Change is not small, not invisible, not at all
If I could change the world I would
I am so small
so invisible
But don’t you see
there is change everyday
lead by normal people
who once thought too
I am so small
so invisible
They stand up and move mountains
like the force of a thousand winds
like a flood of rain after a drought
one drop
who says to the other
I am so small
so invisible
Change can happen quick
or maybe not at all
but like I said if I could change something
i would change the way we treat each other
to make sure we didn’t have to worry,
or discriminate
I am not so small
so invisible
and neither are you my friend
so stand with me
grace the stage
I am NOT so small
NOT invisible at all
and we shall scream it
to all their ears
the bullies
the evil
it will run and hide
it will cry out
I am so small
so invisible
Worthless, most of all
Fight for a change
Do not worry, you are not alone
there are many that often think
I am so small
so invisible
Don’t wait until tomorrow
the day is now
to rise with courage
and help others see that:
I am NOT small
not invisible
not at all.