I can't live without music, it's what wakes me up, what gives me life.
It fills me with unexplainable bliss, my own little world all to myself.
Whichever song I like-how ever loud I want it.
When I have my headphones on, it's as if everything else is irrelevant.
When I listen to my music, I'm in control.
Music, these sound waves, are my life blood; my water and my food.
The lyrics pounding throughout my body, my heart.
Some don't even have words, you let the notes talk about all their problems.
Connections with words repeted over and over and over.
That one part that you can't get enough of, won't stop thinking about.
Know the music like the endured daily ruitine.
It's the same pattern; yet some how becomes more passionate everytime you hear it
Subtly mouthing the lyrics under my breathing, the others don't hear it.
Relaxing, calming, exquisitely beautiful.
Always better with them in my head, with my favorties and my 'Most Played'.
I can feel it in my soul, and my heart. I can't live with out it.
Music is my everything, and everything is music.
This is all I need.