Once upon a time when the flowers so blossomed
a prince walked the fields and he thought of how awesome
the birds in flight and the colorful sights
it was pleasing to see such royal delight
he honored his father for his kingdom was mighty
Thank you, your highness, and his genius shined brightly
The king said to his son you make me proud I must confess
You are the blood of my flesh and you will rule this empire the day that I rest
The prince of the sand and moon could make no mistake
as he slept that night a dream caused him to wake
a voice so angelic it appears to have fallen from heaven
"Go call the knights and gather your brethren"
Far away a loud piercing shout all men could hear
The prince and his loyal army knew battle was near
arrows and spears were many feet above the air
daggers and swords were murderers of the men in warfare
who was the main enemy it seemed to be unknown
the king had no foe nor rival to the throne
the ruler of the land commanded the attacker come forth
he searched for a sign east, south, west and north
all he could find was a beautiful princess
he told her for your own safety keep at a distance
I am searching for a knave that is vicious
she told him I can help you, my prince, rather suspicious
20 years later the new prince of war was born
moral of the story is even pretty roses have thorns