Left in a Moment
Your lips are mouthing words, and I know you’re pleading
The same lips that filled my dreams and lifted my spirit
Filled with the same breath and voice that I planned to follow the rest of my life
At this moment I’m living in the past
In the moments I fought against the pain that I know will soon fill my heart
Feeling again the same strain I used to let go of that battle and fall into you
Believing every word you uttered
The same words strung into another order now
Not a statement of love but as an excuse
A protection against the tragedy you brought to us
Your head in my hands, sobbing
My inability to comprehend the situation acting as the only stability between us
There awaits no consolation for me, just acceptance that this is my day’s reality
We never expected to be tainted by the unclean world around us
Women with experience and wisdom will only tell me this is normal
That I will get used to it
The idea that someday I too will find this the norm is more hurtful than anything
I do not have the energy to fight or react; motionless I let you hold me
You were my last constant in my transitioning world
From childhood to lonely adulthood
My life vest in the turmoil of these waters
It seems however that your devotion, your love was my delusion
Your callused hands held by someone else, your body loved by another
In this moment I am in the past
Watching myself let go of my reservations and fear
You’re sobbing into me, regretting the loss of me
You did not lose me
You left me