College is very scary. Taking the ACT and the SAT can be a pain. All people can't be geniuses and know all about trig functions and do all these crazy math problems that take fifty hours to solve. Then the application process can be awful but also simple. For me I answered simple questions but to go out of state a student has to fill out the common app and write all these ridiculous essays on stuff they lie about. Then paying for college if rough. In Louisiana students get TOPS at help pay for college if they meet a certain criteria. People who don't live in Louisiana have to pay for a lot of college on top of books, on top of housing, on top of meal plans, on top of clothes etc. College is crazy. Then dorm housing. It is the scariest thing. You might get stuck with a physco or something. Sometimes rooming with a stranger can be a good thing but it can also be bad. For the most part when you room with a stranger they end up becoming your best friend. Also a reality when people get to college is that mommy won't be there to wash, cook, clean, and wake you up in the morning. You have to become an i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t. It's not fun to become a full grown up in one night. College can be fun, exciting, and a new experience, but it is a student's first encounter in the real world.