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We all saw it
We all heard it
We all read it
And smelled it.
Meanwhile Deedeepee is rotting in jail
For probably having committed a similar crime
Some do the crime and others don’t do the time
I never knew how fast time flies,One moment I’m in high school, the next,I’m driving towards something new.A place where I’ll learn, grow, and change—But the ride is still the same—
I’m waiting currently in an abyss
of boredom, homework, and loneliness
One friend or two I wouldn’t mind
but I have none . . . that’s just not life
The thrill of feelings is terrifying
I could fall in love from just obsessing alone
But then it wouldn’t be love
rather obsessing alone
I think I’m growing
I’m not sure
I’m aware of my lack of direction in this world
I want to grow
I feel the time begin to tick
Stop rushing what you know your heart truly desires,
Because there is a reason that the dream was planted in you and why it sets your soul on fire.
I want time to stop
I want to sleep, breath, and find peace
Days feel so hurried now
Time ticks
I feel the rush I feel the need the desperateness
Through the cold month
A thin grape vine curls up
A ruined chimneyStanding in a field,
Kissed by rain,
Stone and brick
Are made the same
it all seems familiar
but strange at some point
the road
a ride i know
a walk not known
you'll never know
not untill you've been there
but how do we get there
when in a sudden
I paint the shades of lifeSo many mockers in plain sightWith faith, I sail past sorrow, sourness, and strifeIn stanzas, I navigate the high waters of life I paint the mysteries that were revealed to meby The One who holds the foundation of the He
The sky lends it's blue to your eyes
Til twilight swallows the sinking sun
And your hope sinks with it
As reality hits like a smoking gun
You glance at your empty hands
The things you held so tight, to dust
The older I get, the more I realized that there is nothing more precious than time,
And I have finally realized that I no longer want to waste mine.
The older I get, the more I realized that there is nothing more precious than time,
And I have finally realized that I no longer want to waste mine.
For so long, I cared too much about what people thought about me,
The older I get, the more I realize that there is nothing more precious than time,
And that once I let it go, I can never get back something that is no longer mine.
A touch of her is like a touch forever, honey is damn sweet, but she's sweeter than honey cumb. Adorable, palatable, unforgettable her memory is. Bringing bliss to my heart ♥ -C9fm
Only 21:00
Dressed to kill, we arrive
shots clink under a disco ball
I sparkle, silhouette sublime
Only 22:00
Too early in the night to give up
The club is empty of good talk
When day turns to night,
Where do our hearts lie?
In the mist of the past,
Or the void of the unknown.
As the sun reaches the horizon,
Thoughts dance in our minds.
What has happened,
For some, the passage of time lingers on, so many grains of sand, dropping, slowly, one, grain, at, a, time, an eternity for one without love. Having genuinely and impassionedly, found my one true love, whose endless love I knew I must obtain.
Glassy tributes
in fragments of classic fragility
variety of fragrances
as magical coordinates
iHard choices are carved daily
Nothing feels their chill or heat
as their creators, creativity, and consequences.
Years and years, by their charm
How do you know this second is your last breath?
How do you know gems that trickle will call smiles?
How do you know that pronoun will be your first kiss?
Darkness knocks the door
Weeping dust sing from the floor
Windows clash with scents of blood
Twilight tempts me to dinner
The first there at my first cry
In its accompanying greatness, my heart leaped for a cheer
The croaking toad
The spitting toad
Is ill
Time and wind pass
Like poor cowards.
You're youngYou're strongTime will crumbleTime will humbleYou, You and you.
You're beautifulYou're powerfulTime will fadeTime will get ridOf you and you.
Take me back
All this wisdom has made me weary.
Like a sickness,
it's etched into my lungs.
And like rust,
it blooms between my joints.
My first word was “tick tock”
My favorite blanket had clocks on it
I am and was and always will be obsessed with clocks
And with the idea of time
A chance encountera snapshot in timelife's random momentsare simply sublime....Mark Toney © 2020.8/14/2020 - Poetry form: Rhyme
Something of a mystery,
A mere figment of your imagination,
It dates far back into history,
Growing older through each generation.
Time gives each their own victory,
~ by Debi Lyn Tuesday, August 17, 2021
I love to sit with you nearby; doing so can make me cry.
- Happy tears just to know you enjoy my company so.
1 to 2 weeks, that’s how long it takes to regenerate new taste buds. To replace the taste buds that once danced with your own. That tasted the sweat on your skin and the chocolate you bought for me.
First draft of our second poetry assignment for Creative Writing, required to be in some way inspired by John Berryman's Dream Song 14.
Dated: 09/22/2021
Laying on my bed
Hoping for hope but I’m hopeless
Thinking about how time flies
I was not the me I dreamt of
I keep dreaming big
Not Knowing what life has to offer
Time flies time flies
Disbelieving darkness and frightening final sounds
Relief that the eternal moment may never be found
Mortality’s grip from which we all shelter and hide
Days come and go
But my love for you will remain the same
Time flutters through
Tik tok, tik tok
i awoke and pondered how the day would unfold
then i paced and wondered what each minute would hold
'til the seconds unfurled and the clock hands whirled
and the smirking moon curled, the night sighed, stars twirled
Now There’s A Time To DO IT... !!!
And A Time To... SHOO IT... !!!!!!!!
If Your Thoughts Aren’t Fluid...
And You’re Being STUPID... !!!
Like... Speaking Out of Turn When You’re Talk’s ABSURD...
Why does everything have to mean anything?
Because everything we hold dear
Is fabricated and empty.
I’m a spec who lives on a sphere.
The bloods of disdain became apparent over time
I'd have trekked a million hells only to say it wasn't mine
And the rough terrain was rocky and ill structured like we;
Found lost, exposed, and alone each time
Time was like water,
But you were like wine
Sweet ocean, bruised and black
Bleeding the times
Time was like water but you were like wine
Sweet ocean, bruised, black, and bleeding the times
Yeah, time was like water but you were wine
I cant remember when you were mine
I learned through tragedy, a way in which the external world can reach it's greedy hand out and take away stored happiness
I am and have been loveless and lawless and jaded and frankly, indifferent
Well a lifetime slipped right on by
Underneath my wing
In the space between youth and it's timeless lies
A lifetime found its way ahead of me
One more time
I thought i'd outrun it
Sweet bludgeoned muse
Perplexed in youth
And made to hide away
These points of view
Deflect our hue
In the march toward imminent decay
With each years' dawn I'm leaning toward a shoulder's setting sun
For each new breath of life, we must embrace the lies we've sung
A wish on the horizon
never turns away in resignation,
dreams mock time
and remember everything
(they won’t forget the truth)
What is this from another time?
Shall it be his, or shall it be mine?
I do so wish for its perfect skin,
its brief height with high raised chin.
They wanna
bury me
ain't worry,
rather I sprout
because I'm
a seedling
flurry, road
to glory.
Time is the
to any
destination if handled properly. It's the quickest means to greatness.
I was promised all the time in the world
Oh, but what a joke it was
For time can only be stop by one,
He holds the timer for our lives,
His thumb is on the trigger
And before it's begun, it's already done,
I was promised all the time in the world
Oh, but what a joke it was
For time can only be stop by one,
He holds the timer for our lives,
His thumb is on the clicker
And before it's begun, i'ts already done,
I stand upon the precipice
no way to move forward
a cliff behind
I yelp for rescue
I strain to find a way
Up, Down, Sideways
2 minutes, and I'll see you. I'm looking forward to it. We haven't spoken in a while. I hope you still think kindly of me.2 minutes, and the wind rushes by me. It signals your arrival. I barely recognize you walking toward me.
I invited Pinky and Ring to do spider finger exercises on my guitar.
It’s time I learn to stretch and strengthen.
For too long I’ve been afraid to really learn to play
I've thrown away everything.
I think about my decisions, the tears they sting.
Wondering what tomorrow will bring;
Just another sad song for me to sing.
Just another attempt to conquer this thing.
I spent so many years,
Doing nothing but crying.
But now I'm out of tears,
All despite my trying.
Not because I've overcome fears,
But because my soul is dying.
As the light draws near,
Searching for a way to see.
Reaching out for some kind of mercy.
Kneeling before God, I plead,
Please awaken me from this dream.
Searching for something about which to dream.
11 years later, still dead inside.
11 years later, finally alive.
11 years later, afraid of what's new.
11 years later, ready for myself, part two?
11 years ago, my soul was dead.
What if we suddenly awoke,
Realized it'd all been a dream?
What kind of feelings would be evoked;
For us what would it mean?
And if I could give back all this time,
Run back across the line,
Instead of seeing me as I am today all you see is who I used to be. The person I used to be is not the man I am today. Time leaves a brutal scar on us all, separating one from another.
Learning that there is beauty in patience.
The in the meantimes and in between times are purely important.
Its almost as if the struggle that you are ednduring is molding you into a beautiful white butterfly.
yesterday i stole time
i snuck in while destiny was asleep
and hid the seasons away
i don't want to worry that there will never be enough of it to spend with you
we are frozen in time - stuck in the muck of the present
© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
In disguise as a young man in the city,
A ghost came back into my life the other day.
Granted I wasn’t trying to keep it away.
But I call it a ghost because it’s dead to me.
I am naive,
I have everything.
Being a youngin,
Is not that horrendous.
Growing up
Is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.
Time is the continued progress of existence, past, present, and future as a whole
Achieving in an amount of time is goal
Experience gives time a reference for remembrance.
Making the past, tense.
Never expired, if you look it's still there.
To forget or cast a care.
Just don't get stuck in a stare.
It's both Justified and unfair
I been stuggling with some thoughts
But thoughts aren't who I'm supposed to be
Happiness I'm steady chasing, but it's all just a fantasy
They say deams come true, but is it real
Is it really true
I was waiting for dawn’s stately tresses at the intersection,
For I hail from another time, trapped in its steady undulation
And oh was I waiting!
There’s something about the smell of new black jeans on hot days that makes me want to fall in love.
They were an older couple, married nearly nineteen years. Four kids between the ages of four and sixteen. Their life was ruled by jobs and bills and schedules, they’d seen the world and settled down.
Tiktok! Tiktok! Tiktok!
A watch on my wrist
Me breathin' uneasily
Seconds are counting
Minutes are under a swift
Time at a super speed
But I'm still uncertain of the furure
I ask myself all the time if its my time to go I ask myself all the time if its my time to disappear I ask myself all the time if its my time to leave All these questions pop up in my head when I start thinking Thinking if I am better off.
Part I:
Once upon a time not so very long ago
Romantics aspired for high class views
While maintaining minds that were opposed to prose.
In all their writings they embellished upon
All we are is
just shadows
Without bodies,
What will matter then
sifting through dark
No flesh left to torture
no substance left to taint
This life haunts me
I'm so tired of being the one that has to be okay all the time
I'm so over being the one that always has to take a deep breath and trek on
I'm tired of wearing a mask for everyone else while I die on the inside
Tick, tick
Time never seems to stop
Tick, tick
The beating heart of a clock
Tick, tick
Time never runs low
Tick, tick
Though for us, we have to learn to eventually let it go
Tick, tick
A lot can happen in a moment.
It may be dim, or a change that's brilliant.
The end of one life, the start of another;
A war waging between sister and brother.
Sometimes it's a small change, sometimes large,
A lullaby drifts on a distant breeze
Sapphire’s twinkle in the light of his eyes
Dust settles down like the my tears when they cry
While a sweet silent shiver drips down from the skies
I often think of us as a time of day
early evening, late July
cherry trees swaying in golden hour light
I float home with you
every step a bit of music
I run when I'm scared
I run when I laugh
I run through my hair
I run from a graph
I run through time
I run and I'm close
I tried not to take time for granted
But we could all feel it sailing away
We all grasped onto each other
A paucity of air clings to my lungs as I sink further into what life could be.
Wishing away, living a dream, all the while toying with time’s dominating hand.
Barefoot in overalls and dirt poor
the 4 tussled and played til they were sore
There was Maggie and Maude and Dutch and Son
growing and playing after the work was done
They did not have time for much schools
Take Your Time Man USE Your Mind ...
Before You Try To Ride With CRIME ... !!!
Take Your Time When You Design ...
Your Prose To Flow Poems In Rhyme ...
Tick Tock, Tick Tock,
Listen to my heartbeat
I am alive
Realities you must meet
Are never far behind
Running a race you'll never win
For I control everything
Keep in mind
In so many senses it is a self explanatory concept,
that everything in motion is moving through time.
It is used in sciences and mathematics, reading and history too.
Tell me why my grip on my purpose always slips. Sometimes it gets too much and I don't know how to handle it.
On a monday
When the rain decides to sing my name
and the sun rides away
I'll be waiting for you again
Craving a simple glance
Thirsting for the slightest Hello or Goodbye
I stand waiting
Leaves fall off into the world below
Like how raindrops kiss the pavement and asphalt
Leaving a trail of existence that will soon disperse
One thing that can never be disproven,
Is that time one way or another,
Will always keep moving,
The clock on the wall,
Will forever tik onward,
That is why my motto,
Is to always move forward,
I opened my eyes closed
(As I often do)
A sacred apparition:
The Olmec calendar
Its cypher illegible
To my kind.
Through the rolling waves of time,
The core of existence has never altered nor refined.
Starting with the first faint memories of a family dinner:
White jasmine rice with a selected number of simple side dishes.
Time drags on
Hours feel like days
I know I need this class
For my major
For my future
To stay in Hong Kong
But it’s so boring
i could get losT in those eyes.
beHind them there are other worlds, lights, and sensations thAt take you like a tidal wave.
the world fades away around us for a Time,
and it’S an epic euphoria, all the little while.
The world of mine would investigate invisible lies,
Only to imagine dust and flame.
The heat would smother my glass heart
And pray that it's strong enough to survive.
Yet in the world of pain and demise,
Digger sleeps in comfy chair.
Mom is still at work.
Street light shines through the window.
time marches forward
reality's fire consumes-
dreams go up in smoke
© 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved
***Poetry notes:4/26/2018
Poetry form: Senryu
It is a cliche
But nonetheless a truth
That I like
Long walks on the beach.
Walking is heaven but running is hell
On a beach
Just like every second of the day
Creativity cannot be rushed
It’s something we all have
And what makes us
But something overlooked
I fling my hair over my face
To block out the world
And watch it slide slowly away
As the inexorable march of time
Unveils me once more.
Along the footpath home,
I espy an old apple tree.
Branches grabbing past the heavens
for something more significant.
the story
goes differently
this time
just like
the last time
icarus falls
but this time
someone is there
to break his fall
apollo couldn't
Life is what you make it
We live on borrowed time
But if life is what we make it
Then it’s time that I make mine
Hide your sorrow in your pocket
To prepare for rainy days
Life is like a car without brakes
Except on fire and filled up with snakes
It frantically flies, as if scraping the skies
And will probably end up in a lake
But life has a deadline in mind
23: that’s how many days it took to stop thinking about you every time I woke up. It’s how many times I sat alone with hurt in my eyes this year alone.
When Friday nights become Saturday mornings. The dew glitters on the grass like a fallen chandelier, casting shards of liquid sun. Coals burn in the fire sending smoke crawling towards the sky.
15 June 9:54 AM
I do not like the present so I live in the past
A culture that had its troubles but did its best to over come until the last
They told me, all my young life:
Time heals all wounds --
and I assumed that they were right.
But what, I wonder,
heals the wounds
that Time inflicts?
His touch was little at first.
Barely holding onto my back.
With time his touch gripped on to my neck like a huge claw.
I was a slave to his world.
Do as he says, when he says, how he says.
We said we couldn't wait to grow up,
We didn't know what we meant.
We thought growing up meant
"Because I said so" would be ours to say
We thought growing up meant
Nothing would stand in our way
Time was something as a child that I really couldn’t convince.
It was a complex phenomenon that I really didn’t care to believe.
Time is forever on the run.
Upon this dusty track I roam to see what I will see
What will come and what has been, all that time brings
And on this trip I laid my sight on an old worn memory
Of two children who were young and full of innocence
We used to sit and complain of boredom,
Wanting time to move faster,
Wanting to grow into adults,
Wanting something to do,
Wanting someone to play with,
Unaware of what time would do to us.
A little version of myself,
scrawls words under "Dear future me" on a post it,
hides it behind a frame,
tries to forget it exists.
A bigger version of myself,
reads the words on that post it,
I’m not a child no more
Expanding out from my roots
viewing my horizons
But soon far away and the connection is vague
Staring in the mirror
But a day or two ago
The person that I saw
No longer did I know
The harder that I stared
The more foreign she became
The childish whims forgotten
A new path to be displayed
As I wake up,
I notice that I am in a bed
With somebody leaning over me
Saying good morning sleepy head
Wow that's very lame
I know, grow up
As I wake up,
I notice that I am in a bed
With somebody leaning over me
Saying good morning sleepy head
Wow that's very lame
I know, grow up
I hope this day isn't the same
But hey, I am awake
I remember the one phrase I used to tell myself all the time.
“Man, I wish I was a grown up.
Adults get to do whatever they want, it would be so cool”
But what is cool about
I wish I knew where I was going, jumping on trampolines and through the gardens of my thoughts.
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Time is slowly wasting away
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
No time to work and no time to play
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Right now is yesterday, future, the past
Tick Tock
There was this girl
Two Years my subordinate,
But I would never call her that,
Instead, I'd like to call her my wife,
But Stephanie is her's by birth,
Where'd she wander to when I left?
There's a darkness in my veins,
I hadn't noticed before.
as I stare at my hands,
I feel so lost, unsure.
I must have stared for hours,
for when I did look up.
I saw the dark before me.
Typically the least regarded resource,
Used with no hesitation or remorse.
Things that are important go the wayside,
People swept away by the streaming tide.
They tell me I don't know what it's like to be a grown up.
That life isnt as nice as I have it and once I'm an adult life is hell.
Let me tell you all something;
I am grown.
Between then,
and nowhere
in this distant harmony...
We poets,
are forgotten words.
only in waiting,
Haunting and curious
Sinking down by ancient greetings...
How can time be both constant and changing?
It moves fast during pleasure.
It moves slow during anguish.
And it stops when you stop.
Time is a peculiar thing.
Why don`t you think about it?
Your future, the biggest fear
You will have to one way or other
Does it scare you?
Of all things you still have to do?
Why don`t you think about it?
All the time in the world,
Every last second of it,
Is there for us to seize and use.
You see it every day,
From the narrowest sliver of space
Caught between roof and tree
The moon is shining brightly
Through my window to me,
So bright, so fair, so proud it shines
For the briefest glimpse of time
Pooling on my windowsill
Splish splash, splish splash
A cool breeze
Wind chimes twinkling and twirling
Crickets chirping
As the lightning bugs flutter about
Time, it takes time,
It takes time to grow,
it takes time to find,
it takes time to learn,
it takes time to forgive,
it takes time to let go,
Inner folded
prematurely molded
time is tempted
to be bolded
small strokes of gentle wires to the face
The frame evokes a forecful fire
at waters pace
Time. A one way street. Red lights. Green lights. You can take a detour, but the destination
is always the same.
Where do we go? I hear many songs of this, stuck on repeat.
From the gold-wired peacock in mass man,
Entrapping us like the black singer in his bear trap
And to the expendable, brutish, savages that we are
Reason is God, and fear is the Eve who horns him.
I challenged my future to a staring contest
My eyes bore holes into the dark unknown
The balance of time has caused my unrest
So I gaze at the void until my will runs low.
Time will tell when I give up the game
Time flees they say,
Time to bear my errors and end to anxiety.
To interrupt actions, to stop my desire for degree of quality and to acclaim my flaws.
like clockwork
it struck when i was sixteen
i thought i would be safe
no one should have what i have
down there
find the common denominator
one second plus two seconds
This here, in my hands, is nothing more than an hour glass.
Time paves each grain of sand and marks the hours pass.
As each grain stumbles through a maze of consciousness,
It begins to identify itself with the others.
Weariness at the end of day,
Desiriousness to have our way,
Promptness to scold and condemnation,
A little more care of a brother's name.
The end of the journey is at hand,
The clock hands wave to the past on their way to high-five the future,
stopping to shake hands with the six and the three.
They can’t stay but a second, because they’ve got somewhere else to be.
There is a person named Leon,
Who has not worked in an eon.
He is on a standby
While eating stir-fry.
His eyes are freakin' neon!
You always called everything about me pretty.
If my lips are pretty why'd you ever taste the pair of another as if you were sampling flavors?
Did you get tired of the same old flavor?
I've born many a days
Not ever sure that another would come
And yet another one arrives
Because it is not up to me to decide
It's a gift that I cannot deny
And the day that is last
Is much too far off
this Sewn Alchemy...
seven gods in liquid hiding, this in sureness on in spending this sure hour,
In the morning..
Is this when poetry is most deep.. Most meaningful..
Or when the road to sleep is most steep..
Or when my brain cells decide to mingle..
The sand flows on the side of the glass
Quietly and gently on the stand
No one knows what it indicates
Other than the fact that it represents responsibility
The first breath is full of tears and smiles,Awoken by a beam of light.It is cherished by many for a lifetime,Allowing more than million wonderful wis
There you were standing, stalled
Your eyes, a deer in headlights, lights
They held a killer cold hue
The best was given
Yet, it wasn’t good enough for you
Taking the things I love
For me being naught but a fool
For I was too young
Not knowing the realities of this world
But stuck in my own world
There's nothing more I'd like to do,
then snuggle in close and fall asleep with you..
We all stumble somewhere
scraped knees and bruises
bandaids and “get better” kisses
we all grow older
resulting in it becoming our responsibility
to reach the bandaids in the bathroom
Clouds are endless,
When way up high,
towards the edges of the sky.
Also soft,
Plush, enough to catch
The common by and by.
Stars, those shooting stars
When the sky falls.
From cold ashes, the Phoenix rises
From discarded marble, David,
From clang of pipes, Symphony
From rot of seed, Sequoia
From acid and heat, Gold
From bone-crushing pressure, Diamond
Four fifty nine on a cool August day,
A bundle of pink in her mother's arms,
The first time she had been brought home
Her little fists flew about, and the clock struck five
Second drop,
like heavy stones
and minutes dive
into depths so deep,
that hours sink,
like hefty mounds
so that days may plunge;
they may plunge straight down
and years may plummet
Time is not a thing to be held
Nor is it a thing
It is a past, memory, present, dream, or future
Time is a beautiful thought shared between all
Be they man, woman, child, or beast
Two hands and one face
are all that are necessary to bind me.
The metal appendages wrap around my arms
and my neck
like a noose.
It dictates
Had you a chance
To go back in time,
Which moment would you choose?
To change or rewind…
You could right a wrong
You could fix a mistake,
You could even possibly
Change a loved one’s fate.
The Persistence of Memory.
The Persistence of Time.
Slowly starting to think that I’m,
apart of a plan,
and out of the grime.
what a beautiful thing it is to have loved
but to have lost it in time so fleeting
unimaginable pain and joy it brings
where two lover's hearts may still be beating
The books of time sat empty
waiting for the scribes to write
our futures and present conditions
None who could see the books
Dared to enter for fear of being written
Out of the future.
I feel it dripping down, wet.
Heavy breathing
I close my eyes, hoping it’s just me dreaming.
Softly touches me,
I hold him tightly...
When someone you love is ripped from your armsOr how you realize what you are doing wrong in lifeIt's a single momentA second in timeThat the entire world seems to pauseJust for you
time is like sand
it slips right through your fingers.
you can hold on
and squeeze as tight as you can
but in the end
it slips right through your fingers
time is like sand
it slips right through your fingers.
you can hold on
and squeeze as tight as you can
but in the end
it slips right through your fingers
Time won’t stop running.
My bed remains unmade,
the freckles around my eyes still move when I talk.
My heart still aches during love songs,
And my eyes slide shut with the sound of rain.
Melts between the fingertips and slips onto the floor
Just another tragedy that seems to go ignored
All these stopping clocks and no one ever really cares
Time gives time for time to move on from the things time has put into play in a haste it has placed the time for mistakes the time to erase what was said when you laced into ears into eyes into hearts with your lies we have tried to misplace the d
Tick Tock,
Round the clock,
Day in,
Day out,
Time goes on,
Tick Tock,
Day after day,
Sun rises,
Sun sets,
Time goes on,
Tick Tock,
Moments pass,
Hearts beat,
Sometimes you wonder where time has gone
Feels like yesterday you started learning to ride your bike
But yesterday you started learning how to drive
And the day before that you started high school
Dream Sand Yell, fail, break out of that worry filled jailSoar, write galore, soar some morePencil, no!
These things seem hidden,
Yet I, you, he, she, it, we, and they;
These folks all manage to drown in them.
In time.
Suffocated by fear and ignorance, it seems,
"I always have half a mind to tear out things
and start again." (April 21, 2011, fifteen going on sixteen,
when I thought myself a scholar and a cut above
who wanted to reinvent herself
I remember
A swallow gliding across
The moon's rising shadow
That falls at the feet of my bedstead.
I look at the glow and the Raven black sky
And wonder of what's to come.
I remember.
I wanted him to stay.
But Time would not allow it
For he does not trust me. Not anymore.
As I am a creature of hell.
I know no death nor life. Only pain.
Time passed by quickly.
The days flew by followed by weeks and months and years;
Some people died and some were born instead,
Some were joyful and other plagued by dread.
Looking back at the tear-stained pages
Or the fantastical flurry
Or even the self-beating words of a young mind,
I find something sweet and fitting
In the art of permanence.
Time embraces the world with light,
And sets the sun for an inky black night,
It can be the stitch for a broken heart,
Or a sharp steel blade that cuts life apart.
Time stands still for you and I
Others it seems to take more than it should
While we get lost in memories
Time is passing us
oh how i wish i could rewind
i wish that i could turn back time
of all the things that i have said
oh how i wish that she weren't dead
with a heavy heart i fall asleep
with all the secrets that i keep
What can be said of the disintgrating people?
The ears, the eyes, the mind goes.
Ticking time
Slow and slow
The legs, the arms, the heart show
How age reaps life it once sowed.
Thank you.
Thank you for every second, every day, every year.
Thank you for holding me
While I cry,
And smiling at me
While I laugh.
Thank you for your time, your trust, your affection,
And they speak of age – the elder years.
It’s always tomorrow. And tomorrow has not settled. Now,
Darkness, woe, and failure stench abound.
Time sure changes everything.
It transforms the parenthesis of reality.
The things you once cursed,
are the same that you lust.
And all you once shouldn't
now suddenly, you must.
I must thank you
Years of family memories
Frozen, standstill, captured, timeless.
And we shall know your absense
By the lost years
In our photo albums.
To put up with these facades, the importance mirage, I deserve applause
What cause need be for them to see that their rules needn’t apply to me?
Dear Future Sadie,
Right now, I’m a big procrastinator
The world is filled with amazing sights to see and sounds to hear and people to meet,
Dear Time,
When we first met, I was stricken
by your tall body, towering over mine.
Your silky whispers make me shy,
Dear Mr. Salvador Dalí,
You were onto something.
People think you were on something.
I think you get it better than any of us can.
To Whom it May Concern,
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this.
I know your time is limited,
It's easy to paint, they say
It's easy to draw, paint, and sketch without thinking
Thinking about nothing
Nothing that turns into, perhaps
It's not as easy as you think
Dear D,
You’re my worst enemyWho is always there with me,
From the moment I awakeTo the thoughts that I make.
Dear Childhood,
I’m sorry, I can’t seem to save you.
No matter how hard I try, things always fall through.
You’re dangling over an endless void
I am beautiful
I am intelligent
And I make mistakes
Sometimes my flaws outweigh my good intentions
But there are people who see me
U n t i l T h e T i m e
By: SeemsPoetic
O n e l i f e w e l i v e...
One life we grow...
And In the end...
I think of all the hardships I’ve endured, and the streets I’ve crossed.
In the end, I still feel lost.
Is fate a thing?
The ruthless dictator
when seen from sorrowful eyes.
The empathic healer
when seen from solaced eyes.
The dutiful watcher
when seen from admiring eyes.
The reliable partner
The empty space within my head
That burning silence I do dread
The empty sheet in front of me
Left blank without creativity
A string of life, a single strand
I let it slip through my hands
The barren graves deep below
Within the Earth naught does show
To lay unseen but for a stone
Bearing a name, long untold
That tells of a life with buried meaning
Of a person, in a grave leaning
"You are so young, you have so much time"
Never mixed well with
"Life is short."
So I never poured my time in a hot bucket
Sitting in the sun as it evaporates into the last place
I wanted it to go--
You tell me everything will turn out
That I have my whole life ahead of me
But what if I don't?
What if there isn't that much time left?
Is it so bad to want to see
everywhere that isn't here?
My darling vulnerability,
The days of October are almost gone
yet the leaves haven’t yellowed
or fallen from their trees
I am here you are there. My thoughts are you and yours of me. Time stands still for us but only when we are still. You breathe, I feel, I breathe. You sleep, I lay wake. I sleep you lay woke. I am you, you are me.
My dearest Karlie,
They say that time heals but the time without you is like the sand
At the bottom of an hourglass, growing heavier, heavier still
Dear Older Woman in the Grocery Store,
I am your cashier.
I scan your cookies, your cakes, your medications;
I make polite conversation, delicately choosing my words
As you delicately chose and scribbled each item
Dear All,
I am everything and I am nothing.
A creeping shadow in the black, abyss-like corners of life.
To gaze upon my cloaked, physical form,
That of which was comprised from a stereotype and guesswork,
Dear Pain,
There are things that need to be said
but the words always seem to run
There are actions that ought to be taken
but the rhythm seems undone
The tears appears all dried up
She felt the pressure
Of a world being taken from her
Everything she knew
Was disappearing
I am in love with the way you speak,But more than that,I am in love with the way you think.How your train of thought twists and turns amongst quicksand,How you walk to Jupiter and back,
This moment a memory
Stored in some attic,
Ours, I hope
With the gentle dust of a lifetime
Settled upon it
From all those years ago.
From today.
there has been a change.
await, await ;
in the sound of fate ,
no mantra to convince you ;
no ecstasy to taint you .
far away, far away ;
Gliding through the frozen ice portrayed as time,
It is so easy to forget the memorable events
That paints the portrait of the world.
Yet, with one more careful glance
In the grass up on a hill
Outside the city, I see you
Dear empty onion house
Peeling and the feeling I get
Unwrapping you
For brighter insides, scrap the outsides
Dear the person who took my heart,
Once upon a time, there was a girl and a guy who had very paranoid ideas about meeting people.
Because I love you I want you to grow in all aspects of your life
I want you to become the person that you want to be
I just want to feel like someone cares about me. It's the little things, like a goodnight or good morning text or a compliment out of nowhere.
I'm desperate for a change
Right now my life is strange
My past seemed so simple
But now I get stressed over anything
It makes me cripple
Can I just hit rewind?
Take me back to the time
We didn't need time
neither did we need someone else
I needed you by my side
and you wished to be here now.
But it is not my fault
neither is it yours
this happened how it did
Here we are, you and I
you think our time means nothing
but I know how much it really is
the laughs we share are priceless
and there's no more musical sound in the world
than your voice when happy
everything comes to an end
and yet
all time spent with you
i wish would last for an eternity.
everything comes to an end
It was ages ago
But my mind recollects these memories once more
I can still hear the laughter from it's wooden door
The dancing footsteps on the floor
And my father's voice cloaked in a snore
Time is a
soft and gentle mother,
who puts a steady hand on
the small of your broken back
and whispers, "It's time to
move on, sweetheart,"
and for once, you
can actually listen.
No time,
no time at all
none to read meaningless words,
none to spare for a wayward thought
no seconds to give to listen
not a moment to waste,
but I've found that time has no value
Time exists within the confinesof your reality
a past fixation on a future creation becomes a present realization.
A watch with no hands isright on time.
A blank sky screams
A boy runs to it
His feet plod off against ice-ground
It is screaming too
Now the screaming has dimmed
We are all ruled by time
Our life ticks away
Seconds, minutes, hours at a time
We all begin wound
Our cogs meshing and turning
Just simple time pieces
Ticking away
Freat clocks and wrist watches
We are all ruled by time
Our life ticks away
Seconds, minutes, hours at a time
We all begin wound
Our cogs meshing and turning
Just simple time pieces
Ticking away
Freat clocks and wrist watches
The first time I saw you,
I felt nothing.
Unimpressed and numb.
So much for love at first sight.
The fifth time I saw you,
I wanted to be your friend.
Someone to bother
Becasue at one time I love you: I let you touch my soul
you had the magic touch two mend my torn heart
At three you kept my bed warm like a burning piece of coal
when no one else was there four me
I don’t have any time to be complaining. Time is running out, it is slipping through me like silk slips through one’s fingertips. I don’t have time to be unhappy and disrespectful and unworthy. I don’t have time to be unworthy.
The clock shall always be the enemy,
With his hands of weaponry,
Time stamped in history,
With actions of misery.
Tick tock goes the clock,
The clock shall always be the enemy,
With his hands of weaponry,
Time stamped in history,
With actions of misery.
Tick tock goes the clock,
I made a rope bridge
Out of
Broken shoe laces
Mirror shards.
I know...
It's just my luck.
But love,
Love has just about flipped it.
My bridge was meant to take me
From here,
Wake up! Cling to the hours of the day,
You're going to wish you had laid
Down sooner, before the sun said hello.
Pace, faster, keep from running disaster,
You're final goals you're after,
See thee now, who hast betrayed
The ways of old, the sacred sage
The time that flows in strands, a stream
Its silver waters under your light doth gleam
You robed in white with flowers crowned
Time takes and time destroys.
but in many ways it gives me joy.
Father time won't receive my message.
so staying young about a question.
I will continue to grow and change.
Every day is a new day
and its better than yesterday.
Every night is a new light
with a different kind of bite.
Every year there's a new fear
that leaves you in tears.
Every week you look and seek
I don't have enough time to put my heart in your hand
When you fingers are stretch wide letting it fall down like sand
Not enough time to chase after people who don't love me
In times of trouble i just don't see
A mouse can be a horse, a pumpkin can be a carriage,
to embrace true love, discover marriage
There comes a time when we will be tried,When our coats are sopping wet,And our brains are fried,Our shoelaces swishing through a puddle as we fret,
A fresh start
For new accomplishments
For new mistakes
Full of tradtions
And superstitions
Pray for tomorrow
Drunken bodies
The count down
Its almost here
such a simple time
with love in your eyes
it was but a rhyme
filled with sorrowed sighs
Ivory Skin
Satin Sheets
You were MY in
But you never released
So this is it, huh? Every morning I repeat the same old tired routine.But there's supposed to be more for me, I know there is.Your 20's isn't your regular old 20's anymore.I remember being a kid when my sisters were in their early 20'sI thought th
Once upon a time
Cinderella doesn’t get a job and leave home
Snow White’s dwarves are her lysosomes
Rapunzel keeps reaching for that comb
It’s funny How when we were kids The time just felt so slow And we’d wish it’d race on forward Oh god how we didn’t know And now we see How fast time is As the years keep going by
Dear someone up above,
Could you please put time on pause.
Not so I can stay my age,
rule the world or rob a bank.
What is time?
Time is humanity's most valuable resource
It pains me to see us take such a thing for granted
Something of which we only have a limited supply
Too Fast
slipping away out of my buttery-like grasp,
escaping from my memory,
seeming uncapable to catch,
ticking further from reach.
They never lie when they say,
“You see I haven’t a clue.
For a rabbit, that’s nothing new.
It’s plainly clear
In here, my dear,
We’re crazy, but how do you do?
Once upon a time, a Princess was forced to stay high in a tower—nope, not original.
Once upon a time, a Princess was cursed to an eternal slumber—already been done!
Every single second is counting down Tick tock tick tock, it mocks us The clock comes crashing off the wall Tick tock tick tock, it never stops And still we think, that nothing can come between.
It keeps me up at night, the gentle rhythmic reminder.
Silence only worsens the sound.
If I try to run from it, it gets closer.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Sheila.
Her thick black hair sat evenly in two ponytails on the side of her head.
After all the noise.
The sounds, the television
The lights.
The things I use to block out my mind.
There is a calm.
Here in this house, my parents house.
For all intense and purposes a museum.
About to clock into work.
These shoes are digging into my feet.
They are black,
with elastic straps to tighten them.
I walk to the punch clock.
I reach out to touch the keys.
Your absence is not my best remedy.
It doesn't help me, it doesn't make it unbelievable.
The aching assures me of your existence,
but memories are fading as if we never happened, as if we never existed.
Time creeps by like a spider.
we are now.
Be still, hold my hand.
We are now, and now is here.
Be here.
In this moment we have nothing else.
As the tears fall,
i fall.
Its only a matter of time,
Until life falls out of its rhythm and rhyme,
Its only a matter of hours,
Until life wilts like a flower,
Its only a matter of minutes,
Until life loses the fight left in it,
Time don't pass me by
Don't forget about me
Heart is open wide
I wanna breath again
Too much going on
One sided...
Could it mean the spark?
To be busy to a point
That couldn’t be announced
Plucking petals from a darken crispy rose
She flies away
Blissfully, swiftly away
Like an angel lurking for an innocent soul to take
But not life, no
Age is what she seeks
Remember dancing, tasting the present,
It as fleeting as our movements and our feet
Remember hugging, each other on days of sorrow,
Freeing feelings caged underneath
Our skin
when my family gets here
I'm gonna call you back
when my family gets here
I will play with Elmo and watch frozen
play hide and seek and tag down the hallway
sing songs and watch their eyes
The skies on my mind
My feet aren't on the ground
I'm too far ahead and time can't catch up with me
I've got it all planed out
My dreams are bigger than me
My dreams
Are keeping me fixed
Remember when the sky was blue?
When there were no planes nor motors too.
The days of travel dragged on and on,
often taking lives like falling flies.
But as time moved on,
the hardships were gone.
The days of the week each have their own feeling and job
Monday: Tired, listless and a couple more cups of coffee than usual: The dreaded day
Optimism, not yet here
Preluding, yet it rests
Finds shelter in an anxious heart
Remaining unpossessed
Always having that crunching feeling throughout my soul.
Keep on worrying what’s going on with me. I don’t feel whole.
Why am I always jumping towards the end?!
Tick...Time never stops.Tock...Time never slows.Tick...Every second wasted.Tock...Is a second gone forever.Tick...There is no backwards.Tock...No do-overs or retries.Tick...You can never take something backTock...Or undo an action you regret.Tick.
Time is a funny thing
When you need it the most, you never seem to have it
When you don't want it, you have to much of it
Some people look at others and think
So every person I am drawn to
For an unwavering spirit
And a heart of gold
Is taken or young or nonexistent
And though many stars point to them
They are unreachable for a
Girl stuck on planet earth.
Everyday. Sometimes
new. Sometimes
borrowed. Chaotic.
Occasionally smooth.
Now. Never.
Ticking. Slowing.
Expensive. Dept.
They say I’ll love you to the end of it.
Its length depends on the fun you’re having.
That it lasts forever and never quits.
Makes you feel like life is unraveling.
People spend it finding its relevance.
i love you with
my whole soul but sometimes you
make me feel like a bear in a
and i care for you with
every inch of my heart but sometimes i
feel like i might be
Why do I do such hurtful things..
My mind, body & soul are just in separate places
I feel I'm not where I'm suppose to be
O time, you bittersweet rival.
An elusive assassin of life,
wanderer without death.
A beginning that cannot bee conceived,
An existence best considered imaginary.
Of you I have mine own,
In an instant,
I caught a moment,
That fell off from time,
But the instant was gone,
And with it, the moment,
Leaving me staring,
Into emptiness.
A twist of the limbs off the tree makes an entire population cry.
For plants do not matter, but the tongues that leave a worse bite.
Eyes are decieving to one's own set,
They roam off to quickly than the breaths we emit.
Underneath the surface
Tucked just out of sight
There is a dark and dirty place
A place of endless night
The sun has never risen
The moon hides as well
Just pay the toll
Sell your soul
As days turned to years
And faces grew lined
Time grew scarce
And harder to find
And somewhere between the tick
And the tock
The face of our God became
The face of our clock
Was the year of tremendous adjustment.
The end of an era,
Makes room for new excitement.
Adventures and challenges,
Consume our minds and our time.
Tomorrow is now yesterday,
Time is an illusion,
but day after day, year after year the illusion continues.
Nobody understands how exactly time works.
When am I where and how will I get there?
Time is rushed and time is savored.
Tempus Neminem Manet
Time waits for no one
Despite the lies you've been told
There will be no more time to have fun
No more time to laugh and run
Time passed me by
Old friends leave with a goodbye
This year I will try
Moirai spun me, with you,
Sewn ourselves together to fate,
We lusted for our destiny.
Melted hours
folded together with ceaseless love.
What does time really mean?
The ticking of the second hand on the clock?
A way to count the minutes of our lives?
Passing seasons never falter
Ink inscribed skin ever after
Heart ache a burning volcano
I hear a bird's song of sorrow
How can I rise from this abyss
When all I want is to remiss
The torturous emotions
I remember telling myself that I lost. I quit eating. I quit caring. I left college December 7,2015.
I told myself that I would go back soon.
Inspired by the piece "Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dalì
Unicorns have an eon long feud
with leprechauns –- a war of misconceptions.
Some believe that leprechauns are a miniscule threat.
From the tumultuous nebula
I am born
A protostar, volatile, sparking with excitement and fusion, the cold breath of the new year
I think the most confusing element
We try to understand in life
Is time
Time is unchanging
Something unknown
To the human race
Time passing
slowly, slower, slower still
senior sweatshirts
caps and gowns
graduation gifts
beach days
each day a little slower
yet a little faster
Upon a time it first was bornFrom a wedding reception box with wrapping tornLetting light fall upon the newlyweds' giftSoon began to move the infant child's fists A red, roman numeral clock
The time
Like water
Cupped in hand
Through grasping fingers
Yet makes an impression
The greatest mountains
Bear canyons
what am i?
i have seven months
to define seventeen years
in 650 words or less.
no problem;
i have plenty of time.
it's only june, after all.
beautiful souls surround me
I met a friend, white as snow
He walked a million miles,
Two hundred times the Nile,
To face his foe
Tick tock,
The hands spin round
We all heard the clock
but together we ignored it,
It was distant, beyond our sight
There’s still time left
She captured me in her sexiness with her gravitational pull
Her gravitational pull tugs at my essences
The heat she emit would make Satan sweat
Her earth tone skin have men erupting like volcanoes
Listen up kids theres a story to be told, dont get caught up in the future 'fore you know it youll be old
its a cold hard truth, that ya cant stop time but pay attention to the present and you just might find
My favourite dream is about a bus.
A bus with a spotless white interior, so clean that I didn't want to move.
I was SURROUNDED by people that I knew, but didn't know.
365 days that go by
like a firework exploding far in the sky.
A true sense of awe and wonder
as the clock strikes 12, a loud thunder.
8,760 hours that go by.
Wait, stand, run, play, jump, fly.
First stitch, second stitch, I close my wounds.
I conceal the layers of hurt.
Only my walls know my pain, for I do not wish to expose the cause.
My body is a quilt of a broken heart, a quilt of loss.
The time has come
To end the suffering
Of those I love
Becoming weaker each day
My body corroding away
Confided to this bed
My life is ending
The only reason I am alive
I wish things were differently
I wish I can hit your line
I wish time was right
But time isnt mine
I wonder every night
I wonder what might you think
I wonder about life
I try to stay positive
but lately that just means gettin’ lit.
What's easier rolling one
or facing my problems?
I'll tell you right now,
happiness is halfway through the bottle.
From left to right and back again they swing:
The golden disks, the pendulums depended.
Indifferent to those who onward tread,
They click in perfect time, in time unending.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Hypnotizing almost.
Is it even real?
Is it just my imagination?
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Time it goes so fast but, sometime it goes slow
I remember as my childhood was so slow like showing a movie about my childhood life.
But, as I got older entering in highschool it just went fast out no where
I hear the ticking of a clock as time passes
The weight of the clock rests on my heart
Its ticks sending vibrations to my very core
The ticks never ending, never faltering
This past year Alice died
I cannot remember my last words to her
But I do remember how my sister cried
This past year Jackson was born
Time is an illusion.
At first, you don't agree
but after some thought, you begin to wonder.
Am I an illusion?
Is this world?
At first, you laugh
but after a minute, you begin to think.
31,536,000 seconds in a year
Tick-tick-ticking by
One by one in a perfect line
Never out of place
Ever failing or a being a disgrace
But also never risking
Never trying
Never going
We fought with more than fists
We kissed with more than lips
We loved with more than hearts
And picked each other apart bit by bit
So much so that when we were done
Nothing was left to destroy or love
The concept of time is so strange
We never realize how much in a year that we change
The sun always rises and it's a blessing to be awake
Another chance to fix yesterday's mistakes
I never really understood life
This constant process looking for a drive
Not taking in what was achieved
But looking at the future and old please
I learned that life is a game
Some people more constrained
Life's Clock
By: Katelyn DeShane
the hands turn
round and round.
When you're young
The silence surrounds,
Tick tock,
Tick tock,
I hear the delicate hands move,
Much like my own,
They drift in movement,
My breathing grows light,
I listen for silence,
A floorboard creaks,
The smiles
The acting
The way people don't notice
All I want is someone to care
To think
To understand
The past occurs now
staining your writing
I Observe
the Bound nature of this moment
what once Is was, and happened
but soon to occur Again
your writing stopped and began
The rock will never lie
His truths are etched upon his face.
Scarred rock, cold and gray, bring comfort
To those in search of solidity.
Through amber leaves, piercing cold,
A new year meant a new start.
The beginning was a blast,
and when that clock struck midnight
everything was in the past.
When spring came around,
things began to change.
One day i’ll get what i deserve.
Karma’s a bitch, and time’s an asshole,
so i’ll kiss & make up with them each time i fuck up
and we’ll fake nice.
Over the course of time,
These twelve months in this last year,
I've had some obstacles to climb
And I have conquered some of my fear.
In this year gone past,
I've gone through quite a lot.
It was a pondering
That did not seem worthwhile
To waste, but not to spend
Time that would run out there,
For someone else to take,
And do with as they pleased.
Take it, waste it, lose it,
How long is a secondCan you even imagine how many seconds go by in a yearDo you even for one of those seconds consider how short of time that isDo you wonder how many seconds it takes to forgive or how many secondsit would take to pull the trigger
From one day to the next,
The clock keeps ticking.
However I think I've been hexed
Pendulum of Time
As time ticks by,
Everything seems to go in slow motion.
Days drag on,
Every time you hear the tick it’s another second,
It continues to ebb, slip theough my fingers,
constantly running, without regard.
It's a cowardly thing.
Constantly running, never stopping.
Trying to get back the bastardly thing
Adolescent so close to Metamorphosis,Yet so far from reality.Driven by waning time,For time cannot be conquered.‘Tis passing, but my mental state,It was not;
Not real. Not tangible.
And yet there's never enough.
So much. So much to do.
Rushing to finish on
It's hard.
I was born with a heart
Before it fell apart
So I’ll tell of glory
For THIS is My Story,
I was born where it snows
Up there you sit and mock me, And your rhythm, Oh it haunts me, You resound within my skull Like a rock against a hull While I lay in bed at night You remind me of your might And I swear I'll take no more Cause you shake me to the core So I'll ri
For once, I have never felt so desperate
judging myself for what I am destined to be.
Most don't find themselves until
it is no longer expected from them.
I am afraid to wait too long.
Como Pasa El Tiempo, I used to hear my mom say.
Still so young, I nodded my head in agreement.
It means: How Time Goes By..slipping out of our hands day by day..
They say as you get older, you start to understand
Autumn mornings I wake before the sun,
scrape tired limbs from under the covers,
leaving bits of myself behind like raw pancake batter...
Is there time to make pancakes for breakfast?
Time is running short
It's ticking
It's tocking
We all run out of time
But what happens
When time stops?
Will we age?
Will we die?
Are we immortal
For all our lives?
With one step through the door, out into the escape of stress, and uncertainty,
but no, i'm not lonely
but not depressed
look again
i enjoy the peace,silence and acceptence of being alone
no one to crack you open like a egg,
Time! Time! Ever-changing Time,
Why dost thou plague my nether-ranging mind?
A dark chaotic, fiery ocean is its kind,
A harrowing hell of demons; this child of thine.
Time! Time! Slayer of reason,
Light the candles on the dinner table as i wait in the dark listening to Arwen's Vigil for you to come home after that long day at work.
A child does not question its existence.
Does not wonder how it came to be.
Does not ask why it is alive.
A child does not hate.
Does not discriminate against another's gender or sexuality or color.
The opposite of love is time
For time heals all
Except the scars of love
Love lost, love unsure, love unrequited
Only love can survive the weathering of time
One day later and I still feel love
Time is too short
As the seconds tick on, we hear the moments of our life ebb away
Slowly, slowly, with each passing day we feel the future
When I have grown old,
And my time has come to an end,
I will leave this place.
When my job is done,
I will spread my wings and fly,
Fly far, far away.
I don't want to stop you
Please enjoy your time here
Just know you are affecting me
We are taking from eachother, in the time we have spent together.
Every morning when I wake
I question myself,
"What now?"
As I lumber out from bed
muttering slowly in my jumbled head
--what am I supposed to do today?
how should I fix myself?
Nothing to do.
No one to see,
and where are we?
No where,
but we are here now.
That is such a fleeting
Is it a second
or a thought?
Perhaps a kiss
I am
So vast
is my time here
that I feel it
awash in white
like all of the colors
woven together to create
the whitest blue.
And I feel you,
attacthed by the same
Memories linger
when time does not.
Life is nothing but one huge
everything happens for
a reason,
almost always
For whom does
time dance?
We went from walking in diapers to walking with diplomas,We went from kindergarten students who wrote their s's backwards,To writing 5 page papers on the symbolism in "To Kill A Mockingbird"We went from drinking out of sippy cups,To drinking out
For this one time
that we appear
collect possessions
to shade the fear
unanswered questions
leave us behind
sometimes amusing
so I don't mind
here and now boys
the future shock
Beep, Beep, Beep
Waking from another Sleep
Pitter-Patter, Teeth-Chatter as I scramble out of the bed
By a secret whisperer I am led
I am not disillusioned by no means
As I rise from my future dreams
People are always in a hurry
Filled with a sense of worry
A night sky filled light
But people without sight
A sense of time pacing
A stopwatch racing
Life is like a clock
Poetry is a tuning fork,
it vibrates at an everlasting frequency.
Open the cork
allow the emotions to flow with leniency.
2016 in New York
a young girl reads appreciably,
Life was put into me and in an overtime instance, I was hooked.
Not one soul could take away the love I had for you.
Your smile. My smile. We internally matched. Were one. Whole.
I always thought that when I grew up I would be free
No cares in the world with a little responsibility.
No one ever told me about loans, mortgages & debt,
The petals in due time,
Slip from their mothers grasp;
Their birth place ,
As they evade time,
Dancing between space,
Before falling down to my desks surface,
Intaking its last breath of freedom
Lately all I've wanted to do is to be able to rewind timeAnd go back to when I could sleep in your warm embrace.If the ultimatum were that everything played out the same
My life can be broken down
Into seconds, minutes and hours
Counting away the days, weeks, months and years
In my mind
They remind me of my agony
The silent screams for help and love
Follow the flow of the wind.
Long days and clocks never say goodbye,
Going in circles watching your whole world spin.
As time goes by
the unfamiliar turns familiar
the unknown becomes known
the new turns old.
We lose sight of what was once
a bountiful opportunity as
the familiar becomes boring,
Birth the beginning of timethe start of this hourglass of sandthat follows you every second minute and hourof your life slowly dropping this grainsonly to speed up the older you get
A bond to be formed,
a bond to be broken.
As you begin to grown
and more words are spoken.
As you see,
that time goes by.
Soon your life flashes,
before your eyes.
Time goes by really fast
It seems that much is not getting done
Looking back I see that I have done a lot
It is time to make goals for the future
The future is full of suprises
I wonder what my future holds
I became busy with things and stuff
I forgot to make time for what was important in life
I woke up and it was January the first and everything was starting new,
it was cold.
I always win.
No matter the game,
no matter the argument,
no matter the situation;
I always win.
No matter how hard you avoid
nor how badly you plea
the decision is up to me.
5 A.M.
The alarm clock goes off
like a fire alarm
waking me from my dream state.
I stumble through the labyrinth
gathering my stuff and getting dressed.
Time stays slow
As I sprint towards gold,
Thousand miles away,
I just can't seem
to run fast enough
To having your company.
Do me like my name is music
Treat me like I am your music or muses to poetry yet to be created
Though physically isolated and mentally shaken
Still tethered and anchored
Patiently awaiting the weight lift
One still night,
In some stolen moment passed,
From my slumber
Mountained a hush and,
From this hush,
Rose death
His calloused grip
Sent Fear slowly soaking
Down from my scalp
Memories closing in
Shadows of the past
Windows breaking
Glimmering shards
Upon the floor
Walls large and daunting
No reflection in the mirror
You don't exist
A wisp of fog rolling by
If I could
I would
Go back in time
When we first met
I would look at you
With different eyes
I would thank you
While we sat at a table
In front of the school library
Where does it go?
With the memories,
In the smiles and sobs?
How is it lived?
With friends,
Enduring excitement.
When does it stop?
Time is so short.
Time is so small.
Time is insignificant.
Life is adventurous.
Life is danger.
Life is taking risks.
Time doesn't prevent life,
Nor does life prevent time.
Time is valuable
It is not malleable
I cannot change it
But use it like money, I can only spend it
I took the time to discover
And the rumors I had to uncover
Which way should I go?
My heart says yes, but my head says no.
Should I go up the path,
or down the road?
My hopes are high,
and then they're low.
Waiting for answers,
chasing dreams.
One still night, alone was I,
As mind and soul raced wind and time.
To space, they spread and quickly fell,
Obeying laws against their will.
I thought of all the days gone past,
Green grass implies Spring, here in this statuesque creation,
With flowers escalating from the earth, softening its foundation.
Around the world in 60 ticks
Tick-tock, tick-tock
You only have one life to live
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Walking through the long dark hall
Tick-tock, tick-tock
A destination you don't know
You started out as a canvas
That my thoughts and dreams flowed freely through
A million dances
The meaning behind the view
I fell in love quite quickly
I wrote for fun
My pen lies thickly
In my head, it made sense
Why I stayed up with my pen
If today could last me longer,
Then tomorrow won't begin
Sunday night's just the beginning of the end.
We need it
A 24 hour sequence
To keep moving, breathing, living
What would we do without it?
7am Open your eyes
8am Out the door
9am I have arrived
12pm Lunch
This world is filled, overflowing with
things, and items, and possessions, and far too many bits and pieces of lives.
In a society revolving on idealistic variety and materialistic identity,
I shut my eyes and travel back to when I was only but five.With sausage legs and curious hands, the slightest bump would make me cry.My only concern were the winged Giants who stole from the flowers in bloomWho partnered with bees who stung and bu
This watch staring up at me
It's face whispering,
you can't live without me
repeating again as eras pass over
every chance to be triumphant
Mozart spent endless nights
Time is my friend. Time is my foe.
I seem to loose it wherever I go.
With time on my side I can do much!
With time on my butt I'm in a glut.
Time goes so fast. Life goes on by.
I had lead such a privileged life.
I danced toe to toe with rich men everyday.
They brought me expensive clothes that they thought would warm my soul.
Their eyes tied in knots at the sight of me.
Through these eyes I done seen it all and balled with the best of them
The rest of them......
Seen them all fall, 'they spoke death to them"
(respect for him)
How can I look into your eyes
After revealing all my lies
Wishing high above a star
I suddenly look and there you are
Standing still in the lust
Knowing we can always trust
mine is the house with the jungle yard,where snakes may catch you off your guard,but the snakes eat the rodents and the birds eat the bugs,and i peak at the school bus through a wet shrub,
I cannot stop time.
I can see it.
I can hear it.
I can feel it.
Time makes me cry when it passes and when it arrives,
I sit and ponder to the melody of muse,
Doth time control all, or am I misguided?
For if any soul be more than a mindless misuse,
and while passion’s crucial catalyst remains undecided,
As the world appears to stop
As the events of the day and the events of the future begin melding together,
to form one tangle of thought,
On Einstein's General Relativity :)
Time unbroken,
pushes it's eternal expanse.
A dimensionless space
gone with every fleeting glance.
Men of the experiment,
Every passing moment
Every click of the clock
Is another hour spent
Wiping the faces of mock
And when all is said and done
I see myself in the mirror
And realize with a stun
Those who have felt it know
its impossible now to forget.
How consuming the darkness is
yet we were not done, were we?
We still have our time left,
our strength to move on.
"Come, Consume me," I say.
What can you live without?
Most people would go with a comedic answer,
Like an IPod, or interet,
Some people answer deeply,
Like their mother, or intellect,
It's been a daySince I thought of youI wonderDo you miss me too?It's been a dayBut a day too soon.
Time the ever cnstatn constant
Time seams to always be influx.
If you are enjoying something it flies past
Pulling the joy with it into the past
If you are in pain it frags its feet
A burden becomes a bond
With four neglected words, but
“Can I help you ma’am/sir”
Were lost in this fast paced world
We don’t take the time to ask because
Thick thighs
Golden eyes
Innocent smile
Shared desire.
Frantic heart
Jump start.
Lost in time
Lost in space.
Thick thighs
Golden eyes
Wicked smile
The Broken Clock
Set upon the mantle
That which once marked time
Now sits, forgotten by its master
The shattered glass falls like rain
Marking the floor with it's kiss
Chasing the future, consumed in the past,
With thoughts that never last
Forgetting the present I see at last
All I need is some Satisfaction.
Shooting down time, marooning hate,
I found his wicked smile so alluring
Black and blue dreaming
Victim of pure deceit
But your love's pristine
Divine empowering
I missed you
Your touch and embrace
Every day is a struggle For most it's a routine Motions like the clock Any thing out of place Causing a ripple That eventually becomes a new habit A new routine. But for him It wasn't just a routine It was a paradox Nothing ever made sense He neve
I reached out
And held on to the whispers
Of my past
With time prying away at my Soul
Afraid of letting go
And falling into her Grasp
Tick! Tock!, goes the clock,
That seems its repeated refrain.
It never stops or ever fails,
And bores into my brain.
Click! Clack!, goes the steps,
the clock ticks remarkably fast,
take a deep breath and look back,
each moment is becoming the past,
think of experiences you still lack.
take a deep breath and look back,
what a dismaywe were trying to find the pieces to the puzzle lets sit cris cross apple sauce and find a new game to playthis one was kind of annoying so we found a new sedative it sorta messed with our heads and we began to feed on selfishness ins
You want an answer
here is mine
much like my heart
it beats line for line.
my answer
it weathers the storm
The lemon grass scent belonged to her pecan tinted skin.
Her stare soft but filled with a pinch of fear.
When the breeze roared and fell on us heavy like a brick.
What brought us here in less than a year,
Happened too fast,
That sitting here reviewing all that has happened got me thinking that,
If i had a chance or an ability to go back in time and remeet you again,
I would,
The sands fall wastefully,
Across the charcoal floor,
How? I ask, with a harrowed sigh,
Might I fill the glass with more?
my bed:
natural? ticks
we seek what? does not
exist- the Concept: comfort
I hung on my
When you get your first dollar,don't spend it on the ice-cream man.When you get to first grade,read and do what you're told to do.You won't flunk.
Your fingers drum tirelessly against the counter
Humans can survive without many things
but it's truly maddening when one doesn't know if its
Like an hourglass, time slips by
Must I be patient for my own demise?
I do not know what is out there,
beyond crests of time,
pillows of snow
schemes of wonder.
Lust towards unknown
and unheard of
It curls and snarls and breathes in my ear,
memories of darkness and grief reappear.
Closed are the curtains and closed are the shutters.
Midnight moves slowly and stands almost still.
To illustrate the Spring,
And focus on the innocence of bright new leaves
Which cover a fresh landscape...
Is ignorance on my part--
To say that infantile flowers are so opaque as to mask
The golden, sparkling, gritty sand,
Of each moment of every day,
Fulfills our most ancient demand,
The price that we must pay.
Mortality, our genetic curse,
Our lives does dominate,
The 400 milliseconds it took for your eyes to blink
Has now become your past
Once the time has left,
It is gone forever
Need gets confused with want
You ask me about it, and I can’t respond
For need changes in time
Life is no fun when you're counting it by the hours
Life is worth living when you’re gazing at this flower
Of what has become and what’s going to be
It stands bright and strong after stung by honeybees
I sit up at night with you on my mind...
Minutes, hours, I lose track of time.
Your beautiful face, your flawless skin
I pray to be with you before my 'amen'
Your smile can light a bright spark in this heart,
Sometimes nothing is needed more
Than a moment's rest from
The constant commotion
Burrowed in the heel of
The stride of life
But then,
In other instances,
The spaces in life seem
Today is my last first day of high school.
Some may think it's a blessing in disguise,
but I see it as a day of mourning.
It's that last time your mom will be taking pictures with the sign that says
Fleetingly she flies
Leaving us in her wake
She hears nothing of our cries
and pleads to brake
For continue she must
and turn us all back into dust
Yet she bears no blame
for Time is her name
tick tock.
tick tock.
you’re running out of time.
you’re going to be too late.
tick tock
tick tock
Summer passes on a sultry breeze
Windswept by sauntering time
Until at last I find myself frail and old
With all the good days far behind
damned. forced to live in linear time without the benefit of linear thought. - 04/05/1995 2:15am - kenneth p rougeau jr
We've stood here for centuries.
We've stood here since the first defiance
Shown through the eating of a fruit forbidden.
What's more valuable than money?Time.
What you do in those moment, it becomes of value.
The beautiful thing about life is the choices you make. Often you can
So fortunate we are
To have the news at our fingertips
At every moment.
Each event in the world
Is broadcast in seconds,
The good and the bad,
But mostly the bad.
It has grown
these knarreled
and misshapen oaks.
It has ravaged
and swelled
these grey grey graveyards.
And it faded
the once
great abbey into
existence is fragile
every moment is fleeting
I can not help thinking
this will all be over soon
days pass so slow
but one day you will look in the rearview
everything's behind you
School, Practice, Shower, Church, Homework.
The cycle never ends.
But in the end, It will all be worth it.
Same page different books..
From the dusty stones…
Hidden hopes in your blank looks.
In the library of our mind
I can still feel the brush of his lips on mine
And the strength of his arms as he pulls me close.
I wish I could go back to that beautiful time
Time is a vast resource,
Yet not enough remains.
Days pass,
Seconds wasted turn to minutes,
Hours tick by,
Gone now and forever,
Clock that goes round and round,
Seemingly endless string,
- Silence pours over my ear drums
Talk to me? no - not tonight -
for I am in a curious state of being.
I'm feeling my blood rush through me
It's swirling and dancing in my viens
Is it a question
or is it simply an act?
It seems to be unquestionable
because by questioning it you are automatically
doing it, so what is it?
We walk with a planned destination,
Today is the day I realized I was one day going to die
It makes me think of how I’ve spent 5840 days of my life
Every second I cherish is every second i let fade away
Because a second only lasts for 0.006% of your day
Today is the day I realized I was one day going to die
It makes me think of how I’ve spent 5840 days of my life
Every second I cherish is every second i let fade away
Because a second only lasts for 0.006% of your day
Tick Tock the clock mocks straight from up ahead
As I lay, Time keeps pounding down upon my head.
My head lays heavy on the dark blue sheets of my bed
No matter what I do sleep is something that I dread.
The dim yellow
of the flash light
carves a
through the
of old tools and antiques
He's got the charm of a devil,
smile to prove it.
She's got a mind full of fate,
heart to win it.
I've got a life full of time and no one to spend it on.
And she scratched and clawedAt her fragile skin,Ripping off scabs and scars,Watching the red begin surface.The blood dripped down her legsUntil it blended with thered of her toenails.
Are we not all connected?
What a lonely world would we
be if we were not all affected
by each other.
I catch you summer breeze and suddenly time stops,
A moment of appreciation sets in.
It seems you wait until I have forgotten your cool touch.
I can't help but feel a smile begin.
Each and every second is unique.
Like fingerprints and sunsets,
they are never the same.
Each moment is its own.
Everytime the clock moves its hand
the present becomes past and,
I think my stomach's about to explode
today is the day
and I just wish it were yesterday
I had more hope for today back then.
I am in my dorm room crying because I feel rejected.
*Swish* I am 15 years before sitting in the orphanage waiting for my new parents to come pick me up
My birthmother rejected me and in her place I got a new mom and dad.
At dawn, we try to chase it.
We want to catch it.
If we do trap it, we can grow up, we can be on our own, we can make our own path.
But tides turn.
It now chases us.
There is so much to do but so little time. You could find what you've lost; you could lose what youv'e found. But only you can deicde what is good for you to hold on to.
Time is relentless
It torments us constantly
From "running" or "flying" by so fast
When we are laughing and smiling
As if cutting off our happiness supply
to going in slow motion
Sometimes I think,
we are just on the brink
of discovery.
Friends and faces
screaming names
wispered silences
broken frames.
Crying tears, and laughing faces
Who am I?I am you.I am a breathing soul,Encompassed in a container of massThat seems to be self-aware of its mortality.
Everything. Is. Awesome
It’s a foreign thought to admit that the world is awesome
A convoluted statement to understand the world of awesomeness
One time love
You're not
When I see you
I know you're the best
When we hold hands
We share so much
Our love is timeless
Our loving time
I want to be with you
he hands of Time seem at rest,
but with a simple, steady beat they move
toward an eternity unknown
to the world.
One: The day I began to exist.
Two: It’s official, I’m now a Baptist.
Three: First time I’d ever been kissed.
Four: Finally made Principal’s List.
Five: Went skating, and then, sprained my wrist.
Billowing, billowing,
The wind in life's sails,
Teasing, breathing, pushing
Our existance through the
Passages of time,
Dusty and cobwebbed and ancient.
The constant sigh of hours
Rushing by,
Love me, love me like no other, love me like this is the last chance we have to make this right, my heart is on a timer, every second closer and closer ticking to zero, every second we're on a tight rope while the crowd applauds, ready to watch
No, I won’t cease
Yes, I won’t stop
Maybe you know me
As the face of a clock
I am like a river,
I have a flow
You can go with me,
Time, I’m begging you please
Slow down for me
You’re going too fast
Like a child running mad
Yes, Like a child running mad
Time, please go real slow
drink deep;
in chaos.
in terror
there is no limitation,
that is not self imposed
When we were five, every day
was like a new present.
We were literally like kids on Christmas,
but every day was a holiday.
We get to see Grandma today.
We get to play with our new friend.
Ten minutes is ticking.
Can't find the time losing such minutes.
Close to such hours I wait patiently, for my moment to shine.
I ask myself when will that be?
I am reorganizing the books on the shelf,
As the young man walks in.
He offers to help,
But I ask him to tell me about his family instead.
Pounding the pavement-
Just breathe.
Rounding the corner, and drowning in
Just breathe.
Sprinting the last steps while blurring my
The hours tick by
One by one
The never ending dance twirling around the circular floor
The years spin by
Withering, decaying, and all the while
New life begins
Tick, tock, tick, tock
Time slows down
One minute the equivalent of an hour,
One hour seems like a day,
One week is an eternity.
There's so much of it, more than anything else
It's dominance is clear that it cannot be stopped by anything, even itself
Time stands alone, for itself is all it needs as we are intertwined within
Gently place your foot upon the road, the simple start of every journey.
Little do you know, that this road is me,
Or maybe as a child
Riding my bike across the street
I never looked up to realize
Under a willow in yellowing fields,
Watching the bees as summertime yields,
The flowers to autumn's bitter chill.
I sit in the grass and time stands still.
Feathered white clouds hang in the sky,
1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 mississippi, 4 mississippi, 5 mississippi.
I just wasted 5 seconds of my life.
6 mississippi, 7 mississippi, 8 mississippi, 9 mississippi, 10 mississippi.
I used to be able to time travel.
The time-portal to the past and present was a warm, blue seat.The time-portal to love was through vast, green bamboo stems.
Time. Time was what I needed
To let butterflies escape
To let the memories fade
To let the thoughts of you to go away
But it brings
My anger towards you
My hate towards you
Of all the things my life has led to
I never would have guessed it would lead to you
I was inexperienced quite,
The knowing of time not being long enough-
We waste it with our assumptions of its endlessness.
We assume theres enough,
That there will always be tomorrow.
For those with a tomorrow,
That never comes,
the breeze feels like feathers against my skin
and laughter suffocates me but i can still breath.
two beers
shots shots shots shots shots
dark souls filled to the brim with inebriation
Time Flies
time flies
as humanity thrives and dies
time flies
as the young say their goodbyes
time flies
when having fun
time flies
A moment in Time,
Speaks to those who least awaits it:
Rustling of Bamboo leaves,
Beckoning the wind to come.
Green among brown,
Furtile among barren.
How, that one shall only recognize that now,
Here’s a silly poem I came up with. Disclaimer: It is NOT to be taken seriously. I was inspired by a Limerick poem which is meant to be silly and weird. Often times they make little to no sense at all.
When you run with the earth
Pounding a drum against your souls
Heart beating faster
Breath coming quicker.
When you run from your mother’s womb
An alien to the world you entered
Let us drown in the sea of sorrows,
For the waves can wash our sins ashore.
Nobody can fetch us from our burrows.
Therefore, let time be dismissed from its core.
Two hands
On a clock
Six to twelve
At two o’clock
Five chimes ring,
Schoolhouse rock
Ticking red hand,
Metered like Bach;
Cursive Roman numbers
whispering throught the trees
telling secrets
telling lies
tall tales too
through the tall grass
and where the urban street meets the meadow
where the wild becomes tame
I stare into a shrinking candle’s flickering flame on my dusty, wax stained rug, on empty, still, Friday nights.
You're the only Watch I know
that's been ravaged by Time,
your arms bent under the demented humor of the Universe,
The ticking time tricks all
The music holds true our steady beat
As we all produce our sounds
How many beats per minute from all
Night fades away, as the sun warms the air,
The voices are still, and the air is thinner today.
Noon creeps above the clouds, as not even a sound has bound.
All you need is a moment of pure decision
Feel the joy of direction
And the loss of potential
When the past has come and stolen your time
You’re feeling forced into submission
And thankfulness
Who am I? That's a loaded question.
We are all dense individuals, filled like an overflowing dam with ideas, experiences and contexts.
Some for infinity
Tied together tight
Never taken away
Until it is not needed
Until its job is done
like a vintage film roll
everything's cloaked in red
the novelty of the moment is surprising;
the fluidity, expected.
wrapped up in darkness
and nestled on the heavy wings of time,
I have a secret. It’s really big.
So big, that I don’t think you would believe me.
It starts with a heart and pain and loss;
And big round eyes and eyes of glass.
Believing doesn’t matter, because it’s a secret
I have a lifetime ahead of me
But all I can think about
Are those few hours I spent with you
Closer than ever
wrapped up, lost in sheets together
I have a lifetime ahead of me
The most interesting thing one can learn
Is how time may stretch and weave
As you read, view, or listen.
The first time I knew this was true
Was found in a year that never happened.
I am learning to be grateful for each moment because just as the one before it it will add to the history of yesterday. So before it secretly slips away let me share something with you my friends. Time.
I am learning to be grateful for each moment because just as the one before it it will add to the history of yesterday. So before it secretly slips away let me share something with you my friends. Time.
I am waiting for the day or even the moment when someone looks at me and instead of saying I look upset or worried or just plain stressed out… all of which pry is true but I am waiting until that one person looks at me, realizes the truth
What was not foreseen,
has come to pass.
What should be gone,
seems to last.
The paradox of time.
the main door is locked
running late
why do i even bother to come to this place full hate
some have given up
is it even worth fighting for what you can't acheive
Tomorrow Tomorrow
That is when you will be all mine
When our hands fold like cards
When I feel your marrow against mine
Sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating, and i don't want to be saved
Sometimes i imagine a tombstone, with my full name engraved
I dream of my funeral, the people who would cry,
on a rumbling train, emerging from the underground
humming into the New York City night, through the window I look.
Looking out through bolted windows to where my eye meets the end
We watch this time go by
And maybe we grow
All we can do is sigh
And say, "Where did the day go?"
The Clock goes tick-tock-tick
And it just makes us sick
The way it perseveres
The glow and look in your eye.
A shock of excitement from your smile.
Spread of warmth from those delicate hands
Maybe even a stride in your walk
Time is flying by faster than I can blink.
Or time has stopped completely, I think...
What has become of this place?
Is there no distance between time and space?
I believe my time's run out.
He is all.
He is one.
He knew what would happen when time was done.
The time we live in does not last forever.
So how can one say that we will always be together?
It’s not a gift.
I am me
You are you
We are different in more ways than seem true
You are not perfect, and neither am I,
You are thin, and I am wide.
But while all of this is true,
How strangely the world works
You have everything you've wanted
Yet you still feel alone
In a room of your closest friends
Why is that so?
How desire touches each soul
Night fades away, as the sun warms the air.
The voices are still , the air is thinner today.
Noon creeps above the clouds, as not even a sound has bound.
We all live
On a clock
For we live through time
And time is told
By a clock
So look our lives
And everday is less then a seond
Every hour less then a year
Our lives compared
To all wounds of the heart,
Time is the antidote.
Designed like a coat
Soothing the pain as it impart
It is nonpareil
It understands what you want
As time acts more than a confidant
Is that drink worth the toxins infliftrating your body?
swimming through your sucumbed organs that have
no choice what your mind chooses to feed
Is it really what you need?
there's never enough time
enough time
it's always running out
running out
the clock
I'm always Rushing
falling through, walking around
time on my hands
the long days and night ' im still confused on my daily days
make it worth while, sleeping peacefully im wasting my time
time on my hands
((We're hanging here by our nails and our toes
while the lights flash red and the feeling goes.
I don't if is been the movies or my friends,
I have recently become an addict for a woman's fur,
their beautiful skin and beautiful lips make me go crazy,
if only I had a special girl that could fulfill my thirst,
Time seems fluid.
You and I are just floating through.
Time stretches on and on,
Until the day has ended
And the darkness is surrounding.
The rising sun
Our days have been numbered like pages
Our time is chapters unfinished
And, to turn the pages, we find the line of giving
Within this uncompromising maze,
the faceless men in white suits
force you to stumble along
the path from point A to B.
Tall white walls confiscate creativity
and slowly strangle the unsuspecting
I discover myself contemplating my being
as I linger in an abyss of corruption.
Hiding from the mournfulness that intimidates me as I sleep.
I was never cherished, I was no favorite of anything.
the seconds
escape my clutching fingers
i try to catch
and eat them
hold them inside
keep them within
they escape
my clutching fingers
fall to the floor
I run into an open sky.
I watch the sunset
and within the orange and pink horizon
I see me.
I see myself at just 5 years old
walking into a new surrounding.
I see my teacher anxiously awaiting
The star light twinkles
The dreary waters quiver
I am at peace
Flashing lights dwindle
My heart is beaing faster
It is time to shne
Lost but never found
Tick Tock
You hear a clock
You ache, you moan
“Why? Oh Why?”
Tick Tock
No one is coming
There is a fly in here
No one is coming
Tick Tock
“Where is everyone?”
Uncomfortable, quiet, something undone.
Ready for nothing, unconfirmed but still tons
of excitement, uncertainty, ready, in wait.
Contradiction, shifting, family, friends.
If life is like an open book,
My pages are made of glass.
As I carefully make each turn,
Time continues to pass.
A rip is like a crack,
In the story of my life.
Any kind of peril,
The World.
To expand my mind to places farther than my backyard or the church,
To learn a language of love by being surrounded by foreign lovers,
I want to be immersed...
in the very depths of your soul.
I want to feel your warm breath,
creating the prickles on the back
of my neck.
I want to see the loving look
you give me,
I wandered through searching faces
As the skies opened up in flame
And stars reached back to embrace
What calls us all by name
I sat beside the water
To learn to be alone
When we see a wilted flower
We recall the wondrous life that was
An aging actress appears on the screen
The time we spend with ourselves
when living in a community full of so much.
The money we try to save
towards spending on the next new thing.
The work we put into not working at all
Tick, tock, dark thirty, the clock summons the block
Smoke funneled, now comes around in the name of honor
I'm that weird girl that sits in the back
The quieter you are the less attention you attract
Though I'm not the only one who would rather it dark
At times I find those with that same unique heart
As the seconds tick by
the wheels begin to lurch.
Time is but a lie
but we follow it like clockwork.
The pendulum begins to climb
the setting sun is but a ruse.
A fear that time
will not stop
Because it won't
And I have seen it pass
All along
So I am sure
That it won't stop
And it cannot,
Now, can it?
Whenever you look at a clock,
seconds tick away.
Wheneer you take a step,
millions are taken.
Wenever you say a word,
coversations begin and end.
Whenever you do anything,
Mr. Clock, why are you so mean?
Every time I'm havin fun time flees,
Yet every time I am unhappy you won't leave.
Mr. Clock, your hands are evil,
They control me in every way.
Mountain valley's rise.
to quakes of dissonance,
Curving in the gears beneath each watch face,
Why is time ticking like this?I hope you can forgive my stuttering pride, for I’m just not sure what I feel anymore.
A thousand universes aligned
To being us tonight, tomorrow, and forever
Some call it fated, destined, or something like that
It's actually pure dumb luck
The odds are astronomical
This is the impossible
I could be addicted to heroine,
but your love is so much brighter
I could swim around in a pool of alcohol,
On this day, at this moment, time stands still.
But stop and think, all the time we've killed.
Shut your eyes, travel back with me now, your first day of school.
Do you remmeber how;
Another day has dawned
Another night is gone.
Time keeps slipping away
Leaving us day by day
Each one different yet the same
And all escape as quickly as they came.
Young men grow up to be old
Build me a home to hide in
To grow, to live and to die in
I’ve made my bed for me to lie in
Made of sewn cotton and pine
Couldn’t I just stay in limbo here?
The hands on the clock would disappear
I see a stranger standing there
And wonder of her cares.
Where is she from
And why did she come?
What are her fears
What causes her tears?
I wonder why she is alone
imagery and wonderment swirl in my head
salt sea and sand mix together in my throat
sun is out
sun is gone
it doesn't matter what day it is
each second is the future of the last
That great gaping maw of the past opens and I slide down that rabbit hole,
like I'm a 2-year-old again riding down
I sat upon my hammock
And listened to the world
The people gliding past me
Like ships with sails unfurled
Time Is The Only Thing You Cant Get Back
Time And Time Again
Your Losing One Sec
By The Time You Open Your Eyes
By The Time You Catch Breath
Your Time Line Has Started
With Your Life Line Set.
Time passes us by the tide sweeps the sand aside one grain lost in the sands of time just a passing memory in people's minds what we are....lost in where we are.
Round and round we go
time continually moving through an infinite loop
of truths and experiences prove that
we are not as used to to the unforseen movement of reaity
Her heart is slowly dying.
Her scars grow deeper and deeper.
As she is no longer trying.
Only watching the calamity beat her.
The fire surrounds her soul.
She can no longer breathe, just take it in.
I am an optimistic soul
I wonder about my past
I hear the time keepers hands
I see my future
I want to start over
I am a prisoner of time
The death of waiting,
a vice grip on my chest denies me the option to breathe,
my wrists bound in cuffs of limitation,
feet stuck in frustration,
mind set on fascination but body tied,
On a clear night, I look up and think
that the sidewalk would rise vertical
so that I may walk
all those miles to the stars
and on a bright morning
as the sun still nudges the horizon,
it marks us,
changes us,
shapes us,
moves us,
and it leaves us.
a time we remember,
a time we once loved,
a time we once hated,
Dearest Teller of Time,
Why do I continue to carry you throughout the day?
You do not forget,
You do not forgive--
never pausing for me...constantly impatient.
Past closed up pizza jointsPast laundromats, through the dying noisethe nights tick on like clockworkwatch the calendar as my steps unwind
A day recedes, I'll chase down one more nightA lamed and hobbling Spring tries to outrun the tideof all the misspent monthsand all this wasted time
Oneida says she's out of timefor mining lies from crooked mindsand spending nights beneath strange blanketsstreet-to-street, tab at a time.
Tick tock, tick tock
1, 2, 3, 4
Starts the race.
7 hard steps.
5 fast seconds.
Tick tock, tick tock
75, 76, 77, 78
Starts the second lap.
Draft behind first.
Don't drop the pace.
What is this life we live?
We can’t get back the time of day
We learn, we work, we suffer
We give our precious time away
The memories we make
The lessons that we learn
Time is a fragile elementIt stops for no manEven if it were said he was excellentTime is the part of a bigger plan.
The world brought me whatever I needed,
A friend,
A mother,
A father,
A brother-
Yet, it took away something valuable.
Someone I loved,
Someone I adored-
She was my sister,
Let me grip tightly to this life in this moment
With everything standing still while time is stolen
Here's one from several months back:
Weighed down by the mistakes of my past
A pebble, a rock, a mountain on my shoulders
At first I ran, regrets like quicksand sucking at my feet
The ticking, ticking of the clock
Repetitious, never stopped
Ticking, tocking all the day
All while the pendulum swings and sways
Oh so rhythmic and defined
Oh so soothing all the time
(read like to the beat of a metronome or a ticking clock)
Water drips,
puckered lips.
Tapping sounds,
making rounds.
Hitting bars,
counting stars.
one, two, three, four.
People are always asking me questions.
Who? What? When? Why?
These questions make me feel as I am running out of time.
Time is valuable, time is sacred.
The first shot of a civil war rings in the ears of the townsfolk
Two world leaders shake hands and prevent a nuclear war
Aphrodite commits adultery
For over 5 years, a prisoner to myself
Shadows of isolation cast upon my very being
Searching for traces of sanity, satiated in a cell
Of my own design, questioning another breath
If anyone has listened
to the words of a song
One will surely hear
a time long gone
It comes quite swiftly
too fast to avoid
the feelings of the past
both of sorrow and joy
Look at the flower blossom
little by little its start to grow like you
As the days go by the flower starts to wilt
no rain no sun how does it survive?
with other flowers nearby
They only fester in the silence.
Time is ticking.
We should stop being quiet
Because all they can do is fester in the silence.
The longer they fester, the worse the pain.
Time is ticking.
Oh where has the time gone?
The days have flown by
We had times of joy-
We laughed together
And we had fun
We had times of sorrow-
We cried together
Scary how everything we do matters
How time is money and money matters
How relationships grow with time and begin to matter
How we grow old and dont seem to matter
As much
Or care
Tick, Tock
It moves with the sound of a clock
Standing tall
Its massive arms fall
Silent yet fowl
It lets out a strangled howl
Nasty and Cold
It never gets old
A branch cracks off a lonely tree,
The grass dries in a meadow,
A life sentence; at last set free,
Death comes to old Gepetto.
A newborn child takes a breath,
The moon shines in the night,
Shoot me up, I'm feeling empty
Give me a shot, a dose of feeling
Thirty pain-givers are all I'm needing
To give rhythm to this pointless beating
She said "Time crawls but we still get older
A lot can happen in 5 minuets
Both miracle and tragedy
A lot can happen in 5 minuets
Come, let us see
5 minutes is all I takes
For a baby to be born
This is the day when I lost all I had,
The day when my world fell apart.
The only thing left was the sliver of light,
What will we see?
When the clock stops ticking
Will birds still sing and live on the tallest trees?
Will life around still move foward?
When the clock stops ticking
"Time is cruel,"
I used to think I loved you
I used to think you cared
I used to think "this is it"
I used to be so scared
I used to want to be your all
I used to think you did too
Events have come and gone.
To change them, changes everything.
Yet the feeling persists.
The feeling of regret.
Of desire to change.
Change history.
Change time.
I have traveled in time
To when animals; my brothers, with too large teeth roamed the Earth.
Not Happy
All the product of problems
Jay-Z says he has 99
This bitch has too many to count
no, not like real life problems
my soul is an attic;
there are dust particles
and settling
all around.
my memories lie,
scattered upon
decrepit, creaky shelves
doubtful, broken staircases.
15 minutes to get to class
60 minutes to take the test
2 weeks to study
4 hours of sleep
And what seems like an eternity waiting for grades
I do not see your physical body
Your physicality is beautiful beyond measure
Your personality eminates frequencies of joy beyond conception
Your character stands tall with virtue and honesty
Don't want to forget the memories, but like the stars as they grow old, millions of years afar, they're disappearing, slowly, one by one.
Time is a beautiful enemy,
a two faced friend.
a destroyer.
A lover,
but a fighter.
Time is on our side.
they say,
" You have time to do this, you have time to do that!"
Staring in the Face of Regret by Averey Respall
Sitting, Waiting, Procrastinating.
Later, After, Then.
This is it.
It's now or never.
A glimpse at the clock
Marble floors and polished glass,Shining like the mahogany grandfather clockthat gives off the scent of fresh pine and lemon.It sits quietly in the cornerObserving.
Flashing before the eyes of all,
Until the candle burns out.
A change so exciting, so different, so new
New Friends and Old Friends becoming few
Parties, Football games, Laughs, The Insane
each paycheck of mine is soiled with notes and words and
organic molecules. every stolen envelope, in
my mind, resonates
a time of vast
at the end of every today that passes
i lay able to rest
because i know that it means
i am yet another day closer
another day closer to my tomorrow
With blood and tears,
Our love was sown.
With painful years,
Our love has grown.
Though not always the best,
It has lasted long.
Every trial and test
Have made it strong.
tick tick tick
Time is always running out.
tick tick tick
What can I do about it?
The tock tock tock
Makes my brain tick tick.
The tick tick tick
The time lost the time is gone
Our time we had was just so fun
Every time with you it was just so great
Now it seems I showed up too late
It started with a “Yes”
All you need is a “Yes”
Best three letters, Y-E-S
We talked for an Hour
Spinning so fast goes the world,
life happens so swift it comes in a twirl.
Be still, my soul, be still right now.
It doesn't even give excitement somehow.
"Slow down!", I say as I run so fast.
Love is everything
in science love is reproduction
in poerty love is tragedy
in movies love is fate
in childhood love is grotesque
in war love is scarce
in time love is stronger
Past Future can be Redefined
These walls stand as dimensions, doorways to the past future.
A Fresh and vibrant, broken image.
Watch Time Friend of Mine
Brave and cunning
Clever till the end
Watch the red, as it spreads
Life Rides On a Silver Line
Dug deep
Feel the earth beat
Revolve around in light and dark
Breath its air
My Lovable Sweetheart
Starlight eyes
Never leaving mine
Against your thighs, like pillows
Thoughts are as common as the world
And at the same time they shape it
Sticking to our detailed minds making them twirl
Once I stared at the page
All it took was a second
The words would come, the sounds so easy
But then the heartbreak came
The abandonment from those I loved
And I couldn't write
Do you see the tears that pour down their faces?
Watching their loved ones die
Its no way to live, why not cry?
We see it in their eyes: the weakness, the terror.
To borderline death is no way to survive.
Time is a harsh progression
It leads on for sake of change
Each second, minute, hour
Presses us to the point of asking it to stay
O, Consistency! O, To stay the same!
Every now and then,
My mind escapes me, and returns--
Exerting more energy with each fleeting arrival
And departure
But this time, it returns
With a question
Helplessly falling beneath your wide eyes
Smile while your lips speak into my soul flling my belly with butterflies
Caramel fingrtips pressed tinderly onto my brown skin
"No more snow," they say.
'We are finished with that part of day.
We are past that portion of year.
We are done with that hour of drear!"
"No more snow?" I say.
"We have past all pf the array
Tick tock chokes the clock- The seconds fall with each tear; The world stops to stare As I disappear. I scream for heaven’s help; I pray it is not true; But Time is a heartless thief, And Life is cruel.
Each decade is a second; Eternity a day. Your life ends as Time Snatches each moment away. Time is the silent wraith Hovering over your shoulder, Hiding in your shadow, Waiting as you grow older. “It will not be long” he whispers.
The following poem is an Elizabethan sonnet.
Since I was young I looked up to the stars.
The second to the right my eyes did meet.
And though the twinkling speck seemed very far
I forgot my watch today,
I tried to draw it on,
My hands didn't move,
and now the time is gone,
If trees could speak, they’d scream.
Their brethren die for the business man
And with them, everything.
The world is slowly turning
From green to gray --
From leaves to metal,
I spend my time biding by,
tie my shoes, adjust my tie,
i walk this square,
all life seems fair
a vision did i see,
a vision of what I used to be
how will i know i chose right?
A second's time is not as long
As the world will let you think
But still we sing our same old song
As our lives pass by in a blink
The sun goes up and the sun goes down
I've sat and I've pondered, trying to create
The words in my head to explain to you how I feel.
How every thought is consumed by you while I lay in bed.
How every moment not spent with you, is a moment wasted.
Time is the thing that makes things new;
It makes bonds strong; It makes you you.
It gives many chances and takes many away;
It's the reason that there is an end to each day.
Time has no color, no voice, no thoughts;
In the morning I wake to rush and runTo keep in time time timeIn the day I have so little funI keep in time time timeIn the noon I begin to swoonFor there is so little timeNot even enough for this rhyme
One day, my shoulders will give inDefiance will admit defeat, and they willDrop, like theBone-weary man wrapped around himself, shivering in the cold.
At the end of the day, when the flashback startsThe brilliant rays of the sun isall I’ll remember
Change is always around us
Change is everywhere
It happens every day, but sometimes we hardly notice
The temperature, the shape of the clouds, and change even arises from tectonic plate movement.
I had a dream in the past before,
a woman so perfect who made my heart roar,
her voice echoed through each waking moment,
I would feel her touch when my body jolted.
Revived Among Lost Time
Played among a thin line
Life was pail and blind
Sick with poison
I can romanticize anything
Books, jobs, boys
This list is endless.
I am a clear romantic at heart
I can spin a tale and have that tale
Be invigorating, special, fun, exciting
The pain hurts.
It rips, it tears, it brings heartache
It is following in my own wake.
Fun at first that's what I saw,
A perfect image without flaw.
immediately I had to take
If I could change one thing, it’d be this tall, intimidating fence.
I’d tear it down and frolic away deliriously into the world that’s been waiting for me.
time is infinite
but life is fleeting
why cant anyone see what im seeing
am i so different
from everyone else
why isn't it easy
or even fair for that matter
don't care either way
its just another day
cant seem to sleep
my sanity I'm trying to keep
little by little its disappointing
being sucked out of life is frustrating
so much to do
i admire the crayons
for no matter how you push
or how hard the pressure
they'll pick themselves up
and cling to their other
i admire the crayons
for when in times of stress
they melt together
Hold me tight, don't let me fallThe sky is still light, the lark hasn't calledUntil then don't let go, stay for this last hourStay until the candle is low, before you leave my tower.
Can you see from my clothes,
all the things I know.
Adorned from head to toe in mediocrity.
I use to feel the need to exceed normality.
I own these things;these things I bore,yet left me for deadI own these things.No ones name but mine engraved.No one to blame, but me to blame.Everlasting, unforgiven, unchanging.
If Time passes like the wind
is it really that Important?
If people die every day
do their lives even mean a thing?
Why are we even here
if we will just pass away someday?
Why are we existing
How can you hold all the promise in the world,
and you can't keep a promise worth making?
Why are hearts so rythmic and loud,
My dear, I think yours are breaking.
How can you create such beautiful things,
Dreams that track a vast ocean
Smooth as the face of a mirror
Is the Time I lost
The surface unbroken
My thoughts unspoken
Is the Time I lost
In equal amounts each year
It is this we must fear-
For a day cannot expire without it;
Even when I die
My voice shall cry
Immortalized through
The mind`s eye
Even if I rot
You will not forgot
You will hear my poetry
More than the ticking of the clock
Although change upon myself would be lovely,Although change to the faults of the world would be just,
Much deeper than flesh
Being myself is complex
Everyday improving my thought process
Life only gives one promise
Can’t tell you where I’m going based off places that I’ve been
lend me your hoursi want to know how itmust feel to possessseemingly infinite timeto lay weary head to pillowin tune to dimming sun andnot daunting rise of raysrejecting any chance of rest
Don't forget to say hello when I'm walking down the hall at school, and you see me look away.
Don't forget to smile ate me once in awhile so I know you still care, even if I don't return it.
So many things could change,Only to change one,How can you choose?I would change the way people see time.People are so caught up in tomorrow or yesterday,They watch the minutes tick by on technology,
To change is to make something once the same another way
Imagining a future where everything is sublime
Growing a path that might otherwise become neglected and decay
It’s almost time, we’re nearly done
Senior year, the final one
Last year to cherish the friends we make
It’s time for risks we want to take
Life is quickly passing by
Time today and time tomorrow
Time flies fast and we feel sorrow
Time drags on and drops low to the floor
Time waits for you to stand long at the door
Picture this:
You grow up, get married.
The two of you buy a house, nothing fancy
Just a quiet little fix-me-up in a safe neighborhood.
The two of you fill the house with kids
Taking each day one at a time.
Tomatoes remind me of Grandpa
I ate my first tomato when I was five.
...I thought it was an apple
Imagine my surprise as I looked up at Grandpa,
His face scruching up into his half smile.
Life is a tricky game to play
Coasting through, not a care in the world
Like kids in a game of hide-and-seek
Making each move, not knowing
What's behind the corner?
Growing older, time still isn't winning
Faster than dark, from disillusioned skies
Of sable silk, the stars release their grasp,
Descending into bitter winds that rasp
Against the feathers of a night who flies
Faster than silence born of memories
Life is a dayOf a thousand hoursA million secondsA millennia's worthOf cool breezes and breathsThat escape past our lipsIn smiles and sighs and laughsDrawn unsuspecting from our souls
What is war?
The child asks,
Eyes wide and bright,
Looking up at me
For I know only peace.
Tell me, please, what is war,
For I do not know of it.
Tell me of a world
What gets me inspired? Damn, I don't really know
guess this prompt has been really eye-opening though.
I'm just sitting here with some writer's block,
if I can make this poem creative I'll be in shock.
To thee, I pose a question,
Where shall the time go when it has passed by?
Does it creep through the window up into the endless realms of space,
"I can't wait to grow up!" the little girl told. You get to do whatever you want when you're old. Being little meant you couldn't do much.
Big hand is Minutes and Short hand is Hours
Both take my time and waste it as I try,
Try as hard as I can to read a clock, It's easy.
Counting by fives, It's one of the rare things I can
Look down at the pocket watch
Time slips past.
From boy to man,
Much too fast.
With swash buckling books,
You dreamt once
Of distant islands
Filled with mountains,
Empty, solitary, realxed,
and let go.
The inner floosy of my heart is free
to close her eyes and rest.
I usually see one other
joining my personal solitary confine.
Not today though;
The inability of the human brain to comprehend
Millions, Billions, and Trillions
Has somehow exused and allowed us to
Blindly and Unkindly
Abuse the very things that holds our
Bickering, Snickery
I sit next to you every night and feel the tension.
You still can’t see why I want to be with him,
Why I love him so dearly,
How I could ever be with anyone like him,
And one day, I hope you will.
Everything has an expiration date,
no matter what it is.
Food, life, and even love
can all expire.
It's only a matter of time.
It has been described as a record of existence
How long something is present or how long it wasn't.
Time is both the past, and the future, and the present,
Escalating at a constant rate that alters not.
Can't you see that times have changed?People move on but you're still the same?Everyones got their own lives nowDo you even know where you're going?
A boy
So full of arrogance
Wanting only to destroy,
Killing as if it were a dance
Another boy,
Oh so different
With a mind of tricks and ploy
His destiny is not what it was meant
Close my eyes to a light that shines so bright it blinds me. I see visions of love laughter and prosperity surrounding me.
Birth is characterized by the second, minute, hour, and year you were born
Your parents admired your innocent face
A blessing they would say as you were torn
My broken angel
With wings made of porcelain
With a mind held together by threads
With scars on his skin that run like mine do
Full of a history
Of stories
The stuff of nightmares
In fifteen minutes you can get out of bed.
In fifteen minutes you can eat breakfast and brush your teeth.
Everything is wild,
And Everything is thus something,
But will the tides turn,
Till we have nothing?
We lost it all,
Though we had it all,
Everything was all we needed,
The mists are thick in my eyes.
The Whats I've done and the Wheres I've been
are clouding my present
tainting my future
until I can't see What is now or Where is next.
Time is a river that flows in one way.
When it began; how challenging to say!
One may assume that the Big Bang was when
Time-space began; but what of before then?
Ponder the question of what is south of
Each new face starts to blur
The memories fade; I do not know what will occur
Each new place fills my heart with sorrow
Because I am unaware of what will happen tomorrow
The girl who lived in yesterday
Now wishes time had never strayed.
"Don't lie" is what she was always told,
she'll remember that 'til she grows old.
The girl who is making the most of today
Nothing is safe,
Tick tock,
Not even your life,
Tick tock,
It will take it all,
Tick tock,
No matter how small,
Tick tock,
You won't even know,
Tick tock,
When it will go,
Your smile, your eyes always leave me wanting more
The first time I talked to you is something I’d never forget
I have grown older
Over the years
And I must confess
I do not feel more
Like ashes or dust
But more like
I knew that when I first saw you time had stood still for us to meet
I glanced as you and you glanced at me and for a second our eyes met
Yet no words came out of our mouths
The one thing in the world that will never change is the past,
the one thing that wont wait for anyone or anything is time.
Like a statue time withers you away
Till you crack and once you do youll never be the same.
Look I know these words sound pretty mundane
"We've heard this before" you'll likely exclaim
When I think of you,
Ah, I can barely believe it is true.
From the moment we met,
I could see there was something.
But could never tell what it was.
Before I get an "E", let me explain something please,
I'm a very busy child and time always runs past me.
I know you've alerted us, but with myself I never discuss,
We are big boys and girls.
We know where we're going in life.
We don't need to know about the weight you lost over break.
We just need what will get us an "A".
We need help when we ask for it.
Kids, teens, youg adults, we are not all the same.
Not in our ability to learn nor our in our ability to remember what we've learned.
So why,
Whose destination is love.
YOU and you and You are my definitions.
I’ve learned that I’m just in love with a concept.
Life doesn’t work that way.
I want the best of all;
I always end up with
With wings of ash darkness hides me
Shadows glisten on my feathers
Burroughs, dusk, and no where near dawn
Creatures scrambling to find shelter fromthose that wait and watch for the next victim
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time.
There's somethings that I regret.
Thinking that they would change themselves again, but it was me that it did forget.
Me not letting my real feelings show,
The echo of a snicker.
My feelings their biggest conquer.
Emotional hurt they prefer.
Poking at me,
That memory still showcased.
Authority refused to see.
Now they hide behind cyberspace,
I tied lavender teabagsto my whittled whitefingers and pretendedI was Virginia Woolf.However, Virginia sankinto the River Ouseand I,into my bathtub.I wanted to sleepand sink
The days passed by faster than I thought, remembering how foolish and carefree I was my freshman year
The days passed by faster than I thought, now my sophomore year, spending my time in afterschool tutoring for being behind
"Stand up," you say
"You'll use this someday"
But that day never comes for T. Gray
They called her whore, and
you heard all of this
Yet you ignored it because ignorance is bliss
"Stand up," you say
"You'll use this someday"
But that day never comes for T. Gray
They called her whore, and
you heard all of this
Yet you ignored it because ignorance is bliss
In a sea of fish,
You are the sand.
On Christmas day,
you are the socks my mom bought for us.
In an orchard of peaches,
How do you know what to choose
From all the options thrown at you?
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to do?
It's all up to you.
For everything that you're worth,
They confide, we relate, we're alive, They escape.
You can't hold on to what time already took in storage.
Tomorrow's dream was to be different from today.
Time is not measured in hours and minutes and seconds
Time is not numbers on a clock,
Or days on a calendar.
Time is the first time you ride a bicycle;
Standing there with tears streaming down my face,
Her heartbeat steadily faded away.
Oh, time, do you not care? Don’t you delay?
Consecutive steps toward the threshold
Yet 10 miles from the desired goal.
Am I too fast or
Is life too slow?
Reaching pinnacles ironically by hillsides
Rather than conquering skyscrapers
I'm lost in a world that's all my own
and as I stare at the clock it begins to race
not forwards but back, leaving me, in a cloudy haze
I see a familiar face, I don't quite remember, but haunting all the same,
Most have heard or read
the animated anecdotes of the dead.
They are given with joy and wrapped in a bow -
- stories of life, of music, of love.
But all anecdotes end.
Few ever say or re-claim
Today is another day in the books,
Nothing to cause any strange looks.
But what if today could be a big day?
Come out and suprise you in come crazy way?
Out of the mundane do significant things occur,
The man in black crawls towards the dusty wind,
His thoughts and words swim backwards to the past.
Minutes and hours creep shyly to his mind,
Ticks and tocks fly, this one slow, this one fast.
There's no such thing as time,
time is simply a way to organize the human mind,
let me teach you a lesson,
the clock ticking on the wall is an illusion of progression,
Like December,
Like tomorrow's coming down,
Shaking snowflakes to the ground,
While you're waiting in bed some more,
Cuz in November you were falling all around,
Leaves of every color now,
It started with a touch, a feel, a glimpse.
The way your name feels, so soft on my lips.
The sound of you, it drives me crazy.
They mention your name, I love you, baby.
You bring back feelings, long pushed away.
What is fair?
The fact that you have him there with you
He holds you, and tells you he loves you
The feeling of being safe and loved in his arms, overwhelms
Rarely is a feeling similar
My time is up,
There is no room,
The clock is stopped,
The sun is dead,
My time is gone,
The breath has fled,
There is no time,
I touched the side of the peeling green house.
The weather has torn and chisled it away.
It used to be bright and proud.
It was a strong house, but now it is dying.
Before the first second I saw you,I was incomplete.Deep, but nowhere near seeingTo the bottom of my heart;Immersed in emotion,But not to the pointOf drowning,Slowly and all at once,
Through years of experience I have learn that people may sometimes forget what you have said to them in the past,
They may forget what you did,
But one thing that I can asure is that they will never forget how you made them feel,
Like a child's toy
Played with by imagination
But time goes by
The child grows old
The toy stays the same
The toy sits there
Taking up space
Waiting to be put into action
Time by the second A limit of control that is less than a minute a minutes that can be morethan hour less than a daybut favors twenty four hours A state of mind that is limitedOh' Grand Design that beckons twelve of night and twelve of daythat r
The scent of vanilla
In my hair;
Dancing across my body;
The cinnamon taste
On my tongue
When he kisses me;
The burnt feeling
In his chest when
He looks into my
Warm eyes;
there will come a time when all is lostwhen there is nothing left worth the risk because you will lose anywayswhen you are so outnumberedwhen you feel you will die & no one will know and no one will care
Time, why did you abandon me?
You purposely and mistakenly left my side
Days come to short, but to many for counting
In myself is where I’ve learned to reside
Time, you’re supposed to heal my wounds
Excited with my new backpack and sweater I dont know who I will meet I check the mirror and smile with missing front teeth i see this pretty face and smile tthinking my first day of school wow This mirror that seems to have a cloud I rub and see t
Why should it bother me so?
The more that passes the more I know.
You can't get it back,
and you can't forget.
It buries you,
burdens, ages, and suffocates you.
It resurrects you,
If only we had just a little bit more time together,
If only we had some time to be free.
We wouldn't have to run away and hide and steal time together,
We could've made memories, fated to be.
For you I began,
without me you don't exist.
You named me and try to understand me,
so I tell you what I can.
I don't remember when I started,
I walk in an endless line,
I will draw x's on your spine and smear them off with the salt of my tears. I will listen to
the pulses of your heart thrusting against your heaving chest and tally them on the creases
I am the girl who tears scraps of poems and tapes them to her bedroom walls
So she can read them before she sleeps
One night she dreams about a flying man
Tearing open the world’s rusted skin
Tick, tockTick, tockTick, tick, tick
The sound of the hands of time as it moves slowly by,
but if time moves slowly by,
why is there not enough time?
We are told to stop and smell the roses,
Minutes moments flying by
Minutes moments catch your eye
Babies laughing, mothers smiles
Happiness that takes you a thousand miles.
Approving nods from loving dads
One day, twenty four hours.One thousand, one hundred and fortyStrikes of a little hand.It becomes forty three thousand, two hundred ticksAnd just as many tocks.The numbers are baffling to me,
Two minutes and fifty five seconds
for microwave popcorn.
Eleven and a half minutes
for a phone call with your mother.
Ninety minutes
for a complete sleep rotation.
Eight hours
As I sit there listening to them talk,
I wonder am I good enough,
To be apart of this family,
That no longer know who I am,
Or what I have become,
A female apart of Humanity that is no longer understood,
The clock of time ticks,
Tick, tock, tick.
The day I was born, the clock ticked.
The clock ticked for me,
Tick, tock, tick.
The day I was born, the clock stopped.
The clock stopped for you.
Time is always ticking in some direction.
Whether it’s counting down the minutes left in school,
or counting up the days until summer.
Time comes with wisdom, strength, power, and memories.
Only you can hear the lovely words spoken through my mind,every time i close my eyes its like a memory ill never find.The laughs, love, and hurt we've put each other through,the time we spent do you remember it all too?
Time is just an element. Why do we make it more than that? Time is just an element, not a physical being we attract. Tell me now, why is time our biggest fear? Why is time divided into years? Why is time the crown jewel?
I wish you'd stop rushing me to do it all.
You say theres time,but yet i fall.
Down goes my grade,down the hole.
You say its my fault,where is your soul?
I need some help, stop yelling at me.
As the sunset hits the hills
It almost seems the world stands still
That’s what happens to me
When I see your great beauty
I have to thank God you see
For the beauty he put in front of me
An empty house, ancient and beautiful.
Stands regally above the lowly earth.
Shingles slither off, front porch steps crumble.
But the house has immeasurable worth.
Inside swarm ghosts, memories of the past.
Time in
Time out
Time run
around around
the clock
and back
Time laughs
Time shouts
no! yes!
go! now!
Sand is sifting,
The grains of time, tumbling
Through, down to the dune of
The underworld of times past.
Moments descending upon us,
We take no notice.
Moments falling, behind and below existence,
they told me to keep my head up high
to just look up towards the sky
that tomrowow is a diffrent day
thats all they seem to have to say
acting as if they understood
but knowing that they never could
As a child we learn about love,
between a woman, a man and the sun.
Pure and sweet as a dove,
oh what a sick pun.
No one taught me that song,
I learned it on my own.
Now you claim I am wrong?
Da Dom Da Dom Da Dom (heart beat)Before I knew of his mistake I’d already condemned himEven as he tried to explain I scolded him for action he never madeRazor held high I went in for the killHe’d never hurt another
I'm a youngin'.
From the world i was brought in.
when i'm sixty. i won't get gritty
based on my skin wrinkly and no more shirts fitted
It's based on my health. can't be an elf.
Wait Blue Beloved, I want to tell you, let’s snuggle forever, and stay with me in bed sweetheartTimes will seem too hard to bear and I will feel like life is giving up on me
Time will not fix it
I promise you that
No amount of time
Will bring it all back
Time cannot help you
It's not something you can take
It's not chemically designed
It Does Not Exist
Yet we run on hands,
Hands that reach out and hit those cursed numbers.
It dictates when we do things, but can we stop it?
Ever since we came into this world,
I tell the time by trees.
I tell the time in threes.
Three by threes from trees.
Three by three by three.
Time in trees to three by threes.
We pass our time in trees.
We pass our time in threes.
My heart feels like magic,With my mind like static.I feel like I've been rebornI feel like a newborn Until you are attained,My heart's in disdain .Calm days and sweet wordsmaking me a hazard. I shall not say goodbyefor I can not deny,How your beau
In the end we are nothing but bones-
it’s funny how death and time
ride a tandem bicycle
(time always steers-
as impatient as always-
death always pedals-
ever present-)
Time is a pressence
almost that of air.
I know it's there, but I can't see it.
Time is a temptress
almost that of a toddler.
I should say no, but I give it what it wants.
Chop of the hands of Time and feed them to crocks.
Smash into pieces, the watches and clocks.
Rip out the innards, the gears and the weights.
Wear all the tick marks wrapped ‘round your waist.
Time has a voice,Time has a memory,
Time has a sense of humor,
It is cruel, healing, but forever indifferent,It governs over all, but yet governs over nothing,It is ever in motion; past, present, future,
I am so damn sick and tiredOf waiting for my life to mean somethingI want to do moreI want to be moreI cannot sit idly byAs my life slips between my fingersTime(I realize)Is a jerk with a gun
Everyone has a time in which they question themselves,
Question thier very existance.
It can make the strongest and happiest people crack.
When you feel like your life is shattered glass
Here I sit upon your wrist
My digital face blinking figures
Counting up the
Only to come around and start again.
I come complete with
Our clock is tickingAs our last years are coming to an endA time when we leave our childhood years,When we leave all our old friends.The old tree diesAnd the new roots beginAs we part our separate ways
It's an electric impulse
That makes you turn down the road
Which had been unknown to you before
9 watts made you think
Different is new
New is better
But if you had known
“I stand in the cold wind driven rain,
Hoping, nay praying, it will rinse away the deep heart felt pain;
Staying the tack and straining against the ship’s wheel,
What sly, sneaky dogs gentleman can be,disguising themselves to others to have a sort of innocent fluency.
But what man can truly stand with his girl and not look at another,or struggle not to?
I never thought
I’d be here now
But I always knew
I’d find you somehow
Still, the cease of
the smile on my face
Brings me to believe
That I’m still not in the right place/
This is an ode
to 12:09 PM
to the clock that displays it’s uneven hands
on the line after twelve
and the line before two.
This is an ode
To my hands moving fast
The clockwork of the year is rusty after a summer spent in blissful timlessness.
Everywhere the cogs of the machine resist sudden jostling and bemoan the meer mention of clinking back into place.
Time flies by,
ever so quickly.
When you’re having fun
you always want it to just
stop in its tracks,
leaving you to you and your fun times
to your fun.
When you sit in a boring class,
I'm so alone
I cannot feel.
My heart is ash.
This pain is real.
I cannot feel.
I cannot breath.
My lungs are crushed
From this longing.
My lips too cold
To feel the chill.
Time is flying by
Day by day without a pause
a week, a month, a year; all wthout a cause.
Time is escaping my grasp
My mind is clouded with days of the past
How can I focus my thoughts and hear myself?
A broken watch lies in my hands
It seems to have died the day I found my fate
Like the burden of knowledge I must act
In fact, run and race time before he beats me to my own game
A head start would suffice
Dust me off and take me for a spin
I begin to feel you here again
Maybe I will cross your mind when autumn comes
Or just become a face of places you are from
Like a frozen tableau on a stage long ago
We'll be here until the end of time,
let's not leave love behind,
let's be kind,
clean the earth,
make it shine,
because our world is so fine,
everything is beautiful,
keep an open mind,
I fight with my clockit’s faceplate staring right passed my pupils phasing through defense mechanisms resembling the thick walls of area 51my mind is the U.S. government and what I see as my mind is the U.S. population
Shortness of breath
Getting worse as he gets older
Hot and dreadful days pass,
and nights become colder.
Alone at a park
Reminiscing of times spent,
Bare Handed Catch
Water Splashing in my face,
Bouncing on the waves,
Going light speed behind a motor boat
Soaring like the eagle
Swish, Swish, splash, going side to side
circle of two hands
and one hastier than the rest;
in whatever shape or form
it always conforms
back to midnight from noon
and it’s too soon
to determine the monsoons
I open the door
To see him standing there
With a rose on the floor
And a note in his hand
He hands me the note
And I open it up
To read what he wrote
And I start to cry
Tic. Tok. Tic. Tok. Tic. Tok.
Time is running away, growing short, fading to black.
It's the end of the film, time to applaud, time to give praise.
When the grain of sand is used, it's gone away, no getting it back.
Generation Gap
Now I type but then in times
Before this our culture used symbols as words.
Indus spoke an indecipherable language to us now.
To unearth their meaning even so long after
Time is of the essence.
Time is money.
Time is truly wasted.
Time is valuable.
We are all time hoarders.
You never know how much you have
Or if you will survive
Time is of the essence
How long you'll stay alive
A sacred unknown fate
All depends on the ticking clock
Once quoted by Albert Einstein, “I never think of the future, it comes soon enough”
One shouldn’t let themselves get overwhelmed by time, because if time takes over things can end up rough.
When you left leaves blew,
away with my thoughts of you.
My heart grips like roots.
Where did it go?
All the time I used to have.
We rushed here, we rushed there,
Only to sit and wait.
No time for friends, no time for family,
No time.
as if looking at you were not enough, my heart does skip a beat in time to you. when i beheld you i instantly knew, your love would make me your most treasured buff. for this cannot be love's truest hour, mere impulse is your specialty, my dear.
Time is temporary
Short in its permanence
Infinite in appearance
People live
Dying to carve their permanent mark
Dragging their knife through the flesh of life
Hoping to leave scars as screams
Wisdom is rugged.
Time wound back to youth and time spent.
The salt of cuts and cracks of skin,
Dark with age and learned.
I’m in love,
And it may sound funny because I’m only sixteen,
And according to anyone over the age of 30
Our kind doesn’t know what love is,
Well do you?
He's there.
Purple skater shoes,
His last name on the back,
Talking all gamer and yet focused on
I'm there.
Blouse and make up on-
Trying super hard to impress him.
It's funny how you make me feel
A kid at heart
A fool in love
my head stuck in the clouds above
I like the way you make me feel
It's 2am
I hear the phone ring
Eight months ago, I watched you walk away,Leaving me breathless in the worst of ways.I sat there listening, holding my chin highAll the while, knowing a piece of me would die.
It passes without warning and we know it never stops.We people keep on living without a single thought.
We can't see it pass.It's not like looking through glass.
Like a thief in the night
It came.
Merely a year was requested,
And merely a year was given.
Althought not always bonded,
Bonded they were in blood.
Father and son,
It started at the beginning
Inside it memories were spinning.
All pain and joy and truth were here
Until the lies went in our ear.
This is where I exist
I wish I could make this easier on you.
If only my touch
Would allow you to read my thoughts,
For just a moment,
Because that would be all that you needed
To know how much I love you.
What is time anyway?
I remember being at this very place
2 other times; the small fountain
Near the trolley station.
It’s a public place, it doesn’t
Hold a particular significance to me.
Smile or pain
Which will it be
to speak with a voice
or let action take the lead
Should I go south,
through a maze I know around
or should go north
to maze that looks unbound
Don't dread on you past.Live each moment as your last. Don't just lay and sleep.Get up on your feet. They say "all comes to those who wait."Truth is, "all comes to those who get up and work hard for it."
I look out the window on a cloudy dayOnly to see the pellets of rainKeeping the illustrious sun at bay.
I notice the drops as they feignA glorious waterfall of glass.The sapphires will twinkle and reign
I zoned emptiness into my mind as I lay dormant on my mattress with nothing but air
My only safe haven is overtaken by infestations no being should bare.
This moment is fleeting
I keep thinking about how I'll miss my brother once I leave for school again
forgetting that the little time I do have is spent soliciting my worries to future dates
A change is a constant thing; it repeats itself going in a circle. I hate it; change brings, so
In a universe
That exists today
Inevitably will obliterate
For this too shall pass away
A kingdom stretching across the sphere
Authority’s on different feet
He approached, staring with eyes very bright,just kindly looking at me in that way,making my heart skip a beat with delight,listening closely to all that I say,caring more than I could have ever thought,
Time, a crazy concept in this world
Just a piece in a jumbled puzzle
A piece perhaps needed for the big picture
Important? Yes.
Blinding? That too.
Time to grow
Tic' toc'
Time to marry
It's a sinful inferno that blazes higher and higher,
it takes a toll on my heart,
it nearly tears me apart.
People see angel wings,
I only see other things
like acid laced lips and,
Delinquents with damaged egosWhat lies behind a smile?A fragile soul cracked like shingle tileAs the cold wind blows
Many people believe that time is moneySome add that money isn't everything thoughBut for me, time is simply trickyIt's the reason why I'm at a point so low
Tick tock tick
Time, it can go so fast
In life, you worry about it
Wonder how long you'll last
In good moments and the bad
At the end, dread will cast
When you think of it wasted
Tick tock tick
Beautiful skies filled with gray
Some may think oh what a shame
But i, certainly do not
We hold on to the very last bit we have
If moments were hours
And hours were days
how long would it be
before you went away?
how long would it be
before you called my name
Say "my darling my angel,
In my heart you will stay."
I recall that pulse of summer,
vivacious and lively when I first met you.
Fall sprang into worlds of color,
I learned the meaning of Love is Blue.
Through the winter, snow sparkled down.
Neither here nor there,
Untouchable, Unchangeble
Still changing, Always twisting
What are you?
Apparition, Spirit?
Moving soundlessly
Your never ending song
feelings go unrequited because you have high standards, havent found anyone quite like it. now your fate decided, you're striving to find someone thats trying, to understand you like they're psychic. they come around, but you never buy it.
Love’s fool that treasures my heart
With many distances apart
There is no one to blame, just I to start
The one who is painting this work of art
Many have come but the chosen is one
the clock ticks on steady and strong the oppressive heartbeat thumping through chaos
my eyes slip shut in fond memory: untouched snow blankets the street
The world is stuck at 4:38
Somehow between then and
The thing has ticked and
Turned to 6:01,
Must have been a second before
The shutters opened up
To the exuberant existence of
With a heavy sigh, I stride into the room.
A soft light, cold ground, gentle
Scent of perfume.
On a white chair, I take my rest,
Thinking on who I am,
Breaths moving my chest.
unknownmisunderstood wish I could just blend into the cornerwaiting for people to walk by unseenunhearduntouched forever lost in the world of the misplaced,with the forgotten and unwanted items of the world blending into the furniturethat's what i
It's been awhile since we talked,
It's just that talking has become hard,
Things have changed more than I thought.
Cigar smoke,
possibly from Belgium,
wafting through the air.
Children’s laughter;
the chime-like sound
of babbling brother and sister, perhaps.
A thin silhouette
Time is traveling forward not back.
Forget your past and of your lack.
The dial be still yet the shadows are moving.
A window awaits you birds that slack.
Time escapes me like a bug I once caught;
When I opened my hands to see it,
It flew away.
Feed the monster of obsession
Feed our monster of addiction
Feed the monster of our creation
Measure the hour
Measure the minute
Measure the death toll without any limit
Everyone craves it, everyone demands it,
But there is so much time out there,
An hour you say? That's more than enough time,
Wait no give me five more minutes;
One thinks its well will never hit bottom
Floating down its meandering river
Until one sees the far-reaching autumn
Then suffers that first subconscious shiver
The girl who lived in yesterday
Now wishes time had never strayed
"Don't lie" is what she was always told
She'll remember that until she grows old.
2 a.m in a summer night im standing out side my backyard
its not cold its not hot ,the summer night skys cant be anymore clearer at this point
the smell of this darkets hour can do nothing more but enlighten me
The INSOLENT hands of the clock
are shadily employed by boredom itself
Each tick is a moment spent examining the air
each tock is the scream of a perishing elf
Dormant, idle, indolent, motionless
I dream of filling pages, but I never seem to have the words. I dream of being clever, to make people turn their heads and whisper, "how did she do that?"I want to leave them awestruck.
Blows harsh hits of rality
with strikes so hard they cause
internal bleeding. The wounds
appear to be only surface deep
but mentally these wounds cause
mental catastrophic fatalities
Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
Says the ticking clock.
Spiraling through day in day out,
What if memories stop.
How long before forgetting becomes a familiar thing.
Fading faces, fleeing places,
Seconds, Minutes, Hours…Days,
Pass by.
Leaving memories and moments stranded,
Starving for closure that’s never received.
Beauty comes and goes,
What’s left is everything and nothing.
All spent on you.
Laughing with you,
Making memories with you,
Loving you.
Tick tock, tick tock
Time is ticking
It is moving on the clock
But I feel like time is what I’m missing
Time may separate
Yet thoughts and feelings transcend
Finding their way home.
Time and Time again
I look forward to see the future
Trying to forget the past
I put the present on hold
Hoping to have better clarity when pressing play again
The future doesn't reveal much
Lust is a powerful, temporary, body of emotion,
It isn't spoken of until we're olden-ed,
A mere fragment of love, not enough to trust,
Unlike love it's used on everyone for fun,
Someone once asked me the question,
“What are your fears and your dreams?”
She falls into my arms
And I can hear nothing,
But I can see the last breaths her sick body is taking.
From everything I wished to have,
She's slowly fading away in front of my eyes.
I intend to leave my footprints wherever I go Where I'm going only the heavens know I'm going to live my life,not fast, but slow Indulging in the hardships of becoming successful Walk in my shoes, my life is anything but a joke Travel from being h
Laying on the floor, unresponsive
Another generation crying for understanding
Mother Nature's hand rips at the race
But time is immortal
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock
ticky-tocky ticky-tocky ticky-tocky ticky-tocky
We’re up before the dawn yawns
And dressed before the sky sighs,
Chirping phones like birds in early morn.
Take ten minutes to fly by,
Grab food before the car starts-
Save time by eating on the way to work.
Hello, goodbye
My, time sure will fly
Many people come, many people go
Either in large, wide groups or on on their own, solo
Feeling very ecstatic, feeling unfortunate and sad
Why am I me?
The air I breathe is so thick at times
Days like these I just close my eyes
The tears fall at the wrong times
When I laugh I wipe my wet skin
When I'm sad my skins dry
The words are there In the back of my mind
Buzzing like bees And so I take the time
The time to appreciate the good and the bad
The time to look up at the sky and think about all the world has to offer
Why does being in love have to hurt so bad? You put forth so much effort to make it work but sometimes it's not good enough. You put your heart on the line waiting to see how far you can go with that person.
child open your eyes
"no i mustn't, I can't"
please child open your eyes
" no, if I open my eyes
I shall see corruption
hatred and ignorance
lust and pain
disease and death
pitiful problems
While walking down the street one day
I heard a small boy cry
Why hath this life have no meaning
And why do people die
I thought to myself
"oh small boy everyone asks someime"
I was born in a day
when the hate and the pain
was to much to retain
any memories gained
I mean guns and hoes
is what run the shows
and when a gun came round
every body done struck a pose
Shadows pass me by,
People on the run,
Life moving to fast,
Leaving us behind.
There is no power
In the voice of a child,
Begging the world to stop!
Life ends death last forever
Life is like a spring and death is the river
Life is the caretaker but death is the deliver
Life will leave you but death will stay forever
Time waits for no one
It is sand without limits
Covering the surface of life
Our tribulations are like the stone
The ocean beats against
The echoes of sound
The dawn of a beginning
Is it the beginning,
where beginners dream of winning
or is it the end,
where dreamers decide on quitting?
Along a lost dream,
He grieves the loss of reality.
And feigns forgiveness to the dry bones
Of humanity. Society and it’s pillars
Hierarchy of wisdom and folly:
The child, the woman, the man.
One lonely ink drop,
in the midst of chaos.
The words are moving.
They’re dancing like sunbeams
chasing each other’s tails.
They’re jumping and laughing
they’ve got secrets to tell.
Words are a web of tangled imperfections
Different in their composition and order
Each a heartbeat in a symphony of chaos
Yet when they intersect they become one
All differences aside, they collide.
Time, born a stubborn son of the universe, its own laws does it solely obey
For though so readily minutes may pass, and hours dismissed
Like the sun at once emits ‘goodbyes; ‘hellos’, with one soft ray
Life is coming at you quick
There is no place to turn
College is upon you
Adult hood is upon you
Life - is upon you
Those days are gone
The days of sitting down at tables
French-fries in hand
I'm on my way,
I have twelve weeks.
I count the days,
Success I seek.
As time passes
I reminisce,
picking classes,
I enjoy this.
I must be strong.
To stand a chance,
The sands of time continue to fall.
Hopelessness binds.
Constricts hands, feet and heart.
Desire for the should haves.
As lost in the past miseries.
Mistakes made.
Lessons learned?
I do not lack independence, initiative, ambition.
I do not rely on Hallmark moments and Nicholas Sparks movies
to live out my teenage dreams in a fabricated reality.
(Time enjoys playing tricks on me.
Coming to you,
it drags its hands.
Leaving, it swiftly
carries me away.
And when it gives me a spare moment
in which to think,
it taunts me with your memory.
The sun bursting through
Dense clouds of despair and doom,
Is this turn of time.
The work completed,
The pat-on-back I needed.
Freedom without crime.
In this world exists somewhere peaceful in all its natural beauty;
A place where the evergreen grows,
And the fallen leaves rest on the grounds of the earth,
A cold winter night
Oh such a beautiful sight
The gentle breeze
Yet you never freeze
Coldness against the cheek
Wet grass beneath the feet
Chills down the spine
In a straight line
Part I: The Path lit by Darkness
Dear little light,
My little light,
Why did you fly away?
The Darkness has come and taken me,
Now who hath I to help me see?
Part I: The Path lit by Darkness
Dear little light,
My little light,
Why did you fly away?
The Darkness has come and taken me,
Now who hath I to help me see?
four in the mornin’
haven’t been sleepin’
since i first realized
that time is a’creepin’
there goes the big hand
holding the small one
“wake up, my darlin’,
we must get a move on”
What is Time?
It could be a tyrant; It could be a friend.
Nevertheless, it is unstoppable, immortal, unpredictable.
We could only look at it knowing
that Time will rend.
I could talk for hours about time.
Time is the catalyst
to all things.
The good times,
the bad times.
The time we wished
was still here
and the time to come.
Days go by and still I think
Of where I’ll go and what I’ll be
My heart screams when is it my turn to reach the key?!
Take a deep breath
It may be your last
Do you have more to do
Seconds minutes and hours are dwindling
The march of time is unstoppable
But now it’s just seconds
What are you to do in the end
Life is hard and overwhelming at times
But with each day new discoveries come
Even if all your living on is a dime
Laugh, dance for your life and then hum
Fingers reaching light
Bare trees left till Spring
Wake up from slumber
Leave us gray morning
Arise to warmth and shadows
Welcome again Spring
And a simple
complete orbit
of black hands
creates such a distinction
complete significance
of routine
and ego.
Their words, all their words were Satan
Every thing a sin.
Call mighty triumphs
Did He give you sight?
Or tell you only words were of use?
I see now.. He cut off your hands
I find what my life means
When I take time to multiply my success n not my dreams
You ask what does that actually mean
Do I give up on my passions
for social standing and money schemes
Therefore therein and thereof...
In and of itself...
SO what lies in old things?
Simple beauty...
Or simple pain...
More over and a little bit of both...
I've always been told be all you can be
"On the rate you're going you have so much to achieve"
That's what I would tell myself yet, to some that's not what it seems
Make straight A's become All-Area and 1st team
Three times
Three times the grandfather clock rings
Three times my heart skips a beat
In your presence, Three times
Anger pulsates through me
Red hot it radiates
It is a fire inside, consuming me
The flames blaze and crackle
Red, orange, yellow, and white blue ascend inside
The heat of frustration flare within
Time flies way too fast
There is no reverse
Youth is fleeting
My childhood is in pieces
Is this what reincarnation is for?
Do over
Can I take everything I have done back?
The sun it shines, regardless,
The grass it grows, oblivious,
The water it sits, fathomless.
The moon it reflects, lovingly,
The tree it stands, determinedly,
The sand it moves, impulsively.
Life comes, life goes, this and more we know.
But do we see, why it goes?
Friends stay, friends leave, if only by who’s heave?
True friends they do never leave.
Family is, family was, is there ever a because?
The valleys green, the ocean blue
The golden sun in the afternoon
The soft brush of and offshore breeze
And in the fall, the piles of leaves
I’ve grown cold, numb to the hurt I used to feel because of you. Never will I shed another tear because of you. You played me. Us I no longer see the world through innocent naive eyes. You made me grow up.
Was there a beginning?
An end to time?
For the living, it is the expiration of life
It takes so long to grow up
But it feels like no time at all
Then come the wrinkles
The reality of death
Pure understanding of such succession of line,
Never fearing what could be done without time,
Worrying about time and place,
Wiping off the sad disgrace,
All I do is just continue to stride for what could be mine.
Oh, to turn back time!
Oh, to set the hourglass spinning
backward in its fine
grains of sand, flowing against
time itself.
Ah, Life. The Great Uniter, The Great Divider. So many burdens to bear, so many battles to fight, so many ways to fall. Are you strong enough to walk, powerful enough to run this race?
Pictures in motion pass through the focused slits of dream catchers
My anatomy teacher calls eyes and
I fight for glimpses of the moving present
Assimilating and spreading the colors as
As the hands move at an alarming rate, time is of the essence. What could you possibly do to turn this around?
I'll hold you still, even still
So trust me and this bridge we've built
Made of wood and stones we haven't thrown
I won't cast against you why you have grown
(poems go here) Hey, I'm sitting here with the block of a writer
Smoking my fags down to the filter
It looks like it's gonna be another sleepless night
Living in the shadows, can't seem to find a light
The scene unfolds with little warning
Words would have diminished its significance
The moment itself should have lasted forever
Its beauty was terrible
Welcome back, it's been some weeks baby
I know your mind's way past crazy
I know you don't know that I don't know your thoughts
But today, we figured it out and honey...you're so distraught
The creaking of an attic’s chest
which contains the stories of a previous life
hidden as dusty almanacs.
Rummaging hands find leather covers –
life to the memories forgotten.
It’s just an empty room,
with people.
Their mouths move,
but nothing comes out.
A finger points furiously there.
A hand waves even further away.
A foot stomps vigorously somewhere.
Life is like a sand timer.
It's been set before me to watch and as I do, I see each grain fall.
I feel each second pass.
I watch the timer carefully, awaiting the moment when the sand runs out.
Upon this day hence forth I decree
The clarity of life set through eternity
Unsettled , torn, weary and worn
The aspects to creation settled and born
Unsettled beyond the flow of time,
The creature stirs in its prime,
Clawing and clashing unto the Veil,
With sights blazon and a destructive trail.
Necklines foam with yellowed fabric,
acrid antiquations growing lace patinas.
Shelves slant and overflow, racks packed tight
with fringe and French perfume—expired,
broken beading on a flapper’s midnight wear,
Your warmth is like the sun: it radiates, everyone around feels you beaming
You suspend yourself in the sky, far away from me, and everyone else
I’m out there, too, like the moon I’m hidden by your light
he lets me grow
and learn
he teaches me patience
and the value
of dawn and dusk
he dries my tears
and mends my wounds
Back to the days
When we believed everything anyone ever told us.
Do we still remember them?
It seems to me,
Those days were so long ago,
Passed by so quick.
Now look at us.
If only looks could kill
Then your presence would be inevitable
The time it takes for you to wake and bake
Can only lead to the end of your fate
Airports never sleep. They hold all the times and schedules, the departures and arrivals, the hugs, the tears, the goodbyes and hellos. They hold all the moments in between waiting and moving. Airports hold every piece of me from you.
You said it would only be a few months. Months turned to years and years turned to never. Time is merely vapor and we were merely smoke.
when you’re in love.
Everything else
(promises fade)
the past rearranges.
Strongly serious Yet extremely hilarious Eating my food When I can't quit finish Don't care about germs What if I had worms Ur stubborn and pig-headed But at least you like bacon Roses are red Violets are blue Poems are hard Especially about you
Time enchants her victim, begs me near to sharp being…
Wraps round frail shoulders as she tickles porcelain cheek.
I wonder what its like to be beautiful
To never worry about your hair
Your nails, Your make-up
I wish those pretty girl would just shut up
Bragging about their perfect boyfriends
In body, I am much the same,
The mind however's, a different game.
I am not bound, on earth to tread,
Nor to sail, the seas of dread.
Not constrained, by death or time,
I am free, I've learned to fly.
Fat, is just a word
It does not have to be absurd
Fat is just a word
Food is just a thing
Some people like it more than others
He looks at me, like I'm disgusting
That guy on the street
My appearance may deceive you,
My first impression may too;
But there is more to me
than what you believe to see.
Time is alot of things.
It has numerous definitions
-and perceptions-
Time can be a measurement of how long
-or a definition of how old-
so Time is a specification
I like this guy, I like him a lot
in fact he already holds a place in my heart.
I wonder and ponder what he thinks of me
in the end it is me he doesn’t see.
So I wait by the shore
hoping someday he'd want more.
It’s hard, isn’t it,
waiting on the cold surface
for your time, your death?
You can hear your time
ticking away
The ticking slows down,
as you are suddenly
Imagine time with no limits
An eternity of life
No death
No end
No rules
Time doesn't exist
There is no day or night
No evening or noon
You are in an unimaginable world
I scream...
I hear you cry...
I see you in a casket...
Wasn't ready to see you die.
I love you Mom, just wanted to let you know
But now, I have to let you go.
A feather floats by,
Soft and warm.
You feel warm arms,
Around you once more.
The soft caresses of the past.
Lets go you and me, Let us
Travel the dark roads for we could have eternity.
The desert sands are dry and thus
We shall be bonded by Love with certainty.
Suffocation, suffocation
Why must you be?
Must you be so vast
and prevent me from seeing?
Tight grips on my neck
Back against the wall
What will I do?
I look around me and everyone is either trying to gain or to not lose time. People don’t realize that the more they search for time, the more they lose it.
Time can go by as quickly as a flash of lightning,
or a
Bullet flying past you.
Time goes slow as a snail crossing a road
or - clouds floating by.
Time can be what you make it.
My arms extended out, desperately in attempts to assist.
The youth, the younger, the new and miss guided.
Oh no, from the tree they fall. Free falling, free but falling. Into a state of confusion, disorientation.
Imagine a place
Where the light shines
and the pavement is just warm enough
to feel marvelous
A place where there is always
a cool, gentle mist
A place frozen in time
the time when happiness
I loved the warmth of the sun,
Rays softening your irises,
The golden tone of our skin.
I loved the comfort of the soft wind,
A slight embrace,
Lullabied by the melody of birds.
Strangled noises of fear forget to free themselves,
Blurred objects in horror sprint by,
A haze of red and black.
Black as night, as coal, as death.
Shocked expression on every transparent figure,
What is Time?
Time is something that keeps the world going,
Something that two people may love to share.
Sharing is caring but what if the time you shared,
you really didn't care?
The daring, the bold, the careless.
The excited, the happy, the shameless.
The loving, the laughing, the faithfulness.
Childhood ends, but life is timeless.
My fear consumes me.
I'm torn on the inside.
Should I stay for you,
Or can I run for me?
I feel your soul filled eyes,
Staring down and judging.
After my past with you,
How do I change me?
When Heaven took your light from me,
The whole world went dark.
I do not know where to turn,
I need your guidance.
I am in pain,
From my head to my chest,
Nothing has changed,
I always tried my best,
But it did nothing,
I don’t belong here,
I am something,
But I can’t shed a tear,
I am in pain,
Time is a healer.
It's a concealer.
It waits for no one, no one.
Time is a healer.
It's a revealer.
It silences everyone, everyone.
Time is a healer, a dealer.
Be watchful for this wheeler.
Today is the day I'll die.
You never think about death at 15,
In the Marching Band,
An average B student.
I swear I don’t have a gun
This game was only fun, but it’s over now
And somehow, we have to leave this place
Leave it far behind, where the sun doesn’t shine
Where ends meet and part again, our lives intertwined
Oh young man it's your time to fade away,
The sun is setting by your own window.
Your hair is turning a mixed color grey,
As, the leaves are changing on the willow.
Before you know it your time will be gone.
Bringing back the pain from the lonely past,
I hope your life burns, but forever last.
The confusion, guilt and hatred I feel,
Locks me away without a decent meal.
The poison you shot into my veins,
The Earth shattering silence that chokes the life from me
A Secret hidden deep inside
Needing a place to hide.
The Exposure... Hush Hush...
No one sees but the ghosts haunt during the light.
The days are coming to a close,
The end is finally near,
The memories are overflowing
With the loves I once held dear;
Goodbye crawls slowly closer
And I take a moment to look back;
Life is tough, so get a helmet,
That's what we have been hearing all our lives.
Stuck in the in between of getting spoken to like a child,
But expected to act like an adult.
The nights when I cry,
With my eyes all wet,
No one to talk to,
About the feelings I get,
No one I can trust to tell something yet,
I can see the dark clouds and how they're set,
My heart, wielding nothing but power and unprotected,
Just there for others to hurt.
There are things within the heart, my heart, that make me feel
It is the hourglass of Life.
You can't kill it.
You can't slow it down.
We think to be invincible, indestructible, immortal.
But no one wins when it comes to beating Time.
Every second that passes
My knees are weak
They begin to tremble
From fear of deceit
My body longed for home,
that was calling for me.
How did I get to this point ?
I feel like I've lost all hope,
stranded I was.
As you carry me in your arms
holding my tight and close keeping me away from harm
your smile and your charm
your soft cream skin
hair so thin
it try to escape within the wind
your eyes glazes like a star
Deep in my mind rest the place of wonderful memories kept
Joyful times and unforgettable events rewind in my mind like a replay
The dreadful thought of the end to these memories I must accept
Its time to make a decision
A decision to stand or to fall
To live life to the fullest or fall in the trash of the past
The time is now to decide to live and to love the lives we have
A man, far surpassing his time,
Sojourns patiently for the population
To catch his wit and grasp his rhyme,
But our minds equivocate in their stations.
After hearing the TIC idnt know what to expect from the TOC, yet so predictable, the sequenced sounds of the clock.
But what's next?
What can we expect?
The possibilities are unlimited and that what fears me most.
My head lowers in a state of surrender
I allowed my hands to be bound in striking neon caution tape
Oh how easily I mouthed never
There was a time when the birds that chirped, and the trees that swayed in the air would collide
I gave up long ago
Realized there’s nothing living for.
My mother has my father.
My brothers have each other.
My friends will soon forget,
This world won’t stop, it’ll continue to revolve.
It’s like he’s trapped in a cage.
He’s building up rage
Within the days
He’s been spending in this place
Where he’s stuck,
Surrounded by his own thoughts and emotions
That his demons brought
Be careful what you wish for right?
Because you might have to put up a fight
When life has decided that you have wished too much and it shall become true
Be care flu what you wish for because wishes do come true.
In the future I see
Myself, just plain happy
Helping others while on the go
Just so everyone will know
I will be everything I can be
I will be strong, bold, and free
Nothing will get in my way
The days have turned to weeks
Weeks to Months
And Months to years
And still I am not sure if it is love
I know that I cannot live without you
And that our lives are meshed as one but I still question
Each day that passes, each hour, every minute of every day, time slips away. However, most of us claim to have plenty of it.
Time, Time
Where has it gone
Where will it meet me
When did it come so freely
Why does it go by fast
What does it take just to stop the time
Time, Time
Do we think were through?
Yes I think we do.
Do you know that you love me?
Or isn't it meant to be?
We havent spoke in a while,
but this agonizing pain,
its just pouring like rain.
It's been months since I picked up a pencil
This time, my poem about you will be more suspenseful
This time, I’m going to write to my fullest potential
This time, the things I'll say about you is more than a handful
Time goes by so fast
Your future is not too far
Running behind your past
It may only leave a scar
He lays there,
Without a care.
No other word to be said,
Except he’s dead.
His face once so beautiful,
His lips now sag from lack of love.
I wait in line
After the service
Its all been great fun,
I have loved the company.
The food, the drink
And the entertainment
Have all been the best
I've ever had.
But I have been here
For quite a while.
The time is late,
It has began.
Everyday she awakens,
each time with more regret,
nothing can keep her happy,
but everything makes her upset.
A glossy picture tilted on the wall
My life portrayed within a snap
An infinite second captured
Forever engraved, perfect
To make a choice
In a second the picture can alter
It's such a drastic change
It's almost been a day since we've said our goodbyes, but already I feel a sense of new beginnings; a feeling of freedom.
Seconds pass by every day,
An unavoidable truth,
Reaffirmed in youth,
Destined only to fade away.
Though refusing to stay,
They rarely lack ruth,
To forgo the uncouth,
And blend into a graceful ballet.
Is a simple word.
A loaded word.
A mysterious word.
A frightening word.
Speaks to the unknown.
Unhindered, unafraid
It transcends understanding, escapes comprehension.
you have no
reason to stay
yet here i am
begging you
not to
leave me
here just yet
i have no
i'm losing it
losing you
feeling what
i can't