As I walked along the street
I saw the shadow of a soul
Its heart was beaten, all I saw was dullness
It was screaming for help, but no one could hear
It went on its journey, growing more tired with each step
As it lay next to a tree, it wondered why the tree would want to grow
When every day people stepped on its roots
When they pulled its leaves, branded its body
It realized the tree would be decapitated one day, then used
But the tree provided oxygen for the creatures that surrounded it
It was a home for others, protecting them from predators
It was the shelter for flowers and animals, a source for food
The shadow decided that it wanted to give all the worn out souls a new heart
It started helping souls whose light was not shining like it should
It wanted to help them grow into something similar to the tree
Because that's what ignited its heart, making the light of other souls bright again
As time went on, I saw the shadow of the soul again
It was helping flowers grow
It was watering seeds and soil
It was helping cubs find food and a home
This time the shadow was not dull
It was bright, it carried a light almost blinding
It was not worn out, it overflowed with energy
And if you looked really close, you could see that it was finally smiling