The Story That Truly Needs Telling
Once upon a time, a Princess was forced to stay high in a tower—nope, not original.
Once upon a time, a Princess was cursed to an eternal slumber—already been done!
Once upon a time, a Princess was forced to labor and tend to her evil step—need I go on?
Once upon a time, a Prince was unexpectedly left to take on the duties of his father. How was a mere boy meant to learn the responsibilities of a king, while simultaneously grieving over the death of his last family member? He spent day after day doing all he could, but it simply wasn’t enough. He could see the joy leaving his staff’s eyes, but no one could see the young Prince being crushed under the weight of his own kingdom. While walking through the streets he noticed a girl, beautiful by all standards, with a smile that shone through the blistering heat of the day. She was distracted by her conversation with a local store owner and didn't realize the long hunted thief behind her preparing to steal, what was quite possibly, all the money she had. Before this sly thief could make a move, the Prince stepped in and arrested the crook, saving the girl and—unbeknownst to him—her entire family. In this very moment all was well, and to the everyday onlooker it seemed, once again, the Prince had saved the ‘Princess’. Little did anyone know, as the seasons went by it was the soon-to-be Princess who ultimately saved the Prince. For if it hadn’t been for her, the Prince wouldn’t have returned home that day, only to be found carrying a note apologizing for all he couldn’t do—finally, the story that truly needs telling.