Time Keeps Turning . Can we Catch Up?
We watch this time go by
And maybe we grow
All we can do is sigh
And say, "Where did the day go?"
The Clock goes tick-tock-tick
And it just makes us sick
The way it perseveres
My screams it never hears.
Why does the world keep turning
When everyone asks it to freeze?
Why won't it start learning?
Our madness never it sees.
There's a tornado in my brain
A thought hurricane
Our worries are rising tide
An emotion landslide
How can we keep going?
What is left for us?
A misery quilt we're sewing
Persevere we must
We must rewrite our destiny
Change the plans of fate
The time is now; this is the day
It's time for us to change
What's the good in staying
In this horrible place
Where we just go on praying
For the hope of human race?
There is no hope in changing
The way things are right now.
If we don't do a single thing
Things will just stay fowl.
The time is now; the time is here
Lend me all your ears
If together we unite
We'd fix the future years.
This is the only way
And it has to be done
Just let me hear you say,
"Together we are one"
"Time will not beat me;
I have the upper hand.
For it cannot even see,
As one, we take a stand."