Optimism, not yet here
Preluding, yet it rests
Finds shelter in an anxious heart
Remaining unpossessed
Contingencies erupt like flame
And scorch absorptive minds
Excitement captivates all thought
As memory rewinds
Apprehensions swell within
Like butterflies distressed
Chaotic still, obstructing peace
Flight restless to find rest
The aging youth turns back to count
Displacements on near clocks
As things of old fade with the wind
Enamoring a prox
Delusions build, and doubt confines
The actions of this youth
As overbearing tension grows
He seeks to find the truth
What will become of future days?
What changes from the past?
How will I love? how will I grow?
And will my conscience last?
Unsure in creed, heartstrong, prepared
And casting out all hate
The youth selects what he will feel
Restless, prepares to wait
As time runs out, the panicked youth
Holds sentiment to heart
So all he knows will stay with him
When he is forced to part
Anticipation, stronger now
Makes difficult the chore
To take for granted what we love
Through futures evermore