These scars here are r e a l.
Seems as though I - Love - You , does'nt quite appeal.
But this is how I f e e l.
Like I could capture the whole world-right before your eyes.
- If we could just be still. Sit side by side and talk like its a deal --
Like I could live a lifetime with you - if no one died.
Dropping down on my knees scrubbing for you to have it your way.
"Whatever makes you happy" .. was what I used to say.
Making sure you happiness was all that never went away.
And so You still treat me like im invisible.
Every other girl seem alive to you, but im put behind a pedestal.
Maybe this isn't the way to go. Maybe somewhere there's a better flow
"But maybe he'll change."
"This is just a phase"
Although I said that the other day .. and the other days.
Trapped in a place where I cant leave. Nothing goes away
Like im being used like the air above the trees.
" Maybe He'll change. "
"Maybe one day he'll see me."
Maybe I wont be invisible
Maybe he wont.