How do we live for
How do we live for today when tomorrow is a dream?
Tomorrow is not always guaranteed
We take this beautiful easy life for granted
Standing on the corners of the earth , that seem to be slanted.
We throw friendships away , like spoiled food
We push people away , because we are not in the mood.
How is it that we are surrounded with such beautiful nature
But we destroy it?
We litter
We pollute
How is it that we are the most excepting creatures
Yet we push away
Yet we hate
We envy what others have instead of being grateful for what we do.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee
Tomorrow is a gift.
We should sped our lives reminessing and enjoying
laughing and playing
working and earning
not tossing in turning
hating and wanting
trashing and thrashing
The present is a gift
It is time for us all to lift.