Love as an action
It is hard to decipher
Exactly what love is,
But I surely know
What it isn’t.
Love is not just what you say -
It’s how you say it.
I can say “I love you”
in a hundred inflections;
Yet, it’s all just words.
Love does not utter
“Because I love you”
Like some compulsive word vomit
Spewing from your mouth
Every time I question
Your manipulation;
It’s not hieroglyphics
Designed to confuse and peruse.
It’s action with pure intention.
Words talk quietly;
Actions speak fluently.
Anyone can talk;
I need someone
While feelings are fleeting
And Society is cynical,
Love abounds
In those profound fissures
Of our wounded hearts
Stepping forth unexpectedly.
Love is healing.
Love is a significant other,
A friend, a father, a brother.
Love is trying,
Even u n n e r v i n g
At times.
Love is also worthwhile,
A daily choice to rejoice
Despite obstacles.
Love is freeing and simply being.