For a boy I never knew
I think it was love at first sight
I liked you before but seeing you again
it was like seeing you for the first time,
if I didn't love you before, I definitely loved you now
Seeing you standing my way,
ignited something in me,
something that I can't quite explain
Seeing you again,
was like seeing the love of your life again,
after many years,
looking as handsome as ever
This love is fake
And this love is untrue
But when I saw you,
I felt hope and excitement
Hope of seeing you again
Excitement of having you back in my life,
even if it was for a short moment
Your face is mysterious and beautiful
Your eyes are a dark void that I want and need to explain
they're irresistible and make it hard for me to look away
Seeing you in such a mundane part of my life was like seeing the sun a night,
you looked like you didn't belong
I felt as if though you were seeing me too,
but not like the way I saw you
Glimpses of you were enough to get my heart racing
I strongly feel like I love you but I know I don't
Seeing you again,
was like seeing the hope,
of seeing you again,
and I don't even know
your name