The poem of Us
You said you loved me
From the first day that we were together
You said you cared for me
And that you would forever.
Those nights we talked
For hours and hours
Everyday I trusted you
With all my heart's powers.
I cared for you....
More than myself....
But I am now in my own prison
Locked in a small cell.
I won't let anyone love me
Not after that day
Of unbearable pain
I wish to not say.
I hurt myself
For loving you
I thought that when you said you loved me
You wanted me too.
Why did you do this to me?
Hurting me like this
This hurts more than the distance
That me and you used to miss.
All of the words
You used to say to me
They are now just these nightmares
Haunting me with restless dreams
I used to think life was great
With you in the middle of it.
But now it's just torture.....
My heart stabbed with a knife.
You have stolen my soul
And shattered my already broken heart
What is this life for me?
Everything is falling apart.
You were my only best friend
I loved the way you could make me feel
All of the long chats, and now this pain
I can't believe you did this
You are just like the rest
No more lies now
No more looking for the best.
Now there is nothing between us..
I'll go back to being alone
Where no one can hurt me but myself.
No more or no less.
And you can go back to your friends and your social life.
Just forget about me
I'm sure you won't mind,
You'll come across another girl
You've always found them easy to find...
I hope you will be happy
I hope you get through life
Because you won't ever think of me
When in my hand I hold a knife
But why should I hurt myself more than you already have?
You say you didn't mean to
But, that's something I cant believe.
You let me fall back into the godforsaken well
But this time there wasn't anyone there for me.
You made my life the barren land of a broken mind.
You make me feel like a dress is the only thing I will ever be.
There is darkness in my head now
No more of the light you used to put inside
But there is nothing you or anyone else can do to save me,
Because you have decided to leave my side.
And I cant afford to let anyone else in.
I hate you for playing me like a pawn.
But I also hate myself.
Because I still have the nerve to love you...
But don't you dare tell everyone that I'm the monster here because I'm the one who ended it.
Because darling, you ended it the second you turned around.