Simply Words
Every war that was ever fought
all began with a single thought.
They are such powerful things:
the start of relationships and flings.
One thing leads to another
and your thoughts become words.
Words and words alone,
given with a heart of stone.
The words that you have spoken
have left me beaten and broken.
You say your love will always be,
but you can't even begin to trust me.
You love me, so you say,
but you wander when I am away.
Three simple words which can break a heart
bring such warmth at the start.
They seem so full and profound,
but over time grow cold and shatter to the ground.
At the beginning it was exhilirating,
now our relationship is complicating.
Obviously I had to learn,
they were just simply words.
Words were spoken and nothing more,
let us now begin to restore.
Restore the trust between me and you,
because apparently it all fell through.
Words that we now say
must stand true everyday.
They must never sever
only last forever.
Close your eyes and count to ten,
let's start over once again.
You are the sunshine in my sky.
I won't let this love pass me by.
You can be the harmony to my melody,
the other part of me.
By simply giving our words meaning,
we will leave our relationship beamimg.