04/19/2016 Entrenched in Existentialism 1:36
Entrenched in Existentialism 1:36PM
Couldn’t say it’s a thorough effort
Still, this passive nature persists
This depressive tendency
Once the results left to shit
Come back in the wind
Once the purple veins burst
Unable to contain the blood of a degenerate
Once noble
And persistent
Once happy
And bright
Now nothing but a shadow
And for what reason?
Why does this plane seem so drab
Flavor of mildew
Writhing it’s way into my lungs
And onto taste buds
It is apparent
It is the vast caverns that shriek
From every corner
Of a chamber
Solace to a child
Living in a world
Noble efforts of others to make the best of the aberration
While the babe has yet to believe that things can be beautiful in all eyes
And if the cats that linger in shut up stoops do not recognize
The calamity of it all
That imp might well create the problem, all its own
That worm might see fit
Creating darkness
To have a balance
But what the bairn does not see
Is that those felines drape the sheets of lightness over all
To match that darkness which dwells within
To bring some stability
But that naive does not see
She does not find solace
In those who cannot express their darkness
And only choose to kill it
She cannot feel that way
So she wastes her hours
Devoted to stale thoughts
Forgetting she too is a tom
Who only wants a fresh morn
But has not lifted the lid of her bin for years, long enough
That the sky seems but a myth
That this poor kitten
Who is only sad in own eyes, the babe thinks,
Is yet witnessed by congregations
Of leaders
Of elders
Who all see the coiling darkness spreading through her veins
As she perches darkly
Entrenched in doubt
And addresses the cloudy confusion within her mind
Composes symphonies of bitter feeling and sends them off into the universe
She only does so
In the name of balance
Because the day before she walked in the sun
And bathed in a cool river
Now she seeks an hour alone
After a slumber
But why
Do we fail to see the hearts that dwell within the bones, meaty sacks we call our loved ones?
Or better phrased yet,
Recognize what causes the core to glow
But we do
I’m sure we all know
The dispute being: where do our needs clash with those of which we dwell?
Things that do not phase one
Do nothing short but summon a typhoon to the other’s doorstep
She knows she must change
Though, what is change, but following another’s drum beat??
a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.