Spider Man or is it Athena?
Spider Man or really Athena?
Written by
Ismael Dominguez Flores
The neighborhood friendly Spider Man?
Maybe you’re really Athena?
Peter Parker can do the math when in school.
Athena also knows a thing or two about it.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Wise words that sound like they could have come from a god.
Spidey can shoot out webs.
Well Athena has your back!
Saving civilians from disasters when he can.
Been there done that, Athena.
Caught in a civil war?
Athena was in the Trojan War.
My Spider-Sense is tingling.
Well you’re out of luck Athena the war strategist was already here.
Spider Man has lots of strength.
I think you get it by now, Athena has the guns to back it up!
Your symbol is a Spider?
Well Athena turned a person into a spider.
Are you really Spider Man? Or Maybe your