My World!
As I write this
I am sitting in my world...
It is where I always like to be
When thoughts are flowing
This place makes me aware that I am finite
It is here that troubles diminish for me.
As I watch the lilies scenting
And the butterflies perching for nectar
Yes, the birds snatching bits of air
Beneath their wings,
Pushing themselves higher and then
Riding on the momentum…
I thought of how many people have sat
Where I now sit,
How many have seen what I now see
How many of them were dead but I’m alive….
It’s my turn to know what they know
This mighty world teaches much
Many songs have been written here
Many lives have been lost in here
It’s a place of battle and celebration
It’s a domain of crises and conquest
It’s times and tides aren’t afraid of intimidation
They just flow and roll….
My heart is almost bursting over
My love for you is so overwhelming
How did you get into my world?
Welcome all the same into my love world
Here we’ll build our lives together
Living is of different types
Together we’ll learn to grasp some things
While letting others go
This is the only way to be alive in a
World such as this…
Copyright, Agu Jaachynma N.E.