I've born many a days
Not ever sure that another would come
And yet another one arrives
Because it is not up to me to decide
It's a gift that I cannot deny
And the day that is last
Is much too far off
For me to say I've travelled far
And fought the battle I must fight
The battle of endurance
And once that battle is done with
I will fight a new battle
Because that is what life is
A constant struggle; a never ending chase
A chase against the clock
The clock that won't tell you
How much is left to endure
But do not fret, I say
In life there is glory
And gloom is only temporary
Because we have fought to survive
So that our children
Can live to see what we did
And begin a battle of their own
So that we can make history
And add to the never ending cycle
Of our existence in the universe
Today is a new day
Begin it with a strategy
To fight your next battle
And fight it like it were your last
Because time will determine
Which battle that will be
And you will go down
Knowing you fought that last battle
And fought it to death
So others could live the next life
And continue the never ending cycle
Of that little thing called Humanity