Out of the Closet
I wear a mask
Or two
One for him and one for you
For you I lie
But impress much
For him I cry
But not for such
The distant love
That fights for me
I guard it oh so diligently
The same as him
The same as I
The shame of you
Why must you hide
The thing that guy smiled for
The thing I fought for
The thing you wanted eagerly
This life you face so easily
Behind the closet
A club of lies
Dancing and prancing
In another set of eyes
Out of the Closet
You spoke me up
Lying and hiding but they know what is up
You called two me
That other mask
The second one
Oh should I ask
I must confuse
Because I am you
You are me
And that is too true
I am happily living life
You on the other hand
Testing your might
The lies you tell
The favorites you love
For all who knows the truth above
Out of the Closet
I set you free
For you and I are eternity
Now they know the truth
Out of the Closet
I am that youth
Happy and decided
You stare ahead
To see that is me
In your head
One mask remains
The brilliance of heart
To live happy and unscathe
The history now more
Out of the Closet
I am Art.