I wish you could see the fear in my eyes,
or the drumming of my fingers against the table.
Minutes of my high school career flying by on the clock.
Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The time goes on.
Who I am walks through the hallways with tangled webs of lies,
trailing behind me is the story of my life others have created, or rather a fable.
Four years have gone by and still my secrets are under key and lock,
no one got in but one, the one who I think of every dawn.
After this year the scenery will change and I'll have a new sight,
with that comes hands shaking, brow prespiring, throat dry.
In May I will walk across the glittering stage,
handed what I worked for all of high school.
A chance to have my dreams and start a future, oh so bright,
tears will come and goodbyes will follow as dear ones cry.
Chains and broken promieses fall away as I break from the cage,
No longer I am a fool.
All it takes is a deep breath and a blink,
then it's all over and there's a new adventure waiting to be found, just think.