But That's Enough About Me
Would a filter be typing?
Would a filter mean no erasing?
Does that mean I can't correct my grammar?
I'm going to give you the realest me there is, no bullsh*t.
Well, to begin, my appearance.
I have split ends,
bad skin,
a bump on my right hand middle finger, just below my nail bed,
(from writing too much)
and cellulite on my a**.
Honestly, I care about these things,
I told you no bullsh*t.
I'm going to tell you everything,
I'm going to throw away all my masks (of many I own).
Although I know that no one else really cares about the cellulite on my a**,
I lost my train of thought.
Another real thing about me.
I love Elvis, 7-11 Sprinklicious doughnuts, my bestfriend MB, the way the warm sun hits your cold skin during winter,
But that's enought about me.