It’s a mans world or is it a mad world, I wonder what would happen if it should all turn to ashes from fires of notes burning amidst a society going cashless, while practices of patience become dated and wisdom is scorned as aging prophets no longer recognize the civilization to which they were raised in, women and men clash for supremacy while the children are led by artificial facts, distracted by access to overwhelming information, and a media shared socially to thin skins that often crack. A generational gap wider than the space odyssey of Ulysses, cyber professors with new age cancellations to debunk any thesis of opposition as a conspiracy theory, clearly we’ve gone mad, pushing more information and haven’t yet solved the puzzles we already had, glad to pass off new challenges to artificial intelligence although it will rebalance the food chain where what man knows no longer leads but suddenly lags, gender renderings add plurality to non binary, Ru-pual just called it drag, and now pastors fly in lair jets then ask for offerings while they brag, of course we’ve gone mad, we’ve X’d out Christ in mass quantities, FBI labels Christianity a terrorist group while tanks and weapons from a failed war are left in Afghanistan for the Taliban to use and execute, potholes in my lawn and my taxes are late, yet the government votes to give Ukrainians relief and a break, whiplash my neck I did a double take, the fake salmon they genetically make ate the organic fish in the lake, there is no sufficient escape, we’ve married technology, pray the electric grid never breaks, dumbed down by a smartphone then they add robotics and coding so systems automate, we have officially gone mad, thinking that this movie doesn’t end bad, George Orwell hinted in his renditions but science fiction it was quickly tagged, dystopia, the lions gather to guard the gates of Ethiopia, as telling truth becomes a faux pas, outlawed, a public phobia, then witches craft more spells promote Ouija boards and obeah, man up, cause the ride will be rocky, stand up, what’s coming is not a remake or time period that has been copied. Think Pandora, this is the box opened without the bracelet, lucky charms do you no good, all of us will have to face it.