From What, To Who
You've heard it before; in fact we all have
Ever since grade school, or even earlier. That question that bears so much meaning, yet at the same time, none at all:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What? What do i want to be? I cannot answer that question, nor can most people; however, I can tell you this: I know who I want to be. I want to be
someone that listens
someone that cares
someone that loves
someone that understands
someone that's honest
someone who knows not about regret but knows about fulfillment
I don't want to take
I want to give
I don't want to ignore
I want to help
i want to be
The best damn version of myself that I can possibly be.
If i could change one thing about the world, I'd change nothing; but I would love nothing more than that one chance to change people's outlook on the world instead.
To reach out and hopefully rid the world of that misconstrued aimless question. To simply change
from what to who