★ Clockwork Heart ★
Tick tick tick
A silent wish
One owned by quietness
Tock tock tock
Tick tick tick
Oil erases rust off the handle
Light covers the candle
Dust can no longer sever
The path of the lever
Tock tock tock
Tick tick tick
Gears turning
Metal on metal learning
Completed rotation
With sharp motivation
Tock tock tock
Tick tick tick
Sound of Gladness
Gears turning like madness
Number's faces clear as glass
Time with its favorite music alas
Tock tock tock...
Tick tock tick
Fuel running low
Wick burnt beyond sew
My hearts clock creaking to a halt
To be tortured with the sting of salt
Tick tock tick tock....
Only once ticked never again tocked
only locked
This poem is about:
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: