You left too soon
Why did you leave so soon? You left in a blink of an eye.
You didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye. Or tell you how much I love you.
If only I could fly into the sky and bring you back if only words could bring you back.
Sadly I know the horrible truth that lies deep within me.
The truth is no matter how much I cry, no matter how much love song or sad songs I listen to,
And no matter how many words I cry out to express my grief I know you’re not going to come back.
You have left my heart broken and shattered like broken glass upon the floor.
Because you left so soon and in a blink of an eye I am afraid that my heart will be broken forever.
What do I do with myself my tears are gone and all I want in life is to be left alone. I have watched all those movies of sadness and joy; I have taken advice from others on what to do with my grief.
All that came of that stuff was nothing because her I am at the end of the road knees to the
Floor and heartbroken. All I really want is for you to come and for us to laugh and cry once more.
I want you hear and know everything helping me go through this wrapping your arm around me and let me know that everything will be fine in the end.
Didn’t you know that you were my friend the one I could cast all my problems on and much more you were my confider? What do I do know that you’re gone who do I confide in?
Oh how much I miss you! You left to soon, you never got to see me grow up and be the women that you wanted me to be.
The memories of you will always be in my heart. The way your eyes shone like the stars, your lips so sweet and full of life and only spoke great things. Your delicate body that moved so swiftly like flower in the wind.
Oh how much I do miss you I wish your arms were around me telling me it’s going to be all right.
The memories of you will always remain in my heart and mind forever.
All that left to say is goodbye forever if only my words and tears could really bring you back and if I had wings I would have flown into the heavens and brought you back, in a heart beat