Coward the cowardly generation
I ------ have a habit of searching for inspiration in the exterior of faceless people-- and wonder why my pages always end up -- blank.
It’s easier to read about how beautiful and strong people are then to write about them knowing all the ugliness that they carry.
sometimes I try to dig inside their soul with the shovel I thought God gave me and always ended up with a shovel full of crap so my bad If it appears that I give up too easily or maybe I am just sick of getting my hopes up just to be put down so I ---gave the shovel back to God and joined them behind their thick walls hiding vulnerability, and feelings.
Courage seems to be something our great great ---great ancestors carried and somehow as more generations are formed cowardice made its way in and you -- were probably kind enough to make a bed for it in our home and unfortunately it took that as in invitation to stay rent-free so in turn you let it take care of your kids while you took a well needed break that seems to last decades especially after what Harriet, sojourner, Jean-Jacques, Martin Luther, Toussaint did. So if we don’t mind and even though we did mind you will lay down on the bed fear made,defeat made, discomfort made, disappointments made, rejection made, sorrow made, and let cowardice tuck you in at night.
You seem to hide your anointing behind a 9-5 and whisper empty dreams full of corpses about waiting for the right moment to minister what God has called you to do...... but
It’s time this generation kick cowardice out and throw away the bed fear, defeat, discomfort, disappointments,rejection, sorrow made for us because the fight didn’t stop with Harriet or Martin the fight stops when our souls are collected and joined with whom we rightfully belong to