Hiding Behind Fire
A fire comes and goes ever so quickly
Like friends you thought existed
They stare at me for a moment and invite me in
Draw me closer
But soon they sizzle out of view,
Becoming dark, smoldering ashes
Black smoke rising
Leaving me
Stuck in a menacing cloud
Even with the warmth the fire seems to give
The beautiful hues of
I hide from the fear and knowing of
Being burned
The crackle and pops of gossip down the halls
Spreading pain
I know if
I get too close
Become “friends” with the fire
My skin will scald
And peel away
But again and again
I get too close
Out of fear
There might be something worse
Than burns
Than gossip down the hallways
But I can’t let the fire control me
I take a bucket of clear water
Full of my sorrow
My tears
And dump it onto this
Hurtful pyre
And as the white smoke begins to rise
My sorrow leaves
My tears lessen
My screams stop
And my burns begin to heal