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Isn’t it strange
how we feel feelings
in our bodies?
when I’m wracked with sobs
I feel it creeping into my lungs
I’m scared because I don’t want to lie to you
I’m scared to get addicted to what’s temporary
I’m scared to promise forever then disappear tomorrow
It seems easier to change who I am
I’m hurting
I feel the swell begin to form
The back of my throat begin to hurt
Tears begin to drip but I wipe them down
It’s in misery my feelings lie
It’s in misery that I take pride
It’s in misery I come alive
For only then can I convey what’s mine
The thrill of feelings is terrifying
I could fall in love from just obsessing alone
But then it wouldn’t be love
rather obsessing alone
Slipping on tears.
Tripping on fears.
Stumble on life.
Fall with strife.
sounds that cut the humid air and tell us Lightning is here, along with my storm.
only striking once, soon leaving an ever-lasting mark.
Be brave enough to walk away
And don’t look back
Be brave to say goodbye
Be brave enough to go your way
Be brave not to tell a lie.
I need a break from reality
To get back my sanity
A new hope for tomorrow
That can take away my sorrow
To fill the void
In my empty soul
A cure
For the unknown
Recuerda ayer
Recuerda los viejos tiempos
Recuerda lo que solíamos decir
Recuerda las jugadas
It has taken me some time to realize that there are two parts of your body that will always be at war with one another,
And it seems like no matter how hard you try, they will never agree with each other.
Have you ever felt unnoticed?
Stood silently, hoping to be approached?
Sat and stared at the wall, hoping someone talks?
Stood in a group completely ignored?
This is for the lonely, the ignored, the left out
I am not going to wait for you to get illOr to die to send you bouquets of flowersRight now is the time to make you feelThat you're loved amid the rain showers.
Feeling the ones we try so hard to hide
It’s like one big up and down ride
You never know which one ur going to be feeling
Until it’s revealing
You see that’s the thing
You never no anything
Think long and hard about this next one
Don't be too quick to say, 'I'm done'
Let your thoughts fade away in this very moment
Forget every single thing you've ever learnt
There was this one knock at the door and I knew who it was,
I knew it was him on the door,
Happiness, excitment, nervousness everything rushed inside me,
I wanted to run towards him but I stopped myself,
There is something that weighs on my chest
Every night as I go to bed,
I have no way to distinguish
What I want, what I can ask for, and what I need.
There is something that aches in my chest
To he who owns my heart
Please don't let if fall apart
For while it's called "My" heart
It stays in your care
You who only knows
What is inside
Should only be for you
And never to share
Feeling lost
Feelings being tossed
And overthrown
Centered in our shells
For no one to see
For the first time,
after locking up my heart
after building these walls
im ready to leave this comfort zone
this space I've created where I stopped letting others get close
im ready to leave it all behind,
Like the sun and moon
endlessly chasing after one another
giving warmth, one moment
a piercing bone chilling cold in the next
i chase after you still
my voice reaches out,
but I am not heard
Feelings will make you walk on air
And also put tingles in your toes
They can make you feel warmth all over
They can also make your heart glow
Some feelings can cause you to act silly
Used to cry once,
beyond the trance of feelings
unassumed -
used to feel bad.
I don't know what I feel now
and I don't darken the room anymore.
Smokes don't fly like
Imagine growing up feeling broken
Broken like a clock stuck at night
Afraid of words that you’ve spoken
Or fearful of those that you might
Imagine stealing a glimpse at redemption
I’ve tied my body to someone else’s for so long
Sewn my hands to another’s back
But now, I look down at the scars
From ropes and staples and thread
I am not an empath,
How could I possibly protect myself to lie and say;
After experiencing it all second hand,
More and more each day
These feelings consume my bones, as a distant depression arose, those feelings of freedom and destiny are dethroned. I would not have been happy, but would I have meaning?
Have been running in circles,
trying to greet every truth with smile;
Couldn't change the past,
but I can't seem to fit in this future of mine.
I adore all the scars that you've showed me,I respect all concerns that you have,But my heart is full of longingFor the things that we'll never have.
Freezing in the open air
Feelings getting old
People seem to never care
Emotions getting cold
Running in to the fray
Taking flak from emotional spray
Dodging the depressing bullets
‘are you okay?’ they ask, and i reply,
‘really, why are you worried? i swear, i’m fine.’
but i know that i’m really not okay
that this is all a mask, a pretty face
I know agony.
I know victory.
I thought I knew love...
My nights sleeping with shadows
of empty arms.
And lonely dreams
We are captives of our feeling
Drifting where it's pleasing.
Missing? Looped roads and trees,
Or warmth of skeptic companies?
Living on surface- faking breathing
Placing rigorous limits on loving.
I know writers say
Love can happen twice
But what if the
love never really happens ?
What if the emotion we thought
You can never really tell when a girl has been through trauma.
And she'll hardly ever bring it up for fear of sounding like a melodrama.
But I believe it's good to share, it could help others with the strain.
your golden-brown skin is warm and inviting.
on the outside i stay cool and collected --
freezing my feelings so i'll never crack.
but on the inside,
snow caps treetops
like the cap that snug on your head,
hugging your scalp
the way i wish i could hug you.
the icy flakes outside dot my face
To determine self worth on a sliding scale strung so precariously
How melancholic is this!
Tendrils of doubt embedded superficially
On the surface of marbled skin.
The varying shades of gray-
Music is the only medicine that exists when there's no cure for
the noise in which my mind is drowning.
Maybe I don't cry but it hurts,
Maybe I don't show it but I care,
And although I don't say much I feel a lot.
One tiny peck of the lips.
It’s one little tiny kiss.
It’s so simple.
It’s so easy.
No, it is not.
Movie screens lie.
I roll a blunt and sink deep in my thoughts. I smoke a blunt until I get rid of all of my thoughts. Clouds of smoke then I feel nothing at all.
This feeling I have now
It's so painful
I can find it in my mind
Your lie and my truth
I hate liars
I like truth
It is painful but whatever
I say what I am thinking
I say who I am
Like every girl, I have a crush.
Someone I know that makes me blush.
He makes me laugh and he makes me cry.
So much sometimes I think I'll die.
I try to stop because I know
That no relationship could grow.
You know the value of the word "love"
You say everything you feel
You are my calmness,
My strength
I trust you more every time
Without you I would be nothing
You taught me how to be happy
I met you,
I saw you,
I liked you,
I poured myself into a mold that I thought you would want.
You met her,
You saw her,
You liked her,
You poured yourself into a mold you thought she would want.
i hope that someday i can change
not just for a moment
but true change
when i don’t feel these things
when i can overlook those words which have disrupted my peace
i thought i would feel peace
but all i feel is chaos
slipping deeper into the black
falling from anyone’s grasp
as the seconds continue to pass
were those promises ever true
i am no longer sure
this emptiness has remained in me for too long
your words do not bring me comfort anymore
I slept to getaway.
I slept to hide from my responsibilities,
Now I stay awake to get away from my dreams.
Now I stay awake to hide from my thoughts.
I need to write something. I need to write what I feel, or perhaps what I’m thinking. I have yet to learn if those things are different. It seems they’re supposed to be.
When my back hurts,
It’s because I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders,
hot. hot wax. burns it all away.
i barely even flinch anymore.
it's all new. White. Pink.
a cooling touch of Green.
each stroke of Brown. an angry claw.
we dream of change forever.
I descend deeper in the dent you made in my heart
Slowly chipping away at me
What had been the shallow end
transformed into an extensive ocean
I knew I'd be here a while so I made myself comfortable
They expect me to stand here in silence to find worth in how they deprived me of who I truly was .
Rain pours, the dogs sleep, and Pandora shuffles my music. From a mason jar I drink my tea. Weather reflects one's mood. Loneliness, longing, insatiable "hunger" and depression burn within; my heart roasting.
Whenever I don't take a joke so lighltly
I am labeled as sensitive
They use the word sensitive as if it a bad thing
I can't help how I feel whenever I feel attacked
The only way I know how to react is to lash out
why is it so hard for me to find happiness? maybe because that i don’t know whats happiness for me.
I am a vessel of veins and bones, a tumor of love that'll destroy any worth you give to me. Teeth like knifes that'll cut through any truth that you may believe. Call me baby, choke the life out of me until I feel alive.
I think the worse thing is imagining what I feel for you right now
isn't what they call love,
True Love.
It's an inflamed obsession,
more temporary, something that'll fade overtime.
How do you feel?
What if you were never told how you’re supposed to?
What if no one told you to feel sad or feel glad or get mad, is that bad?
Would we feel at all?
You made me feel frightened
An uneasy feeling
You made me feel paralyzed
I am frozen; I can’t move
This paranoid feeling of fear
Has me trapped
You made me feel panicky
We love with a love that’s more than love.
It’s passion,
It’s experience,
It’s understanding.
He’s loved me at my lows.
Let me tell you something crazy
Things been shitty for me lately
You think just for me
Nah there a lot of us who hazy
You cant even for a second be lazy
Yeah that’s right, always busy guy
Dear one, what did you say?
A dining hall, a distant day,
It seems it was time
For goodbye,
Speaking of my eyes,
‘They shine so bright’,
Words said (or words of this kind),
I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy
I’m sorry that I can’t make myself happy
I’m sorry that happiness isn’t a language I speak
But I loved you
I’m sorry if I pushed you away
****Trigger Warning****
It’s like I want to tear my skin off.
I take a breath and hold it.
I can’t let it go.
Thought you had the currency
But you couldn't handle me currently,
You couldn't mentally afford me .
Tried to put me on layaway,
while you played the games
and spent your money on cheaper feins.
I wish I knew where I was going, jumping on trampolines and through the gardens of my thoughts.
We go to great measures,
Just to ensure we have the right gestures.
For in a world where we have to earn,
Shows us how much we have to learn.
in a deep way
about last summer
thinking about
a spark
a distance
some energy
a certain way
at myself
Dear to whom it may concern
I have never been in love
I don’t know what being in a relationship feels like
when I look around and I see how truly happy the persons in love are
I need to feel like that for someone
all I can see is flashes in my head ,
Memories back when we were together
The world was so different.. for the first time,
We were just living for the hell of it,
Nothing to regret at all..
As a best friend then brother, now potential life partner
These feelings… These intense, powerful feelings.
As infants grow to become teenagers into adults…
A typical crush grew to become infatuation into love.
I can never seem to wait
I always rush into things
I wish I'd give more time
I hope I can learn to abide
My emotions lust to hurry
for the ones I think I love
But how can I be certain
Be it a single lumen or roaring bonfire, my feelings for him burn purple; Pink (love) + Blue (lust).
Everyday is like a nightmare.
I would rather be elsewhere.
But my fears are here,
It feels so severe.
I’m afraid of giving up.
When we don’t talk, I feel nostalgic and I want nothing more than to be around you. I long for you, why I’ll never know.
A tight emptiness in my throat
A quick consideration of options but endlessly told to say nothing
Youth does not hide the terror in trying or the knife swallowed as i do nothing
i feel nothing
as he puts his arm around my shoulder
except for maybe discomfort
i don't understand
why doesn't it make me feel excited or loved
like the media says it should
Acting out emotions may delve into extremities
Throwing knifes of truth
And bullets shredding thin
Through that happy dream
Open this wide gray doorYell then step and screamWhat is this place all for?
Memories are funny little things, Neatly filed away and tucked into little manilla folders in the back of your mind, Watching,Waiting, For just the wrong time.They slip;
Broken and Bruised
Internal damage
Love weighs heavy on the heart
But how will I manage
I gave it my all
Tried to win her back
Things started to change
Then we fell off track
Parents think they know us. Because they once were one of us. Young, and immature. They think we have the same intentions and the same ideas rolling through our minds as though there is a young version of them burning inside of us.
You were there when I needed you the most…
When I was breaking under pressure,
Like a sapling overburdened with snow.
I always thought of myself as a mighty oak,
I was 17
when I realized I couldn’t swim
Jumping into new waters
Where my feet can’t touch
where I thought there was a lot
What is it like to be eighteen?
Eighteen is driving down a dark road
Blasting music
At 12 am.
Eighteen is a baby eagle
Just leaving
It was a dreary night when it had happened,
I was craving the sweet release of death,
And I'd been wanting it for a long time.
I had grabbed the red and blue pills,
Gazing at them with true desperation in my eyes,
Every emotions we have has its colors
Others were basically there to brighten
Like happiness, always there to enlighten
If there was a time in my life where I said I hated you
I lied
If there was a time where I said you didn’t mean anything to me
I lied
If there was a time when I said I didn’t need you
I lied
I have all these feelings that im feeling.
all these thoughts going through my head.
yet so many things are left unsaid.
now im stuck with all theses voices in my head.
I've seen things I never meant to see
And dreamed of places I'll never go
With you
Well, maybe you're just an archetype
But not the soul sent to save mine
From you
In a world where you cannot show your feelings,
surrounded by only white walls and a ceiling.
Pencil to paper, words spilled on the pages,
Aren't these things supposed to flow naturally?
Shouldn't I just be able to pour my feelings out into my writing?
Write eloquent, tearjerking stories
and just
get it all out
Why can't I?
Crying Out!Jesus Christ up in heaven,
Come into my heart and purify me.
I would like to be born again!
My heart is filled with the Holy Ghost;
Lonely, confused, lacking love, screaming
‘Mother! I’m home, I’ve gotten the correspondence from Lord Heathers.’
Another sip from whatever drink I was given
Filth amongst the crowd, something I’ve learnt to sense
‘Mother! I’m home, I’ve gotten the correspondence from Lord Heathers.’
Another sip from whatever drink I was given
Filth amongst the crowd, something I’ve learnt to sense
They tell meDon't look backKeep your head highThings will get better
They tell me, they tell meYou are a strong oneThe past is in the pastThings will get better
It's hard to be told,
Something unwanted,
By a loved one-
Heart and mind daunted.
Yet I'd go beyond limits,
If that's what they ask.
I'd break my heart myself,
For them to bask.
Thoughts of self destruction may appear,
Nobody seems to hear,
For humans are busy fighting internal battles.
The moment you put your thoughts into action,
The world will keep moving,
Him. Me. Tranquility.
I feel safe but strange, it’s not my game.
My chest feels small
The cool air slithers through your shirt.
The water soaks your face in vitality.
Your foot throbs with invisible hammers
The dark clouds shadow your happiest day.
These are just sensations.
Give me more energy
I pace my bedroom floor thinking about you definitely
What do I do? What do I say?
My mindset can’t get rid of you
The words will show me the way.
They do whatever I say.
So I write them all out.
There's no need to shout.
My poetry can save the day.
Poetry is an interesting creature.
Sometimes I'll be in a really great mood.
I'll have a jump in my step as I listen to the rhythm of different tunes.
As I dance through the songs my heart will often skip a beat.
Could this song really be about me?
Life is tough when you fall so easy, you never see it coming
Smiles make you melt, words shatter dreams of the lonely
It's tough when he only looks at you, you fall faster
It’s the words I can’t say,
but need to let out.
It’s the emotions I can’t express,
but need to release.
It’s that moment
in the middle of the school day.
It’s that 11 p.m. scramble
Brings life to ideas
newborns who await to be seen by the world.
People destroy words that come from precious gems.
Never to be spoken
Never to be written
Never to be thought of
I would say Shel Silverstein was our first friend
That's how we learned where the sidewalk ends.
Bet you thought this poem was going to rhyme
But that was the only line I could get out my mind (just kidding) head .
I always felt that my
Were choked by my brain.
Chained by my heart.
Jailed by my lips.
Until I heard the reverberated echo caused by poetry.
There was a hum
Emotional tyrant.
Why are you so distant.
I haven't even told you how I feel.
Yet I feel trapped, pulled in by reel.
Throw me away.
Don't throw me away.
The search is on.
Bring out the helicopters. Bring out the floodlights.
Maybe it’s behind here. Or maybe it’s over there.
I can’t find it.
I feel it,
Their pain,
Their joy,
In the words,
That are written.
My thoughts,
With theirs,
My feelings,
With theirs,
My words,
With theirs.
It is okay to feel.
To be angry, to feel lost
To be joyful, to laugh
It's okay to be who you are
To love and live and enjoy every moment
To revel in the failure of enemies
My feelings are like puffs of helium being pumped into my body, filling me up
like a balloon.
No escape. If they don't come out soon the balloon will pop. The only way out is the way they came in.
Through my mind.
Do you feel it?
Emotions flooding your veins.
Happiness, Sadness, Anger,
So many uncontrollable feelings.
Frightening, Nervousness, Excitement,
Personally, I've always liked sunsets more than sunrises. Call me sadistic, but I've always found endings more beautiful than beginnings, if for no other reason than to watch how the universe ties up the strings.
Best friends forever?
More like best friends for never
Every word you ever said to me was a straight lie.
You played with my head and I just gotta ask "why?"
Your selfish ways will never be forgotten
I hurt so bad, it's getting hard to breathe
How I feel inside, well you wouldn't believe
Thanks for making me cry, what I total waste of makeup
This nightmare feels so real, come on Maddie, wake up
Why won't you treat me like I'm perfect?
Why won't you treat me like I'm worth it?
You ripped my heart right out of my chest
You did things to it that I never would've guessed
Couples don't treat each other this way
Poems convey obsequiousness
They declaim hurts and faults
And lessons aqueous
Engaging in reconsults
As mysterious as a maze
Poems Telling
Fingers to keys:
A familiar click-clacking symphony that warms my heart and feeds my soul.
I’m throwing words to my thoughts, my emotions, my trials and tribulations out into the abyss.
For once I’m not silent.
The words
Put to paper
Made to make
and Life so REAL
3 things fixed together
To Explain
To Understand
The Sun shine
Wind blow
I never feel like I belong anywhere and I always feel as though I'm in someone else's space. I don't think this is the way I am suppose feel, I miss being secure and stable in the person I was.
Red- through the dictionary
A color at the end of the spectrum
next to orange and opposite violet
Red- through the poet
The feeling of
My heart used to be whole.
But now it’s ripped apart,
It feels physically broken.
Will it ever heal?
My joy used to be full.
But now it’s disappeared,
It seems out of reach.
How can anyone love me?
I have too many issues...
Not who I want to be.
My feelings are misused.
I choke on my words.
You say I’m shy…
From a desk
Looking out
See the array of stars
Mysterious, cryptic
Like the souls of all you know
In the Nexus of dreams
Ideas to explore
Vast and intricate
Some simple yet potent
What are the feelings that I hold for you?
A strange new vulnerability in my outtake for life.
Holding me to the weaskest point in my breath.
Breaking the links to the chain than I grasp.
I got in love with myself
It's been a while
Ever since I found out
I was living in denial
Through the years I got stagnated
Cherishing my only soul's company
Closed to possibilities
Lord, give me pain.
Let me feel every tear that wells up in my eyes,
Every moment my heart is shredded to pieces, Lord.
Give me pain and give me torment,
Let my soul wrench for the poor and for the needy,
Hi, my name will remain anonymous for the simple fact it's my heart
speaking not my name or who I am.
Lorde, I've never been a die-hard fan but I am absolutely a fan, especially
of your latest album Melodrama.
The baby was tucked into bed,
Quietly breathing, slightly smiling
The mother was laying down right beside her,
Mentality breaking, silently wondering
I feel like I'm drowning in your words and every time I open my mouth to breath, I lose more air.
you broke me
broken inside I now am
you touched me
in places others can not reach
my mind
places I did not want the world to see
you told me to let you in
the light house
Dear Katherine,
My friend. My love. My life.
It’s was a new year.
I was starting over.
Not sure who to trust.
Not sure where to go.
Then I saw you.
Recognized your face.
Dear Lover,
I am a lie.
I did not mean to be something that I internally despise
But I, I can't help it.
You believe that we are as we are born and assigned to either blue or pink.
From across the parking lot
I glimpsed her sweet warm smile,
it said hello and beckoned me
to stay and talk awhile.
We talked about things near and dear
and how we view the world,
Dear Nana,
How are you? How have you been?
I've been trying to be happy but how do I begin?
I remember your last day like the back of my hand
Little did I know time was running out like dripping grains of sand.
my mom's gf and her roommate would have parties almost every night and every weekend
random guys and girls would come over to drink the night away and that's when I'd want to just sleep my life away
Being with you is like going to the symphony
or wait, being part of a symphony
sometimes I can't tell the difference
Sometimes I feel as though I'm watching and listening from the audience
Sometimes I wanna say what I think I should have saidand sometimes I keep things all in my headmy mouth closedneedle and threada zipper acrossmy lips of red
On top of a mountain surrounded by snow.Eyes looking everywhere where did you go?My fingers slipped right from your graspedand led me to my life's last. Where did you go?
I shall chase the sunand catch the starsride the moon however farclimb the peaksand swim the oceansnorth to southmy heart opensThe stars your necklacethe planets your rings
The saddest feeling
Is the one not felt
The one that stays, and is never let out
The one that haunts
and torments
The one that fills you with nothing
the one that soaks you dry
I was trying to be conscientious to not think about you,
But after closing myself off in a personal quarantine for so long,
I couldn’t help but start reminiscing about our relationship.
There's a night sky star
And as I watch, it twinkles from afar
A simple one in the sky
I don't understand why
A shooting star I miss
It's like an endless abyss
Many stars illuminate the night
I think it was love at first sight
I liked you before but seeing you again
it was like seeing you for the first time,
if I didn't love you before, I definitely loved you now
You know how in college being rejected is emotionally easier than being waitlisted. Being waitlisted toys with your heart— you were good, but just not good enough. Wait and see if you finally make the final cut.
my parents fell out of love
screaming silently
they never fought, it was only
tight lipped smiles and
white knuckles on coffee mugs
not listening when the other spoke
and finding away to disagree
Hey, what's up. How's your day going?
Honestly, mine's a little bit boring.
You're probably asking, "What is this thing?"
But all I ask is just listen,
Please don't throw it away like it's nothing.
The first time I saw you, you meant nothing to meThe second time I saw you I forgot your nameIt's been eight months since I first met youYou have been very good for me
Dear Penelope
We have often discussed
Our least favorite feelings
I have always told you
"Sadness," while you replied
"Guilt," without hesitation
I never understood
My Dearest Lover,
I don’t believe in using metaphors
to define people.
Metaphors are romanticized.
If someone is defined by the
metaphor in which I put them in,
people no longer see the person,
like the seats on the bus in the morning,
be occupied
be taken up with warmth
with different stories
and different perspectives
be overpopulated
because when the takers come to take
I think of you and i smile, the thought of you makes me happy. Until reality hits... I get so frustrated. So impatient. I'm tired of playing this game of waiting, it's driving me crazy or at least it has been lately.
My stomach tied in knots, my heart beating fast. I'm wondering how long this feeling is going to last. I'm scared.
premeditated achievementwarm kisses sporadically laidin a sea of bewilderment between the cotton waves enclose me in your pillowsdeep in the feathery sandour smiles graze the skies
I wonder if you’ll ever believe, in the gifts I see in you.
Gifts so real to me; yet, when I sincerely put forth and say, they often get pushed away.
I miss the smell of alcohol on your breath,
The haze of smoke in the air around us,
The half smirk you always have curled up on the left side of your mouth,
Sometmes you're better off alone,
Than to be with someone who isn't "home".
They may feel like it when you're there,
But hindsight is 20/20 in cleared air.
Being alone isn't always being lonely,
Dear you,
My feelings are hidden
Somewhere deep in another world
So far away that no one else can reach them
But you
I was in love with you Closed my eyes and dipped myself backwards knowing the enemy laid beside meI was in love with you And the way you talked about blue skies and how gravity tears us apart. I was in love with youWith the way you leaned over an
I can see the dying trees
And the blooming flowers,
The strikes of lightening
And the drizzling rain.
All through my window I can see these things.
I can see the working bees
A single lie says it all,
A love that blossom after all,
Can be ruined by a single roll,
Without your way to overhaul.
I made a mistake and I felt sorry,
But saying sorry adds only weary.
Having a crush on someone is not something intentionallyCrushing on someone secretly is inspiring and frustrating Crushing on someone is the lightest feeling ever
With the poinciana tree in view, I’d at my window sit,
Starting the day in meditation made the tree a perfect fit.
Yesterday morning, the tree loppers came,
Watching them made me feel almost lame.
Because I love you
Time stands still when you're around
Because I love you
I finally feel safe
Because I love you
I know we're meant to be
I have been very independent.
Very to myself.
No one to cry to.
No one to ask for help.
People help me with obvious things though; like homework, essays, and colleges apps.
The days are getting shorter and shorter, and I just don't know how much longerI can hide it.
I know what's wrong.
I'm so afraid to jump and fall
My heart wants to jump
She thinks it's worth it, she's been hurt
but not enough.
My mind sees the hurt and warns of the danger
That’s what people see when they meet me
They notice my glasses, my tucked-in shirt, and my messy hair
No sense of fashion they whisper
Nerd, they snigger mercilessly
I feel like your choking me when i am around you,
but i breath, because i love you.
I tried to fight my feelings,
but victory was impossible, because i love you.
this feeling is like no other,
the feeling everyone deserves to feel,
the feeling of knowing someone cares for you,
the feeling of pure happiness whenever you are with them,
Why didn't you fight back, they say.Why didn't you scream?Why didn't you run?You must have wanted it, they say.You must have secretly liked it.Otherwise, you would have fought
(Intro)why we gotta take it there Babe, you know I ain't tryna go there.what happened to us.
I love you so much that I forgive every wrong thing you do. I don't question
you anymore. You remind me you love me but your actions sometimes
contradict your words. I love you that's why I don't stay mad at you.
If This is what would be described as Love,
Let me know that you see It.
Only, see not only roses and a glass of champagne, instead
Velvet-soft flickers of a name from time to time throughout the day,
Being hated is my biggest fear
And of my struggles you are unaware
But through all of this unbeknownst to you some of the little things you do have helped me through
Inside me is a
boiling brass kettle
screaming on a hot stove.
As if a frantic teapot
Could be contained
without spilling over.
As if the shrill cry of a
steaming pot bawling
Love is not "butterflies" in your stomach.
Love is the feeling you get when you take the first sip of a hot beverage on a cold day.
It is when you have the first bite of your favorite meal.
“How was your day?”
“Please let me know when you get home.”
“I miss you.”
“I promise.”
“That’s my girl.”
“Let’s go somewhere.”
“I’m making you cookies.”
“My family adores you.”
My words are locked inside of me.
It is rude to talk to oneself in public, so I refrain from doing it.
My tongue is twisting itself, trying to part my lips.
I've watched your broad shoulders stretch outward,
Listened to your beautiful quip of laughter,
Traced the flesh of your lower back,
And told you about my darkest moments.
He talk and talks and talks
He will not stop moving his mouth
All I want to do is go for a walk
He insisted on going, I insisted he left
But deep down inside my inner layer, I love him.
I see the pain in your eyes and I remember the day
Our friendship ended, and I turned you away.
We never held hands, yet our souls intertwined.
Our hearts melded together; yours and mine.
I love you, but you don’t see
I call out for you
Oh, how I reach
Do you hear me?
Do you feel?
Just tell me now
After I tasted you for the first time
everything tasted
The way the first bird of spring sounds
demanding to be heard
Paint me with your breath
and your favorite hues of red
until the pigment and anticipation
drips from my chest.
Draw the sunlight onto my back
with your fingertips
I’m in love with the kilometres between us, I’m in love with the distanceBetween your eyes and my eyes and your arms and my arms and your place and mineI like that you like what I like and that I like what you like
I think I was able to laugh before
Jokes from my friends and funny stories
Eventually I got tired of them
I wonder why….
I felt like I was losing apart of my soul
Did the love you had for me grow old
Was you thinking about the mistakes I made
And felt that you should make a change
I am too much, too much.
Too quiet they say, too shy
(I'm obnoxious when I talk, it's better this way)
Too rebellious, they say, too passionate
(I'm just trying to find my way, never thought I'd reach 18)
To you I’m probably this bubbly person, a breath of fresh air, but actually i'm dead on the inside.
To you I'm this pretty “shy” girl but in reality i'm just this ugly girl with scars.
Your sweetness,
tender words,
are kisses on my dissected heart.
Scarlet with my idiocy,
a crown of shame.
Fool's fool,
parading in saint's mask
and desire's cloak.
One day my burning desires
will lead me to retire.
Everytime i speak i unleash fire.
Back then, i had my dreams covered in barbwires.
kept it on the DL
Now its time to release my sequel.
You're the one i want to tell all my secrets to
I want my fears to dissipate when I'm with you
Blinded by your lies
I trusted you
I should've seen it in your eyes
You were too out of view
All those nights were fun and games
Little did I know I was being played
My life revolves around me.
No one shouldn't be able to tell me what I do and how I do it.
It hurts to live under rules already and not opinions.
All I hear is fuss and cuss.
Not sunshine not even butterflies!
Seeing you do the things that you love-
That smile you get
That glint in your eye
That shine of your soul
That burst of pure life
What I hate is how I don't love you but how I don't hate you,
And I don't even like you yet I don't despise you
But you ruined me
I was never a masterpiece to begin with
I thought you loved me. As the words slipping off ure tongue. Wet verbs hit my ear. dripping with sorrows of are ever lasting. 4 years of our life's devoted. At first I was alittle hesitant. Cause I knew relationships arnt persistent. A humans min
Most people start their poems off with "roses are red violets are blue"but one question do you really care if I pour my feelings out to you?
Love is patient, Love is kind.
Love is what we crave all the time.
Love is hurt love is pain, Love is a beautiful thing.
Love is my strength yet it makes me weak.
Every last word is meIs a part of what makes meWell.... meThey are an expression of my beingAn expression of what I'm feelingEvery last word
It's so strange and almost silly that I noticed little things about him, sometimes things he might not have realized about himself before...
The Pink Bows wrapped in my Hair.
The Carefree Smile I chose Wear.
The Dresses, The Heels, the Jewerly Too.
The Girl, they Thought, Only if they Knew.
Ten Years Later, The Bows Have Disappeard.
I was pathetic.I was lost.I wasn’t me anymore…. because of you.
I would indulge in..I would desperately seek.I would want…. alcohol because of you.
March on, march on
Little soldier, march on.
The path may be weary
And dreary
And cold
Through the gauntlet of expression and conformity,
Of G notes and B naturals,
Of passion and emptiness,
A door
A door with chips in the paint,
reminded me much of 2016.
A year full of dread,
for me, that is.
The knob shined as bright as a newborn star,
representing the new year that was yet to come.
XX Chromosomes cried in excitement from the minute the ball dropped. 2016. My best friend and I cheered surrounded with friends, “This was our year.”
Your absence hurts me
Why can’t you be by my side?
Mentally killing me
Why are people cruel?
Insecurities haunt me
Please just let me be
There are cracks in the sidewalk that represent my life;A broken home;A broken family;Needing something to mold to.I've become the flower sprouting throughThat people tend to walk upon.
In the middle of a normal day
I find everything so out of the way
Inside myself I am blank and nill
Wondering if I should take a pill.
It is outside of time and space
This reluctant child without a place
Appreciated, Accepted, Assuaged--all things that signify respect, and yetwe are left with copious amounts of Belittlement, Bias, Brokenness.Individuality is SADISTICALLY strangled.
Hello sister: i know you can see
the scars on my wrists
and the secrets hidden deep
Hello brother: i know you can see
how wounded i became
when you took your leave
Hello mother: i know you can see
I often find myself wondering,
If there is something more out there,
For me,
For us,
But then I remember,
That we all die,
I don't quite know how to tell you,
tell you about what goes through my skull,
when your eyes light up like neon street lights,
in a city all too far away,
I don't know what to say,
His hair spills around his face like a halo of curls His eyes are dark and careless and captivating They are black holes and I am falling, falling in His laugh sounds like a waterfall Rushing out Spilling out When he laughs his whole body laughs S
A year ago I had been frozen.
The frigid frost had seeped into my mind,
Spread into my heart no matter the obstacle I had set before it
And I could not stop all my senses from becoming numb to the world.
My body's in school,
My brain's still in bed,
And my soul went to Hell without me.
His smell lingers
I used to be quick to cleanse my body
But I’m hesitant to rid myself of him
I want his fingers to be imprinted on my skin
I want to remember the feel of his body on mine
I love you.
My gosh do I love you.
I dream about you.
We lay on the beach,
we eat in fancy restaurants
and I have even visited you overseas.
I've seen you get shot.
Today is the day
I have a date today
With a guy who just seems great
He is just like me in countless ways
We have the same order at Subway
I am not like most others,
Or at least that's what everyone else tells me.
They'd call me crazy,
So only four people know.
The boy I trust with my life,
The girl that didn't judge,
The boy I love,
It is a place that does not discriminate any race.
It will put a smile upon any face.
This place I speak of has the power to heal whatever the case.
All that is necessary to unlock such feelings of enjoyment is three
"You don't know how to let go."
Right you are,
I have been lost in the dip of your throat,
the curve of your mouth,
the feel of your skin.
I have been drenched in the past,
Our lungs full of oxygenOur heads full of thoughtsOur bodies full of energyYet I feel so emptyConversation seems pointlessThinking proves difficultSleep never happensWe are full of many things
You follow me everywhereFrom sunrise to sunsetSometimes tallSometimes shortYou watch my backOr sometimes take the leadYou may not always be visibleBut I know your here with me
I can feel my eyes soften at the thought of youmy heart, turned moltenwarmth, liquid gold through & throughrunning through my veins
When I'm feeling low,
Music helps the feelings flow.
When nothing else can save me,
Music is my savory
It serves as an escape
As I feel like there was an earthquake.
When emotions are running high,
this the type of shit that make you run yo mouth
asking how
but only answers are not given to what you amount
the sound of clout
All my homies hmu like where you been
Smoked out comatose and unresponsive tearing
Searing pain unmistakable
Packin bowls and all I smell is loud
My senses gotta be fucked
Since when can I see sound?
Dumbfound you have me
Bruh I'm Not so grounded can we
I'm left alone, searching for a distraction.
I remember the taste of your lips, how your hands felt grazing my skin,
I remember you saying you could lay beside me forever.
Then you told me about her.
Whenever I see a shooting star
I think of you
And whenever I sing
I think of you
And whenever I close my eyes
I think of you
The world keeps spinning
And I desperately try to feel
Where are you now?
You promised to always be by my side.
You promised to never leave
You said this day will never come
But yet, you had to leave
Why? Why are you gone?
What did I do wrong?
I can hear but you never tell me- how you feel that’s why I’m drowning- in these ashes of flames that we caused, caused to burst since we showed each other our flaws.Though we try we just fill with hatred- for the agony of the other in the other’s
Empty is how you left me.
Broken, my heart was left.
Lost is what I am.
Stupid is how I feel.
Falling for someone I can't have.
Someone I never dated.
You felt the same once
Colorful,beautiful full of life
Full of color,diffrent
Spirals of bright rich life
Fiery hells,flamboyant screams
Painful solitaire
Then endless blank nights
I remember the end of June,
Oh my, It was like my favorite song,
but except now it sounds out of tune.
We would look up,
Wondering what we got ourselves into,
"Listen to the forest. Breathe; this is home."
When I say this to myself, I am you.
I become Daddy's footprints.
My first steps were on top of feet
with fingers held in weathered hands
I am water,/Flowing and ebbing and dipping,/Murmuring a silent scream,/My emotions are like a waterfall/rushing, never stable./ I am the earth/Crumbling, shaking, tremoring,/Cold, warm/without voice, without choice,/Alone, and overrun./ I am fire.
Lost words in an empty palace
Obedience follows every whim
Each action
Small requests
Humble Selfishness
Never ask too much or too little
Never command attention; just keep it
Sad isn’t just a word you know?It’s an acronym for sadness, anxiety and depression.I describe it as a little pesticide, that can crawl into my mind Lay it eggs in other parts of the bodyI won’t eat, deprived from sleepFeel the need to love or have
My partner in crime poetry finds me beaten to the ground,
They pick me up so now I am found,
You let me vent and friendship came to be a natural event,
So do not go away my feelings will never change,
Time rushes by as I sit here,
All around me the world is constantly expanding
Shifting and shrinking,
Lives are changing,
Milestones, Tragedies and Miracles are passing by
And here I sit,
When I fet like I could talk to no one,
You were there for me.
Through my troubling thoughts and feelings,
I could open up to you, Poetry.
My smile always plastered across my face in public
I am not a poet.
You are not a poet.
I am a lost soul with an imagination that demands to be seen.
You are a creature looking for words that fill your aching void with a sense of
The air around was abundant
but i still felt as if i was suffocating,
streets flooded with nothing but it
i screamed "someone save me."
Like when you are parched for water
In the same way the moon lights up the sky when the sun is busy or how the grass sways when the wind breaks, ugliness, not beauty, creates poetry.
Pen. Paper.
Thoughts. Words. Feelings.
Unfinished trains of thought.
Wants. Needs. Desires. Plans.
All lie within the space between
My poetry and me.
I like words
To pin them in my head;
repeat them like mantras
apply them where I can
throw them into thoughts
small prose, poetry
ways to express
the catacalysmic feelings
of being alone
There are seven wonders,
And a thousand beautiful things.
Lines to stand in,
And people to bring.
The pressure is growing as time slips away,
Why aren't I growing
In this well-traveled lane?
I have no one
No one has me
I am all alone
Stuck in a tree
The leaves are changing
The birds are singing
In comes new weather
That fall is bringing
I have no one
No one has me
At first school made poetry seem like a bore
All the poems I had read just made me want no more
But in the end I understand that I had been at it all wrong
At the time, it hurt my mind, and some poems were way too long
I feel like I died a million deaths
How can you not feel the same?
I would say my tears are just allergies
but really
my heart cannot be tamed
I feel
seeing you with your other
I am not good at feeling.
Courage was never my strong suit.
Right now, I am working on healing.
People know me as the “mute”.
I walk down the empty road as a single car glides past
I keep my head down as to avoid eye contact
I wonder if they saw my eyes, how they are filled with fear.
Not many people understand what the problem is here.
I should stop calling these thoughts
I just really like you is all
And I'm afraid I'll fuck things up
Like I always do
By telling you how I really feel
Or showing you every single thing
i cant let this break me. i cant let this stop me from being who i want to be. i have to keep moving forward even if my heart is stabbing my chest like sharp pieces of glass. i have to pull myself along even if my lungs are filled with fire.
I remember when I wrote my first poem.
I was 8 years old.
I had just processed the loss of my father.
I had never before felt so alone
So hurt
So empty
So lost.
I do not know this so called "emotion", but I'm desperate to find my life devotion.
I get this feeling in my chest and it feels so real. But when I'm around you, that feeling grows stronger. What is this?
It pounds through
My bloodstream
And choking
I can't see
What's important
It sits in the back
Waiting for me
To notice
But I'm stuck
At the front
Does anyone else feel like they are useless? Did anyone else think they could be better?
Does anyone else hate themsleves more than their enemies could hate you? Did anyone else think they were loved this whole time?
Let one guy left with a fond memory of her raise their hand
It's unlikely to be her bae
Took her so long to realize the damage she's done
Spreading how she felt to everyone
Words I can't say, I'll write down today.
With this pen the words in my head
Will then be read, again and again.
The truth comes out. But I still can't open my mouth.
I lost myself. Why? Why do you do this to me? Constantly blinding my eyes, clouding my mentality, forcing my heart to beat faster. Why? Why do you allow this to happen?
Sometimes I'm broken down and am heartless
I tend to self destruct when things go too well
Overthinking, overanalyzing every step I ever took forward
Happiness is a newborn child
Written in the softest pastels
Ever stitched by crippled hands.
You try your hardest to hold it,
Not to upset it,
Simply obey and soothe it.
I felt as if the world stopped and shattered. I felt a pang of regret and sadness. I didn't regret being here with you or telling you that I care about you. I regret the way it happened.
Love hurts they say
It cuts you deep to the core, I'm told
Remaining only is hurt and pain
Loneliness and emptiness creeps its way
a child not yet old enough to see her teeth grow.
a child who feels her heart beat like a drum.
a girl who sees beauty and perfection in even the most broken of hearts.
I write from my heart
The feelings of my soul
Poetry is an art
With no specific goal
The mirror think it knows me when it don't
The mirrior might think it seeks every part of me but no.
The mirror doesn't see how my reactions of others sayings hurt me
They see with mostly what's out but not what's within.
Entrenched in Existentialism 1:36PM
A glance too long in the
wrong direction. Addiction
seeps into my core.
Where is my fix?
Mind much too far from mine,
Has vanished without a
trace, leaving me barren.
Mayhaps it found a better place,
Somebody who wants it.
Poetry, building up inside me.
It fills me up until my lungs explode,
It’s love, that brims at the seams as it sloshes
I'm falling deep,knees are shaking,I'm feeling weak.I don't know what to say,When I open my mouth to speak. All these fucking feelingsAre attacking me. Weighing me down,
Which way should I go?
My heart says yes, but my head says no.
Should I go up the path,
or down the road?
My hopes are high,
and then they're low.
Waiting for answers,
chasing dreams.
if you asked me to say what poetry means to me
i could not write you a poem about it
for i write poems when i feel broken
or hopeful
i write poems to burn bridges
and build new ones
for myself
Just like drugs and alcohol
You pulled me in with a promise
to feel better.
You brought me into a world of feelings
Made me addicted
I'm so hooked it's become mylife.
I do it in the world
Sending a puppy off to be someone's eyes.
Fighting depression and anxiety.
Making my way through a world with few allies.
Feeling like an outsider to society.
A way to express the feelings inside,
the words just flowed
out of me
around me so real I could actually see
the words that came from inside me
not good, not great, not even okay
but still a part of me
that demands to be seen
I have been put down
In the harshest of ways
And I cannot frown
Because it is not you who deserves the blame.
The one thing I cannot live without is the belief that I am GOOD ENOUGH.
Before I realized I was GOOD ENOUGH,
life was much harder,
days much longer,
problems much bigger
AND worries much more suffocating.
The only thing,
that I need in this world,
is me.
My mind,
my thoughts,
my feelings,
my knowledge.
Without it, I am not alive.
I couldn't reminisce about happy days,
We are two havles of a whole,
two sides of a brain,
two atriums of a heart.
Without you,
I am broken,
a robot with no heart,
a robot without a soul.
With you,
I'm alive,
seagullsshriek toone anotherthey are open and honestand truelike human screams in conversationthe coarse sand plugging their throatssea salt wind and ice cream pavement
It seems like lately my life is ruledby ine's and isms, Words more dangerous than drugsand I fall in line because Ithink in rhymes and speak in clicheseverything to say in this world has already been saidso what difference does it make to think or
It is not my fault that I exist
My pressence is not a mistake
My words are not baseless
What I feel is not pointless
The stupid shit I do truly does not concern you
My mind filled with memories repressed,
swirling with feelings of nothingness.
Lack of self expression leaves one depressed,
the one thing I need is feelings of aliveness.
I guess I'm somewhat used to thisIt's normal, more or lessThe games that we don't know we playAre really just a test
Drip-drip, pitter-patterA steady pace to punctuate a thoughtTurns to a down-pour with a crack of thunderAnd a single thought becomes a roar
Why not speak?Direct my thoughts in a linear wayWhy hold back the truth in me?The cacophony of things I need to say
It is plastered upon faces
Determines choices that need to be made
Feelings may be hurt
Connections between families can be saved
With your eyes so deep blue
and the sight of your lovely pale face.
Oh, you don't have a clue!
It feels like I'm with you in space.
You've taken my heart.
Touch is a sense of teaching;
Exploring the world.
To know you're home.
Defining your perception of "beauty".
Making memories.
To be exposed to what we call...
Living without this,
Words can't describe the feeling inside,
the pain, the sorrow, the laws you were supposed to abide.
You say you understand, but you could never seem to comprehend the pain you put me through.
How do you feel? Is a question I hate No point explaining; you cannot relate
I don’t want to talk I don’t want to share
You could be sincere I really don't care
For a very long time, I was alone;
not because I wanted to be, but rather because of the way that
I would stare at the sky and be amazed by the clouds that would float
like tiny castles in the sky.
We could have been had we not parted,
We took chances others wouldnt have stared that we see why.
Hopless dreams that spark meaningless thoughts and ideas into a watery bubble that
Is it the way the breeze feels on the skin
On a hot day, when you just feel it within
Is it a child's smile? So innocent and Undeniable
Or is it something unmeasurable? Something that's naked and unable.
It finds you
in the early evenings
slithering past ankles
willing to be bit
until it circles you
frozen with the news of
abandonment- how could they do this to be?
fangs sink down into skin
You can I love you
You can say I’ll be here
You can feel the passion
You can sense the loss of fear.
You can shine as bright as the night skies
While swerving down the road
While the world does offer a rare ocean of inspiration to pull from which sadly few people tend to find,
the waves calm, for I can live without.
tearing up inside me
fire and tigers and rage and roars
threaten to rip my limb from limb
but i don't have a word
i say i'm mad
i have that word i say i'm mad
She said she's sorry that she made him ashamed
To be vulnerable and open
Since she's been living that way
It was imparted on she, so to him she did the same
She never knew that the girl that she wanted to be
Each day,
Driving past your house,
I'd always wonder,
Did you ever think about me?
Did you ever miss me?
'Course not 'cause you was never there
I was never graced with such sorrow
Until Sorrow did grace me
He landed on my door step
And what other choice
Than allow him to retrieve
My God, your steadfast love brings tears—Your plan perfection never wrong.Oh, show me how you lead my years,How broken lives express your worth.
I’m not saying I need a prescription
But I’ve made multiply Attempts of self-inflections, and ignoring all of life’s safety restrictions
There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of love,
Than the infatuation betwix two teenagers,
Than the stolen glances of shy lovers
Who fear unreciprocated love.
The feeling that realeases dopamine
I'm sorry
You cared so much
And I thought I did too
Now I miss your sweet touch
Though I was the one who left you
You weren't perfect
But nor am I
Don't run fromDon't lash out at somebody else
Accept them as they areNever forget why they are there
As sudden as they may beNo matter how hard we push them away
My mind is blank,
My thoughts won't grow.
I'm a bit tired,
But I thought you should know
The way I feel when I'm with you.
But how do I feel?
I have no clue.
There’s this feeling in my chest
weighing me down
It makes me twiddle my thumbs
Bite my lip
and shake my leg
Do you ever get a feeling
Where is the ability to smile?
Wondering the earth forever,
Kissing the soil that brings life.
Who can bring me happiness?
Holding on until it hurts,
closing my eyes to rest,
She stares out the window
Plugging her earbuds into her ears
blocking out life's problems
thinking about what humanity has done
to Mother Earth's children
about her problems
I write all these poems
About all these feelings
But none I know about
I've had glimpses
But nothing strong
Not even love
I've lived a sheltered life
Sheltered from any true emotions
I can't seem to contain these feelings
Bottled up inside me
Every time my heart sees you it sings
Of what I want us to be
Crushes seem so complicated
why is it so difficult
it just gets me frustrated
I don't know what to write
Only that I must write
I cannot understand these feelings
But I need to epress these feelings
Like a cry for help in another language
I don't understand
I try so hard
to please myself.
It's about me,
yes I am selfish,
and yes I am egotistical,
but in the end
was it really me I was thinking about?
Who knows what I think,
but me.
You said you loved me
From the first day that we were together
You said you cared for me
And that you would forever.
Those nights we talked
I’m catching feelings for you mighty fast
so if I put you to through the tests
I hope that you will pass
‘cause I would hate to not have you around me all the time,
I don't like your parties
I don't like your alcohol
But I guess I'd rather be here than not at all.
I don't like her
I don't like the way she stares
Cause I don't think I can compare.
It's such a plot tiwst,
When you're your own worst antagonist.
It's not people who hurt you,
It's late night thoughts you drew.
What happens when you're the biggest enemy?
You're saying there's evidence of my kindness
In the fact that I've never spoken the sour words lying behind my lips
But I thought them all the same,
Cold and biting
Words only a bully would say
I look away, sharp, quick.
breath heavy and thin.
but the raw emotions
they drill into me
branded deep deep
burning in my viens
cheeks so hot
everythings hot
hot like lava
This artist is prisoned,
In thoughts of grassy head.
Many things describes him,
But few expresses.
He is empty with childhood memories,
Away from freedom of another soul.
Hope you die first that’s all I can think about.
Your love was like Poison that fell down on me like acid rain.
When you grow up you realize the heart comes with a burdenYou will see it now how blind it was back thenThe responsibility to have your heart can only be taken on by one
You can't take the good without the badYou can't be happy without experiencing sadConstantly fighting a battle with good and evilAlways running back and forth, two sides never equal
My race, the color of my skin shouldn't affect how you view meWhat you should be looking at is that which you cannot see
When I was growing up, I imagined my life
A sparkling fairytale
A delicately blooming water lily upon the surface
Of my reality
Everything would be perfect, set and ready for me
You asked me where it hurt
And I wanted to say
Everywhere, and,
Does it ever bother you that
No matter how tightly our bodies press together
When I am aloneNo one can hurt me anymoreNo one is able
To tell me a lieAnd injury my precious heartBut there is still pain
The sun goes back down
Days turn a bit longer
Time passes much slower
Grey tinge fills the air
I'm stuck and defeated
Downthrodded and beaten
Torn and split on emotions
I am from lilac bushesGrowing tall and full like small treesBlooming a beautiful purple in the springAnd filling the yard with a wonderful scentThat can comfort me even now,Even on my worst days
And it was as if
All of my dreams
Were finally coming true
And reality..
Reality was finally a thing
to look forward to
Fire began to burn
In the pitts
Of my stomach
And im anxious
Be patient good things come to those who wait
Rushing speeds up negative vibes pushes you away
No holding back
Believe that's why my last relationship escaped
No excuses but we rushed despite the years
As we sit here in this liminal space
Do you feel that?
Do you feel something?
Do you feel anything at all?
Truck stops along the 5 and
The middle of the woods
High school hallways on a Sunday.
You are toxic
You are poison to the people around you
You are manipulative and twisted and sinister
You do not feel
You love with your mind, not your heart
You are cold and calculating,
with a mind so complex and a spirit so playful
a brain so intriguing and a heart so pure
a soul full of love to give and hands full of space i want to fill
The Fall is a feeling, not a time or place.
It is orange and brown, and the nips of wind blowing.
It's broccoli and cheese, and the rustle of leaves
Have you ever looked at someone and felt completely warm?
In the coldest of winters they filled the holes in your heart with patches of summer.
You couldn't look at them without smiling or urging to share a laugh.
i feel no pain right now but um sure im sure i will soon
with my heart slwly breaking becyase uts bekiongs to you
and i wont remenbrt this in the morninging
how drunk or how sad i was
Where were you
You said you'd be here
but yet your absence is pretty fucking clear.
The hole you left in me is not done tearing me apart, I am slowing becoming into what I've feared the most; nothing.
Being sick to me, iswaking up due to that small subtle crease in the bed causing
Turn my tears into words
Words that shows how it hurts
Though can never be heard
I'm still writing this words
It was like drowning in the darkness of the seemingly desolate ocean
Lit only by the odd glimmer of moonlight
The odd sparkle of his eyes
I can swim, but I didn't want to
Are you ready to be fooled?
We break up, we make up and then everythings okay.
But now? nothing is right.
Where is the makeup part to our routine?
It feels like I'm blind and cant see, like I'm stranded in the middle of the sea, like I'm submerged under water and can't breathe, like my sarrows are an obvious fact that no one will believe.
A love day filled with joy and laughter.
Went to the cinema after.
A breeze of beauty passed me by.
Acknowledgement and denial,
My normal self but still a cosmic pawn.
Choices are given, options limited.
feelings smash
collide and integrate
mixing colors like the finger paints my mother made me as a child
one minute i am functioning
one minute i am overwhelmed
and the next i am gone
It takes no time to write if your saying what you feel
As if what you say represents an official seal
To the way that you see and the emotions you have
For the way that you write is proof of what has
I write in you
My mother says it’s childish
My innermost thoughts
My secrets
Locked safely in the tear wrinkled pages of your tattered spirit
Burdened with my shameful exploits of debauchery and lust
I feel like
I always need to prove. impress.
Which makes me feel consumed with stress.
Everyday its school. Then rest.
When can I break loose. and test
Boundaries. limits ment for me to break.
All I know...is what I know...all I do...is all i do....and All i know I never meant to hurt you........every time I think I'm starting to get it right....i do something stupid..then we fight....but baby I want you to know that...I'm true so tru
Have you ever hugged someone and you felt like there was some kind of chemistry there?
Like there is something in-between you guys that neither of you two know.
Our love is a fire, brightly lit in the cold.
As the lights around fade, the flame becomes bold.
It waves
and ripples
and grows
in it's power.
Who am I really without a filter?
Because with it, I feel as if I have shelter
I don`t want them to see the real me
Yet, I feel like I should let it be
1977, Hudson, Walden
he said,
" is so over-rated."
"So many thing are,"
I thought.
Simply because people
hold them above the things
that are more valuable,
and more under-rated.
I'm looking up at the sky, thinking about our memories--
And all the good times, and the bad; I remember...
When I really blew it hard to the core, beyond recover
After that I never saw you ever again.
Cheeks are tear stained
Streaked with regret and hurt.
So much hurt.
the laughter echos in her ears
Like Satan keeps hitting repeat.
This is what she feared
When we first met I was nothing but an empty landscape.
You made me laugh so deeply that I cried,
and the tears watered a lost garden in my body.
If it isn’t my skin, then what shall it be?
The two arms and legs that extend directly from me?
That enable me to run past the wind, and jump the hurdles in front of me.
It's funny how when it came down to it
Everything you did made you seem like a hero
Like you could change the world with your words
Like you could fix a cold with your hugs
They tell me emotion is weakness.
They say I feel far too much to create something productive.
But I can't control it.
I am me,
Because of what I feel.
They say I speak far too excitedly,
The hooves pound
My oh my do they pound
On that hard, frozen ground
The wind through that beautiful mane
The wind through the rider's hair
You can see the connection
You can see the determination
in third grade i was the weird girl with glasses
freckled face
head hung low
whispers of
"she's weird"
"why is she so quiet"
i didn't know what self-hate was back then
From our view the moon goes into secrecy almost every month;
it simply makes itself invisible to or eyes,
but it always comes back;
the moon aways ends its secret ventures.
Maybe we are sometimes like the moon,
She came to me
Eyes filled with tear and she began to confine to me,
She said
"I fell in love with him because i thought he was best for me,
looking at the entire world in an illusion
Enclosed, cramped, scared, worried
Pain in your chest, can't breathe.
I need a release, I need a release.
Aching head, chest, feet
It's all going wrong, I can't stop.
I need a release, I need a release.
You wonder if it's all in your head.
Why can't you run awayor cry for help?
Once again, you are driven against the cold cement.
You become paralyzed.
Unable to move
Romeo and Juliet?
Just stories
Kissing in the rain?
Wishing on shooting stars?
Walking along the beach?
My question is why?
Why do you want to fill me with pain and envy?
It will be a while till I am fine
Until this jumbled mess in my cold chest
That used to pump in its warm nest
Is recognizable enough… to be called mine
My feelings are rewritten and straining
as I see others struggling to make it in life
The winds in my heart are changing
I remember when my opinion of the world was so loving, so unbending
It was a drowsy battle that yearned for sleep.
The light and the darkness.
And I found myself in it.
Instigating and terminating its intentions of cruelty.
But what if I mistaked its cruelty for consideration?
Color me blind and show me the world
You want the money the cars and the girls
But I want the rage that comes with the passion
The infinity that comes from the intimacy
As we create sweet symphony
I want to go to sleep
But never wake up
With words so deep
My life I reap.
Lying in bed
WIth the sheets grasping my head
My face turning red
Hoping I'd end up dead.
I left her. Afraid scared and alone. My guardian angel needs me. I didn't know my heart was her home. I felt I could fight alone. But I proved I'm weak broken and a wreck. I didn't want her to see me use, I always hated that feeling of regret.
You get them from fear
you get them from shame
the runing words coming out of your mouth
will not make a problem disappear.
Abandoned and angry.
Alleys and attackers.
Abandoned and angry.
Avalanches and alligators.
And once again
I'm given the chance
To live my weekend
To that dance.
We all know
How last time went,
My reputation
Is a little bent.
So easy to go
With DJ,
I wish I had
I need to prepare.
I have to get ready.
I have got to get the part perfect.
I am here.
I am alone.
I am nervous
I should not be nervous.
I have to calm down.
I know I can do this.
love is a soft, and strong feeling,
We can feel it so right or so wrong.
It makes us smile, and make us frown.
Love can last for ever or for a day,
It makes us wanna run or wanna stay,
I have trouble keeping my imaginary body together,
Free from the safe house of epidermal covering and rippling plasma
I used to be enamored, in love with the entity that led me to my self-destruction
I wish I had the words
To make you fall in love with me.
But you are
So much more than I deserve.
I’m terrified of
Scaring you away…
Please don’t leave.
When I was born you were next to me,
Then I grew and you gave me your hand,
I remember your look,your dreams, your eyes shined they could talk.
Something happened that Autumn your laughter was lost
Once I forgot the tune to a song
once I got my spelling words wrong
once in PE I fell on my face
I wish i could write about nothing at all.
wouldnt it be interesting to describe nothing?
we couldnt say a color,
How would we know what color it would be?
We couldnt say a shape,
And I remember being seven years old
Coming home from school the first time a boy called me ugly
((We're hanging here by our nails and our toes
while the lights flash red and the feeling goes.
Happines where is it?
I sit & wonder will I ever get it?
My fake happines is fading each day
No one can tho its just me
I can only keep this act up for long
Don't kiss me-
There's still blood in my mouth from the last battle.
You know, I've never actually left that field. A part
Sweet flower, oh so delicate
Awaiting to bloom, within the first week of November
To have something to give thanks for
The beautiful flower that is to come
You know that feeling you get when you walk alone?
The feeling that somebody else is there?
You get the sensation of footsteps behind you
But you are too afraid to turn and look?
Have you any faith?
No ma'am
No ma'am
You don't have enough
Am I ready yet?
No ma'am
No ma'am
You are too full of regret
My beautiful little girl,
From the moment I knew you were,
I couldn’t think straight anymore.
To know that my soul had found
No one can know for sure what it's like
to be me, to be her, to be him
No one can know the feelings inside
I’d change the homophobia, the fear and the hate,
The suppression of expression we face each day,
The way they look at us as though we’re not quite right,
You're dancing fingers along fret boards, stopping on notes to stop my heart.
Writing me love songs from the ashes of past sadness as if its your job to learn the melody of my soul.
Is it?
Oh how misery loves me so faithful so heart wild and disruptive into my shallow mind and
There is a secret to the monsters
You see
They crash and burn
When it is that you succeed
Strive for happiness
Strive for love
Strive for God
There comes a time in your life
When you stop checking
Behind shower curtains and under beds
Because you feel as if you would be better off
If the monster got you anyway
I can see it all.
The downfall of men.
The inevitable destruction
of all we once
held close.
There is nothing we can do,
but watch.
Watch as all the hope,
I've reached the point where I just want to sleep
Let me hear a melody and just close my eyes and sleep.
I am hardwired to feel every emotion so deeply that I have to rip holes in my skin to let them out and I am not human enough to be considered alive on the other side of it all
You go on winding path.
Past all the dancing palm trees.
You look down and see,
old wooden floor boards
i sat,
on the edge of dexterity and ineptness.
my heartbeat couldn't decide whether it wanted beat into an oblivion
or just stop all together.
my mind was split in two.
i wished to be yin and yang
I’m scared to tell you what’s going to happen,
‘Cause I’m not ready to let you go,
I’m scared if I tell you,
We might never grow,
I’m scared to say “I love you”,
‘Cause it ain’t so,
The pattern of the clocks...each tick cuts through empty thoughts.Blood pumps through little veinsThat lay neatly upon solid bone.Hours at a time
Headphones always covering my ears
Blocking out the sound
No one can see my feelings
I am a stone
No one knows what was taken from me
No one knows my reactions
I do everything calmly
If your lips were a drugI'd be addicted-I'd keep coming back for more and moreUntil I couldn't stay away.
Its empty. One way after another, ally after ally...home? It's still missing. I've sarched and looked but the intrnal voices follow. No screams just mute sound, mocking me as I played around. I dare not stop, but where should I stop?
Everything was perfect
I was in my comfort zone
My happiness was short lived
So many years ago
I saw my parents fighting
It wasnt supposed to show
But I can still remember
Minds are crippled from the so called cure.
The doctor says "here take this" now people are passed out on the floor.
Your friends think its fun to take, your parents think skipping doses might be a fatal mistake.
I don't know how I got this way, my feelings for you still haven't changed. The good in me has gone away.
Light and sweet, like cotton candy,
Soak into a sugar dribble.
Hot and harsh, like habanero peppers,
Sting into a capsaicin burn.
Sculpted by the likeness of love,
Beaten with cupids stick,
We all become lovesick,
Showered with great gifts,
Driven nice, luxurous places,
Meeting the family,
Leaving with no traces,
Everyday it's the same thing
I look at you- you look at me,
We laugh at all the craziness
around us
I text you " Hey " or " i just seen the
funniest thing and it made me think
about you '
Weightless happy euphoria
A cloud filled with wistful thoughts
Breathless whispers
That mask the sliver of darkness
So sharp that it cuts slits
In the fabric of their lives
But I am gone
I'm standing here, lost among a masquerade
Hiding behind my mask of secrets that I've made
Many poet's inspiration is sadness.
Many poets' inspiration is depression.
Many poets' inspiration is loneliness.
This poet's inspiration is You.
You came to me out of the blue.
It is wet and rancorous
and my new leather shoes would feel the worst of it long before I got to class.
I stopped, before exiting, to appreciate the mighty storm – and open my umbrella.
I look in the mirror
You know what I see?
Such an unhappy girl
Staring back at me.
She sits and she stares
Waiting for something to change
Too much darkness to bare
That nests in her brain.
All I wanted was to feel wanted.
I thought you felt the same way, but the feeling wasn't mutual.
If anything, it probably never was.
Out of it all, I was probably a piece of ass.
The mask you ask, is it there?
Do I hide myself inside?
For me, I'm proud to say it's nowhere.
Though the mask, I mean's been tried.
I used to live behind that mask,
I knew it all too well.
5 months into this foste care Life is a struggle, it just ain't fair All I want is to live with my mom and dad SO they can finally give me the life I never had I want to get away from all of this Liike these
Things I want my daughter to know
- feel comfortable and confident going a day without makeup. A day when you have errands to run or have to stop into work for a bit.
You’re looking out your window tonight
So many things running through your mind
You feel like you’ve lost who you are
You want to find your way back to the start
But you can’t, oh no, you can’t
Am I not good enough for them?Is who I am not who they want me to be?They want me to be this plastic, perfect figure that I don’t seeAnd they need to know, they need to know
Staring at the image of a reflection,
The glass shrouded in its entirety,
A personification of what must be.
I’ve seen apart of me I didn’t recognize.
Through my eyes I saw how my reactions to your actions, made me low, low point on the scale,
I’ve inhale, what you’ve exhaled to me.
Woke Up with my legs open
and my mind crossed.
"Boys sure do like me"
"boys like me"
"like me"
Boys like to suck me dry.
my being, my spirit, my soul;
'Be yourself.'
I am so many different
At the start of the day,
when the sun has not
fully awaken herself
Hated onAnd beat uponBecause the way they live Is "wrong" Who are you to take the role Go and take another's soul
Row upon row bekons to me
As I pass each one by I ask myself
Who will I be today?
The tired one who oozes laziness
The reluctant one who lacks self confidence
The smart aleck, the isolated one?
sitting in the broken land. surrounded by dead memories of lost friends.
family and friends are all dead,
the ties to my history have no thread.
i lay motionless,
cry towards beauty and sonnetts to the grave,
In this torturous classroom
I sit in row 5, seat 3
and to my right in row 4, seat 3
sits the most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on.
Every time we make eye contact
I feel a rush of warmth
This body is not an apology
This blacked out mirror
This blacked out skin
This skin like shadows
This shadow makes noise
This "bitch don't make noise"
So you want to know what makes me tick?
Then listen up because sometimes you can be thick,
Life, too often, is rushed.
No time to waste, no time to relax
No time to even say good morning
" Tick-Tock " says the clock!
Everyone's gotta be somewhere
Rush, rush, rush
Rush to school
The fact that evil is stronger than good
is evil itself.
Why must good be weaker than evil?
Why must death me faster than creating life?
Why must bullies be stronger than nerds?
It seems these days the only way to be considered for anything is to be a battered, broken, shell of a person. The scholarships, the colleges, they want survivors They want the best storyBut what about me?
There is a man quite dear to me
who I’ve known for many years.
He knows all of my feelings,
and understands my fears.
He lets me know what’s rational,
what’s within my expectations.
Does it matter that I come from a poor family, or that I am bi-racial?
Does it matter that I went to private school, on tuition assistance?
All my life I told you tales about monsters
The beasts underneath my bed
Always telling you they wanted to kidnap me
When in fact they wanted me dead
His mouth tasted like coffee and cigarettes,
and his mind,
his mind was like and overwhelming wave of beautiful thoughts,
that I was drowning in.
The odd thing was, I didn't want to swim up for air.
With a swift brush of the breeze, you are beautiful.
Soaking in your everlasting scent, I can see you.
The ability to taste your bountiful lips is euforic, in the sense of purity and love.
Ducks are ducks
trees are trees
what is not here
is bothering me
Quacks are quacks
seas are nothing but simple seas
this poem is really bothering me
what is this really?
I think about how we used to be
Then I get stuck in my misery
I still remember the way you used to look at me
& how all those feelings came free
But now things will never be the same
The first time I made you my hope, my soul cried, Loved one! And from there, I have not let you go, you're the reason for all my passions. With the love to the desired child, I’ve waited for you so patiently, waiting my whole life.
Sunset settles on the east
As the sky darkens
Stars twinkle
While tine slows downs
Owls awaken
Yet, birds fly south
Heart beats
And I stay still
He went for my forehead and I went for his lips,
He slowly pulled away and I quickly pulled him closer,
Grabbing his arm as he grabbed my waist,
Soft sweet lips touching and I think I’m enjoying it,
Home is a small place that somehow still has room for everyone.
Home is filled with strangers. Definition: Family you've yet to come to know.
They say I have your eyes.
They say I have your smile.
To fnd out where they came from,
I'd walk an endless mile.
In and out of my existence,
I dont know where to turn.
All I can do is search and run,
As the night settles, it begins.
Slyly, creeping deeper into my psyche
Darkening, the rims of my thoughts.
Slowly, swallowing my heart in captivity.
As the shadows crawl,
the creaking floor boards
What is a father with his son,A boy without a dadashamed to ask his mother about any questions he ever hadhe used to be so excited, just to hear his dads voicebut its fadeding aways, he can see the devorce
And I stare
As you stand there
But you don't see
What I can be.
We are here
But I do fear
You will never know
What I want to show.
My feelings for you
I’m outside, enjoying the view and warm sun
Guaranteed, this is where I’ll always be
I hear the thump of deer, grunt of a steer
So you know the phrase:
"It gets better."
Well, for me...... it doesn't.
At least....... not yet.
Or maybe building so slow that even a tortoise outruns it by thirty miles.
Always the same.
They call me a gift
That when I was born i saved their life
That Nikolas has left
6 months after the tragedy
That I was born with a responsibility
That I should be a light
Here I am now,
The girl lies on a cot --
The girl with hauntingly beautiful green eyes.
With nothing but a battered baby blanket to cover her emaciated body.
Her feet peek out from beneath the sheet, bloody and broken,
The world is a beautiful place.
Maybe it’s that belief
that always gets me in trouble.
I spend my days
in this constant
at the world,
in people,
in how wonderful
Poetry is beautiful
It has meaning
It has feelings
It is strong
It can be loud
It can be quiet
But like everything else
Poetry and poems
Come to an end...
like this,
Why is it that mankind can never truly find happiness?
It can be grasped for brief moments in time before it disappears once
I say I’m a writer, but how would they know
When each line and verse I’ll never show?
Each word loops endlessly through my head
a catchy tune, not sung but said
Still, the words can’t leave my mouth
The epitome of what a woman should be.
I struggle to capture perfection in words
You do it ever so effortlessly
If by chance you notice any defection, its absurd
Not timid nor intimidated by possibilities
I planted you a rose; sat and watched it bloom
the rose didn't feel me watching,
or notice that I was trying to forget you.
Who do roses grow for?
Surely mine for you,
What is hope
Is it the illogical sense of knowing everything will be alright?
Is it stupid
Is it smart
What is hope
Is it wishing something that you want comes true?
Is it selfish
How can we forget,
the endless times we cried because we were full of regret,
We never meant to say the things we said,
it was in the moment and we needed to clear our head,
intentially no,
I think I'm gonna be sick
But it's not because I took a hit
It's because of the way I felt
I don't feel that way anymore
I stopped loving and you started
A smile that is what I show
Behind it a tortured mind that no one will ever know
I walk my line, I do my time
I try to be respectable, caring, and refined
But on the inside what one does not see
If anyone has listened
to the words of a song
One will surely hear
a time long gone
It comes quite swiftly
too fast to avoid
the feelings of the past
both of sorrow and joy
Living is filled with moments we enjoy.
Surviving is the moment where we overcome an agonizing obstacle just to live another day.
Luxury is not present until awarded.
Only the talented species can live.
your words, they stingjust like a razor blade upon my skinsinking deeper with each cut you slit
"It’s fine, don’t worry about it."
Are always the first words to come out,
"It’s all in your head, you’ve got this."
While wanting to spill your lunch on the floor.
Hands shake and arms quake,
I see my country's flag
Snapping and unfurling above my head
In the light summer breeze
And I wonder,
What do people across the globe feel
When they see their flag flying high?
Many are proud no doubt
The sharp and the stabbingLike the shards of a broken bottleAnd its gleaming smoothnessLike the beads of a necklaceThey cut my stomach liningLuminescent- like stolen stars
I've learned many things
In the eighteen years of my life,
Many of them being rather disconcerting.
Perhaps to you,
But not so much to me.
No one seems to understand
my poetry
the way I write
my poetry
is not for the rhymes
my poetry
ia written to make me feel good
my poetry
is where I vent all of my feelings
my poetry
I lay in bed, caressed by my warm covers.
Staring out of the window; that is littered,
With translucent, tiny little bulbs of water.
I hear it. I hear it against my window.
I don't like it.
Not at all, I don't appreciate this.
This immense hatred, and dislike.
That is all towards me.
Why? I must ask why...
Why am I the target, of all,
Your hatred?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately.
About what I want with my life. What ending.
About myself as an older woman. Scared of my own reflection.
Sometimes I get in my feelings, for no reason.
Just a thought can shift my entire mood.
I can be happy one moment then depressed the next.
I have issues.
I guess that's called bipolarism.
Remember when I made her smile?
Lips parted like you haven’t seen for some time.
Those thoughts
The ones that plagued her mind.
Those that caused her to pick up the yellow bottle. Empty it.
Your eyes,
red and swollen,
your eyes set to kill
lock on me.
Why me?
Why Me.........
I look at you,
And all I feel is disgust.
You mock me,
Capturing me in your everlasting frust-stration.
I look at you,
You mentally batter and abuse.
Do you enjoy it?
When you were alone, I gave you my companionship
When you were tired, I gave you my rest
When you were in pain, I gave you my comfort
When you were lost, I gave you my home
I feel as if we are a family of trees with no water
Slowly dying from being so dry and broken down
When is the sky going to be bright and yet full of darkness for a shower to bat us?
Is not synonymous,
With quiet.
I came into this world kicking and screaming,
and I don't plan on stopping,
anytime soon.
Because female,
it's early.
my phone buzzes numbers at me and my mouth says, "get up get up get up," while my mind says stay here stay here stay here.
The demon of loneliness sits on my chest as I lay down in bed, thinking of a life where I'd be able to say I'm happy and mean it. The demon of loneliness fills my head with strong, convincing words of pain. "You have no one." It says.
Washing my eyes
With rain drops of Summertime
He’s kissing my throat
As I choke on this lullaby
Singing it softly
I whisper the words
Lungs filled with sweet flowers
Today was a day of sorrow and grief
Tomorrow is a day that is short and brief.
Although its a terrible path to tread
There is nothing I can do instead.
There are things that no one can understand,
Momma told me nobody would understand me...
I remember on day in the black light momma told me to old on tight...
Inside my head,
I mean a little more.
Inside my head,
Personality is at war.
I dream to be outgoing,
Both pretty and sweet
Everyone wants to be my friend
When I'm inside my head.
You treat water better than your own blood.I might as well be mudAm I a disappointment to you?I don't feel our relationship is trueBirth certificate says your my motherBut seems like your just another
The way he looks,
The way he smiles,
The way he says my name,
It makes me fall for him,
I'm crushing hard,
He's everything I want,
He is caring,
He is fun,
Dear, (Fill In the Blank),
I decided the “check the box that applies to you” on the form, was not for me.
So I’m writing over the boxes.
I filled out my address,
my name,
typed in the codes,
I apologize if I'm a bother
I usually don't do this because I'm....
Well I get nervous
But I just wanted to tell you that you are gorgeous
Social Media
Facebook -
Making a page that will deliberately describe what I want to say.
People just don't understand what we go through everday.
Sitting here, sitting there trying to make straight A's.
Looking at other people making thier grades, then we become afraid,
I feel like a wannabe
an empty shell, a hollow tree
Dying inside, rotting away
I want to laugh blissfully
to be consumed with love and longing totally
to be embraced by the warmth of it all
The world around me
it's as if it was a world of darkness
but in reality all that is around me is light
Everyone is laughing
havng a good time.
As I sit here
wondering if the sun
My nail polish is chipping, andI wonder if the walls of myinsides are the same colorof sea greenbecause I feel a little sick,because I feel the paint peeling,piece by piece,my false peace in pieces.
The girl who slept in class
seemed to not care
the words that were being spoken
and the lines that were being taught
but did you ever see that girl
outside of class?
Can you tell me you love me
Or that you don't even care
About the outfit I put together
And how I did my hair
That you think I'm beautiful
Every time you see me
And in the midst of everything
I'm losing my mind it's three in the morning and my mind is starting to unwind,
I'm going on auto drive and everything is so intensified,
Dead eyes move in slow motion
Dead eyes see so much pain
Dead eyes look into the past
With the lenses of retrospect, dead eyes see everything more clearly
Dead eyes stare off, stilled by hurt and sadness
There's a monster.
It doesn't live under my bed,
Or make the floorboards creak at night.
It doesn't tap at the window,
Or make eerie sounds.
It doesn't cast shadows on the wall,
Or grope at my throat.
Sometimes, in times when I find myself in need of it;
I stand, or sit, or lay, just... staring.
Staring at the walls, the ceiling, the floor,
Electricity and power and thoughts inside
Music, and wonder and time
It’s just a glimpse inside my mind
Worry and hope and tears I’ll cry
Happiness and running and learning to fly
When the Earth was created and the humans were made. God created a thing called feelings. And as in every fairytale there's always an enemy . This enemy is called hurt He goes around prancing up and down killing joy as it was a passion of fate.
I'd like to blame it on the time
It has been so rough
Between the rapes and murders, I've had enough
But is that really an excuse for the way we're acting
They don't care about the love, only things
Mother, father, can't you see
all this pressure you've placed on me?
If I fail, you'll be so mad.
Am I the child you wish you'd never had?
My thoughts run wild when my mind starts to wander.
My heart lies open
floating on the surface of dark waters
facing the black night sky
as the full moon moves farther
in among the large clouds passing the shining stunners
These thoughts, rushing through my head
Confusing, crying out “It never really happened. It’s a figment of your imagination. You’ve gone crazy”
They scream at me, “You’re nothing. Worthless”
I start believe them
I look into the mirror, and what do I see?
An ugly, overweight blob looking back at me.
Now, I know I'm beautiful.
All of Gods creatures are beautiful.
Yadda Yadda Yadda.
Where you see a "pretty" face.
Who am I?
Am I the person you see right in front of you?
Am I the person you hear people talking about?
Am I the person crying out for attention?
Am I the person who needs your approval on who I am?
My Father always asks me, "What makes a man, a man?" and I'm never able to answer because I simply know I cant.
I am fear inside us all.The swirling, contorting depths of darkness that consumes.Slight glimmers of light cry as they attempt to break through,But they can’t.It’s overpowering.I am human.
What the hell is life when a life is determined by money?
When you live in utero, grasping for cash in the darkness
Everything is a business
Education, religion, your own health
The cash flow is circular
I wish, I wish, with all my might
That I had the power to see the light.
To see the truth, whatever it may be
To unchain my mind, be finally free.
I'm wasting away to a pitiful shell,
I don't understand
what drives another to take a life
all around
every channel
every second some new horrible event
I don't understand
how can someone have so much hate
All my life
you've controled me
my actions, my thoughts, my ideas
you'll say jump
and I wouldn't say how high
I. Would. Just. Jump.
just to please you
but no more
You want someone clothed like a stripper with the ideals of a housewife.
Someone who is worn – a shell.
Gutted of originality and malleable like water.
You ask me now what makes me tick.
Now I shall tell you, brick by brick.
The look you see
When you gaze into the eyes
Of a mother who can't feed her children.
Or the childrens plea
Don't think I'm crazy, but I feel so Damn lonely. The nights when I just wanna cry and have someone there to hold me. When you try to make friends just to escape pain, and emotional suffering. That's when you figure no one's there..
How do we live for today when tomorrow is a dream?
Tomorrow is not always guaranteed
We take this beautiful easy life for granted
Standing on the corners of the earth , that seem to be slanted.
What makes me tick. You know what makes me tick?
When people are so selfish they can't see past themselves. It makes me sick!
Fear is all i see, it clouds my eyes and mind with doubts and self loathing.
I'm afraid and I'll admit that I hate myself and everything I am.
I feel like i'm on a plane that's slowly falling down.
It feels like so much work that we’re putting in
At first it was easy when love first began
Now it’s just fussing and fighting no end
Trust is like money. Once you spend it you can get it back but you gotta work for itSometimes you gotta work for it twice as much as you did before.
Where I sit through so many hours of my life
Many people just want to run away
Hearing these people put me through great strife
I hear many people complain its gay
Was against the law to have a bottle
I like my room, but my mirror takes up too much space and my bookshelf is to small
I like the paint, it's bright and puts me in a good mood
I need a regular door, the safe lock makes it hard to let people in
Observation is the source of my admiration to my surroundings, all I know is thanks to stopping ot smell the roses.
Reading is my passion and the source of my incredible adventures.
Speaking the truth is how I develop.
We never know when we're going to dieor how long we'll live. So we spend most of our lives wondering why.
Troubled spirits speak the most...
Because so much pain has the words flowing like the tears we cry.
No more hurt,
No more pain,
No more broken hearts,
And no more devastating surprises.
There is a cure for cancer.
Since Freshman year, I love being on stage.
I made entertaining my whole entire life.
It always soothes me and calms down my rage.
"Here you go"
They said.
"Here is your little bundle of joy"
Like all, I had paused and reflected on my past.
At that moment, I didn't mean to drown in drunken thoughts.
I couldnt help it.
So many competitors, not enough prizes
I hope to seek a win in some of my suprises
My ambition to win is higher than most
Although I've been passed by as if I'm a ghost
May I lay with you?
It is not to fill in my void, gutted by loneliness.
Nor to feel a sexual pleasure.
Though I can, it would not be to tell you my life story.
When your used to speeding through life,
As I have done in such a short time,
Running every stop sign,
Shifting up through red lights,
Ignoring every sign of caution,
Total disregard for the consequences,
Your lips love to sing a melody
The way the words slip off of your tongue
It's like a song yet to be sung
Your smile is cunning and daring
Beckoning others to come near
Your eyes are dark and dead
The heart beats like a thousand drums
When in the face of inquiry to another
A yearning soul heard over melodious hums
I stand here before you with a smile on my face
trying to determine my place in this race for success.
I don't want to seem selfish
I know there's bad all around
But this holllow sound of emptiness
Drowns out all of the cries for help
I don't want to seem selfish
Hey there
Do you hear me calling out to you?
Do you even know my voice anymore?
Calling, begging you to not walk out the door
You were the one
The only person I could trust
I can’t stop thinking about you. When I’m sober or when I’m drunk as all f*ck, you’re the only person that comes to mind. And I ask myself why?
I know you blame me.
I can sense it in your tone, and
It's hurting me.
Am I really to blame?
I know you feel like I crushed all your dreams, and
I'm sorry you feel that way.
But if you really love me,
"I don't hurt people"
is such an
Maybe you don't set fire to houses,
or burn down forests,
But that doesn't mean you've never ignited me with jealousy,
As a writer, it's incredibly frustrating to be colorblind.
Robin's egg.
Teal, turquoise,
indigo, cobalt, cerulean."
The girl walks down the long hall.
She keeps her eyes trained on the ground as she feels their stares burning holes through her.
They look her up and down, judging her face, judging her clothing.
What is trust to you?
Does it mean anything?
Is it a word or a label?
Does it actually have meaning?
Screw the people who break us down so much, that we become senseless and open
If that’s an opportunity, damn, love, just consider me your token
Let’s strip the truth of all its beauty
Sometimes he breaks me apart
But he’s always there to put me back together
Sometimes he makes my heart hurt
But he always puts a bandaid on it after
Sometimes he makes me cry
I'm in a state of suffering
My soul condemned to this constant pain
Expiating my sins
The pain is becoming increasingly unbearable
I just want to be done
He makes me sad
He makes me cry
He makes me happy
He makes me question why?
He's the reason I smile
He's the reason I frown
He's the reason I try
He's the reason I lie
The condition of being anonymous
I keep to myself, and hide in the shadows
The depression is continuous
It's trying my soul, it's hard to swallow
Confused emotions, it's all a blur
My hypocritical being
Gets battered by the hardships of life.
On a downward spiral,
Slowly ruining myself.
Karma's a bitch,
And depression hurts.
The only thing that I thought would help
I was asked what I would change about this world.
Would I change the war, drugs, crime?
No. Because all of these are caused by one thing:
We hate those who are different;
One who gave me Love
Delicious and delicate
Fine curves and edges
Perfect imperfections
Tear drops of you
Every shutter
I can only remember
Finding myself so close
To someone who knows
The same pain
The same game
Compatible with me
Someone who can see
What's that?
Well I'm too dumb for that.
What's that?
Well I'm too numb for that.
Nice And proper ?
Whats that
It's nine A.M..
You're awake,
but you don't leave your bed
because you have so much to do,
What is this thing called life?
Like a bittersweet candy that leaves a bad taste on my tongue.
I never asked for it.
I'm sorry if I sound unappreciative,
But I don't want something that I don't deserve.
The budding feeling in the fleshThe feeling of what's in the chestThe feeling you cannot beholdThe feeling that lingers and unfoldsThe transient feeling of the air
They pass.
And I wait.
I wait on you.
I wait on a FaceTime,
A call,
Some word.
But you don't call.
You don't FaceTime,
You send no word.
Although it's been two years now
I am still reminded everyday and it brings me to a bow.
The new playful puppy next door,
and all I want to see is you on my floor.
Being strong through these days is hard,
We are but paper
Floating through the winds of life
Our skin crinkling and tearing
There are words which are forgotten
Carved and sunken in our flesh
Speaking of our truths
Like the rising excitementfor a special daysoon to come,And the first dayI held a puppy.Like the butterflies flutteringaround in my stomachon the first day of school,
I have a feelinginside, deep likethe kind of lovekept secret for years.The kind of lovewhere just seeingyou walk byfeels like somethingdomestic.I feel
I'm listening to the rainthe way it beats upon the rooftopsThe pitter patter dribbles its wet dropsSplashing the puddles all around me
Catching Feelings
We are both fishing for each other
But only one of us is willing to get caught,
Up and hooked on to these feelings we have for each other
Goosebumps as I feel this feeling, a new feeling we both feel at the same time,
as our eyes meet, our lips become closer, heart beats faster,
then suddenly my heart stops as our lips touch,
Literature is as necessary to the mind as oxygen to the body,
Reading helps the brain develop and imagination soar.
Ranging from an ironic drama to a jocular comedy,
Literature has several shapes, sizes and form.
Why are you lonely?You are beautiful and niceI will be your friendI am here for youWhen you feel like gray clouds andWhen you need sunshine
How does one say this...That you are wonderful and
In wonder I fall (senselessly)
I feel as if I'm a block of chalk
who nobody sees
Why can't I be seen?
Because so many personalities
stand out way more pronounce than me
I am merely a shadow in their presences
Goes the door
Latching its
Latch through
The floor
The pitching
So cruel
To my ears
After all
These years
The door
Still leers
How to guide
On why feelings suck and why I don't recommend them
You are the backspaced words my tongue retracts
The three o clock messages that shouldn't make sense
You are the intertwined fingers that feel like there are still spaces there
If I suddenly disappeared,
No one would notice..
If I slipped away for a year,
No one would care.
So the point in being here ??
None given.
No point of existing.
No point of living.
I can't look at you smiling
Laughing with you is confusing
My best friend such comfort
But I feel so unsafe now
Your touch so overwhelming
To smile, sigh, flinch, or cry
I desire your grip and kiss
I wait and I falter,
I'm going to suffocate,
unable to breath,
I cry silent tears but they make an impact,
rushed away,
well I tried to hold it at bay,
but my conscience made me unable,
Sometimes when trying to protect
Someone else from getting hurt
Something’s got to give, usually your heart
For the best you toughen up
Blinded By Lust,
Heart Full Of Mistrust,
What Does He See Really,
What Do The Other Men See,
See So Special In Me?
Why Do They Chase Me?
If I could sum up, all the feelings I experience
When I look into your eyes, so beautifully bright
So close-up, demeanor so imperious
Hundreds of languages, Millions of words
Split into averages, broken into thirds
And yet not one, or even all
Can describe the meaning, the feeling of love
I have inspiration; I just can’t put it together.
I have dreams; I just don’t know where to begin.
I have hope; I just don’t show it.
Emotions can run wild, confusing even the smartest people
Emotions can wreck your life if they are not controlled right
Emotions can bring you true happyness if you express them well
You may be far away,
but I remember the day.
Counting cars from the window,
looking at your shadow.
You told me not to be,
like you;
But Daddy
I am strong,
I get mad,
I Am Self-Discipline. Brilliance. Dedication.
I Am Beautiful. Young. Emancipated.
I Am Success. I Am Blessed.
These thoughts spiral in my head,
Feelings of anguish and fear,
Like a whirlwind whipping the air.
Falling seems to be the best solution,
but then who would be around to hear me.
I blame you
I blame you for the whiskey not burning more
I blame you for the weed not making me forget
And for the cuts not bleeding enough
I blame you for the good days and the bad days
The color you feel when the sun grazes your face
The color you feel when your mother kisses you on the cheek
The color you felt when your father left you
The color you felt when your uncle wrapped his arms around you
In all my 19 years,Through fears, cheers, and massive clears,I would have never imagined I'd be sitting here mirrored.
When I was younger,
I used to think that
our teenage years would be
I thought we'd all be happy
and have boyfriends.
But in reality,
we're all depressed.
I wake up and fall asleep to the same thing on my mind
Unfortunately, this something does not go away with time.
These thoughts are the farthest things from being kind
It sucks to be alone
Rather be alone than with deal with fakes
I'm not sure they exist
Not talking to many people
Is something very rare
Having to deal with things alone
I once met this girl,
She was always boucing along happily,
Playing without a care in the world,
She had friends and extremely great family,
I wander lonely around,
As I watch the world move as fast as lightning.
I watch those that fall leisurely get up and move on, unbound,
While I'm stuck in the black hole I once found shiny.
I wait
I sit there and wait as life passes me by
Still wishing that it could all be a joke
Time heals all wounds is a famous lie
You just learn to cope
I'm waiting
Two people embraceIn so peaceful a placeHis head next to hersTo be heard over the surf.Far beneath the ocean waves crashAnd ocean sounds mash
In those quiet moments
when you are left alone,
your mind ever wandering,
in the barren cold.
What if I told you the world didn't go round,
And that both of your feet are not on the ground.
Would you feel helpless and scared floating around in space,
I wasn't exactly fine before you came.But I was still okayand you were youjust a friend of a friend.Then our hands brushedand my cheeks set a flame.
Unrequited feelings may seem like the end of the world
a B may seem to taint my report card
a fear may seem to become reality
and life just may seem too hard
Let it go is I what I say
How can someone get to the point
in their life
where death deems so right?
When you wake up
Every single day
Wishing for an end
to it all.
And more specifically,
My poems are like life stories now they tell what's really going down. Emotions, bundled up in a jar wishing I could throw them somewhere far. So much on my mind i don't know where to start.
I feel as if, if I let a tear drop my body would erratically shatter. To bite the bitterness away with coldness. To repress the said with utter and complete numbness. To shiver away the sense of alone. To drift off and never return.
Sun beats down on me
My heart wavers up and down
The heat seems endless
A few steps forward is hard
Your kind hand is out of reach
Well the first thing we do isn’t expose our feelings to our teachersI had this bottled up for some timeSo I was so excited about coming to collegeThe 2 months period of anticipation took all my previous knowledge
If you knew me now, you’d know I’ve changed
If you knew me now, you’d see me differently
I’m not the same person I used to be
I'm slipping.
You make me so confused sometimes.
I'm still trying to figure out if you're good for me.
You take my breath away.
But, don't I need to breathe?
I'm confused.
Words on paper
Words on paper
Paper that cuts
Paper that wrinkles
Teacher cant teach
Teacher cant teach
Why am I here...
Could one let a whole lifetime pass,
without feeling like they've walked on broken glass?
Could one look into rain out of window,
and say they've never felt a drop of sorrow?
You give me some kind of feeling.
I'm excited,
Yet a little scared and apprehensive at the same time.
Will I do it right?
Will I be good enough?
Stumble on the veins of my fingertips
and feel the throbbing beats that lingers
from my fingertips to my chest.
Can you feel the sensation
of the chill that staggers inside?
Striving for warmth
I ran.
As fast as I could.
To try to get away from him.
From the hurt.
But he always found me.
I screamed.
I ran the other way.
But I found myself in the end back in his house.
We've got chemistry,
figuratively and literally.
The beauty of your inner-human
Is intricately enticing.
Physically, you're not my type, but
I'm not looking for physical.
This attraction is chemical.
for tears
the sadness
hidden inside.
just as emeralds
dark clouds
preventing one
to enter her soul.
Stuck Between The Transition Between Hard Times And Sucess,
It's Oh So Hard To Not Stress,
My Soul Intact, But My Mind, In Mesh
Good And Foul Intentions Sowen Into A Soild/ Flimsy Net
Don't take me for who I am because I don't even know who I am. Take me for the emotions that controls you, the souls that I lifted, the music that are now deep within my skin. Let me lift you with all that I am feeling.
The way he makes me feel
The feeling is unreal
He makes me feel pretty
He's not the one I imagined
But still he makes my heart flutter
The way he stares at me is not uncomfortable
I dreamed of you last night
I dreamed that you were with me all through the night
I dreamed that you held me close and never let go
I dreamed that you whispered in my ear
And told me that you loved me
Let me go,
Hard past memories.
I don't need
To be reminded
Of how much
You still hurt me.
I need to be
I refuse to accept,
That this is
Just how it is.
We’ve all said it,
We’ve all heard it
That easy little phrase to use when you're hurting
Two words, two syllables.
I’m Fine.
A poem a day
Keeps the darkness at bay,
Extracting my emotions
Sets my creativity in motion,
My writing is a hiding place
Where I can disappear without a trace,
I submerge in the waters of passion
You show me the alchoholic that I truly am.
I'm constantly wanting just one more sip of your sweet breathThat when mixed with mineCreates the most perfect intoxicationI've ever let affect my vision
I possess the ability to pick up a pen and pad,
Then progress to prophisize any feelings I've had,
In the form of a melody, exciting or sad
However, no one will listen.
Isn't that bad?
Can you believe it's really here?It's October of our senior year.
Our class is closer, closer than ever.Why can't this year just last forever?
I am more than what’s between my legs.
But you’ll never see that because you seem to live there.
Just like every other boy that has walked in and out my life.
Notice I said “boy"
A young soldier with knowledge and wisdom doomed by man.
It's possible I may never touch land.
How could you let a voice of such substance go unheard,
left to be forgotten and others just don't understand.
And she says to herself why am I not loved?
Why do my efforts go unnoticed to my "affectionee"? I never get noticed.
I wrote about you before I met you.
I wrote about your dark skin and your fustrating hair
I wrote about the way you dance alone before you shower
And the way you observe the choreography created by your favorite musicians,
My heart is split into two
Between I can continue and the other I would be shunned
Cast out,
A pariah.
I don't have the callus for such ignorant human beings.
The pain, the hurt,
the awful, the words,
the things that could come,
the things I've so carefully not done.
I'd let it all come flooding through,
Just to hear you say to me, I love you.
I hate when you don't sit by me,
I hate it the same when you stay.
I hate when our eyes, they meet,
I hate it more when you quickly look away.
I hate the feelings that come to me when you say you're my friend,
I'll remember this next time,
Next time I won't fall so hard.
Next time I won't cry...
Next time.
I'll remember this next time,
Next time I won't step up so quick,
Next time I won't ask...
Why do I write in pencil?
I'm afraid of permenant feelings.
Why is your name in Sharpie?
Because you're already permenant, darling.
isn't always about
isn't always
doesn't always mean
doesn't always mean
sometimes leads you
is the path less
Are meant to be broken.
Are meant to be kept.
Are meant to be told.
Are meant for you to hold.
Aren't always perfect.
Maybe the timing’s not right.
Or maybe it’s just not meant to be.
Should I put up a fight?
Or should I let it be?
I keep running into you.
We’re so close, yet so far.
Let me love you down
even if it takes all night
Words out of a song describe how i feel about you
If you let me i can show you love like no other
I'll caress you with my soft hands
My heartbeat is frozen
I to you is forgotten
The love is cold now, and dead
But you are stuck like ice in my head
I'm cursed
Hit the road
hard and fast
all i wanna do is drive fast
you know me well
you think ill fail
and come running back to you
you want to see me fail , to be there to tell me you were right and i was wrong
Everything is overseenWind blows through the treesI see the gleam from the rain drops on the leavesThe grass a shade of greenSo peaceful So siren Grey clouds stream In the sky
I try so hard,
even when I feel I have made some progress
It is for naught.
My line is corrupt.
“Don’t let them in!”
I scream.
Barricade the door.
Board all the windows.
“Don’t let them in!”
I scream.
Voices behind the door.
Scratching at the windows.
I feel like I messed up
like I misrepresented myself
to the point where you
don't know who I am.
Like I'm singing a song
on your off beats
with a syncopated rhythym you
Before the first second I saw you,I was incomplete.Deep, but nowhere near seeingTo the bottom of my heart;Immersed in emotion,But not to the pointOf drowning,Slowly and all at once,
Tell me something please
Is it normal to feel like this?
Oh, to be young and this sad is so sad
My thoughts are making it hard to breathe
And I just can't stop feeling this sad.
Stop picking your nail polish off
You can pick it off quickly and without thought
I wish it worked that way with emotions
But they wallow
Like food in a dumpster
My mind falls to my heart
It's a feeling that i can no longer hold.
I feel as rhough im incimplete, like something has a hold on me.
It's wrapping itself around my soul.
Treating the person I love wrong.
Feelings, Emotions, the basis of our existence
Tearing apart every piece of my weakened heart
Though through all the pain I show no resistance
They say you will never amount to anything
That the color of your skin is too dark
You’re body too curved
Skin too tinted…
I said I liked you
you said you do too
but youre only you
when they're not around
But that smile & your wink
it's getting to me
My heritage and my background,
The color of my skin or the color of yours
the length of my hair or the length of my nails,
My hieght or my size only have as much power as i give them
Once we parted ways
Of course I've been thinking
Thinking of sinking into what we had once more
Thinking of looking you in the eyes
And getting los in the chambers of your pupils
I am walking on sun shine
as I walk towards another day
I love how the sun shines on my face
how the wind brushes on my skin
the smell of fresh air run though my nose
Feel sick to my stomach...Just want to throw-up...
Trying to stay positive, but real, as well...
Seeing things I dislike...Thinking about things that are out of sight, but still in the mind....
Competition in this generation marks the determination of
We will be those who carry insanity
People think, argue, philosophize.
People dream, live, and die.
People hate, love, laugh, cry.
The actions of humans are so desperate,
But why?
The Door bell rings
"who is it"
no reply,
again it resounds still no reply
Annoyed legs stomp aaway,
opportunity was knocking,
I did not open the door
And it's really sad, how this all worked out.
I watched the scene alter, watched it all fall down.
With a tear or two, maybe three.
I can feel them drowning, or is it me?
I heard you buzz near. The quick flutter of your wings, an indicator- that you were small and most likely, ugly.
I am an old soul with a new state of mind
Wondering through my mind are the obstacles that lie ahead
The wind whispers in my ear, so clearly every word is heard
(Read top to bottom)
I am part of a dysfuntional minority,
and I refuse to believe that
I can change people's views.
I understand that it is difficult to grasp but,
"guns kill people,"
is a lie, and
Every night it's the same hopeless dream
Every day you can't stand the writhing pain
No one understands what you go through
No one understands the inconveniences it brings
Feeling is so overrated.
So I've decided not to do "that" anymore.
"That" is like licking the pages of a cookbook,
Stupid and silly.
Some may not know it
Because they can’t show it
Dogs feel, taste, touch, and smell
But compared to humans not as well
We hurt, as do they
They know when we are just putting on a play
I sing so you don't know im crying.
I luagh so you can't tell im hurting.
Close my eyes so you don't know im watching.
Walk to keep from running.
Hide in plain site so you can't see me.
In the night
Drift away
without a fight
Lose myself
Lost in you
Wondering why,
But such a pretty view
No more sadness
No more pain
Watch that blood,
Can't. I just, I just... Can't.Now there's no one around to hear this rant,and even if there was, I wouldn't let them.
I hold the silver over flesh and feel the sting of thorns.It seems like there was no damage.Ah, there it is.
looking in the mirror,
I can see what I'm not.
I see what I don't have,
and not what I've got.
but she's so much skinner,
is something I say.
or she's really pretty,
and I'm not that way.
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,
absent thee from felicity awhile,
and in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,
to tell my story.
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,
Opening the doors and sliding onto black leather seats.
Squinting as sunlight reflects off of the sunglasses hanging on your rearview mirror.
Everyday I'm trying to move on
Memories with you keeps haunting me
Peace, when will it come?
To the day when I can forget
You were my everything
So much for your pretty lies
I’d treat you like a queen, but what does it mean?
Not a thing, cause I’m new, and you want the old
You tell me nothing even matters, you lie to me
Warmth of your touch… yes, your lie's so bold
I have lived a life of stress and hurt
I have been harassed and treated like dirt
I do have some friends, yes, I do
But I have a lot more enemies too
These are things you hadn't known
The thoughts of running myself into a car, or wrapping myself around a tree
is automatically followed by that of apathy
and then sorrow for even thinking of putting that kind of weight on my parents
Some days we are told how to feel and what to feel.
It is on those days that it is most important to listen to our hearts,
and not to think, but just to feel.
Some days we may feel alone or lost,
If I were older than I am,I would be travelling the universe.If I were wiser than I am,I would be writing countless books to inform the publicthat I am doing something.And although I am not older nor am I wiser;
dads, i've had somedaddy's, more than onemisters i've had tonsbut i've never had YOU...gone before i could blinknever did YOU thinkwhat will happen to the girlI leave behind
You walk in the room
My hands begin to shake
You look at me
My heart pounds
I can feel it fighting to jump through my skin
You begin to speak
In your life you're always judged. PRESSURED! YELLED AT! Until you're crushed. People will tell you you're not worth a dime. But giving up and crying is the biggest crime. Never stop until you're flying. Even if that means you die while trying.
Trapped in a dark room filled with doom
But I’m waiting on that spark so I can start.
On a new road but I’m getting too old
To be wait’n and contemplate’n on choices but I can’t hear
Words can mean everything, / Or nothing. / Words bring you joy, / Or despair. / Words show you're wise, / Or foolish. / Words can give confidence, / Or heartbreak. / Words can be heard, / Or ignored. / Words can teach, / Or destroy.
I am leaving my roots. / Off to the prison I go. / I am leaving my home. / Off to the vast unknown. / I am leaving the love. / Off to where hate will roam. / I am leaving the hugs. / Off to where I'm alone. / I am leaving myself behind.
"Let your trumpet blow!!!" so that it reaches the highest peak of your mountain
"Let your trumpet blow!!!" so that it reaches the highest peak of your mountain
I know you're my teacher, and you need to talk, but I can't be alone in a meeting with you.
You see when I was little, I was sexually abused and I got out of that, with an emotional bruise.
Time ticks slowly, almost like my heart with out you
Just like the Moon, has to be away from the Sun,
I have to be away from you.
Every once in awhile you visit me in my dreams
Sometimes you wonder
After a morning of waking up to the sunshine
Or a day spent with friends
Or an afternoon of light reading
Or an evening watching your favorite movies from childhood
That maybe
I want to know, what being in love is like,
The feeling of butterflies about to strike.
The goosebumps you get every time you touch,
The overwhelming feeling of them being too much.
Sometimes I feel fickle and frill
Alone with chills, longing for someone to want me.
Angry and bitter my soul is a sinner
Waiting to be purified by love.
Coarse and brittle unchanged by riddles
Has there ever been a point in your life
Where you say
This is not me
This is not who I am
And this is not what I want to do
alone, or am I
only one can hear the thoughts inside me head
Fire, Fire, Fire
should I run or
should I stay
Footseps, but they are not mine
Upside down
Putting my thoughts straight
Straightly in the wrong order
It seems to me
Don’t misunderstand
Everyone is allowed to be confused
Down to each word spoken
A feeling so strong, it can't be hidden.
Nothing you can do about it, so you hold it all in,
but you're afraid the truth will slip out;
your secret will be uncovered.
I should be happy But for some reason I'm sad I can't understand the game you're playing It feels like we're on different levelsYou're funny, cute, and awesome But I can't seem to feel what I've felt before
Mommy Dearest you will always beMy mother so loving and so loved by meFor God has taken you to be by his sideNow in Heaven is where you will reside
My mother is the queen,
For control is all that matters.
My father is the king,
The foreseer of decisions.
Mother fends for her bishops,
But they cannot save her children.
I was once something that carried a message with ideas, emotions, and a purpose, made from thoughts. For only a short time do I exist to serve my purpose,
Days like this, I often debate, why'd I let you into this space, I kept so safe. We was always on and off so it was light switch for me to switch you off.
Intrigued, intrigued by life I see everything surrounding me. I feel it too. I went from learning to tie shoe to being able to choose.. Choose who it'll be I'll see in front of this country.. Ain't talking U.S. when they talking bout Us man..
"Momma, you are a vivacious woman with enormous potential."
"Son, the corrupt has taken away my innocence."
"But you have given us all birth."
It use to be so clear for the world to see, daddy's little girl that use to be me. I had no problems I was free from the world, all because I was daddy's little girl.
as i sit here in this bed with millions of thoughts going through my head most of them filled with dread others i wish they were gone but instead they sit here in their own little bubble not causing any trouble physically i mean but mentally their
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!I wake up to my alarm going off...another day,another scar. I slowly get out of bed and set to my morning chores.I take a shower, get dressedthen I put on the darkest make up,to express my feelings. I skip breakfast...
When you ask someone how it feels to be in loveHow the idea came to be and gave birth in their mind In the light of their presenceIn front of the person they spent their days with
Once an angel sat down next to me,
In the form of a homeless man,
On a graffitied park bench and
Said to me:
“Why you’ve been an idiot.
Here I am watching the rain whip through the window
The water seeps in the cracks of the thirsty hard wood floor
My face is soaking wet as I stand by the window, watching you leave
Sometimes I am outgoing.
I have my friends on my side.
And nothing can beat my sense of pride.
Sometimes I am shy.
I watch everything from over there.
I can't do much except sit there and stare.
I am Yin and he is YangI bring peace but he brings painI am pure, while he is corruptedI am collected while he is disruptive
All these DREAMS I am having.
They are all free, yet worthless.
Some seem sorrowful sometimes
And some seem serious sometimes
As if they were worth of being dreamt.
I have realized the hard way;
capture butterflies
and lock them tightly
in a glass jar
I watch them flutter about
encased in my heart
And everytime the jar shakes,
so does my stability
capture butterflies
and lock them tightly
in a glass jar
I watch them flutter about
encased in my heart
And everytime the jar shakes,
so does my stability
By Sophie Leveille
He’s undeniably dead,
Suddenly gone,
And never coming back.
He fell to the floor without a second thought.
No wish or cry can resuscitate him.
I don't have anything to inspire me, except the feelings I get when I watch you concentrate
on things such as buying a train ticket.
I'm not inspired by the way flowers grow into something beautiful, but I am inspired
I am not nervous.
Really, I’m not.
I may look a wreck:
tired eyes and hair a mess,
dressed as if
I haven’t done anything
When the rain falls at night
It helps me to sleep
It washes away
All the pain that I weep
I try my best
To look beyond the bad
But it keeps coming back
Like my pen to my pad
I am from the southern part of Dayton, Ohio.
I am from my dad and granddad because my dad has anger management
And because my grandparents didn't want children,
And when I was born I was real sensitive on the inside
From a babe to a child, to a girl, to a...
My hand wrote more than any other kind
But then, cocky girl pointed out in disgust,
Words rising and falling like mountains and valleys.Letters form Heroes with passion and calling.Seas of ideas, all structured in stanzas.
A moment, stuck in the breath of a lost memory.
It's cold and will not breath the same again.
A heart is frozen, wrapped in born sadness of lost words.
The emotions
Bubble up to my throat and
Foam spills out from my chapped, bleeding lips and
Nobody knows and nobody will know the fact that I
My breath comes out in strings with messages about
I write to learn
about who I am
to embrace the ugly things
so that I can no longer call them ugly
To force my attention to moments that sound dissonant in my mind
Some have asked why I’m restless.
I’m always moving, I never stop.
When I’m reading, when I’m writing,
especially scribbling on my table-top.
I promise, I’m just as focused on this as the next guy.
She really thought it was real this time
She was stubborn that this time, this time he was the one
So she danced with words on her tongue
And made him feel like a prince
As a look in the mirror, I stare back at my reflection
I see the picture of a troubled man;
Searching to find and gaze at a portrait of redemption.
His vision is fogged; amid dim depression and loss of understand.
Dreams fill our souls
Weaving, spinning tales
of love and laughter,
Blossoming hearts.
Scenes of life and color
formed not in a lens, but in minds.
Oh, the colors
I write the words i cannot say. I write them with tears on every page. I have thoughts i keep to myself. People used to worry about my health. I fund pen and paper. I write down every event that may occur. I write to express.
Why do I write?Because it is the thing that lets me be creativeWhy does anyone write poetry?It's a song one can sing without knowing the correct notes
I sit with a post it,
Willing the words from my sophomoric mind,
And they do not come,
For I have nothing to say.
It gets me through every day.
It expresses what I cannot say.
It lets me be someone else,
or helps me to be just myself.
It is at times my enemy, but also my friend.
I write to let you know
How I feel
How I miss you
How I resent what happened
I write to let people hear
The eloquence of vowels
The harshness of consonants
Eyes are the doorway.Enter this typically smiling place
but a frown will form;the gut seeming stuffed with aches and pains,even between cracks and crevices,attempting to crumble borders.
Because a cruel world needs a safe place
Because sometimes a piece of paper and a pen can create a new reality
Because tears come to often and tissue runs out
It all starts with a letter.
Not a phrase.
Not a word.
Not even an idea.
The letter is the crack in the dam that is a brain.
Slowly the magic seeps through the crack.
As time goes on, the crack grows.
Sometimes, I just can't talk
My throat becomes swollen
And my eyes teary.
I try.
I open my mouth,
but no noise comes out.
I want so bad to tell you.
Paper's there to listen when the earth has tuned me out,
Poetry's the pillow that takes my angry shout,
And writing is the friend that never fails to say, "Hello."
It doesn't need to rhyme and it doesn't need to flow--
lately my grandmother has been practicing her english with the phrase:
no one should have to die with pain and suffering
the pencil marks bow through the pages so earnestly
i can't recall exactly when i had begun writing.
but it must've been in a time of distress or despair.
i figure this because those are the only times i see
writing as essential -- as catharsis or healing. so, i write
To write, is to express one’s self through words rather than actions.To write, is to speak out loud without really speaking.To write, is to release… everything.
If he walks by and sees youBe carefulYou're like rare pork lined and soaked in fresh bloodAnd just by the way he walks and talksYou'll undeniably fall for his perfect charm
I live to write,
to express my emotions and to empower my thoughts,
to portray the world through my eyes.
Its why I can breathe freely...
With the use of my words I am reassured that I am alive,
There's a voice inside my heartAnd she's screaming at the top of her lungs
pick up the penget the notebooksit at the computerfor God's sakelet me talk
My voice, the smallest in the crowd full of no one.
My voice does it tell you who i am what i go through?
Or just tell you what i need to say at that time.
My voice can you tell its me, is it really me.
you can dream big
or you can dream small
or you can dream nothing at all!
but if you dream big
and reach for the stars
you just may succeed
as far as you need
and if you dream small
Wandering Words
A violin has potential to awaken a heart with her lovely tune
Just as words have the potential
To free someone
Why do women fall in love with men who are completely wrong for them? Is it a hidden sense kindled from our genetic nurturing trait that we think we can baby bad boys into good men?
Maybe all the time,
There's A Victimless crime.
Sometimes I want to just stand up and let go
Show you your troubles and all of your false hope.
When I am running
running from my problems
running from the world,
I can
And think.
And write.
And be free.
And then maybe I can
And see.
And know
As The Days Pass On
We See What Could have Been
What Might Have Been
But Never Will Be
We Move On
But Never Forget
Bout What Occurs In Our Past
And Lingers In Our Memories
The pain that I felt over the years
The kind that brought those silent tears
The more I saw my heart break
The less of a women in myself I thought I could make
Many times I thought I fought my love
Sometimes more is said with lessThe lengths increase; the depths regressAnd some are too shy to converseAnd speaking more just makes it worse
What it means to me....
With each and every word a story is waiting to be heard.
From heartaches to heartbreaks I write what I feel.
I feel what I write, I'll never be the same again, I can only learn from my mistakes.
It's all emotion, feeling the power escape when you let it free
i love that feeling, the feeling of marking down who I am, feeling like me
me and nobody else.. Just this little pen and paper
I've always been a litte small, I've never been super tall, my voice is light and gets carried away by the wind. Sometimes I forget who I am, Sometimes I forget what I want.
Poetry is a beautiful way people can express thereselfs
My poem explains the feelings i have for poetry
No amount of words can describe what poetry means to me
I write poems because poetry is my specialty.
Without it, I wouldn't be me or even complete.
I write because my handwriting is neat,
And the material that I write is written to intrigue.
Broken streets mind is forced to travel,
Empty soul enforced to search.
Trembling hands hunt for redemption,
Merely paper they unearth.
Lips begin to quiver
As crystal escapes at last,
Poetry is my love
Poetry is a talent
Poetry makes me move
In a direction of balance.
Finding harmony inside
Expressing feelings hidden
Finding love from outside
And not hiding thoughts given
Denied without love
Living inside my own blood
Opening my heart
Betrayal without a doubt
Jealous of the rebounds
Seeing the world in you eyes but your eyes everywhere in the world
Carlyn Frye
Why I Write Scholarship
Troubling Inspiration
Married, four kids, a big household
Working for a company with a huge work load
The pain,
the sorrows,
the noises,
are all consuming me.
Every where I look, there is something that reminds me of that experience and my existence.
He writes poetry,
He writes art.
Poetry brings out the loud voice within him,
Poetry was the elation he needed during those dark moments in high school.
Yes, poetry was his anti-depressant. His drug.
Crisp,clear,oceans deep.
Stir within me feelings.
Open my soul,bare myself to you,make feelings brand new.
Sapphiresin the night sky.
The 5 senses I was blessed with became my curse
I saw, I felt, I smelled, I heard, i tasted what my life offered me
My hopes, thoughts, and dreams became deflected
In my heart there were feelings
That I never really showed
In my mind there were thoughts
No one would have ever known
In my lungs there was air
That would have never breathed words
I find feelings scary.
They tend to make people
Do uncontrollable things.
I find logic powerful
For logic comes
From the defeat of the monster
That is feeling.
She is the wind, frequently changing directions, never stoping.Like the moon, she shines and gives light,forever giving the apppearance of change.She is a whisper on my lips,velvety and soft.Like a a snowflake,delicate and pure.She is a child,In
I am from a big city to a small town.
I am from the green eyes of my broken hearted mother.
I am from the epileptic father,
taken hours after my birth.
I am from the drunken, broken promises of my step father.
With words I can open the eyes of our people
The young, the old, the weak and the seemingly strong
The ones who don't believe that they have a voice,
An opinion, a choice, after they remove all the noise
The Rose is gone, what happen to the Rose which come in every season your petal. Was always crutch together. What happen that I come outside and didn't see your eye's.you was lays there my lane of flame that spark my everyday.
Your either writing your feelings down or writing what's on your mind.Many write it down as a verse, like a journal or in stanzas,but I'm one to write what I feel, or when I'm bind.I write because I can not always speak the truth,my mouth is sewed
As I sit in my room I ponder the many reasons why I write.
A ponder and wonder and think for a moment.
I have many reasons, and I shall try to be contrite....
I write to escape.
What it meant to me before
Just words written in a stanza
With rhymes and patterns
I knew that they’re art expressed in words
I can smile and look at everythingTwisting a strand of hair with my finger,A childish expression i wear to pass the time. Until then I am wasting my time skipping and stepping on broken leaves,My toes growing numb from the water soaking into my sh
I try my best to be brave,but then it feels like I'm hiding in a dark hallow cave.
I don't know what to do anymore,What's the right thing?I'm not sure,
I use poetry to bring fort important discussions,
I don't believe in limiting topics because I'm young,
But for starters, I've lost friends,
They're legal and I'm just a teen,
Life seems frugal with a hint of mean,
One call in the fall. A text in the winter.
You say you're at home but I see you out with her.
Must pain you a lot that we broke up.
Because 2 days later you two hook up.
One smile in the spring.
Momma, don't you feel the water?
The water that drips all day?
Momma, it pours harder,
It will not go away,
I haven't read the Bible,
Don't recall the date,
But it's when I was stronger,
Why do I write?Well, why do birds fly?Upon the updraft I take wing with pen and paper,Releasing the power within me, giving it to the world,No longer am I in control, deciding I stand here;
I write to bleed emotion on this blank piece of tree,to connect to the depths in my mind understnading why.
When I am hurt
Words flow from my mind
Like blood flows from a cut
My mind is raw like my skin
My mind hurts like a wound
Pain radiates to my heart
My hand move quick
Ink stains paper
We all start out as embers
(with a potential for passion but a forecast for failure)
that need careful, tedious, tending.
as time passes, guardians slowly wander away,
but return quickly as needed
I am the heart of my house now, i've become the very soul of this dark place.
The water of the dripping faucet is my tears and the lifeless broken mirror is my face.
I am the walls, plain, worn, and bare.
What is a poem? Really?
A page--blank without words
Words--bold, yet impossible without letters
Letters--lines, scratches, dots
So small, so miniscule,
I'm lost in this tiny space, my mind has decided to leave and didn't warn me. I have no human interaction, not even the warmth of sunshine on my face. My thoughts are random and seem meaningless, yet they are taking control of me.
Pain and agony
Miserable and heartbroken
Confused and afraid.
Amazed and hopeful
Compassion and empowered
Thankful and loving.
Inspired and touched
I feel nothing.
I tried to scream, tried to cry
I tried to laugh
But nothing happens
I feel nothing.
Maybe if one more thing could go wrong
I could let something out
I lay in bed thinking of you once again
It's like you're filling up my mind
With dangerously deadly mines
You've implanted in my brain
You could feel the pain
In his spoken words
Every word hurt more than the one before
He got so close to tears
Ready to disappear
You are so very special to me
Even though your appearence was so bare
The life you let me live is so free
You are the reason I am so very fair
I try and cope with strong emotions
As easily as I possibly can
Proposed to my notebook with a pen in hand, sealed the deal with a handshake.Hoping maybe this relationship will function properly because it’s only so much rejection possible that a man takes.
Every year of my life, every month of the year, and every day that goes by I keep forgetting that you’re no longer here. I wished this pain would all go away but each countless moment I thought you I just made the suffering continue longer.
Every war that was ever fought
all began with a single thought.
They are such powerful things:
the start of relationships and flings.
One thing leads to another
and your thoughts become words.
I only play with my black keys,
My lovely black keys.
The only keys I can trust
Keys I can put my faith in
The white keys don't understand me
The white keys
My mind races,
Screaming to be heard.
But the words blur,
The sentences trickle away.
My jaw clenches shut,
And my mouth turns to desert sand.
A lump invades my throat,
I write because
my pen doesn't stutter like my lips do.
I write because
it is easier for my to convey feelings.
I write because
I can touch a person's heart through written words.
I write because
How can you love someone you know you aren't suppose to?
Yea, I'm talking about me I just don't know what to do.
The love is so strong..
but it seems SO wrong.
How could something that feels SO right be so wrong..
I sat there
Unworried, stress free
Or in other words calm and collected about the whole situation
Determined, expecting
Looking past the affection
Only concerned about our connection.
Their wings tickling your sides and fluttering through you.
They kiss you from within and make you feel afloat and nervous.
They spew uncertainty into the air and it hangs in your throat.
Try, you hear. Because honestly, no matter how you were before this crept upon you, now ‘you’ is all you can think of. Try, because that’s the best way to combat, because that’s what you should do! You know this, of course you do. You know much
Poems are used to express
one’s feelings and emotions.
They can be seen as a recess
or even as a potion
I write to bring out
all the words that were just lost
Writing a poem is a grand expression Of the man I am and the one I want myself to be Words become lines, lines become poems, interconnected like brush strokes in a painting or the individual notes of a favorite song These words that capture my hea
My grandmother told me of a place
Where she played as a kid
She never said how she found it
But it’s gone now
Maybe there’s no right or wrong way to feel about you;Only wrong and maybe rightOr just maybe and might, could beIf you know how to spin it that way,If you can play with your speechAnd teach your tongue to
The lonely feeling trickles throiug my mind,
Solemly, I begin to climb
Into your jacket, stained with your smell
Praying you are doing well
I sit in silence, curled in a ball
my heart begs for just one call
Sometimes you watch yourself, understanding why you don't-care,Seeing several different roads, realizing they all lead to no-where,Walking down a flight of steps, hoping the devil won't-stare,
I write because I go through hard times
Family and friends are not always there
Most of my problems rhyme
I do not always share
People just look at physical appearance
Friends run around the blazing heat
Capturing the sand under our feet
Screaming like we've lost it all
We'll party till the wheels fall
Seeing stars in our eyes
Not a care is given about how fast time flies
Noiseless voices in my head Asking, begging to be let free. Harshing breathing, Trembling hands, A small cry seeking help. Angry shouts, Loud words, Rumbling floors. Dark clouds blur my sight, Fear searches for the light. Years go by,
Sometimes going through depression is what makes a person
It gives a glimpse of reality
A vision with everlasting loneliness and destroyed self-image
This emotion holds one hostage
Sometimes I wonder why the government wants to take away our rights
I wonder why I have to fight every single day of my life
Sometimes i wonder what is this hunger we have for more knowledge
Poetry expresses hidden feelings.
They make words sound appealing.
They tell stories,
Out of the words in your inventories.
Sometimes it's hard to describe how you're feeling,
The typical words of pain, hurt and shame
are the emotions that are commonly phrased
by every teenager's thoughts who are all the same.
These feelings, thoughts that are jumbled up in my brain
Deleted talent you should not have wentIn my heart that beats there are a few dentsThe dark will be there forever moreAnd my pillow will forever be the cureEyes are heavy and the body is weak
Look at society and see the reflection in the mirror isn’t finished.All because you weren't "blessed" to meet the criteria of the "image"-
Straight teeth, long hair, size zero waist, 20/20 vision.
Why do You turn a blind eye to Your faultsYou pretend You've done nothing wrongLike You were perfect and had my best interest at heartBut yet its so hard for us to get along
I write for the moment,
I write for the pain.
Everytime I've been bullied, harassed, and full of disdain.
I write for my teacher who told me to pick up a pen, because of her I write for the children,
the women,
The first time I saw you
I didn't think we could be.
I said, "Yeah, whatever, he's just a flirt"
But, then you started flirting with me.
I miss you in the little things
In the way your spirit danced across the stage
Always so eager to play a part away from the harsh reality of your life.
In the way you refused to pick a side:
The voices inside my head keep calling my name
Making me look around thinking I'm going insane
I try to ignore them but they find their way back in
If this is war I don't think I'll win.
My mind is a prison
The prisoner locked inside the cell
is me
Why you may ask
because i can't gain control
so i lose it every time
and when the control is lost
the pain takes over
Whether you read them backwards
or read them forwards.
They are still only words.
Racecar. Kayak. Level.
They are still only words.
Whether you say them with meaning
I write to let go
I write to say no
I write to be heard
I write to hide behind written word.
I write for my freedom
I write for my soul
I write for my heart
I write for the polls.
Poetry is the plug
to my outlet.
It completes my circuit.
Energy whirrs within me,
Waiting to have release.
Between us,
there is tension,
this spark.
You must love to watch me crybecause since the beginningthat’s all you have caused me,tears and breathless sobsand i sit here as these big dropsof sadness and despaircrash like waves onto my face
I pick it up, my mind goes wild
I move it around, my heart smiles.
The way it moves on this sheet of white
Makes the words in black a beautiful sight.
My thoughts cannot be hidden here,
Facing Life's problems through my paper and pen. Overcoming the obstacles that I produce from within. Once being a lonely soul, making friends with my words. Life's a journey; I'm on a quest to find my pot of gold.
I could feel myself start to change
Becoming something that was deranged.
My heart raced, even skipped a beat
As I surrendered, admitting defeat
Here comes the pain
And as it started, so did the rain
Maybe you know or maybe you don’t,But you are the single most important person in my life,And I really appreciate you,Though sometimes I might not seem to show it, Know that I do.
These scars here are r e a l.
Seems as though I - Love - You , does'nt quite appeal.
But this is how I f e e l.
Like I could capture the whole world-right before your eyes.
Can I tell you a secret?
I still want him back.
After all this time, I still have things to tell him.
I always told him I hated the mountains,
But I lied. I love them deeply, passionately, like he did.
Inside my soul it cries and wails,
I keep it trapped, for the key is mine.
Until the cage, from my own hands, at long last falls and fails.
Nobody can comprehend that museful flower,
Can't decide between what's wrong
or what's right
Confused about what to do about everyone around me
I have found true love from someone who cares
Feeling trapped because of grief
Love is the strongest feeling you can have,
My heart to me is my storage for love,
My heart keeps me going everyday.
Love is the strongest feeling you can have,
Love is Universal
Its ecceptance for the things
That make us diffrent
Not change who we are to suet others
But living so others see who we are
Its not use, bending out lights
Life should be simple
But feelings are not
Humans are predictable
But egos cause roots to rot
Life is not simple
What does poetry mean to me?
It is written not by the pen but by the heart
Likewise, it is seen not with the eyes but with the heart.
Gather the pen and paper.
Reminisce for a bit.
Jot down what’s on your mind-
Write down everything you’d like to admit.
All the words between the pages
claiming my humble heart,
meek mind,
tattered soul.
My heart, I think, is soon to be
influenced by
swift words,
crafted lines,
touching stories.
It's funny how people think I'm a really strong person and nothing bothers me.
I'm always smiling, trying to be the happiest person I can be.
I hide behind fake smiles & "I'm fine"
Eat my words
you beast of paper, clawing for truth and lies
Soak up my tears
and my smiles, my heartache
and my giggles
A half-formed poem
a finespun respite for
I would love to say I love you and love for you to say it back,
but I would hate to say I love you and have your feelings back track.
Feelings is just a state of mind and the heart has no limits,
Relationships are hard, and relationships are tough.
They test you and wear you down,
and lately this patch has been rough.
To express the entire entity of who I am I write.
I write for the fact that living in this world of a billion people
I stand alone with a voice stifled and unheard.
Everything goes on, moving and flowing. Never stopping. I think and breath, so let me break free. I'll fall and stumble, and pick myself up. I will be fine. All will be well, so let me go, loosen the grip, let me breath.
(poems go here)
Spinning, spinning, spinning
The ride won't stop
Everything I've ever known
and has been important to me
has swirled into an array of colors
You may believe everything is perfect
To me its just another smile to put on
One struggle to the next is happening fast
And it all started when I was eight.
Poetry, or writing in general
is my life.
it is how i express every feeling in my body
My sadness
my happiness
my fears
my pain.
all of it.
every single emotion i go through
The colors of the rainbow, hmmmmm!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet;
Let’s add White and Black.
Why not even Gold and Silver?
(poems go here) My pen sculpts a future
Potential to work and to enjoy with one job
My pen sculpts a dream
Hope of proving my father wrong that writing is dead
I’m kinda new to this,
But I see how great your love truly is.
I also see a crazy mess,
And it’s bringing me distress.
Kindness obsolete;
And sometimes kept descrete,
Chains Chains Chains Chains
Call for a need of change
Born free
Every child learns how to wear the manacles
How to chain their minds to someone else's paradigm
How to live with bent backs
why do I write?
well its not for the money
me with out writings
like a bee without honey
I write for my heart
I write to stay sane
I write to show my feelings and capture my pain.
Who am I?
Because I'm struggling in a way that I don't understand,
And I'm living in a world that relationships
So easily become a misconception of a wholesome bond.
I have this fleeting heart making me incapable.
My Mother seems so far away from me,
On that beautiful white shore across the sea.
Yet I remember love’s soft glow upon her face,
And the feel of her touch and tender embrace.
A soul crushed beneath the weight of life
Wings heavy with burdens
Beating frustrations within a cage of flesh
With labored breath and nowhere to turn
Life a gaping hole, spilling across time
The blood seeping
I write because I feel it
Because I need it
Because is me
I try to express my opinion in a better way
I write because is the only way to scream my thoughts out loud
and be heard
I Belong to the wind
I belong to the edges
I belong to nobody and still
I am trapped in his most deepest thoughts
in his most pure sighs,
in each of his heartbeats without wanting to get out.
When i speak
the words that ignite a fire in my head
a tidal wave
a tsunami
a hurricane
a rumbling earth quake of what i feel must be heard
just dont come out correctly
stuttering and tripping
Do you feel as I do
do you see as I do
like the world is fake
like it isn't there
Does it scare you
Does it frighten your very soul
As I kicked the tiny, gray pebble in the street, walking home from the park, all I could think about was the fact that I needed to get home right away.
What poetry means to me? I could sit here all day and list the reasons I write and what poetry means to me, but that would not quite express the passion I have for it.
I see faces each day
The same faces that pass by the same way
Nothing, nothing is all I say
My lips quiver but my voice is nothing but a weak mocking squeak
You can't fit the shoes i walk in, don't judge me, and nah im not saying you have to love me, i got enough people in my ear tellin me that but its not a fact.
Please, be my words; I know it sounds absurd
But you got my lips moving
Forming sentences—I’m improving
On finding my voice; to speak on my choice
In this case, it’s you.
Paper hearts, they tend to bleed,
The blood shall spill all over me.
Pieces broken like empty glass,
Nothing there to bring it back.
No glue, no tape.
Just scissors from a cutthroat soul.
Hark unto me oh ye man!!!!
For it is not the struggle of one that overcomes all, but rather the struggle of all that overcomes one. We are not definite through human shape and form, rather infinite through UNIFYING energy.
Poetry’s the motivation
Poetry’s the conversation
Poetry’s the words that you can’t express
Poetry’s the friend that spills words onto the page
We got Acrostic
And Doggerel
Growing up in a home with a single mother.
Role model for my sisters inspired by my brother.
Holding on to hope by a thread discouraging thoughts in my head.
What are the can do's when you're telling yourself "YOU CAN NOT"?
Why not write a world of art?
With material abound,
One word after another,
This writers speeding thoughts come together.
A few strokes, a big practice.
The life line of communication, business,
My reflection stares back in pity
I reject it
And then it hit me;
The truth is
No matter how much they sell
My legs won’t grow and my lips won’t swell
My cheekbones won’t rise
Listen to the heart of the bass
The beat of the rhythm
The taste of the lyrics that flows so smoothly through the tunes of nature.
The music that makes my heart dance and my lips sing, sing the song of melody.
As I crawl between the empty crevices of his arms,
I lay against him and my cold body feels a rush of warmth.
My hands start shaking,
And all I can do is smile as his eyes stare deep into mine.
I don't know what to do
This blade ain't workin' for me
Alcohol only makes it worse
I'm poppin' these pills like candy
I feel so unwanted
I am so lost
I feel so forgotten
Asphalt never looked so soft
She was sixteen when she first started
I've never seen someone so unique and bighearted
The reasoning for her chronic smile was quite effortless
She wrote poetry in a manner so burlesque
feelings can be hard to keep hold of sometimes
it's sorta like when i was younger and i'd try to chase the moon from the car's backseat
Early on a Monday, I sit in my desk.
Mrs. Kohlman is pacing at the front of the room.
I look at the handout, laugh with the rest.
She tells us there will be a poem due soon.
Handing out paper, filled with excitement
I was sitting there screaming inside
I felt so alone, like I was being pushed around
By the oceans tides.
I couldn’t even make a sound.
I needed an outlet for my escape
As it offered no true freedom.
The darkness encircled me. The pain, overwhelming.
The way that we used to be, Babe, its disbanding.
The flowers and cards. Love notes and smiles.
Babe, everything's hard. Now, it's defiled.
Maybe life goes on, even with you gone,
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be.
Like sunshine you'll follow me wherever I go
Even through the fog and the cloudy days.
Our life is Fragile, our life is short
So when life took you I didn't know where to go
I found myself visiting the places we’d been
Reminiscing of the times you stood next to me
The more I remembered the more I cried
Coal black attacks like razor knives,
And grips and rips your dreams good-bye.
It calls your name—oh countless lives
Have no known clue what myst’ries lie.
The mem’ries of my long lost friend, who took
Me out of my woeful misery, fled
Into the unknown, leaving words unsaid
A mystery. I would constantly look
Back at the past, picturing the blue book
The morning sun shining brightly over the orange grove
The sun warming the plants and animals, signaling the start of yet another day
Dust coming up in clouds as the tractor meanders through the trees
For years and years she wondered,
"Will I always feel alone?"
For years and years she travelled,
moving home to home.
“Being inside you is like having a million conversations that bring us closer together.”
I swear that line will make him famous one day,
but the solace found within can never surmount.
Brief in Brevity
Truth and Sincerity’s will
I tremble at cold.
Truer words still be
“Pain is inevitable,”
Suffering is not.
Do you wonder still?
If eyes don’t meet, is there sight?
Give me your pain
every ounce of it
Drop every single drop into my mouth
Let me taste it
swallow it, consume it
When your pain is in me, you are in me
I am you, but you are not me.
Daddy, Daddy look at me
Watch me as I fly
More and more I’m gaining speed
As I soar through sky
Mommy, Mommy how I see
you below me now
I’ll come and have a looky
When I can swoop down
I hurt inside
turmoil within
but I will not give them the pride
to see me cry on the outside.
demons claw at my stomach
rip open my heart
and I bleed.
but only on the inside
Intensity, intuition, in love
Intellect, practicality, and ration are all of thee above
Passion, emotions, and feelings are what drives us
Lying,deceiving, and cheating is what divides us
This year has many ups and downs
But the downs are what put me down
I struggled a lot with the deaths this year
Also school stressed me out
Trying to balance school and work was harder
Tu me donne ton portable, et j'ai lu un message.
Je découvre qu'il s'agit d'une terrible annonce.
Tu ne m'aime plus?
Mais, je ne comprends pas pourquoi?
J’écoute, je comprends, et je peins mon amour pour toi.
It's almost here
As I count down the days, I can't help but feel scared
I leave my old life behind to pursue something new
Looking at the cap and gown hanging beside me
I can't help but feel like crying
There is always a gloomy day
where you wanna lay in the rain
When you lose someone
a part of you brakes away
As the fiesta comes to end, I see you sitting down
Neither on the couch nor bed; but rather on the cold, hard ground.
What does the sunrise look like,
To someone headed west?
One who cannot turn round,
Nor take one glance behind.
First a pale glow,
Reflecting off the valleys low;
Followed by the sweet chirping
It was 3:11a.m.
The girl stared off into the darkness.
The dark hallway disappeared beyond the border.
Ring. Ring. Ring
The thought of worry twisted back into her mind.
Everything's changed
But then again, it's still the same
With the loss of a loved one
There are wishes for it to be undone
To be redone over again
With one last chance to say goodbye
I have a vase
Of sad forget-me-nots
On the bedstand
Next to Emily
Rose-wooden eyes
See what mine still hide from me
Behind the thread and the needle holes
I know we still holds my memories
It's funny how it all works
I had it all planned out
We broke up I moved on
I focused on myself and no one else
I bumped into a few strays here and there
But deep inside I knew they were going nowhere
The longer I sit here
The more unclear everything becomes.
Like fog on a windshield
Steam in a bathroom
I fail to see
What lies ahead.
I love you so much that I hate you, get it?
I hate you because I loved you to the point where it broke my heart
I love you because your smile made me smile
I hate you because you drained me of my happiness
Hey, You.
Yes, You.
Why are You just standing there?
Green eyes, Black boots,
And that messy brown hair.
Looking at me without a care.
Soft lips, Colorful belt,
Hands on hips. Revengful smirk.
(This poem was written following the murder of my mother and the death of my father.
To be wanted
is something we all crave
we want it
and flaunt it
we crave
and we rave about it
we hate on others
so that they can't have what we have
Drops of golden, wasted space
Pressed upon a solid face.
Windswept strands of faded truth
Blown across the palms of youth.
Cautioned, never came to phase,
Wearing starlit, glassy haze.
Empty hands
Empty phase
Lonely place.
Shuddering loose.
Ends ravel back, twisting trunks
Forty stains,
Grape seeds.
Whispered gold, precious wrought.
Luscious lied.
Rivers of twisted emotion,
Thoughts of Alabaster and marble
Mixed with ashes of ashes of
ashes. Of
Poor and rich and kings and
And she floats through it all, she
Chills rested on January's breath
A realized sigh, a crushing taste.
Plastic tries and glassy eyes.
Lived in lies.
Spinning, falling, knees of cinder.
Trembled tries snap in the winter.
shining, reflected pains.
calm as river.
size your face.
staggering on beams
of steel.
exhaling charms of colored blue.
booked up spine.
c shaped back.
She's a rock and she's sinking.
Deeper and deeper.
Those supports, what supports?
Flew away.
The creator's got skill in mind and
pain in movement,
Degrading, degrading and angry.
I can't see you
But I feel you
I don't know you
But I love you
I don't want to forget you
But I can't remember you
Someone once asked me,
if one day I chose not to live anymore,
and I decided to jump off a cliff
would I prefer to be facing the sky?
Falling hundreds of feet
to my certain death,
not certain exactly when
We will never be satisfied.
It is against human nature
To be content with what we have in our lives.
Everyone wants more.
Obvious screams bleeding out of my shifting soul.
“Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades”
Alone with my contemplating mind. So Mind Fucked.
My life feels void and full of darkness no matter how far I run to reach the light on the other end
SOCCER player for the world
Players with soccer balls and The Worlds Game
Yelling,Cussingm Shoving
Fields of sweating bodies
Sometimes I want to dive in to greet the bottom of the ocean floor
Sometimes I want to jump off to see what lies in the concrete.
Sometimes I want to drink because I am curious about what hides at the bottom of the bottle
If I could tell you one more thing,
I would ask you to remember everything.
I want you to know that I’m not mad,
But yes I often to get sad.
I still believe you can hear me,
As you embark on your journey,
To that world so far beyond,
I think of you with sadness
The girl too young.
Your smile is glued to my mind
When you would shout as you sang.
Why did you go so soon?
Started with the bright sunshine staring down at me
Waiting for the strong heat to pack on in, so sweet
Wind in my face, music blastin’ through the speakerphone
Every day chillin' it, never seem to be at home
Never could I expect the unimaginable outcome of that day
You see, on that very day
You took a journey through my eyes
And gazed on back to the inner side of my thighs
Just kidding
After my bubble bath
I lie on my bed naked
In a pure form
For I know that this body is mine
And no one else may have it unless I will it
On the first day we met you became my reeve,
It was the color you had shown that was perceived.
It was a splash of green, a dash of blue and a bouquet of red,
You would have had me at hello, if that is all you had said.
Words inscribed to remind.
Written in stone, to withstand the punishment of time.
The pain escapes, with no recognition of crime
I descend into darkness, carved my fate into wood.
Am I guilty of falling down?
Because I feel the same.
Can this be different than before?
Difference is only an Idea.
Everyone could feel this way.
Feeling only what I’ve been constructed to feel.
Do you want to know how I feel? There are butterflies swarming around my stomach at all times of my existence. My bones shake and my heart rate goes through the roof.
Will it ever stop?
The hurt
The pain
Blood dried on my shirt
And still nothing to gain
Why does the pain still persist?
My happiness is so greatly missed.
Inside I am screaming
I'm dangling on the rail of a hospital bed
Clinging to you and the life you have left and
Somewhere in between hushed breaths and the unnerving hum of the air mattress
Wake me up
Before I lose it all
This nightmare's a little too real
Pick me up
I'm starting to fall
Pretty soon I'l forget how to breath
I'm not asking. I'm begging you now
I'm the shadow in a rainbow
I'm the anger in a smile
I'm a raincloud on a sunny day
The tenth number in a dial
Feel the tongue tingling words oozing from my overly active brain.
The sensation of bottle popping knowledge residing in your heart.
His words will never hurt you again
The hammer in your chest will pound no more
I’m like a minnow against the whim of the sea
I can’t let my heart get thirsty
Or it’ll make a slave of me.
I wake up musing
Still shadowed by last night’s dreams.
And fervidly before me,
I couldn't touch it.
The body, I mean.
I couldn't. Because I knew,
I just knew that the second I did
The supersaturated solution that was my heart
Would crystallize and crack
Into a thousand raw pieces.
It hurts...just like I knew it would.
Six months I tried to fight it,
To deny it,
I didn't want this.
I knew there would be pain,
But by the end of those six months I couldn't complain.
Hearing the helicopter all night
woke up the next morning wanting to ride my bike
my good friend just got into a fight
So we head to the streets at the break of daylight
kids growing up wanting to be heard on the mic
I’m afraid,
To let people
See the tears roll uncontrollably
Down my face
Each one mimicking the last.
And, I don’t want
To have to face them
And show them that I feel.
Feeling a depth of despair inescapable,
an entangled mindweb is my dwelling
and my tongue tastes of bitter longing.
The river washes everything away
All the evidence
The remembrance
Of things that happened in the past
It doesn't worry about the mass
Amount of people
That it erases
When winter storms bring snow and ice and springs face hides beneath
And life is draped in cold regret where jealousy sinks its teeth
The road is dark and rough, though often traversed by those
I wrote you a letter but you never replied
And something was loosed inside of my mind
You can take a chance and call it independence
But you’ll be gone before your time
(poems go here) Tears on my pillow
They fall soft.
A steady stream
In this lonely loft.
Outside wind howls
Inside I shudder.
I wait for you
My lost lover.
The future is bright for some and dark for others
See We Live in a life full of judgmental people
We try to do good in a world filled with evil
We all fall but some don't get back up
I have a thought inside my head
I part my lips
But cannot speak
It seems my thought must go unsaid
I lift my pen
But cannot write
It seems my thought must go unread
Missing you is me
Loving you is free
being true is easy
but not completely
today is a given
and tomorrow is never known
so be happy
and let yourself be shown
I swear I was going to listen
To the advice that you made sure I heard.
But my friends have influence on me
And I didn’t want to be the nerd!
My dear Tyler Klein you changed my life. though our time together was cut as if by a knife. I can honestly say I am a better person because of you. Any time anyone needed anything, you were there, you'd always come through.
Drops of rain fall on a cloudless day
the day is darkened while the sun shines bright
a man
a woman
separated for now
but soon to be reunited
the faithful lover of this man sheds yet another tear
I held my dreams inside my hands so no one else could touch
Made sure they only knew my face so no one else could judge
I fed them big and made them strong so they could face the world
Hey, girl, I am just writing to say,
I put some flowers on your grave yesterday.
It was kind of hard 'cause
I thought I heard your voice come my way,
but I guess it was your spirit
telling me to let you rest
I shed a tear
For every time I fear
That I won’t be able to see you again
But only value the time we got to spend
Sometimes I think about your voice
Life or death was not your choice
I just want to know,
how far this poem will go.
Will it reach you at sea?
Will you be thinking of me?
Will you hear it in your sleep?
Will you think about about it when you weep?
My beautiful daughter
She had to grow up too fast
One night everything changed
"Sweetie, the pain won't last."
Alone in a cabin as I passed by,
A shower of crystals fell down from the sky,
It is quiet too quiet as I lay here,
No one speaks their lips are sealed,
I can't see as the fire consumes me,
Why did you leave so soon? You left in a blink of an eye.
You didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye. Or tell you how much I love you.
If only I could fly into the sky and bring you back if only words could bring you back.
I lose my head when I'm with you.
The way I forget to breathe,
the way everything in me tingles.. It's a funny feeling.
It's a great feeling actually,
the way you grab my attention,
A trip forward to the future-
a blast back to the past!
We loath to sit and wonder-
how time will go so fast.
Always on my mind
Your presence never binds
As of lately I can't let go
Of these feelings,
so low
Zap away those neurons
That make your face appear
Very, extremely, and closely near
High up I look down and see.
Really see.
See everything.
I feel so separate.
I am no longer a part of that.
Any of that.
I like it.
I love it.
I get to see.
Looking up at life,
Watching time fly by:
Eyes fixed on the future.
A simple moment stops you,
Surrounds you like a home:
Eyes fixed on the now.
Feelings. Senses. Sight. Smell. Contour.
I get this weird feeling
Whenever I see you.
Do you notice the glances I'm stealing
And my subtle smiles too?
Whenever my life
Faces challenges
One woman is always around
And when we didn't have nothing
She'll spend her last penny
Just to let me have something
I know one woman in my heart
I dont know why,
Why I want to cry,
Why my soul wants to die,
Why my hopes and dreams turn into lies.
Can someone please tell me,
Because I feel like I'm not good enough
But what is 'good enough'?
I let the chills take over
The feeling of being unwanted
A storm raining on my parade
For my feelings came crashing down
Raining confessions
Of how I was truly feeling about my imperfections
The door is shut again
I'm the one that shut it.
They are the ones that started it
How can you live in a home like this?
I can't, so I shut the door.
i try to act real
i try to feel
push and push words onto me
you push feelings i don't want to see
no longer will i try to hide the feelings i will NEVER feel inside
Do you see through my normal eyes to the sadness that lies within
Do you see my unholy spirit that always chooses to sin?
We've been aquainted for a long, long time
way back since nursery rhymes
your presence made makes me feel sublime
Got me through all the dirt and grime
and now, feels like we're partners in crime
Thoughts are feelings in your mind, conjured by emotions and reactions you feel inside.
No wait.
Thoughts are voices in your head that you keep from having a sound from your mouth
No wait
Outside lives a guy with a smile that will brighten up the room,
yet inside hides a guy with a frown full of despair.
Bullies are people, who are sad,
They have hearts and are really not that bad.
Bullies are people, who need friends,
Once they receive them usually the bullying ends.
Remember me?
That girl in the back of the class.
The outcast.
The one everyone laughed and mocked,
For years on end.
To feel strong, probably.
Well, forget all of you.
One cannot stand alone; shaken violently amid the brutal winds…
But a few can hold each other up, standing tall in sturdy unison, despite the trying forces.
A fire comes and goes ever so quickly
Like friends you thought existed
They stare at me for a moment and invite me in
Draw me closer
But soon they sizzle out of view,
Becoming dark, smoldering ashes
The constant taunting
Picking, mental, and physical abuse
It scars
Reaping at the core and dignity of a person
It stings
Cutting through one’s emotions
It stays with that person
Words are so tiresome,
they say many things.
they never get a break or rest,
they put your know how to the test.
The first time I saw Lizzy,
I knew she was the one,
And she had to be mine.
Her sad soulful eyes,
Her full pink lips,
How I longed to kiss those lips.