Mass Destruction

       Stand strong and stand proud, my education separates me from the crowd.                                           I want to learn and grow but that is not for show.                                                                         Trying to find a way to make it where I'm from. My past will never determine my lasting future.     Taking strides to impact your world, I think I'm that girl.                                                                            I cannot do that if they do not care, raising hell everywhere you stare.                                         Missing school because you're scared of what might come next, next thing you know poor thing has a gun to his chest.                                                                                                                                                             Bullied and bruised everything around is torn to shreds, you'd just rather be dead.                            You can't though,you have a baby on the way, huge mistake.                                                             Neglected because no one cares, you at least need a teacher there.                                                Shows you love and affection, gives you protection.                                                                           Provide you with a weapon of mass destruction.                                                                                 The brain, the brain that has been baking and boiling in an oven.                                                                                                                                                                          These things you go through can't deter you. Find a path or create a way, today is your day.               This generation is here to make a change hand in hand, no mind will ever be the same.           Teachers all you need is patience, do not give up because of teaching wages.

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