Brain Vs. Heart

It has taken me some time to realize that there are two parts of your body that will always be at war with one another,

And it seems like no matter how hard you try, they will never agree with each other.

No matter how hard you try, you never truly know which one is right,

Because every cicumstance that you go through, always seems to end in a fight.

You can try all you want, but you heart will focus on an outcome that will bring you joy,

While you brain focus on the side of logic, and is the one that tells you to get over that boy.

Whether we like it or not, following our heart is a dangerous game,

Because it can work out the way that you want it to, or it could end up leaving you in pain.

When you follow the advice that your brain is telling you, it could save you from going through that pain,

But you will always have to deal with those thoughts of "what if," and they could drive you insane.

Depending on which way you look at it, it could be a lose-lose situation, or maybe even a win-win,

And you will always wonder what happened if you chose the other way as your thoughts continue to spin.

Something that I am working on is not holding onto the past and learning to let go,

Especially when, deep down, you are trying to convince yourself of what you already know.

It's funny though, because the only situation in life that puts your brain and heart at war is the one of love,

And the only thing that you can do is keep looking for some sign coming from above. 

Maybe, as much as we want to trust our hearts, we need to remember that there is no reason it would not have happened by now,

And all we can really do is sit there and constantly wonder "how."

How we let it go this far, and it leaves us wondering how we even got here,

Because we were left with no faith left, and we were distraught with fear.

But maybe that is what is happening again, and that your brain is getting in the way,

And maybe your heart is coming back in, and this time it has the right thing to say. 


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