The Sun
You speak words I have long forgotten
An array of colors in your room, lanterns glowing. You are doing something, on the computer i believe.
We are talking, talking about our feelings.
How you said you no longer felt anything.
Oh, how I proved you wrong.
A feeling neither of us have forgotten.
The Sun above me,
the world beneath me. Just us. Me and The Sun.
Lips touch.
Enough passion, emotion to make our hearts explode and combine into one
large beating moment.
Your soul attaches jumper cables to my being.
Our hearts fuse together.
Our lips bind.
Passion, More then passion. Something words are unable to describe. A feeling I will never forget.
Again we meet, the feelings, all the same still there.
Not a one time deal. They are there again and again.
I hope they always will be.
My thoughts completely pushed out.
My sadness, confusion, completely obliterated.
Completely burned away.
What else would one expect when kissing The Sun?