Imperfection can be beauty


Take off the foundation

Wipe off the mascara

Who am I without all this cosmetic makeup?

Beneath these blue eyes,

Ane pink plump full lips

Lies a girl who tries everything to hide her mistakes.

Flaws can be anything, from big nose to crooked teeth;

But my flaws always resided under the skin

Where there is no makeup to coverup.

I am loud and awkward, with a funny laugh;

My anxiety makes me chew my lips, 

While I stand in the corner and stare at the floor.

Always having trouble opening up to people,

And never having the guts to trust.

Running from the past

Of anger and disgust.

Years of hating my refelction, needing to change

Until I realized;

Imperfection can be beauty,

If only you decided it to be. 


Guide that inspired this poem: 



Just a poem I wrote about what I think are true flaws in myself.

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