If Only Looks Could Kill
If only looks could kill
Then your presence would be inevitable
The time it takes for you to wake and bake
Can only lead to the end of your fate
I have this problem about not being able to listen to what my brother has to say
But his problem is all about money’s sake
Man, how I wish I could help him
But not only him, but my mother and father as well
We as kids do too much that need too much that lead to working too much to find a way to get paid
And even though they tell us not to worry and live out our dreams,
They just don’t know that I can’t sleep at night; therefore, I have no real dreams
Only ambition to sleep stories I produce in the daytime
With one of them being that by March, I can get enough auditions to help us get by
But my brother… my brother has his own ambition,
His own dreams to be fulfilled
And if he’s not careful,
Then that revenge will be so sweet that they have to lick the gun when they are done.
If only looks could kill
Then our victim would be dead on eyesight
With our eyes dripping of their blood
I don’t wish to be in another church
Full of wailing friends, crying parents and the sirens of the ambulance who arrived a little to late
Or may it be that his death was a little too early…
For my brothers sake,
I don’t want the red sea that flows out of my eyes to be of him.
Where the place that he last laid left traces of bullet wounds.
Though everything happens for a reason,
Everyone is in the wrong place at the wrong time
And time is all we got
If only looks could kill
Then he would still mentally be here
Then he’d be able to say no,
Able to keep what he do on the low,
Able to make plenty of dough to spend with his friends or on some cute honey he finds for the moment.
I just hope that this rain cloud lifts so I can be there to help
Because time is all I got
And I’m running against a clock that’s being portrayed in my mind as an hour glass
And with every bit of sand that drops,
It will represent every second I waste on me and didn’t get the chance to help him
If only looks could kill
Then I wouldn’t have to put in my mind my brother being the stolen soul
My brother, the creation of mother and father that puts smiles on their faces even though he gets their blood racing
My brother, the roughness to another, teasing to a sister, the loving of the little brother
Though everything happens for a reason,
Everyone is in the wrong place at the wrong time
And time is all we got
The time it could take a jealous head to lead to a gun shot
The time it takes for a stare to reach the aim spot,
Could leave my brother, another “nigger”, killed from gun violence
If only looks could kill
Then ego could be more than a gun
And pride could trigger something more than just the death of another “nigger”
He’s not dead...yet...
But I’m afraid he’s losing his life…
Not only him, but the mean mugging, gang banging hot shots are losing their lives too
Though everything happens for a reason,
Everyone is in the wrong place at the wrong time
And time is all we got
If only looks could kill
A sudden move could mean sudden death
A sudden utter of the wrong words could be the end of your “brother”
If only looks could kill
In reality they do,
I just hope it doesn’t happen soon.
If only looks could kill