I am... like a painted picture
I am like a painted picture...
As they pick up the brush
The bristles slightly hit the paper
They move their hand in every direction across the paper
Bringing various colors together to form a mixture....
I glance to see what they make of me
They paint this smart, focused, little girl
She looks quiet and shy...
Having high expectations for what she should look and act like
Trying to keep her on one canvas
But I do not wanted others to paint a picture of myself
I want to be known as the brave, independent, intelligent grown teenager
As I mix colors to show my bright personalties as a loving and fun person
I am devoted
I am an individual
I am smart
I am determined
I am movitvated
I have my own dreams
I sit at my desk, alone at night
Painting that picture of myself
Showing others that I am independent, and make my own decisions
Once others see my painting, I want them to see that.....
I am.... Crystal