Black Sand
What do you see when looking at me from afar?
Staring at me with those stones in your eye sockets.
The lava pours over the top and out my ears.
When you circle around me with your lion feet,
I’ve turned to the barren rock, stuck.
I’m melting into the ashes that sit at your feet.
The flowers bloom too slowly around me.
You greedily pick every piece of me up.
Careful, not letting the wind pick me up to the sky.
You stare at my black sand.
And inspect and test my elements.
The claws of your hands poke my insides.
How can I see beyond my irises?
It took awhile for you to converge my micro sands into a body.
As my blood rushed through the rivers inside,
You watched my brain work hard to function.
Here we are again.
Now, what do you see when looking at me, not afar, but closely?
Those crystals forming with a crackling sound under the stones.
The sand has not yet dissolved into my body’s water.
So I run laps in my mind.
Vines latch to my skin.
You snap the green snake with steam rising from your ear canals.
This game of our nature.
Defines our human nature.