone in...

Remember when a man was judged by his quality of character,
Rather than by the amount of digits his paycheck read every...

A distorted view that is not true
damages the youth of the generations that pass through
Beneath the filters, the...

High School is about to go
Time to make a change and grow
College here we come
I can't wait to arrive
I am going to study...
Look at me
What do you see?
Young, black, short, mean
Somewhere in between?
I look in the mirror
You know what I see?

Everybody lives in their own world when they are young. Never giving thought to others. Growing up means realizing that our...

I've been knocked down before someone knocked down my door. They been down a street where you didn't want to meet, as well...

Cold stares, crying children
Dirty looks and those of pity
Sadness, fear, and depression
They all tie together in this city...

There was this girl, she was my diary.
We got to know each other in so many ways
I worried too much of what people had to...

I am who I choose to be.
People say we have our own destiny written for us.
But we choose our destiny, our path, our...

That one black kid
Sits head in arms to keep hid
From the stares in the class
Left feeling like glass
Cause today’s lesson...

Nadurog ang aking pusonang tayo'y nagkalayogaya ng mundong gumuhona lagi'y naninibugho
Nang tayo'y nagkahiwalayang buhay ko'...

A journey was made in the dark of night,
Between 4 chosen people not shaken with fright.
Their lives were not what ought to...

We cry every day and every night
yearnig for someonet to say we are beautiful
wanting to know how it feels like to be loved...

Ink tainted on paper
A sword stronger than the memory of time
Ink tainted on paper
A symphony of letters
Ink so strong,...

I’ve had my ups and I’ve had my
I’ve had my bumps and I’ve had my
As a child I was innocent, creative and ...

Fighting "powerful" over the weak.
The people who bully others are cowards
Think for their actions, they'll receive...

Sitting at home, stressed with everything in life
Don't know what to do anymore
Trying to stay happy with all my might ...

I write because I'm able to pick up a pen and go
To express how I feel as my pen flows
I write about my feelings whether I'm...
Man Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and make anybody survivors of the wild,
Which makes the excuse of making Friday...

Sunshine floods her window,
And seems to be,
The only brightness in her day.
It's all routine.
She feels like her heart has...

On Facebook or Instagram, I am a wife and mother of two(2).
I am THE PERFECT mother.
I am THE PERFECT wife.
I am THE...

Pretty little thing
There is only life that is left
Put on your bling
Life is theft
Sitting in class
Day after day

I really don't have to
It's not necessary to
I shouldn't
have to write this poem
I already won
Because I'm FLAWLESS
But I...

My Generation The New Nation
Loyalty’s become a blasphemous myth.
A silly weakness is what they make love.
No shame or...

School, it is the saddest woe of all
There is no worse burden than waking up to the alarm
And waking up to a day of school...

Whats a god to a king whats a nightmare to a dream whats a badbitch to a queen whats a drug dealer to dope feen always be...

I'm finally finding myself
over all these years.
It took me till now;
Throughtout my life I have never in my life thought ...

If I could bring about any deal of change in this world, it would be to eradicate the curse of hatred. It plagues the minds...

On the stage stands
A loud, confident young woman
She always answers questions in class
Her voice clear and unwavering

As we walk along our chosen path
either lightness or draknes: enrichment or decay.
We encoutner many snares and tears ...

Falling from the sky.
Dress billowing around
She'll land in another world
As soon as she hits the ground.
Landing on the...

Why, my God, did you make me this way
Only to tear my attractions away?
To those who tell me my orientation is wrong,

Remember trying to find my homeroom in 3rd grade.
Remember my locker was two times as big as me.
Remember when you had an...

I'm a wounded soldier on the front of a war
my last time I give it all,
how mesh there was another way
another way to runway...

Do you stop when you see a dog begin beaten or killed?
You might even try to save the dog.
Would you say you helped murder...

You see the smile plastered on her lips, dripping a story with a twist. Lies escape with every phrase, across your ears. You...

I walk into your classroom
Im very happy with my day
When i see your fucked up grin
Fathers hide your daughters away

The birth of light shine forth from a bright light,
it overcame darkest then received great sight.
When man was created he...

"It's good enough" "a C+ is passing"
The motivational speech my teachers gave me in high school
I know I wasn't that bright...

My sixteenth year was like,
A beautiful cherry blossom,
Falling during the autumn.
I had my ups and downs.
One with plenty...

Frustrated thoughts mingle in the air amidst the gaggle of anxiety
No one brave enough to speak up
Not even for the sake of...

Being alive is a dream come true
the sun that shines with a warm smile
Greeting everyone like me and you
As its light...

“Pay no attention to the face behind the curtain”,
Or the silhouette in the mirror,
It’s easy to become someone else,
Or to...

It is never easy
but its what I am
i get dirty, but feel no shame
i get hurt, but I get back on
on a bull i bull I...

Turn on the t.v. it was hard for me to understand
All the commotion that was caused by this older man
I call it poison you...

I Awake Each Day With A Smile, And Greet It With A Laugh. The World Is A Treasure To Me, Because Of You.
Every Time I...

I am contradictive,
Ill tempered,
But I am human.
They don't see what's internal,
Like as if I'm just a wall of...

'I am' as travel as howling wind;
As free from prison at nightmare's night!
After had many years of torment glint!
As quell...

Sometimes we hide ourselves
Sometimes we are scared
We hide behind a curtain
We are off the stage
Hidden away where no one...

my hands i use to pick up a pen and write
rather pick up a bottle and crack somebody in the face
my hands i use to pick up...

I am the black girl.
I wonder why people aren't confident in their skin.
I hear "you're ugly and you're fat."
I see tears...

Pain I feel it from the bumps on my face that spread down to my back
Pain the way one's looks at me as if i'm that hard...

Because I love you, you're always on my mind.
No matter how hard I try, you won't go away.
Before I met you, my life was...

Only to those who achieve and succeed will survive,
Making every step they make a countless bribe,
Even the independent has...

Miss(ed) Teacher
By: Arianna Peralta
Teacher, teacher why are you late?
No, don’t tell me, did you get caught up in cleaning...

Run run as fast as you can!
Before the blade slices your hand!
Making you feel like barren land...
Scarlet blood dripping on...

just a boy from a small city with big dreams
my city made me who i am learning about life, friendships, love
Santa Ana, the...

Fake a smile, force a laugh. Every breath I take makes me feel so broken. Hide the pain, wipe the tears. I'm trying to...

I am guilt. The imperfect feeling caused by my imperfect mind
Because my humanity will always be evidence of my flaws as I...

Taking test after test, the next being harder than the last but
before you think you have passed those dreams will soon

Why does he talk so white?
They ask with such confusion, such disdain, such arrogance
As if the color actually gripped him...

They tell you that your face is to dark
That you are not pretty enough
That team light skin is the trend
You look at...

Teachers, Teachers everywhere;
in the bleachers, in my hair.
This one screaming;
that one beaming.
Some are nice;
some eat...

Adjusting the disgusting bra on my chest,
I flip ratty, old dress over my head.
Glancing in the mirror, I feel so wrong.

The world needs children
the smile with missing teeth
the mouth full of food
the arms dancing when you laughs
the eyes full...

I hold in my thoughts Teacher teacher I don't care Run around and make out with your teddy bear. ...

Walking into the coffee shop
As the dark aroma absorbs you
Roasted coffee beans that indulge you
The sound of brewing...

Without my Bible
I become more fragile
With no wisdom
There is no system
A child with no direction
A man with no...

In Twenty Sixteen
I became 18
I am now a man
and college thats my plan
I will be there for years
Paying will leave me in...

Sober Thoughts,You're just wasting my time.Grab the bottle,It was in the back of your mind.In the darkened place,Where I...

You probably get many submittions with pity.
From people that aren't even determined. Grades are all she has.
But whereas me...

The Sky
The Clouds
The Ocean
The Rivers
Reflecting each other
Reflecting God
The Trees
The Leaves
The Grass
The Weeds

Grew up like all the rest of them
Mastored how keep friends close
and enemies closer
The hood signifes the latest
rap game...

As I walk through the funhouse my image changes
In the first mirror I see myself with pigtails and curls
Corduroy overalls...

Oh, when will we see the land of the free
There is a war not away
But right in the streets
A place of division

Look outside.
Do you see it?
The Crumbling World.
The air turning wiked, scheming to suffocate our lungs.
Bodies of water...

In Life and Death
Where do we stand?
The boundaries that are at best shadowy and vague
Who says where one ends?
Where the...

Two years ago,
Seems like a blip on my life’s radar.
Got conned into this four year plan,
Apparently that’s just how things...

Frighting for you
Fighting for my loved ones
Fighting to keep the sky blue
Fighting for those late night runs
Fighting for...

A person of inopportune circumstances she bears the pelt that no one wants.
Angered, outrageous and seeking confirmation for...

Teachers, please make classes more interactive and decrease the usage of textbooks.
I understand history classes are about...

The Call
The boss called a meeting with all his crew,He smiled and said "Im in need of best of you".The crew wondered what...

I'm getting dolled up before I sleep cause I'm stepping out with him in my dreams tonight. I might not put on a dress just...

All the tears she shed were words she refused to speak
Which she watched fall down to the paper
Smothering the lies she...

I am a young man with a plan
one that helps and does not hurt.
I want to make a change that'll touch every heart and heal...

So yo I don't care about your little test you have to teach. When will I use that algebra after high school you teach ? Let...

As a child
Confidence was not part of me
But I grew up with honesty
Friends tried to make me see
I am beautiful and that is...

Your kiss is as sweet as ice cream, but you tongue is as sharp as a knife.
You stab me as you comfort me.
I can feel the...

These are their talks,
My Mouth is full of words, yet I can’t speak
My eyes are full of vision, yet I can’t see

Long are the days of your shady ways long enough that you cant stand straight at any place but that's cool though you can...

to my best friend,
when we were in sixth grade you were my role model
i had never met anyone like you
you helped me...

Helen McNeil
September 10, 1996
Dear Henry,
After all the times we fought, yelled, and scolded one another, I still loved...

It had to be the first class i walk into. The first first thing i hear, is upbeat peruvian music crawling into my ear. I...

Be quiet
Political parties
The Government
Be quiet
Everything is gonna be
As a warm...
“Asian” used to be a thing of beauty,
But now there are images of labor—
Simply that is our soul duty.
But we, just like all...

Mothing matters now;
All i see is the gloomy sky
they the skys the limit i tend to frown
soemtimes i want to just close my...

Music, It's my escapeDon't judge me by my genreMusic, It used to be on tapeI feel safe
The way it soundsThe way it poundsIt'...

We are the ones shot down day after day forced to tip-toe around our own shattered remains. Reality surrounds us. Holding us...

Dear Anger,
You tear away at the best of me
Cloud my eyes and all I see is you
Nothing else in front of me comes through

tting switches im up im texas.don,g.nutt.59.poem.hitting switches im up im high im on knodd leaning in the slabb seat three...

Pretending is something that comes second nature to me
Everyday Im putting on a million of masks that no one can see, and...

I put my mask on every single day
You would never know that I am broken
A smile can cover all of the pain
When I feel like...

I am brave.
I am intelligent.
I am shy.
I am strong.
I am loyal.
I am kind.
I am humorous.
All these things make up me.

It’s too much.
The drama, the bullying, the constant judging
I can’t stay because I don’t want to be a victim of those...

Excited & In Love With Christmas
By~ Vannessa Peters
I am excited & in love with Christmas.
I wonder what magic...

Once upon a time there was a force to be reconded with.
Her personality never switched nor flipped
it just adjusted to the...

As my time ages like an hourglass.
I see myself looking back to the horizon.
Winding back like a clock.
Trying to climb...

Things will go wrong
Climbing uphill is hard
When I try and smile, all I do is sigh
Rest is a must, but don't give up

I never knew what news was trying to say
Geriatrics,chiropractics, and semantics play
Black people, my people ,all they do...

An experienced liar,
My life is not my own.
Unkempt, uncaring, most of all alone.
Hate the mirror with intensity.

Chemistry makes my brain cells popNot knowing is what makes me rock.Like a stone that will grow no mossI must push to let...

My friends
Even if the world has crashed will you be here with me
To pick up all the broken glass below the people's feet...

Just because I am not a perfect student
Doesn’t mean I'm not trying
Just because I said your being a hag
Doesn’t mean I...

Look me in the eye and tell me we aren't the same,Tell me that we all don't fear.Tell me that we all don't search for a goal...

They say meditations the best sedation
So I recline my seat and fall in a beat til i evaporate
Trouble on my Mind, my...

Life is strange
We are a country divided by tension
Held together by nationalism
Protected by patriotism
And repulsed by any...

The professor’s prominent position
allows for him to prescribe definition
To teach with traitorous teeth
Troubled students...

teacher sits at desk
doesn't notice Jim crying
why don't you notice
teacher sits at desk
doesn't notice Jane fighting

My heart aches as I tell my tale
A tale as old as America itself
How my parents came for a better life
Condemning themselves...

The life that i live may be appalling to some. How i dance and shimmy and crash and bang. But for me it is all the same. A...

A universe so massive,
an earth so large,
its nations with great strength,
its people full of thought,
its rights hold great...

At Eight years old, you believed superman was your real hero.
At eight years old, my mom was mine and she needed to heal.

What's the point?
To be a good daughter?
To fit into this perfect picture that was set for me?
To try to be something I'm...

I am supposed to be statistic right.....
I am supposed to be that girl with out a father to care for her
I am supposed to...

I’m not black
I’m brown
I’m not the color of my shoes or my hair.
I’m a milky chocolate with a personality that

The ears that hear the meek,
The hands that hold the weak,
The eyes that see the broken,
The lips that speak the comfort....

When I am in second grade I do not speak.I have a personal vendetta against the spoken word.But you tell me to speak up, to...

When I dream, I dream a dream that not every girl dreams of. No makeup, clothes, boyfriends and best friends. I dream of...

On August 1996, My brothers,mother and I were in a car accidnet after my mother hit a pot hole and the ar lost control, My...

Its funny how life can connect the world and everything in it togehter.
Just like the branches on the trees.
They can be...

I am a dreamer,
Firm as a rock.
The sunlight illuminates the room
For this dreamer to wake up.
I am a dreamer
Waking up...

Have you ever had apple pie?
If not I suggest you give it a try.
America is the feeling of watching
fireworks on the Fourth...

You hold so much in your hands,
And no, not just our everyday worksheets and quizzes,
But you hold the key for us to succeed...

When i was younger i was a loner. I know its hard to beleive but its true. In Elementary school i was anobody....

Girlfriends </3
It's hard being a bisexual
you're rejected by everyone, yes even the Holy Church
But nobody cares, not...

Beauty is there, for everyone to see,
But people now a days seem to be blind.
No thoughts at all, of what beauty can be,

When I look up, I see me,
I see someone that's beautiful but broken,
Brilliant but struggling,
I can be whoever I want to...

80 proof poured down his throat.
A captain on the bottle…
Demon water in his body
Perception muddled
Judgment kaput

How do I define me?
Take a look and you'll see.
When I play my guitar
with my very own hands,
this is what I use
to talk and...

The world outside
It’s cold, alone, suffocating me
Can’t we see what we have come to be?
A divided economy
Don’t you see?...

I wake up to the thrum of the heater in the garage.
It’s six forty-five.
I roll out from under my covers as the cold attacks...

It must be hilarious to talk in a stolen accent that doesn't belong to you.
It must be hilarious to...

Today in school, it seems we're all the same.
All of this testing and State Standards are to blame.
We don't learn at all...

I think of endless days and short nights
I think of powerful blades and deep slashes
I think of everything and nothing but...

First time for everythingI never was the guy to careAbout a lady emotionallyFear played me like a accordinan; according to... less bitch one less scrubb i dont worry about the biggest m,v,p to reach an touch the most...

Im from a townhouse, in Maryland.
From the creek in the backyard
All the babysitters I had
Crazy family is what I grow up on...

To sit is to hold time.
When time seems endless, I tend to drift. My actions anger you.
But what about yours?
Do you not...

When I was eleven years old, I met a girl named Fatou.
She was in my sixth grade class,
an immigrant from Dakar, Senegal....

Card games, dominos, raspberry bushes and bright birthday boxes.
These are what I like to remember.
How incredibly selfish...

That wind that creeps past your unsuspecting face,
The enigma that lies dormant
In the back of that empty shell
You call a...

Pieces of glass on the floor, the heart battles the greatest of wars
Sharp pebbles on the floor, the greedy in-laws have...

climbing the creaking staircase,
refusing to look down,
clutching the railing
I can't do this.
my whole body is quaking ...

A slight thud
as I shut my door.
Pitter patter
of paws coming toward me.
A strangled small meow
of a grey and white...

My arm feels terrible
Like really really bad.
I slept on it wrong
And now its all sad.
I have'nt written poetry
Since I was...

I am a girl who still has hope.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring, even though it is never promised.
I see world hunger.

Sometimes we do things
that we don't want to share.
We know that it's wrong,
but we don't really care.
We laugh, we bully,...

You don’t know the real me,
Why judge me based on the Appearance you see?You break down my spirit, crush all my goals, and...

If everything is dipped in gold it most certainly will never grow, everything sweet not sugar coated. When the pain is deep...

believing in God is never about religion
it's about spirituality
society views ideas based on lies and misleads
about how we...

Fear -
False Evidence Appearing Real
let that soak in
You can’t eliminate it
You can’t avoid it
You feel everyone and...

Me,Myself and I as one we colide as one are strong as steal i feel immortal and will never die. Going through the day with...

Ode: (n.) a poem meant to be sung
Hands touch, hearts jump, all of my senses start to go numb. Love strikes, arrows fly, how...

You Wish You Can Take Back That Clit Clat
BUT when The Clip Claps...
Mothers Screaming
Kids Crying...

I cry, to the lies that dwell inside as I'm told, 'till the day I die.
Do these constant lies pry at my size, cries and...

The hrorror #nofitler selfies of Ilovepuppies
Can I tell you an serect?
I have an friend who doesn't use filters.

- I know what it's like to "Feel Pain"
Life is a storm, and we all try to avoid "The Rain"
The ups and downs consuming our...

love without honor is not love but pain wrapped in anger stripped of without justice is like a violent storm at...

You say you are there
To help me achieve my all,
But when I look around
There is no one to catch my fall.
So many students...

It's not that i wanted to be late,
even i have troubles
and yet those trouble never mean a thing
to you.
If you can have...

It starts like an infection
you may start with just One Dog
but soon enough you get Two Cats
throw in Two Horses here and...

How come they cannot see, what kind of great teachers they should be. The teachers at my school, rarely act cool. Book work...

Forget Sepia.
Forget Valencia.
Who I am is genuine and authentic.
That’s what the world should notice;
Alyx; diligent,...

Encountered among the daily realm
Time and time again.
She stumbles into the next motion
Her life follows like a...

If only they knew , if only i could say..i hate coming to school everyday.
Not because of the lunch, or the switching my...

I am going through changes
I am going through changes
My body is changing I cannot control it
I don’t know what to do...

Sticks and stones may Break your bones, But my words will surely Hurt you.
Remember how the truth Is harsh...

1. The day seems promising
My heart keeps giggling.
As the birds flew higher the sky grew darker,
A storm for sure.

I'm black and I'm prod
this is who I am now
In history class I learned
that black history is important to many generations...

I should not fear it, but it's inevitable,
The image of I standing with my brand that has reached beyond my expectations

We are the Generation Unknown.How do we classify?We are classified as unknown,so diverse. Society nowIs full of people who...

"What did we do to you?" the chief asks in his head
His people's feet are bloody from the miles they'd tread
A young woman...

The mighty Earth Shaker with his fiery temper
Could never have imagined
How dearly the wondrous oceans would need a mender...

The moon is bright with life as I stare,
but as I go to leave he room, it grows
dark with dispair.
In my vision everything...

I promised to stand with you
Overseas or by my side
A girlfriend of two years
Now soon to be bride
You signed your...

Seems like only yesterdayLife belonged to runawaysNothing here to see, no looking back
Every sound monotoneEvery color...

Why do I have health in the 12th grade? Girl's in my school started getting pregnant in 9th. You steady giving me...

I'm just filling gaps, Tears to be lapped,Up by the love of material desire,A fire to be put out by the one thing we are...

Its the same thing everyday
In and out the feelings stay
And there is so much S*it you want to say
You want to say that...

A young, lonely autistic teen bonds with fellow strangers over My Little Pony at a convention.
"For the first time," he...

To be looked at as beauty with no make up
See as just another basic chocolate girl
My brown yes pop like the moon and shin...

Surrounded by voices; I was a <murmur>.
Fear had stolen my lips away,
Locked them in a vault under the sea-

My face doesn't tell you who I voice doesn't tell you who I am.The song I sing to the poor tells you who I am.When I'm...

Education has become more of a game
Trying not to be the same
To stand out above the rest
To score higher than everyone on...

I can't live without music, it's what wakes me up, what gives me life.
It fills me with unexplainable bliss, my own little...

Are my feelings intellectual or just regrettable?Can my cries make my success acceptable?Or do the promises of feathered...

Eventually you’ll run out of tears,
Eventually you’ll run out of fears.
Eventually you’ll run out of sadness,...

Dear Jack,
I love you, you know.
You're my best friend, my special boy,
And watching you grow is my joy.
I've had many...

I want to tell her to leave me alone
I want to tell her to check herself
before she checks anybody else
I complain about...

Feeding off dump sitesGovernment preaching about human rightsThe minds hunger now difficult to fightThe authority’s pledge I...

I sit at my cafeteria table surrounded by many but feeling alone.
I look out upon the place that is supposed to be happy and...

Unarmed and alone
God called him home
February 26 Trayvon Martin was gone
White Americans look at us wrong
Us black...

I live in beautiful, sunny Honolulu, Hawaii
Pristine beaches and year-round summer weather
For the most part...

I call her masterpiece
because she is the exact definition; a beautiful work of art
She didn't even have to try
her heart is...

I am bruised.
Let me shed my tears.
My life has been fused.
I wan to give.
No im just confused.
I want you to see my fears....

It began as a child at the age of five,
my dream to see nature's fury in real life.
This awe inspiring phenomena was sure to...

Struggling from a poor village,
many dreams of freedom and peace.
Im off to make an effort to this privallege
The day has...

Happiness is like a freshly paved road,
Absent from all corrode
Each new addition already planned,
Every turn colorful,...

Mrs. Thomas, can I have a pencil?
I want to trace this stencil
Oh yeah this is things you can’t say,
man I’ll be here all...

As I stare into the dense, forward mirror embroidered with the pearls handed down from my mother and her mother's mother at...

Dear dark skinned girl, You do not think you have the looks to prove to yourself you are good enough. You stare at...

You teach in lies,
But all you do is hide.
Behind your desk you sit,
You probably browse for shit.
You can't aford to buy....

As I lay down every night not looking forward into morning light
I shout out why me why me
I cry and I cry but no one in...

My boy Marc Cam told me to aim
for anything green, no not the envoy.
The remedy to anything, but not felicity.
It can give...

the bell rings, i take my seat,
i repeat this seven times.
the bell rings, i take out a sheet,
i write line after line.

Death was made for lifeFire for the shadowsAnd Jesus Christ for the sinnersBut Our companion the Holy Spirit takes issueWhen...

“Yes, you met an introvert”
They said, she’s not a call person
She was counting on you to find
her telephone wire.

Her skin is the soil
Beautiful in her nature
But becomes dirty once she gets on and into things that he does not want it to...

I help other people
Putting others before myself.
My fire thaws their ice away.
They get too close...
You should never get...

The cold bitter nights trying to break me,
Trying to destroy me or so it so it seems to be.
But my heart and spirit is full...

texas.dong.nutt,59.poem,so hard comeing straight from the streets like straight outta compton im hard from the words from...

A down pour of tears, a heart full of fear.
Don’t let me fall for I ache of the love within.
Don’t let me fall. I’m crying...

love is an expressionless something that you feel something that you know its real
but at the end of the day u only know...

Dancing is living
Everyday i come home waitin to dance in my room,
making sure no one is inside making it solitary...

Everybody lives in their own world when they are young. Never giving thought to others. Growing up means realizing that our...

In the beginning,
it was thought of as a dream.
So perfect
So real
We could touch it seemed.
But now I can hardly breathe...

A place to learn ,A place to be bored
A place to gain a social life , Is that why we go to school
Nope, we got to school ,...

Everyone has the same vision of angels
Pure white robes, wings and that unforgettable glow
But one thing that people forget...

Being a child seems so WiLD
As time consumes that CHiLD, you become more MiLD
Being a TeeN seems so MeaN
That TeeN is always...

parent parent ho mes parent j'ai 6ans j'avais etudier vie sans etude auto sans chaufeur .vie sans intelligence corps sans...

stop the bickering
stop talking over someone
lets come together
and let our voices be heard
talking has no relevance without...

I have a heartbeat necklace that i wear almost everyday.
It is tarnished from constant wear and poor craftsmanship.

Tribe motivation baby
This is the native land and this bed of ours is your home
I bring myself to the brink, exploring...

Oh Teacher My Teacher if you only knew the things I've gone through, you'd sit here and think "man this girl has gone...

brethrenOr should i say,so called brethrenlook down on the man who curses the one we call Immanuel, Hosanna, Lambare the...

Animation is my life you see
A film can bring such happiness and glee
Through determination and sweat the process moves on...

I am forever apologetic for breaking you, especially so young. I planted fear within your soul and allowed it to grow in an...

One year costs about the same as a C-Class,
Four years costs as much as a wife, a crib and a baby does,
Without it, we can't...

My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair
I want to share with you
What makes me...

How are you doing?
Are you ok?
Is the something wrong?
These are the things I am asked everyday.
I get alright grades,
I do...

By David Harris
So many times I’ve heard,
“You don’t act black”,
And to this day I still don’t understand,
How does...

Hate and violence fills the streets
Money love and power is how everyone thinks
Without a doubt and full of...

I crave an ambitious path
I work toward an uncertain destination
I am undeclared
My future is undefined
My adulthood is up...

My Love,
Not to be broken,
Not to be bruised,
Do not run it over,
Do not drop it.
My Love,
Stronger than that diesel,

Once upon a time,
There was so fair a maiden,
Her name,
Cinderella, pure and nice,
Forced to clean,
Forced to...

I Told You This Once,
Yes I'll Tell You Again.
You Mean The World To Me,
Your More Then A Friend.
No Matter What Happens,...

Dear self,
I'm sorry I have hurt you as many times as i have.
I'm sorry I put others before you, I have put others before ...

How I wish I could respond when an interviewer, casting director, or person in general asks if I could express alittle bit...

texas,don.g.nutt,59.poem,strapped igotta stay strapped for the hood for the block for the ghetto boy in me for the haters...

Why does school have to be hard? When school starts the teachers seem nice. But as school goes on the teachers don't...

If I could change the world ways of unnatural waste
I would start off by finding a cheep way to make sunlight our main...

Sun shine bright on me.
Sun shine all over me.
Sprouse all of me, lift me from my feet.
As my whole body covers with an...

Bayiguqulile inhliziyo yakho ngami,
basho izinto ezikwenza ube namahloni ngami,
wathatha wabeka,kwasho kwenzeka isinqumo...

I struggle every single night to put up some kind of fight
To ward off this depression.
Sure, I’ll take some medicine.

This life is crazy, yet so fine
Make sure you keep the righ oes by your side.
Family s a bond that can never broken,

I am daring and happy
I wonder how the world would be if we all lived in peace
I hear birds chirping as I thankfully wake up...

You are who you are and that's perfect to me. Your beauty itself could cure my misery.
Perfect to perfection and flawless at...

The hate you give may be
The hate you'll receive
You give what you get,
You get what you give.
So often, this philosophy.

I want to write, please let me write
Give me a piece of paper, preferrably white
I have no time, so I'll do it at night

There are many ways
That one may learn
Powerpoints, lectures, or reading aloud in turn
But my way of learning
Is not the...

Paper crinkles as I reach into the bag.With precision I grip and lift.Gently I lay my prize on the table before me.

When the results are in
No more changes can be made
You know you haven't been working hard
Its stressful
Life took a...

The educational system
is one with flaws,
A, B, C, D
No free will,
Just obeying orders,
Like a pig, or a dog
A, B, C, D...

Through years of experience I have learn that people may sometimes forget what you have said to them in the past,
They may...

I've left traces of melanin every place I've been
I've let dark pigments drip from my skin...
Painting the world with beauty...
Aurora is the definition of beauty- skinny and p-r-e-t-t-y.
Who needs a personality when men will fall for your appearance...

Pursue your dreams,
Regardless of how life seems,
Pursue your dreams,
Not being afraid of what that means,
With tenacity...

One step at a time
A skill already learned
Walls up, Im guarded
Hiding within the shadows, nothing left unturned

One job can change your entire life. We all have a "dream job", or maybe just something we want to do without geting paid....

Kim: gurll guess wat?
queenb: girl wat?
kim: i tol' ms.____ ol' ratchet ass tht if she didnt let me go to the RR i was gonna...

Nothing too deep to say to you, just that you have tissue stuck to your shoe
You snort at your own jokes and claim you were...

Nothing ever matters in the summertime The sun melts our minds and dries our throats We need something to drink - but what? ...

Sitting in the classroom chilly as can be
I ask my teacher may I go to the bathroom and pee
Im ready to leave this day is...

Mirror, mirror on the wall
It shatters as she makes the call
The fairest? Yes, if fairest be
Carved out by insecurities

texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem,cuddy,me girl cuddle me close in for the night its me an you entwained no mark twain the groove...

Broken hearts can still be healed,
Once there's love it shall not yeild.
Replacing parts can still be done,
It will be hard...

As a brother he fled/ As a soldier he bled/ Keep in mind/ that this is the time/ To hold those near/ against the evil that...

When the teacher turns around people start giggling,
I look at their face and they look suspiciously,
I join the group and...

When you're sad, there is always that light.
When you're broken down in agony, there's always room to fight.
When you're...

Texas.don.g.nutt59.poem.lazy eyezs druppy dryed eyezs that sadden an cry. From the creek an crack to the blink of them lazy...

Aware the vacant look
of sweet-heart eyes
and adoring soul...
past hurts
to choose trust
before you
will forget me...

Individual differences.
Hidden beneath ideals and morphed views on life.
The sky,
glistens above like it is my...

You told me
You told me the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.
But now I realize that not everybody has the same taste...

As I walked along the street
I saw the shadow of a soul
Its heart was beaten, all I saw was dullness
It was screaming for...

I've never been one for being like everyone else
because it was never how I was taught.
Although, at the same time,
it was...

Her heart is frozen. She feeds off tears. She belives in fear before love. Love isn't for her. Shes careless. Her only...

I want my people to be freeI want my people to be lovedand i want us to mean itwe wake up in the morning and the first...

What once was sullen and dark despair
Is now the song of Summer and salt in the air
Sweet Affirmations of kind like-minded...

she may be quick to react,but there is something that she lacks,although its something that I misinterpret,she always wins...

I'm feeling like life, is passing me by
While that fire inside me, slowly just dies
There are big dreams, I'm chasing the...

I woke up to the feeling of my feet touching the baseboard
A feeling that I'd often ignored.
But this time it felt ...

the quiet girl, they all speak of
my thoughts parade in my mind
how can perfection occur when the world is no better
it is a...

Not another love can compare to you,
Or was it even love at all?
I had your undivided attention at first,
Or was it only for...

So I am leaving soon anyway
And you won't see me another day.
But there's one more thing I have to say:
You can't always...

My mind is a book unread
With pages that have words to be said
But I am filled with dred to read ahead
My words pile up...


Things will go wrong
Climbing uphill is hard
When I try and smile, all I do is sigh
Rest is a must, but don't give up

All I hear is speaking in a monotone voice,
sitting here with my elbows crossed 'cause I have no choice.
My summer days were...

Feelings are repeated, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No one knows what we feel inside, but they're things we can't deny. I...

I want to spend a lot of time with youdo i want to spend the rest of my life with youWe’ll talk about kidsmake plans to...

Dear Mrs. Wonderful,
I would jut like to say,
Thank You.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for teaching me.
You saw...

I am proud to say
I have survived through yet another day.
The war in my household didn’t stop me,
The hardships at school...

I have a question, will you answer?
I don't know, the internet is down.
I need help, how can I get it?
Oops, I missed...

Wearing a mask doesnt mean it always have to be a real mask
it can be a mask about hiding your feelings.
to make you seem...

"The male figure walks, chest up, grinning wide:
He has the whole world in one hand, and in the other hand, her pride."

What's My name? Just guess, I'll wait to be judged just like the rest.
Are you thinking my name is black that's a silly idea...

Down her face streamed the tears,
Of 20 years.
Of 1,043 weeks,
Of feeling weak.
Of 7,304 days,
Of being in a daze.
Of 175,...

I said as a child playing with toys.
I said as a girl interested in boys.
I said as an eager...

there is a little dingy garage
not far from where i live
where i go to sweat
and thrash
and be too close for comfort

Dear Savannha,
You’re my older sister
My sister who told me family was everything
My sister who laughed with me and...

I remember when i saw it i thought of us
How young we were, yet so in love
I thought of songs and things of such
That made...

The beauty of the forgotten
love yourself,
or your beauty within will start to rotten
hug yourself,
like you're wearing the...

In my own skin
I am me
Its hard to accept, hard to see
Day in and day out
I'm told differently
That everyone should accept...

I remember my good days
I cherished my bad
Soft as a baby’s bottom
Full of roses and red wine
Drunk on the river...

My twin sister is very awesome, we've been together eighteen years. Shared secrets through the morning light and even shared...

Although I have not lived a hard-knock life I have been through some struggles
Of not knowing who I am or what I want...

I have a question for you
How did you managed to grow from concrete
From all the hurt and the foolishness
They laughed at...

In this new day and age,
College has become a must
But now, just to pay the wage
Your bank account can only bust

Because I love you, I sacrifice.
I give up the I for you.
Even when it hurts, I endure the lies, the betrayal, and being...

The time machine that rights all the wrongs,
The ocean that drowns all living souls,
The tyrant that rules with an iron fist...

You say you know me? Tell me who I am.
What do I like? Do I prefer a bottle or a can?
You say you’re not sure? But you said...

When I looked into the mirror, it’s hard to tell what I saw.
Because for the longest time I was never considered a person....

I'm trying to change my reality
I aim for a state of normality
A change from my constant insanity
To feed the fire of my...
When you say flawless, what do you mean?
When you say the word flawless, what are you trying to underline
When I am filled...

Where are you oh love,
That tears my heart apart,
With waters of loneliness?
Where are you oh love,...

You're my English teacher, not my father.
You say that you're trying to help but please, don't even bother.
You have good...

Let's go hand in hand to the middle of the ocean.
Let us sink in together and come up with great emotion.
Let's have endless...

"Don't worry about me,
Trust me I'll be fine
No matter where you go,
I'll always be behind.
Don't cry, don't yell, I...

So here’s how it goes.I breathe my life into the wind
and the mists carry it to the sea
it soars among the albatrossAnd they...

One day my burning desires
will lead me to retire.
Everytime i speak i unleash fire.
Back then, i had my dreams covered in...

We demand.We expect. We desire.
We want to strive. We want to live.
We abuse. We forget. We ignore.
Many suffer for us. We...

Queen Me,
I am joyful,happy,and kind
Queen Me on the inside. I am proper, I am classy
Queen Me hide, due to stereotypical...

Isn’t it lovely,
To be happy all the time
To do whatever you please
To feel no pain
To live in a nice place
But don’t you...

I remember the days of fortune
Days without worry or despair
The days of a lover's tune
Days of positivity in the air ...

I’m going to be everything that I want to be. So I am going to be what I want to be.
I want be successful;
In my early...

As the cymbals crash at the final note,
the audience applauds and lose their minds.
We stood upon the platform posing......

"I can".
As I force my head up in the morning,
I tell myself
That is a lie.
Reality is accepting the fact that your state of...

The pages turn with the scent of the lastest perfume
Scantily clad women who are not even a size two
Any young girl would...

Behind this mask,
No one can tell,
How I play this role so well,
Behind this mask,
Things you would never believe,

I pray and I say how could this day be so cold
So cold and so bold
You have to hold every soul
Either hot or cold is a...

I am a flower.
One who's blossoming into a beautiful woman.
A goddess from the heavens above.
With a heart...

You always hear about the girl next door
The one you see on the walk to the corner store
That one you envy for being so...

I am a creative thinker who enjoys igniting new ideasI wonder why people want to keep up with the JonesesI hear the sound of...

Appoaching the school as captian he would demand,To be called instead of Mr. we would have to understand. As a tyrant of the...

My Recipe for
a healthy relationship –
You take two Adults
with enough Common Int’rests
to Communicate.
Mix in Chemistry,...

Snap snap,
this dosnt look like me,
snap snap,
what can i be?
snap snap,
a dancer or a movie star.
It all seems the same,...

Who do you think you are? You think you have power over me, the ability to suppress my creativity and freedom of speech...

Love me lately like clenched bed sheets and rushed phones calls at 4 o'clock in the morning. But it was too late. For I knew...

"She's a smart kid," they said.
The words circle in my head.
They said I'd get a full ride,
go to college
get into Med.
The tornado touched down across the vibrant sunset that abruptly turned to dark grey skies.
Her life became nothing but lies...

Cheerleaders are too perky,
they’re the Patty Simcox’s of the world
known for abnoxious smiles with loud, blistering...

Being with one you feel is special,
you know its right, it is hard to keep your emotions level.
Thinking of that someone...

Yes I did it, now it's time to go and get my recognition,
walking down that path and I feel my ambition,
hopefully when I...

Day by day, the time goes on.
What have we learned, that will help us at all?
No letters, resumes, stamps nor emails.

Do you hear him?
The boy in the back of the room with his head turned and eyes out the window.
The one who always...

You know, sometimes it's hard to just move on
Forgive and forget, isn't always the status quo
Maybe that's why my...

A disease where abnormal cells divide uncontrollably,
Every part of your body can be effected,
As it spreads throughout...

I once knew a kid, so happy and free
So energetic and truthful to himself that it seemed too hard to believe
He was so...

Seniors are tired
We try to think
But it builds
It encompasses us
It smothers us
We strive to do...

An eerie and striking creature overcame me when I was 11.
By the time I turned 12 I realized it was here to stay.

I'm tired of schools taking claim
And not going by their word
By putting "anti-bully zone" in the name.
Am I the only one...

Well did you know I studied all last night that review you gave us?
I read the whole chapter you taught us.
Plus, I...
I finally made it here at last, among the palms, crabs and sand.
With plenty to eat and a place to sleep, I don't know what...

Fear is easy describe
Hopeless hole devour me!
Sinking deep into the ink
With no rope to follow me...
Fear is easy just to...

Stay away stay away i know i should stay awayi could do it i could do it cmon another dayLife is hard but find another...

Shoot to wound, not to kill.
Bang! as the bullet tumbles down the barrel of of the glock 22
I can hear my mom's laugh, and I...

No! I won't succumb to the notion that what you are doing is for my good.
I will not fall into the lies that you...

Once upon a time when the flowers so blossomed
a prince walked the fields and he thought of how awesome
the birds in flight...

Life is all you got
Religion has always been their
Didn't understand why to go
Could it be the reasons of my parents

What if true beauty was shown on the outside,
Would you still care if she wasn't skinny?
Would you still care if he didn't...

New York, the big apple, where in a city that never sleep, big dream can happen as long as your dream is the same no matter...

broken and confused
shaken up and abused
you told me you loved me
see how words can be easily misused
you'd promises me you...

You don't get a second chance at a first impression.
So chase your dreams or your nightmares will catch you.
The crux of...

You tease and taunt make me feel so shit, I feel so on edge , one push and i'll lose it . I'm not crazy, just unstable....

What are we missing in class you ask?
No more pencils, no more books
Bring on the nooks
Bring on the laptops we...

In her eyes everything is big and tall
Trees sway like giants
She notices every ladybug
Each crack in the side walk is a...

You remind me of pepsi
Hot on my tongue, cold in my throat
Perect on a warm smmer day
Oh your'e so sweet
Sipping slowly in...
A voice that leaves only a soft whisper in the clearing
a piece of sand drowning below the waves
one invisible among the...

Why have I wasted so many years? Was it because of unknown fears? I have direction to follow now. My life is taking a new...

Look into my eyesTell me what you seeIt won't be happyIt won't be prettyThe way I actMakes me seem happyIt makes me seem...

Come, take my hand,
Let me guide you across this enchanting land,
Let me show you how to dance,
Follow this soft tune,...

Student hating a teacher, so common,
Teacher hating a student, now that’s Ms. Robins.
Bitter and old, intimidating and cold...

Once in my life I want to grow a tree
I want to plant it in the ground on my own
I know it won't happen with my heart of...

When do you feel the most free?
“When I am alone”
What do you do when you are alone
“Ya know, the usual… I read, maybe...

The euphoria of tears, joy and bliss induce a spell unlike any other. Question that no longer fondled suspicion it meets it...

Widsom, remember the times you had with my mother.
Now is that time to have with me.
So one day I can say,
"Wisdom, remember...

I can remember alot of awful events that have happended to unsuspecting people. Huriccane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy,...

I need money, and i say this with all seriousness.
I need money, I am alone in this world
I have no home in this world

In all life long journey you are a prince,
Bought at the Saviour's own blood's price,
Never to be counted out among the...

People talk, people stare,
that doesn't leave me to wallow in sorrow.
no excuse to let down a tear,
when there's a greater...

If there is a reason
For us to grow
As people and spirits
From the ground below
Our flaws make us human
They smother our...

Take off the foundation
Wipe off the mascara
Who am I without all this cosmetic makeup?
Beneath these blue eyes,
Ane pink...

You may see me struggle but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not
I'm going to stand tall.
Everyone says life...

Deep down inside I love myself.
Everyday when I wake up,
I look at myself and know im worth the respect.
Worth the respect,...

You could've stopped him.
You could've given him a reason to live.
You watched his tormentors and stood by,
saying nothing....

Seems like it's just me who's wrapped around this curtain.
All you do is fly, and calling it your life.
I see your pretty...

Hold on, pain ends. The key is in your hands, you drive. Control what you may, accept what you cannot change.

I am whoever you want me to be
within these four walls,
where stereotypes fill the air with deception.
A place where...

I am the idea of everyone,
but accomplished by no one.
I am in everyones head,
the most important thing anyone has said.

The life you live.
The life you make.
The life you in.
The life everyone creates.
They say the strong survive.
Its the...

What We Really See
Nature is all around us
Branches flow with the wind
Leaves fall from the trees
What We Really See

Those are the names I hear as I walk down the hallway.
“People who cut are just looking for attention.”

Punch me Punch me Kick me around
Beat me up until I'm in the ground
Safe and sound away from you away from all the pain...

I walk a trail amongst the clouds,
A path yet to be taken,
The dreams I dream abound,
The things I say out loud
Are left to...

Change is fruitful, can be sweet as grapes.
It comes in different sizes, forms and shapes.
I would change the world and...

We are the gigantic bowl of candy on top of the fridge
Daddy morphed together and shook like crazy so we'd be quiet

I put on my mask every morning
Faking the smiles that appear on my face
When I know somethings troubling me inside

Who am I? Do YOU know?
by Isaac C.
EVERYTIME I wake up from my slumber
I wonder, if someone knew me better
Behind the jokes...

What am I scared of?
Why am I scared?
I cant seem to answer the questions that I ask myself...
We all have fears,
But where...

Who we are.
Hard to grasp,
Yet easy to forget.
Never really looking at ourselves.
The time has come to let
Us look in...

Being a part of the Auburn family
Is a very special thing
There are a few rules to remember
Learn them and you will become a...

Blessed with the gift to encourage,
A quality that is possessed by few, yet needed by all.
I woke up like this,

days of our lives we cannot get back
hours of the night, long gone with the wind
and that nostalgic feeling attatched to...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,flipping,layed back behind the wood lets get theflipping understood lean back in the fly ride hand...

Difference between us is only the way we act and often sometimes how we think.Most of us put everything all in the same...

She is the one who showed me the way to this world.
On how to survive, be liberating and know the worth of my every inch....

I am a drop of sunshine in a doubt of uncertainirty.I am a comforting voice in a crowd of chaos.You have a hard time...

I'm so tired of struggling, and instability
So tired of hustlin', and being in the midst of insanity
Why does it have to be...

Freedom what exactly is that, we rather kill each other and stand only.... I thought we were one, I'd kill for you lie for...

you want my heart
you want my head
you want everything
that's been unsaid
you want my thoughts
you want my trust
i give...

The things I see inside my eyes I feel.when I look up theres no coming down and when I look down there's no want around.A...

Fear :It’s not what defines me it’s how it defines human being.
Depression:It’s what the doctor diagnoses a kid that’s...

I'm on an adventure
Into my mind
Where I will find the treasure
But first I must find
The map, my inspiration
Perhaps I...

It’s 5:30 so I wake up
To a day I know is going to be long
The T.V is on and all is going on wrong.
Breaking news, but...

I can be Socially Awkward
I can be socially awkward.
I won’t deny.
Growth from circumstances has made me less blind.
As light darkens, and the moon shines out
With love on there shoulder, crying out
With the thought of thankgiving coming,...

Listen closely, can you hear it?
It’s something there that nobody seems to want hear.
It screams, screams and screams some...

I always knew what i wanted to be even when i was to young to see all things that lied ahead of me I used to get...

It's more than the feeling you get when the roller coaster is reaching the falling point; the rush that you get in your...

The Descent
I’ve been a shell of a human; wandering aimlessly for 12 long years-Robbed at the age of five from my home...

Black is beautiful
Black is meBlack is the color
Cant you see,
Orange is nice and blue is neat
But they cant compete

You Were Gone[1]
When I awoke, you were gone.
My eyes refused to believe the retched and forlorn
Grimace that lay...

The best thing to spend time
on in a relationship is time, conversation, understanding, and honesty.
There are times where...

The day starts calmly with a plane,
When it disappears the nation goes insane,
What is this the government game?

She sees her reflection,
as a soul waiting too die;
filled with an unlimited power to peruade,
which changed
the snow to ice...

My life does not truly begin without a dream,
a path of caring for those who cannot care for themselves.
A technician of...

A cold world
Living in a cold world
Seeing things you don't want to see
Doing things you don’t want to do
Maybe you don't...

I imagine that a score ago I wouldn’t have been alive
And I have no recollection of what that life was like
Was I just...

Coded Numbers, flashing light,
Keep me up all through the night.
My eyes grow tired,
and same for my brain.
Is a.i. helpful...

Deadly Fumes
He’s toxic to my soul
Well, I guess i’ve been intoxicated
Poisoned by your deadly
Addicting fumes
Locked up...

Fifity shades of grey, we all know
Most of us trt to go with the flow
But society teaches us
More the the scools
Alot less...

I may seem tall, pensive or just,
but my feelings are left unstable, lying to rust,
big headed I may seem in the light of...

It's the mistakes that has us paranoid,
It's the silence that has us hearing noise.
It's our blindess to reality that has us...

When I look in the mirror I see someone,
someone I don't know yet.
I think about myself what am I like.
Who am I?
I look in...


My love for you is an ocean
I fell in, no turning back
So immense
No one understands
How much I love you is not thinkable...

I always dreamed
that when I died
I would rest
Though somehow
Now I see
That it's not for the best
To lose my real body

The state of solitude that belongs with you of motioned bliss, that period in which you enrich your consciousness. Battling...

The blood still bleeds from generation to generation.
You didn’t hear me right,The blood still bleeds from generation to...

Physically you're here
Mentally you're there
Emotionally, you were never prepared...
You've made me hate my self
For many...

Because I love you I thought it was okay,
Because I love you I left it all at bay,
Because I love you I let it all happen,...

Feeling stupid
Not knowing my purpose
Not having a narrow part
Having different obstacles in the way
Being unknown
I have a goal to accomplish
I have a future to brighten
Sit in bed and be lazy?
Not one chance
I want to be...

What does poetry mean to me?
It means being able to express my self freely.
I am a poet
Because I wrote it.
It wasn't a...

Every season
There is a reason,
Why everyone loves
The sport capitalized by clubs.
It's not the attraction to the players...

Why do we judge our own culture? The ones we call our brother and sister are fighting a battle against the world, our own...

Land of the free they say, but it's the biggest lie to grace the ears of humanity.
Fast as a ticking clock, you're shot.

Missing in action was the answer to the question I kept asking
Where's my Dad? Always searching for a father I never had

Our life has a time span, but we just dont know when our life will end. People think we have all the time in the world when...

the epitomy of me, shy and sweet but daring and fiery, insecurity hid inside of me for so long,
heart visible to the naked...

Who are you to judge me for my walls and gaps
Who are you to jugde me for all my overlaps
who are yout to judge me for all i...

It takes baby steps,
I started out crawling at the ground
Wanting to be different, so
I walked into dozens of
Audition rooms...

Back then, I was the color of coal
Chained and whipped with a lash
Now all I have is my dignified soul
With an...

Opening up can be a scary choice
But loving him has given me my voice
His warm eyes are what drew me in
And his kind heart...

wonder why there has to be hate, you create and don't appreciate,
black or white, hispanic or asian, brown or mix?
is that...

your name that lies uncover with swinging vines
that leads to the secret tunnel
once unveil leads to light
that sheds...

So quivers my heart in joy and delight
To raise the gold trophy in sweet valedictory
It took my complete strength, and...

His verbs gliding across his lips
Caressing my imagination
His nouns dripping damp with desperat-ed prepositions

I think people are awesome
Now you might be thinking of your worst enemy
And saying no that's impossible
But really it's...

You tell us to never give up,
But why?
You tell us to try our best,
But why?
You tell us to never give up,
But why?
Is it...

Evicted of my aspiration treacherously tormented because I lack an attribute so many have.
Odoriferous fumes linger around...

Feelings… they make everything go around apparently so, why do you write? You write to express your emotions, and your...

Look around you.
“What do you see that could possibly be good?”
In the police brutality
We see the degradation of morality...

School is like a card game and the Principal is the dealer
Teachers are like the deck all was getting used up
The Girls are...

Perfection is,
They say,
Because everything
Possesses flaws.
Perfection is,
I say,
The release
Of the obsession...

AZRAEL! Come for me,
I feel the crowds encore
Is emerging closer onto me;
The Seraphims see no more ---
Thier eyes were...

What if i told you that every night i cry
Praying that the lasting tears falling from my eyes would soon dry
Listening, and...

Hey I'm black in america
What are you doing? Why are you trying to kill me?
I can't be black and hapy anymore? What happened...

So many times I’ve heard,
“You don’t act black”,
And to this day I still don’t understand,
How does one act a color?
Do I be...

America? Known as a nation reborn,
Through war and tragedy we still uplift our hopes.
We take each other by the hand urging...

I am learning to be grateful for each second of every minute of every hour of every moment
But I am aware that today will...

Please don’t hurt me again tonight,
Please, love me out of spite.
I’m not scared of you.
Touch me again and were through!...

knock! knock! at my grill
i dont know who it is in late april
what i see i cant believe it real
i have e friend right at my...

When you say that you love me
My heart walks across the sky
You talk about forever together
Please tell me one more time

I am tired of the hurt and pain i see across people faces
High school is not game so do not try and play it
It's time I...

I've developed such a strong feeling for you-that I can't live my day-to-day life without your reassurance.You keep me going...

My flaws? Yeah, they're outside,
always invalid and detected.
Out in the open, never can hide.
I'm feeling happy, my...

Thanksgiving Day
I slip in and out of dreams.
I drift into darkness, lightness, and finally into the crisp glow of...

You think you are so powerful teaching at a school, but in reality it just makes you look like a fool. Telling kids what to...

Wynesha Wallace
Dec. 13, 2013
“Out with the Old and Teach me the New”
Devoted I am,
Determined I must be,

I miss the words you did not say from the unaware stare that awakes hope. Someday when this is over we may still have no...

Was never one to listen to mother
Normally straying from the beaten path
On this day I came upon another...

People are built on words.
Words spoken, words thought, words heard.
Words explain feelings.
Words can be used to tell...

She said I was dumb
He said I was ugly
She said I was a bum
He said i was fat
It hurts to be bullied
It hurts more that its...

Because The Sound Of Voice & My Lips Were Close !
You Told Me Just Repeat "Strawberry" My Heart Beat 100 Miles per hour...

Oh, America the great!
The land of accidental discovery
The land of oppression
The land of racism

I look back at all thoughs years
at all those many fears,
I realise that family keeps me going through everlasting time

They said " mama's dont let your babies grow up to be cowboy
you cant always see those " wide open spaces" from the city...

Life as it is today,
can't picture it without a frame.
It's the hardship that keeps everybody to think,
like was it meant to...

I know you feel like a failure. I know this wasn’t your plan. Going into your fifth year of school left you hurting,...

Hurt ,
Sad , furstrated ,
Jesus called your name and he took you on Home
I felt so hurt I stayed in denial
My life...

Ana is only fourteen,
She looks in the mirror,
She doesn't like what she sees,
Her body looks fat, it's becoming clearer....

By the breaking of dawn, the bright lays of sun penetrates the sky unto us,
The morning dew on grass glares with the...

It is said it can change a life and help a person or maybe two
that if your lost,stuck, and can't figure out what next to...

It is not over, it has merely begunthe game of wait and seeIt will surely be funMonth by month and day by day I will...

I paused upon a morning breeze
Gently flowing through the trees;
These leaves became like little hands
Clapping joyously and...

One job......May change my life
One job could make things all better
One job can help me forget my struggles
With one...

Equality Now! Equality Now!
The world is screaming at the top of its lungs. Equality Now!
I am screaming at the top of my...

A whisper begs to end it all.
A song reminds you of your fall.
To live may seem like pain, and
To die may seem like gain,...

What can't be seen on the inside is
the audacity of learning
What a beautifully, treacherous thing
The script calls for a...

What is a life? Measured in the days, milestones? We rent the time on this earth, so we measure in love.
After death a life...

The ceilings descended im feeling uplifted.
Fundamentals of reading bring a feeling of repentance.
The decisioins my fingers...

There is nothing.
There never has been something.
A worried mother clinging
what she hopes is springing,

When most people hear or see my name they wonder what it means or where it comes from and maybe you are wondering too...

Maybe I was dealt a bad hand
Death - Hope destroyed
The Fool - Absence, trouble
The Hanged Man -Trials, sacrifice
Two of...

Poetry is not something to write an make up rhymes,
Then make up sentences using words up from your mind.
Poetry is a way of...

Darker than the midnight sky
Thousands of wears, frayed ends
Worn by some of the strongest people I know
My childhood gone...

She kept her Instagram comments within a box secluded from her mind.
Never to be seen
She was once told to keep her...

an undergrad seeking a diploma to succeed
the money for college is outrageous and it's one thing that I need
I haven't...

Teachers are granted tenure
so they often dont care for students
Oh i'm tired of me procastinating
is it because class is so...

When life gets me down.
And I get bound.
I like to help around.
I help children with Downs.
Though the might not be the same...

The world has become harsh and cruel today
No sorry or thank you or please or good day!
Somewhere right now, women are...

I never dreamt of being helpless,
in fact, it’s the reason for my strong senses.
Words saved me from my spiraling defamation...

We sit in this classroom to talk about the issues of our day.One raises their hand saying they have a hard time earning pay....

Standing at home plate, looking out at the field,
Looking out for places to hit the ball too.
Thinking of ways to help the...

Too tall for her age,
slightly chubby with a hint of orange
Shy words but harsh thoughts
“Such a sweet face she has”

The stillness in the midnight air,
rushes to your skin.
Raising each and every hair,
where do I begin?
The story starts...

I'll never take it back
Don't speak to me like that
Hearing voices throughout my head
All my thoughts have already been said...

I walk above the earth among the stars
A mysterious man lifts the enormous weight off of my shoulders
He seduces me with...

He way it has been is not how it will be.
As the old passes away, gives birth to the new,
A surprise transformation co-...

Precipitation descending to the soil.
I’m loyal to the Most Royal.
Though I fault, my soul’s seasoned with salt,

Who are you?
The biggest question to ask yourself
Who are you really?
Do I know or should I know?

College applications were coming, basically knocking at my door,
And their fees ranging in value that I couldn’t afford.

Here I am today to tell you how much you shaped my life
I am here laying under the shimmering stars looking back at the time...

She hung up the phone and a tear fell from her eye
Her voice rang sadly at her last goodbye
No more long nights together...

In this grand country we live in
In the great US of A
There is nothing we aren’t allowed to think
There is...

Father, can you hear me? My heart in pain outcrying,I need redemption, I beg you, please, To calm my fear of dying. Father,...

To all wounds of the heart,
Time is the antidote.
Designed like a coat
Soothing the pain as it impart
It is nonpareil

Nothing in human shape could have destroyed that fair child
That sweet child, whose smiles delighted and warmed my heart,...

The hot summer sun beating down on our car,
As we make our way down the long dirt road.
We all zipped out of the car.

The day I met puberty was the day I met a harassing, frustrating, annoying, sexual, repetitive life style ruled by the top...

It's no mystery or history that i'm black,
though through my history i have found that my black is my history,
but why?...

One Parent
I look to my right my mom,
I look to my left nothing,
One role model, no dad,
One single mom, working hard,...

School is full of mathematics, science, and books to read,
but what are the skills that we actually need?
No need for...

Would a filter be typing?
Would a filter mean no erasing?
Does that mean I can't correct my grammar?
I'm going to give you...

texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem,swangging down swangging down the strip mlk higher then high its kings day ima leo king sitting...

Sitting here thinking about all the mistakes I've made. Sitting here thinking about the mistakes I may make. When I look in...

There I sit, 30 minutes left,
nothing to do, but I feel a certain flush.
Oh how it snuck up on me like a theft,
let me go, I...

Famous for love,passion and fertility
Remembered and longed for but yet scorned
Everybody knew about her
Yet she played with...

When there's tears to cry 😭
You're heart start to hurt
Like pins and needles to say strong enough
To lift yourself up

I am a woman,
Not a figurine that can be stood on a shelf
Not a piece of decoration
Not a hood ornament,
Not a piece of...

When I smile you feel anger
Does my happiness harm you
Does it smack your hate dead in the face
Does my joy make you upset...

You may think that no one understands how you feel, but we do. We all have depression or anxiety and those thoughts that...

I say and I say
The Shit that I hear and See
Are hard to relieve
When its me but not you
Its easy to say
"This shit will...

If I could just write
A simple word or two
Something on a piece of paper
To convience one of my story
If i could lend your...

It's so hard to stay positive these days.
The media always giving credit to those who've done wrong.
“ A man murdered in...

Things going through my head
gasping for air.
Chills running all over my body
thinking why me
Its my choice
Should of...

The American Dream is about making something from nothing.
Going from the deep bottom of the barrel to the top of the...

From the dark I sprung, Like a can of soda shooking up
Only time has truly been the consuming end of me, Through
a life of...

MK Kashiyama Merek Spare Part Mobil untuk Rem Cakram, Rem Tromol dan Kampas Rem Berkualitas Terbaik di Indonesia, Many...

I am from the ministry where the whole church knows me.
I am from glasses that helped me see.
I am from a trampoline where...

It is that moment.
The moment you forget how to beath.
The moment the ground beneath you is stripped.
The moment you feel...

It's amazing how we are born,
And than we start growing like a seed corn;
Then we start to explore the world,
While time...

Jesus is my Lord, my Savior, my King,
Without Him, I would be nothing.
He loves me and hears me when I pray,
I just want to...

The world has not seen who I really am
There is a fear whom one may know
I am a girl who is afraid to show
My laugh is loud...

Honorio Freeland
Lost in the World
Who am I?
What makes me, me?
Eighteen years young,
With not plenty to show for it.

This may just seem like the ranting,
honestly I am just venting.
Nature of Reality takes up most of my time,
a class not...

Be determined to apply
Stand out to receive
Scholarships are much obliged
I would love some money
College is expensive

Here I am at the midlle of no where,
Where everyone runs for their lives in caos.
Where every moment of the day is pregnant...

Sitting at a desk, listening to a teacher
talk all day,
saying nothing but things that go in one ear come out the other....

Hey you teacher standing in the front of the class room. You make me want to stand up and smack you with a dirty broom. You...

I was just 19 when i finished highschool and didnt quite know if i could get into a good school. The ambition I have put me...