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You're standing right beside me staring at me with those piercing eyes.
You're not seeing what I'm made of, but you're seeing what's inside.
You're stripping me down
Till I'm less than flesh,
So Jews run Congress
Why be surprised?
That 'woken' Right
Just opened their eyes?
Power mad Blues
Ate Zionist pies
It'll be the same dance
By the Red ties
A new set of clowns
Sometimes when you hit the hard rock
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! You must bounce back
Never leave without a tough fight
That’s the correct thing to do. That’s right
If Donald Trump was a poet and wrote a Sonnet for Harris
(with apologies to Elizabeth Barett Browning)
They consume hot dogs
Like you
But they don’t eat dogs
Never, ever
They do not eat cats
They do not eat pets
Never, never.
Immigrants eat wild boars, wild hogs
Small minded state pooling,
Chickens in a cage.
Carved for display.
Squaks yell: "Rage!
Let me range, free."
They may cut wings off
Don't fly
Might make the other birds feel bad,
Portrayals portend a silent betrayal
Ratings and receptions
Small accolades for novel direction.
A cry of a farmer,
yet another number:
But it wasn't an audience member,
Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
What's Look Got To Do With It?
This poem is dedicated to you. Miss. Gorgeous Tina Turner
You must comprehend that you turned heads at every corner
What race? Human race?
Stop talking about race
Start talking about space
Start talking about grace
Start talking about behavior
Trust me: all mothers are incredibly special
Wonderful, beautiful and phenomenal
Without mothers, there will be no living
Trust me: all mothers are incredibly special
Wonderful, beautiful and phenomenal
Without mothers, there will be no living
The month of May
Exists so we can love
The beautiful flowers of nature
My green lady
Your amber countenance long kissed away by the seas' invisible lips
All the while looking on as your city claimed land hand over fist
Keine Ratte steht tatsächlich über dem Gesetz
Gerechtigkeit muss blind, fair, gleich und roh sein
Für alle, in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft
Woman, woman, oh sweet womanMy love, my crib, my tokenIn my daily diaryEvery day is your journeyYou are my soul, my pillarI cherish you everydayAnd I love you, my flower.
The history of Black People,And all of our People should be celebratedYear-round: every day, week, month, and decade.The celebration must go on unabated,All the time. The first couple,
In the USA, Black History month is celebrated
In February, the month with the shortest days
Be brave enough to walk away
And don’t look back
Be brave to say goodbye
Be brave enough to go your way
Be brave not to tell a lie.
Parfois, oui parfois, c’est bon d’oublier
C’est bon d’ignorer hier et le passé
Pour aller vaillamment de l’avant
Pour continuer vachement avec le vent.
Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Sous le pont De Del Rio sont arrêtés, coincés, entassés
Amassés des milliers d'Haïtiens migrants, pas d'Ukrainiens
Sob a ponte Del Rio eles estão parados, presos, estacionados
Milhares de imigrantes Haitianos, não Ucranianos
Francamente, se fossem os últimos, não seriam penalizados
Sometimes, we have to be brave to say hello, To a neighbor or a stranger who won't respond.At times, we have to wave at the ducks in the pond, Without being sprayed with spittle or water of coco. Sometimes, we bow our head to greet a teacher, A pr
Hate is vileHate doesn't smileHate is rough and toughAnd sips bad stuff.
Hate hitsHate spitsFire, fireIn the dire drier.
Yes, I will certainly vote
But I won’t vote for liars
I will not vote for backstabbers
We want all Democrats to behave
As though they truly and genuinely believe
In a True Democracy
Powerful words,Truthful words,Honest words,Brave words;This is exactly what the Doctor orders,For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrorsOf blatant racism,
Many years came,
Which has now gone lame,
A boy, no more I was,
For it all, I verily saw.
How without moderation,
The elections were annulled in motion.
Amidst great strife,
Gone through the knife,
Anybody, who is struggling,
Is my people
The one with the color purple,
Who will one day earn and own the ring.
Você não é ninguém
Como eu não sou ninguém
Você é alguém
Como eu sou alguém
Há uma humanidade
Death is
The eternal silence
We often say under this sky
Where the enemies are ubiquitous
Institutions are a model train set
of the politicians and their supporters.
The only thing that seems right to me
is to follow the golden rule.
In a society of mass shootings and
Snap was all that was heard,A hunter misses his bird, He cursed the twig asunder,Reaching for his powder and plunger, lost though his chance at a partridge,He continued, Bit off his cartridge,
I don’t want to think
I don’t want to blink
I don’t want to imagine
I don’t want to be seen
A kiss on the forehead
Is a gesture of betrayal
It's not a kiss of love
Filled with joy and humor.
Un baiser sur le front
Est un geste de trahison
Ce n’est pas un bisou d’amour
Empourpré de joie et d’humour.
The croaking toad
The spitting toad
Is ill
Time and wind pass
Like poor cowards.
Le crapaud qui coasse
Le crapaud qui crache
Est malade
Le temps et le vent passent
Comme des pauvres lâches.
Où se trouvent ces crapauds
Qui crachent sur notre tête ?
Où sont-ils, ces sales bêtes
You're youngYou're strongTime will crumbleTime will humbleYou, You and you.
You're beautifulYou're powerfulTime will fadeTime will get ridOf you and you.
Look deep in the mirrorDo you see color?What do you see?Can you see the sins of the humanity,And the hypocrisy creeping at the doorsteps?Blinded by the murky and muddyGlaucoma of jealousy,
Still tears in our eyes for our Brave Haiti
Still tears in our eyes for our incredible Country
Encore des larmes aux yeux pour notre brave Haïti
Encore des larmes aux yeux pour notre incroyable Pays
Tu te couches Manouche
Comme une mouche
Sans prendre ta douche
Très loin de moi
Où tu ressembles à une croix
Be not afraidTo fight the right fightsThe hate, the hatredTo regain your rightsTo end bigotry, racismFascism and nepotism.
As a Chorus of Angels, May you rest in PeaceThe Almighty God will render you JusticeHe will welcome you all in His KingdomWhere there is more Liberty and Freedom.
North and South are fighting againWasting lives, money, future and funWar is hell; there, everybody is on the runNonsense is their common sin.
It is Good Friday
Remember, remember
When, for Jesus, everything was nasty and sour
Love those who love you
Appreciate those who appreciate you
A dog never bites its owner
Democracy is about freedom of speechAnarchy is, without a doubt, the oppositeOf democracy, liberty and freedom to wishTo hope, to dream and to confront defeat.
Wir kommen
Wir wandern
Und wir gehen
Das ist alles was wir wissen.
Wir kommen auf die Erde
Nous venons
Nous errons
Et nous allons
C'est tout ce que nous savons.
Nous venons sur terre
We come
We roam
And we go
That’s all we know.
We come on earth
We roam, we surf
No mustard bombs are droppedNo audible or silent shots are firedNo planes are necessarily blown or hiredNo flags are deliberately flown or flappedNo soldiers crossed the borders
We do not want only a piece
We aspire and want Peace
A mammoth piece of Freedom
For the north, south, west and east
These are not events that took place very far in the past
These are obviously ongoing racial gaffes and contrasts
Where human beings are bombarded and mistreated
Tell me more about democracy
Nobody is a fool
Tell me more about dichotomy
Go ahead! I am cool
I love; I really love your voice and your dictionRecite me a poem in an unknown languageI don't give a darn about the pronunciationUndress the words; I love them when they're naked.
Many politicians vociferously lie
Many politicians either hide or omit the truth
Many times, I sit down quietly in a booth
Instead of bombing, shelling and trashing our neighbors
Let’s all do the highly popular fun ‘Jeru’ dance
Fanm, fanm, o fanm rapadou
Boubout mwen, bèsom, kòmansmanm
Nan kaye jounalye mwen chak jou
Chak jou se pou ou, se jou pa ou
Mulher, mulher, oh doce mulher
Meu amor, meu berço, meu começo
No meu pequeno diário
Todo dia é um dia feliz
Você é minha alma, meu pilar
Liberty has been taken hostage, abducted in many parts
Of the world
Freedom is often smothered, suffocated in many hearts
In this world
Lethal Thermobaric Bombs
Also known as vacuum bombs
Sucking the oxygen out of the air
For many miles. Nuclear and cluster bombs
Everyone agrees that war is cruel
Everyone agrees that war is suicidal
Everyone agrees that war brings mortar, anger
He seems to be lacking in courage.
It appears that he's not that smart.
Maybe we could forgive him
if he only had a heart.
Anger all around me
Through me and to me
Trying to get at me.
Hate sublimates, indoctrinates,
And subjugates
Lies lie at the bottom
Of empty tongues and hearts.
My friends, the most beautiful poems
Written with sweet words are surprisingly new
My saying is not to bugger neither Alfred de Musset
The nonstop negative news or publicities on Haiti
Hurt tremendously and disturbingly
The relentless or constant bashings of all Haitians
Logical yet Philosophical
Love to be heard, not just merely a word
Especially during these troubling times
While we are wearing a mask to hide our beautiful faces.
Haití (Ayiti, Bohío, Quisqueya)
Hace mucho tiempo
Es un país secuestrado
Antes del parto de las dañinas bayonetas
Haiti (Ayiti, Bohio, Quisqueya, Saint-Domingue)
Is a long ago
Kidnapped country
Before the parturition of the harmful bayonets
Unseen and Unheard
the smoke torches this small world
the earth cowering, shrinking back
turning the crust from green to black
we're scaring her
Unseen and Unheard
The smoke torches this small world
Trapped, Stuck in this cage
My breath filled with rage, this world hasn't seen
Trapped down in this ravine, overuled by the supreme.
The body politic is blathering heads
arrogant bastards high on meds
conciliation is the watchword spread
while evangelicals screw in bed
There is no middle, there is no riddle
to see truth's light
It's all too much, the billionaire presidents, the talk-show grifters, the constant battle for truth, all too much. We have chosen the new faceof drone strikes in Yemen, the new poster boy
Now When It Comes To Blacks...
Who CLAIM To LOVE Black Clans...
When It Comes To Their Getting Cash...
This year mi nah garn care
This year mi ah care less
What dey wan chant, wah dey wan do
Dem wan see we dead inna sufferation
But pon di water dey wan we dead we are sail
I stared at the colorless newspaper that sat in the dispenser. Another headline about our president. Since when did life get so fucking political? You can’t go to school and express your opinions without someone pummeling them down.
Well I Guess It’s Time For Heads To Now... “ REASSESS”...
What Will Serve Them Best Now Corona Has Sent...
A WHOLE NEW NORMAL Into Human Portals... !?!?!
of... Future Existence Where ALL These PM’s And PRESIDENTS...
Now Folks....
My Phone’s SMART Tech REJECTED My First Text... !!!
In A Way That Really Caused My Head To STRESS... !!!
So I Guess That It Was Meant For ME To Now Get VEX...
And the Giant sighed, grimace and frown
as its impossible form was broken down.
Bones like steel, warped and bent,
and skin like leather, was easily rent.
No sign its might, no courage seen,
Nobody thought the man could win,
that King of Broken Things,
but he showed his vulgar mind
and gave our demons darker wings.
America knew this man was evil
just not to which degree,
Like Reggie DONE SAY... It's Time For Some ACTION... !!!
The Use of Wordplay To Stand AGAINST Factions...
Political And Criminal By Use of Verse That's CRITICAL...
Folks Keep Your Minds CLEAR of... Modern Day FEARS... !!!
FEAR of Talk Spreading You Catching Infections... !!!
Because of This VIRUS... That May CLOG Up Your SINUS... !!!
FEAR of INCITEMENT And Modern Day Violence... !!!
So What’s Coming Next... ?
Now That The PRESIDENT...
Has Caught This VIRUS... ?!?
Pieces moved
across a flat board
- a metaphor surely
with some of us pawns
( the majority maybe)
and very few kings.
And this is symbolic
both historically and personally
Pieces moved
across a flat board
- a metaphor surely
with some of us pawns
( the majority maybe)
and very few kings.
And this is symbolic
both historically and personally
What is it like to be a Brown, Indigenous Christian
It’s build that wall or you can’t be conservative
Their judgement is normative
To be a democrat you can’t have your own opinions
YES ... I Declare WAR ... !!!!!
On Those Whose Cause Is YAPPING Jaws ... !!!
YAPPING This And... YAPPING That ... !?!
It Has Been Said That... " Words Paint Pictures "...
Well CERTAIN Pictures Reflect FACTS...
But CERTAIN Numbers Make Me Wonder...
What's The Deal Are These Figures... REAL... ???
during times of intense emotion-
emotions spanning the widest of spectrums-
wether a joy so lofty,
that spiritual ecstasy known to Rumi,
and all mystics...
or the Greek's wisdom,
Don’t you see your children
Don’t you hear your children
Don’t you see your country
Can you tell me
how I’m supposed to support
a country
that puts children in cages?
Can you tell me
where the line between
When corruption
in politics becomes
when it becomes
the norm,
corrupt politicians
become the only
Now I’m NOT Being Funny...
Because THIS THING Is UGLY... !!!
... LOSS of LIFE... !!!
As Multitudes Die... !!!
But I’ve Got To Ask...
How Exactly Do They Know... ?
the silences of unkempt plenty.
united at once, we celebrate
punishment suffering many.
stare at the wallpaper,
what is sallow was once sunny.
scream day and night -- someday
Ya Know These Days... " What I'm Seeing "...
Is... WAY Beyond Believing...... ?!?
BURNED DOWN Ceilings...
Cos' of Government Dealings...
Now Leaving People GRIEVING... !!!!
The... Covering of Faces...
In Various Public Spaces... !!!
So Now Minnesota’s Facing...
PROTESTS And NO Social Spacing... !!!
So The Forecast Today...
I’m AFRAID... Is For Reigns...
The Reign of New Tech....
And Reigns of IGNORANCE... !!!
A badgeA manAn officerOr a murderer?A badgeA uniformSafety?No, death.A man on the floorA kneeA pleeFor a mother, for lifeAnd insteadA badgeA man
Now YOU MUST Know The Saying ...
... "Opinions and Assholes, are one and the same !" ...
EVERYONE's Got One Even If They Are ... LAME ... !!!!!
It was 1966-
so I can only imagine
and invent their words
because I was only
and still ignorant
of politics.
Though now I understand
Now If THESE WORDS Are TRUE... ???
And The NEEDS of The MANY...
OUTWEIGH The Needs of The Few...
Ya Know I'm A Man of CONVICTION ...
Whose NOT Been In PRISON... !!!!!
Because I Condition My Body And Mind ...
To AVOID.................... FOOLISH Fights... !!!!!
That CLEARLY AREN'T Wise... !!!!!
Okay So Now Everything’s... “ COOL “...
Because Now The Worlds People Are All Facing Curfews...
My Developments Have Come From A LOT of Stuff ... !!!
Mum And Dad For One ...
At Number Two Has Been Being A Dude ...
Who Doesn’t Run From TRUTH ...
PLEASE .... FORGIVE Me If I Curse To Quench My Thirst ...
To Poetically Let My Speech Run FREE ..............................
So ... What’s In Store ... ?!?
Well A Lot of Store Wars And That’s For SURE ... !!!!!
A Lot of EMPTY Shelves And Now Aisles As Well ... !!!
" Resistance-"
the word
while causes spring
like mushrooms
after a rain.
And now,
we have
this and that
and the "Me Too"
I've hopscotched cross-country
riding Greyhound buses
waiting in dirty terminals
- those havens for drifters...
And I recall my arrival here,
( it was ten years ago, or so...)
and your sister, Carol
Now Virgelements' Set Precedents ...
For Sentiments Fit For Regiments ...
Where Expression Deals In LEVELLING ...
So ..... " Coronas All Around ! " ...
Is Now The NEW Sound ... !!!
But I DON'T MEAN ... BEERS ... !!!
Don't let my poetry be
like a Chinese painting
of chrysanthemums,
delicate water lilies,
Don't let it be
mystically sublime
like Zen thought.
Instead, let it scream
These Days It Seems Weapons Are Seen ...
NOT JUST On Screens But Now In Streets ...
Murders Here ... Murders There ... !!!
These Days It's CLEAR They FILL Nightmares ... !!!!!
It's Time To MOBILISE Those Who USE THEIR Minds ... !!!
For MORE THAN A Prize Or Bling That Shines ...
Those NOT inclined To Live By LIES Or Hide Behind Their PRIDE FILLED Lives ...
It's Hard TO FIND Some ... " Peace of Mind " ... !!!
When What Surrounds Makes You Feel Down ... !!!
MANY Now Try ... Good Old Coc' Lines ... !!!
To Ease Their Minds In PRESSURED Times ... !!!
Immigrants THIS And Immigrants THAT ... !!!
All This Government Talk's Helping Hatred SOAR ... !!!!!
Meantime They KEEP ON Making Plans And Setting ... "TRAPS" ... !!!
So Folks ... " Are You Ready " ... ?
For Prose I Write Through Use of Rhyme ...
That PROVES My Mind Is ... " EVER READY " ...
To Spread Information Just Like .... CONFETTI .... !!!
LISTEN LISTEN ... Middle Class England ... !!!
Come On Now ... !!!
It's NOT Immigrants Bringing England Down ... !!!
It's Your Own Government That's Causing FROWNS ... !!!
A Report I've Read Today ...
Has Left Me Feeling Quite AMAZED ... !!!!!
It's HARD These Days To Fight ... " The Good fight " ... !!!
When So MANY Things Are Kept From ... "Sight" ... !!!!!
To Become English Citizens It's Been ... " Alleged " ...
Some Women Are Willing To ... S P R E A D Their Legs ... !!!
I Guess You Really Can't Blame Them ... !?!
" Lunar House " ... Down There In Croydon ...
Poor Tony Blair His Job's Been A STRESS ... !!!
Well That's A Shame ... !!!
If He Wants Sympathy For Stress He Feels ...
He's NOT Just STRESSED He's Going INSANE ... !!!
So What's IMPORTANT To You ... ?!?
Well For Me ... My HEALTH For One ... !!!
And Food For Two ... And Number Three's MY POETRY .... !!!!!
I Hear You Ask ... "But V, what about your family ?"
Ya Know …..
This Is A Question That Leaves Me Confused … ???
The Question Is THIS ... " What Can YOU DO " … ?!?
FORGET ... " Thong Songs " ... !!!!!
You Simply CAN'T Be ... " Wrong and Strong " ... !!!!
MOST of Our Leaders Have Got A FOUL PONG ... !!!!!!
And Think They Can Be ... Wrong and Strong ... ?!?
Why Oh WHY ... ???
Would You ... " Turn A Blind Eye " ... ?
To Things That Could Affect Your Life ... ?
MP's Do It ALL The Time ... !!!
But It's An English Thing So I'm NOT Surprised ...
Well Well Well.....
What Can You Smell ... ???
ME I Smell A Crock of LIES ... !!!
From TOP LEVEL Policing Guys ......
(Pt. III) ... After the 7/7 bombing ...
This is the 3rd part of a Trilogy of poems to remind people about
where some of their, " Anti-Islam Rhetoric ", started from ....
So ... " Who Do You Believe " ... ???
MP's And Their War Stories .... ???
Cos' When It Comes To Speaking TRUTH ....
Their Talks Seems ... " Pretty Cheap " ...
After the 7/7 bombing ...
This is part of a Trilogy of poems to remind people about
where some of their, " Anti-Islam Rhetoric ", started from ....
(BTW ... I am NOT, Pro-Islam)
When I was a kid, my mom would give me and my sisters
coloring books to keep us preoccupied
during Sunday Masses- Jesus themed coloring books, of course.
The Catholic kind where you use crayons to
Conspiracy ... ???
Theory ... ???
Or .... REALITY ... ?!?
This Is A Dilemma ...
That Needs CLARITY ... !!!
Crying like a baby in the rain
Shaking with a sadness and a rage as
Hot as hell that leaves you icy cold and
Drowning in the sorrows of the world.
Is it ..." Politically Incorrect " ... ?
For Me To Suggest ....................................................
Our Lives Are CONTROLLED By A ... "Secret Sect" ... ?!?
Is It ... " Politically Incorrect " ... ?
You know it
seems that through life
Propaganda and Lies
are fed by those guys
who wear corporate ties
So ... DON'T be surprised
if your life seems contrived
Ya Know I HARDLY Choose To ... PARTY ...
Because of THOSE Parties Who DON'T Act Smartly ... !!!
So Party DARKLY Instead of ... " Calmly " ...
Her unseeing eyes see me,
More clearly than I could ever have dreamed.
Her kindness envelops me like sunlight,
Chasing away terrors that have haunted me since the day
He wants the one whose Whistle blew,To lynch him and to beat him blue. The donald never stops to think,He neither reads & has no Clue. His Fall will come and Soon and Swift. We will soon have a Seismic Shift.The donald then, will be exposed,He
The vile is compared to the bestthis turn of word to expressexaltation none shall denyagainst the scum that's always foul
They call us liberals
I guess that's so
But we just wanna have our fun
Without anyone invading it
We wanna have our lives
Without anyone telling us how to live
We'll expect you to use your words
How is this news in a country where most of the youths don't know where their next meal is coming from?
Ares persuaded Athena
For nuclear physics advancement
Ares funded Athena
For medicine weaponization
Ares lobbied Athena
For drone and AI improvement
Ares persuaded Athena
For nuclear physics advancement
Ares funded Athena
For medicine weaponization
Ares lobbied Athena
For drone and AI improvement
This world today is a tangled mess of opinions and hate and opinions and wait. Stepping outside is like stepping into a court room except both sides of the room are calling me guilty.
If you go outside
You will hear the sounds of a country
A country that used to be a place of refuge
That is now becoming the opposite
15 June 9:54 AM
I do not like the present so I live in the past
A culture that had its troubles but did its best to over come until the last
I grew up with a carefree view of the world in my youth
I didn’t change until I realized the hard-hitting truth
I started caring about issues in politics and society
Constantly thinking about figuring out a remedy
Since being grown up,
I read more now.
Not just for fun but,
to learn lore and how
this world is run.
This all began in 2015.
When Trump ran,
and I was eighteen,
It feels increasingly difficult to remember our centre.The part that should dictate our lives more than our brain,The part that is one of the easiest to lose sight of,
I ripped my heart from my chest, as I am apt to do;
"Do you believe in God?" Does "God" believe in you?
I wasn't raised a Catholic, but I know Baptists,
If you try to change minds just by yelling,
Nobody will buy what you're selling,
So put down the knife,
Get on with your life,
'Cause cursing folks out ain't compelling.
Trump made me feel great
The MAGA US President
Goodbye, status quo
"Somewhere", spoke the grey lips in the wall.Somewhere before sunrise,before the first bird crows to dawnand the apathetic are yet to uncurlthe grit that gathers like dustbetween the fold of shallow eyes.
China knot
A long China knot hung on my wall,
Woven by only one string of thread,no broken,no reconnected,
Profile of ancient Chinese wisdom ,also mascot of blessings ,
I’m not handing checks because it’s not season
Can’t trust the government, better call it treason
I operate for my own reasons
To protect myself as a human being
Can’t put me down, I am not weakened
The light that glows upon my face keeps me warm
Each day I am reminded of the fraying fraying fabric
Instead, I let the glare illuminate my face for hours
Instead, I let it captivate me; it is my best friend
On November the 6th, I voted against Phil Bredesen.Yesterday, I was pleased to learn that he didn't win.I also voted against Bredesen once before.Back in 2006, when he was Tennessee's Governor.
As a kid
two brothers on either side
of my timeline
our play time was mostly
playing violent baseball
and digging up worms for fishing.
In doing this
I never understood
The world is crumbling.
Our views are being blinded.
People have become less in the eyes of others.
Everyday in the news you see politics, wars, laws...
It’s different than a period
Dripping down your thigh -
That’s from me: that’s mine.
Not the boy at the party who
Let you feel safe -
Do you know how scary it really isTo see a child begging for a mother’s kissBut you don't have the guts to tell him the newsHe'll never get it all be
Pay attention.
I’ve got something to say
Figured that this way, you’d listen
People are dying. Mad Men with guns.
I don't care if your here I dont care if you're not
I don't care if your a woman I don't care if you're a man
I don't care if you're young I don't care if you're old
What is beautiful
Can be ugly
What can be bad
Can be good
It all depends on the eyes
The eyes than can see through the bias
That surrounds everything
Can turn
A cultural prime in the dark ages of mentality
Arose the ridged slums of arrogance sparking general vitality
Within each artery clogged any reasoning and peace
Seasoning open wounds with salt and deceiving to say the least
A turbulent sea can be interpreted as many things
Is it violence or a powerful loving passion?
Is it rage or remorse?
A quiet scene, a hushed voice
Abandoned rooms and broken toys
A silence more deafening than the noise
Of the bomb dropped or a gun shot
A life that died and has been left to rot
Red flower,
Red flower,
Do not Rise against with Roses
Reincarnate the nation
Here you’ll find no carnage
When I think of the world I'm afraid to look at what it has become.
People struggle through the darkness that has risen all through out the pastures of their very land.
it's dark.
illuminated by the light of a phone's flashlight, i write.
i write of worlds i was never a part of, worlds i am both lucky and unlucky
not to have been born into.
Upon the lovely,
of America’s golden plains,
her monuments of past era,
made of steel and glass,
tempered with the fires of hope;
cast cold shadows
over astonishing rage of times.
Doña Rivera, the one everybody comes to when
They run into unresolved situations
Was sold the Moon yesterday
She was very happy cause the
Salesman gave her a break
“But the Second Amendment!” they say,
Moments before their children are killed by a right to bare arms,
“It's because the lack of bigger guns that it ended up this way!”
America By: Tia Rowe
America, the Great for it, is modest
America, the Brave for it, is a coward
I am a politically conscientious, theater-obsessed English nut,
An extrovert with anxiety and an unquenchable taste for scary books and movies,
Machine of pain,
Which pours blood like rain.
You helped my forefathers liberate,
You made the home I venerate.
Through wilderness and adveristy,
There are lives you defend.
To the world: "Doomsday strikes," prophets crow, from Fox and Twitter and NPR2012 has come again, An election, but one unfamiliar. "This country needs more unity,"
We haven’t much to call our own.
Not our eyes or our hair,
or our X chromosome.
Not our face or our fare,
or the places we roam.
For The Land:
America: With all your beauty and grace, your Miss United States,
Your pride and stars and stripes and stunning monuments dedicated to (racist) presidents past
Dear atoms,Connection and explosion is the name of your gameIs that not the same of those you occupy?Molecule after molecule of swe
These borders that divide us define our opportunities.
Developing surrounds the developed.
If it wasn't for these separations, could we all have equal opportunities?
To Your Highness, who sits in his throne
Once a year. The rusty crown
Waves its golden scepter, now opaque,
As a hammer shatters the national pride
Dear God
Why do you let me down?
I pray and pray, yet I still frown.
Is it something wrong with me?
Are my morals blinding me?
Is everything that I live by binding me to its rules?
The Black (pt. 1)
I am not sure what I was expecting
We have this-
This potential
And those who chip away at it
With their gold encrusted pick axes
A bundle of pieces; gears take over your heart.
No flesh, no bones, just a pile of useless parts.
Every morning, first thing, don't forget to press start.
Otherwise, you are isolated- God forbid you're set apart.
Moonlight streaked
Through the rocket smoke
Like blood rinsed through
A butcher shop drain.
And just like that
They silence the disposable
For we are merely a resource for warmongers.
All around
Dear Donald Drumpf,
I don’t quite see the appeal
Of a walrus wearing a toupee
Shouting out obscenities while I stand here in dismay
The country is in shambles
I am so proud to live in a country as great as America.
I'm so happy with the involvement of the American people in politics these days,
it's inspiring to see everyone, widespread across the country, come together, united.
My voice!
You heard me right.
Elections are coming.
I will vote to make my speech known.
My voice!
How much attention is really given to young people as they come up in a heavily political playground? Are we truly being molded to become leaders of change or are we simply just another vote?
The pushing, the pulling,
The shouting, the shoving.
Why are we like this
When we can be loving?
The left and the right
Blame the other side
But they're really two waves
I count the stars,
splattered across the black marble counter,
waiting for something.
Waiting for the light of morning,
waiting for some meaning,
waiting to see something more.
We're the arrows that God uses for his bow, and most of the time, he's missing
He's drunk in his backyard and blindly picking us up from the dirt ground
Honestly, I was born in the wrong era
into a time of progression
my values constantly put down
because I'm "special."
No, just different.
So go ahead and critisize
I may be a traditionalist
It is 2017 right now, and winter has arrived.
Snow is everywhere in the Equestrian land.
At long last, joy has been revived.
All of the snow's surface seems to be bland.
Unfortunately, not everypony enjoys the day.
Politics & Religion
Were never meant for polite society
My parents taught me.
But polite society doesn't exist
At least in this day and age.
Now and again vulgarities show
Marring perfect plans
The Princess and the Peace
By Sophia de Castro
Once upon a time,
There was a princess
Who dreamt of the day she would sleep peacefully,
Unbothered by the peas underneath her mattress.
Rora wakes up to the sound of Monday morning news,
except, she doesn’t know what it’s talking about:
nonsense, fighting over agreeing,
two sides of the same coin.
The nurse comes rushing,
Many Months Ago
America Elected a President
His Skin is Orange
His Hair is Fur like a Dog
Your Tie is long
The world is crap. The endless sounds of voices echoing in our heads telling us we’re not good enough, we’re not pretty enough, all the voices accumulating space in our brain so the only thing we think is this.
Under one nation
What is one nation
We fight a war for peace
Its all an excuse
To hide from the truth
We are never satisfied
We live a life smothered in lies.
We close our eyes to the unjust visions
We close our ears to the cries for help
the cries of pain
We shut our doors to our brothers and sisters
We shut out the rest of the world
This morning I woke up and it was controversial.
My skin glowed caramel under the sun and it was controversial.
Since age 5 I've recited the pledge,
Day after day.
It never made me feel any certain way.
A dangerously beautiful display
Of wild devotion and the will to act
Has moved the souls of tiny men today
To change the world, to make a Faustian pact:
They paid for freedom, each their own, it seems,
Are we really who we want to be?
Home of the brave and land of the free,
Yet turning our back on refugees.
Who are we really?
Not giving enough help to the needy,
And not always acting morally.
Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early darkness,
surrounding me in this prison, killing me,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming
is our incredibly racist past,
America the Lost
When people say “America the Great”
They are almost unwaveringly supporting
An America of Hate.
Has integrity
Is not soft spoken
Is strong but not unfeeling
Is resilient through suffering
Is forgiving but never a doormat
Has abandoned the poor
Land of the free
And home of the brave
That’s what they’d say. Yes,
That’s what they say.
But then like a plague
america the great?
america without a title
america who has neglected its people time and again
america who listens no to those in need but to those who pay the most
Bring back the old land
the one we used to be proud of
like the times we still uphold our own values
when we still care for respect for dignity
those olden days when race isn't a big deal
Mother America
I am did feed thy milketh
Her breasts were consumed with youth.
A preliminary smile that inspired a nation yet to be conceived.
Yes, I can see, not by the dawn’s early light,
But by a smirk from a Speaker of the House.
A smirk that just escaped a crime of murder.
I do not proudly hail a man who has
Violated the privacy of a woman,
Make America Great Again,
America was Great.
America was Great,
The third friday,
The 20th,
You tell me this is the land of the free
The land of opportunity
Then why do I see
oppression all around me?
Why has a country so great
My America is red;
Cherry lemonade by the side of a pool
In the summer of my childhood
Lips stained with sugary popsicles and fresh watermelon.
It is red like Coca Cola;
The kind from glass bottles
Am I Brave, as they say?
Or do I continue for my fear
Of failing?
Equality, Individuality
Unity, Diversity
The archaic American Ideals
Change is inevitable
Change the inevitable
Life is a repeating bell curve
Ups and downs on a massive scale
And America is on the down turn
Unemployment: 4.5%
E Pluribus Unum.
Out of many,
One lost hope,
One country fallen from grace,
One administration
God Bless America
God Bless America, if America blesses you
God Bless America
God Bless America, that red, white, and blue
What does a color mean?
As I’m walking out, I see a different world.I stay looking at the news, telling myself this isn’t real.I feel like I’m always gonna be asking myself why. Why does the world have to be so racist.Why does the world have to have so much hatred. Why d
at this time of great unrest
our nation stands
in a civil war of prose
snowflakes and nazis
aliens and terrorists
little do our people know
pride comes before the fall
Free, free, free
They all want to be
But what is the cost?
We bleed red, white and blue, but crimson runs the thickest and disppears in one swig
Death by hunger, death by war, death by the pig
Sometimes people forget
We are on the same side,
We fight each other
Instead of the enemy.
A country full of hypocrites,
They say they want to make America great again
But to them, I ask, when was it great?
Was it great in the 1950’s when little black girls and little black boys
There is an old token sayingThat wisdoms comes with age,And yet I find myself upon this stage With one who is twice my age,And I know I am much wiser than he. Battle tested and scarred,Raised with a hint of nobility,Do I succumb to his sagacity?Hi
It is awfully hard to pick a fight with something that you can not see or reason with.
All my life, the one thing that I have never seen, the one thing to which I have not been formally introduced.
Slaves, wars, and riots
Our history is terrible
We cannot deny that
Allowing innocents to be killed
Allowing houses to be burned
Allowing the world around us to crumble
What do I see in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Fat minds grow restless, fed stories of the hardship and challenge of older days.
Pride blooms like a plague in the hearts of the prosperous.
From then to today
the flag that stood so tall in the sky, held by the weight of more than just the soldiers that grasped it
the soldiers that fought so hard, so much
When was the last time a young girl wasn’t dress-coded or sexualized just because it was 85 degrees outside?
When was the last time an immigrant earned enough money from one job to support their family?
I pledge allegiance
To the left
Stand for the oppressed
Bleed blue from my chest.
I pledge allegiance
to the right
Disguised as hate
But for freedom I fight.
A group of kids make a political joke
This group of kids call themselves “woke”
But what if I spoke
But what if I broke
The silence
The violence
All you'll see is defiance
America the Great?
Our Great & Wise Leader was just so busybasking in his omnipotent all-knowingness& radiating light that reached the four cornersof the world where millions were at this very
"Make America Great Again!" It's the slogan we all hear.
"Americans are full of hate!" from the mouths of people that live here.
Many years of suffering and depression. And all for what?
My doctor tells me I spend fartoo much of my waking life onThe Great Orange One & she may be right but then again what can I do when day to day life seems to mirror his surly & desperate antics.
"They too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters ... might pursue prosperity & happiness in this land."
Trump voters that is,about shady Russian ties to dark oligarchs& billion ruble deals,conflicts of interest,ties made in China,family business entanglements?
in the land of the free
and the home of the brave -
with a hint of "what's in it for me?"
you see - here in a country who is proud of their freedom
everything comes with a price.
A people so isolated in a culture of assimilation,
A nation so apathetic to all of creation.
When the eyes of the opressed weep beneath their boots,
Crushed beneath a system of fascist roots.
January 20th, 2017, a man who fought the oppressed captured the nation
A man who said the gays should be prayed away to appease creation
A man who is bribed to poison the air of our nation
I am going to be blunt
Police are murdering black kids
Poor considered less than the 5%
Politicians are lying
President won't say a word about black boys dying
They passing anti-gay laws
America the Great? More like America's a fraud,
Stealing from the poor, trying to keep up their facade,
Polishing their shoes with the sweat of hard workers,
Blaming us for their troubles when they're the real shirkers,
Our national anthem proudly sings,“O’er the land of the free,”
But as we look deeper to the colors of our flag,
It was never always red, white, and blue.
Time machines were supposed to be cool
Not for prejudice to take the rule.
Have we reached the end?
Can we make amends?
Trump this. Trump that.
Take off that hat.
We know what your hiding.
I am what you call a latina
Just another mexican niña
I am what you call a pansexual
Once again another ignored label
America the Great
oh, give me a home <br>where the buffalo roam <br>where the deer and the antelope play <br>where seldom may heard a discouraging word <br>and the skies are not cloudy all day <br><br>america, land of true libert
how can so much hate
come from within
a land known as great?
there is no end to this fight for humanity
to give in is to give away
your sanity.
We have these hands; they give us power
To pledge allegiance, to swing a sword
To hold hands, to strike hands, to chain hands, to mend hands
This is the power to manipulate our physical exterior with accuracy
Oh, the want for greatness is an earnest desire,
It’s your life, after all.
Passionate people in a divided nation,
Of course they don’t want it to fall!
Voice your views! Denounce the enemy!
Dear Mr. President
By: Princesa A. Santiago
Dear Mr. President
thanks to you this country has never been greater,
The scene unfolds
on a president prepares to send the country to a war
they cannot win.
The world becomes a wall and everything is either on
One side or the other.
Democrat or republican.
Real or fake.
The heterosexual white men of our country are blinded with their star-spangled eyes,
As the rest of us become motivated and brave.
Yes, this may be the “land of the free”,
The man in the orange mask does not know my struggles.
He does not know my intentions.
Or my dreams.
But how could he?
For it is a nation that strived on the working class,
He marches side by side
With the one who cries, "Equality!"
Enraged, they wreck and thrash.
Their lips read, "White trash!"
Across the lane she stands,
Blindfolded to the carnage behind.
When you take a breath, what do you feel?
Do you feel alive or ready to help this nation thrive even more?
Now think.
America is a land of limitless alternatives.
But plurality of lies is not progress.
Congress won't dig for the answers in the ground.
Doubtless or dubitable,
Work 9-5 every day
But these Bills I cannot pay
I try to go to school
But my passion I have to overlook
Cause it costs $500 just for the fricken textbook
Our jobs are being moved
All under trade deals
America flies, but we need to soar.
We strive for higher, but pull ourselves down.
We look to the left; we look to the right,
When the answer is meet in the middle.
Let us deceive the 18th century;
turn scrap metal into jewels.
Set chicks free until man and
cockerel become indistinguishable.
Let them run hot headed until
mothers’ cries-
America is burning.
It’s slow.
Slow like when you ask,
I’m real sorry,
But could you please put out your
You know that moment I’m talking about.
I hope everything is different, and everything is better.
I hope that people have faith in each other,
I hope people still communicate through the art of writing a letter,
It began as it always does: empty promises, hollow resolutions, and the hope of a blank slate despite all else.
It began with the same empty conversations, the same inevitable vows for a better tomorrow.
Was it all in vain?
The happiness in my heart that ignited hearing President Obama's name?
The first of rich melanin to be acclaimed the leader of our nation
Many minds rest on politics
So many engaged in the political
Yet the majority forget this is literal
When many are waiting for the fix
They are disappointed just with tricks
To listen, or not to listen? That is the question
Whether it is right to listen to the sound of others
Following what they believe to be of sound mind
Or to take a stand for one's own thoughts,
Not everything is okay. Fact of life, people. And more and more I look around and see people try to redefine "okay." Or try to figure out the way the world is best run Or what's the difference between messing up and just having some fun There's no
from a wilted whisper
to a unyielding yell
you've forced my hand
i won't back down anymore.
I am
A woman
The consequences of my
I watch white
in stiff suits
pick and chose
People were buzzing
Did you hear, did you hear
what he said
They were tweeting
about the ridiculous lies
He'll build a wall
they said, they said
He'll save us
Soaking in to my old skin beginning to spew my unslumber back,
To evolve what I call me,
Its a natural world I wish I can see, using my ancient eyes
That are now used for outworldly literacy.
I now inhale knowledge,
Measured in what?
In seconds/minutes/months/years/who we are
Versus who we were
Versus how long it has been
Seems like forever
A boy with a Peter Pan face
Walked into my life
A split across the people
The candidates speak on TV
A passion is born
Feel the Bern I’d shout
November 9th, 2016 and my eyes restrain tears
I feel the wrath of hundreds of eyes locking onto mine as I walk down the hallways of my high school
january, it's january
i am 16 years old now
everything is good, and happy for once
february, it's february
for the first time, i have a partner on valentine's day
Ripples of a Third World Heartbreak
My eyes will open
And I will see the vibrant yellow paint that has coated the walls of my room
A year ago, I was not me.
But who then, have I come to be?
A year ago, I had the same name, voice, and face
I wore these same clothes and lived in the same place.
I have not gone through catastrophe,
My body is a metal cage, a stage name—
I call it ME.
Maybe I should call it THE THING TO BE CONTROLLED.
My body is a safety net, the one that I like falling into
Most of the time.
What has become of this wretched world?
Spiteful jealously, countless wars,
Muderous hate killing innocent love
Many crimes taken out by two-faced criminals
The world, driven to destruction and chaos
Caught between one life and the next,
the ground cracks beneath my feet, singing.
Throw yourself, it croons, ageless volcanoes
humming up through jagged earth.
My heart breaks, tugging me forward,
endless expanse of light-grey hamster-fur fog,
lights flash, illuminating the puffy tunnel of flesh that encases Antonin Scalia’s coffin
the not-yet-rotting corpse of the Supreme Court Justice
There is something to be said
About the color
He is our president now, and
As realization sets in, we begin to
But dread will get us nowhere, and
II looked up and saw a solemn darkness with muted stars that dotted the face of the sky like freckles (nary a constellation in sight!).
Seventeen years of life experience and I'm still not qualified for the job, because everyone thinks I'm either too young or too dumb. Pressured by society to look thin and tan, but we can hardly face each other man to man.
Typing was easy --
Writing was hard.
What then was the point of the words
If there lay no meaning behind them?
If no cause stood before them?
If no purpose guided them?
And then a demagogue,
Twenty Sixteen
I complain with my friends
"wow this year sucks"
Because it's the year I realized
we're all small
and so out of luck
Deaths and chaos
Donald Trump has 306 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton has 232.Hillary's supporters are causing violence and that is a lousy thing to do.
I am taking a test, but I don't know what the subject is about. I didn't ask to take this test.I flip to the first page. The questions are simple, but I cannot answer them.
Into the sky it goes,
with its fiery tail behind it-
the loud noise of its roar.
it stops,
to then floar amongst the stars,
with a great gentleness and calm.
let me be clear, i am not trying to be political, i am only trying to exist.
A child's terrified eyes sees the world for the violent drunk it is
One is not born immune to the immersive experience
Of domination, damnation,
Filthy bodies and even filthier minds.
I dream
one long,
dark night
a dream
has overcome
the light.
It's a nightmare
In a funnel
where I cannot
to get
out of
Marhbaan, Kazhar 'Akhbar
Breaking news
A Yemen Funeral Raid launched by Saudi Arabia airplanes kills 140 mourners
My alarm goes off
The sweet sound of the ukulele jingle wakes me from my slumber
As I embrace my gray plush blanket,
I hit ‘dismiss’ and consider remaining in the warm, cozy fuzz of blissful sleep
"This Just In,
The issues of society have made different varieties
Of opinions, thoughts, and actions
Causing riots in the factions
And laws to be completely changed,
Where roses meet asphaltWither. Rot. Mold. Asphyxiate.Here lie collapsed towersHeat. Lost. Combustion. Timber.Angels fallen trumpet loudAshes. Feathers. Triumph. Lore.Time runs ever odd
Raising sons full of ire,
Restraint is no longer their friend.
With news, IT builds a fire.
In only destruction it will end.
You did this, you did that,
Three hundred years of accusation.
When Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, he sold out.He let his supporters down and he's two-faced, there's no doubt.One day Bernie told his supporters that Hillary is unfit.
I have been around and I have seen a lot.
And many a time I have been to the ballot.
Sometimes when I am looking around,
I see their ignorance being spoken out loud.
We, the young
aged by hate,
torn by lonesome longing for days
hidden in future history,
Stalked by a past twisted and turned by beliefs and
banter... ugly.
We, the few
jaded and new,
On the occasionally sunny day,
when it does not rain
The Smiler walks out into the blue of today,
and bike rides to the city
The Smiler is one who,
sees with open eyes
feminism helps me describe with the anger<br>
i have felt for so long but could not put into words <br>
feminism helps me understand why others slut shame me <br>
We see in a certain way
What we think we know
We don't
We see you struggle
We see you die
We do nothing
We think we understand
We feel sorry
We see again and again
We ignore
When I was in the third grade my teacher asked our class to write down one thing we would want to tell the humans of the future.
Voodoo priestess see the world that lives within our own,Sight is blind but chilling touch can reach within the bone.Gilded wishes pervert the mind to cheat the humble man,
Every four years,
We see something so rough that it brings some to tears.
It's not a disaster;
People come together to pick our political master.
First there was twenty, now there are two.
A bullet costs less than a quarter
A life is cut shorter
A bullet is made of lead
A life is dead
A bullet is fast
A life's wound is vast
A bullet hits hard
Then the ,
× in our votes is as good as the period at the end of this sentence
Viewer's poll for a fate that was already decided
Laws we must abide by like the Ten Commandments ,
I dare you To tell the truth. Don’t discredit the youth You spooked They spoiled your spoiler.Can’t tell her no, no more you spoiled her. Momentum in moments like this Navigate my future.
How hath the blood been drawn but by slings of those who embody fear
To them, those snobby knobbies, who bludgeon
And know not ways of least resistance
Ah, the...”age old” question.
If you suddenly became Tom Hanks
in one of the movies that he surely has pasted onto his résumé by now,
but you got to take one thing with you,
what personal item would you take?
No gods, no mastershere. From none according toability tonone based on need. Free at last.Who could survive without hope?
The orange old man
that tried to make a ban
Is on his fourth wife
Yet he still has no life
He opned hotels in Vegas
Which made him famous
This man named Donald Trump
When America has fallen one day,
When we are at out lowest
I hope and pray a hero emerges
To take it on with courage.
I hope someone who cares a lot
Unties our broken, twisted knot
When a nation is divided
It cannot last.
Division brews hatred
And political parties destruction.
I stand here as a citizen
My hands are up
My heart is shot
A million swarming voices,A thundering, roaring crowd,The silent scream of reason,Deafened in the noise.
We live in a world where opinions are wealth.
Money is power, and power is stealth.
Power wipes out the people with concerns.
The wealthy obviously wear the devil’s horns.
When I was in physics class I learned that an object with any amount of mass can store up any amount of potential energy based simply on its height and the force of gravity.
On the news today
(a boy, age eight - )
Trump called Kelly a bimbo
a boy tripped into a million dollar painting
Those who are blind left in the dark
the dumb without books
the handicapped floored
the young ignored
hundreds Of millions of heads
twice the number of eyes
all of empathy Sheds
I am an activist
An advocate for those who don't have as good of a life as I do
I acknowledge my privelege
I am white, I am not oppressed
I am a feminist
Intersectionalism is most important
I'm right, you're wrong.
And I have every right to write that I'm right, because I'm not wrong
Let us go you, and I.
To the land of the free Where freedom sways in the quenched air Or so they say.
Some poets have written
About their governments
Before on issues of their day.
Soon, it will be politics as usual.
Slamming the character.
Of a political opponent.
They're weavin'
And they're bobbin'
Punching and counter punching.
Sometimes they land blows.
Sometimes they get hit.
No they are not boxers.
In a boxing ring.
I heard a song on the radio
About fucked up kids
I heard a speech about kids that were spoiled
And kids that didn't understand the real world
I heard stories about kids making mistakes
Awake and sober, while in a state of sedation.How can this be? I have no explanation.Bored with digging in this life’s excavation,
The skies go to war when the clouds are silver
all through the land you can hear the cracks and roars
see the anger flashing in the sky
destroying everything in the wrong place and the wrong time
Of Kids & Nations
A little boy was asked
To try to surpass
The kid in front of him.
Senator Ted Cruz,
A Presidential candidate we hope can only lose.
Obamacare he wants to ditch,
Joining it he found no glitch.
I am at war.
A constant battle against myself,
against my mind, body and soul.
Longing to find the pieces of me
I once could control.
My mind was once a garden flourishing with depth.
Bombs everywhere, missiles left and right, clenching my gun in my hand so tight. Side versus side, so scared but I will never show it, America the Brave, proud and heroic.
They say the system was always built this way
to keep the poor down and keep the rich powerful, so they say
We riot and protest and try to make our voices heard
Our generation is crying like the wind upon a sea struck ship
Our brains are frying with the electronics being the noose of self exploration
Dont give up hope in fact speak of what we need to do
This is a poem about the media and advertising, and how it has an impact on us.
Enjoy! Feedback welcome.
Freedom is not something that can be seen.
Freedom is not something that can be asked for,
because it is not to be demanded.
It can not be given to you.
I turn on the news
and all I see is ISIS this
murder that immigration this
God Bless America.
Where suburban neighborhoods flourish
and every house looks like the other,
like rows of mass-produced Fords.
God bless America.
Where the government spends money
Beyond the shadowy, pitch-black night,
A new morning's beacon begins to ignite,
Now dawns a day in which you will see,
The people's will has set them free.
For all I want to give this nation,
A body in the street
but no one knows how the small child sees
his brother dead facedown
now he will be remembered as a corpse and the child a statue
Is this what we wanted
What are limits without timeWhat is distance without a prizeWhat do you win once you have won what you have wanted all alongWhat is a fight without a warWhat is speech with no encore
Here we come, a busy people
trotting to and fro.
You’d never guess;
we hardly let it show.
In fact, I say, neither would they.
They can’t tell, themselves.
We’re blind and dumb,
Molotov cocktails and tear gas.
Nuclear arms and hateful words.
It's all so far away and right at home,
so where is this world heading towards?
Nobody knows, so we make ourselves blind,
Men kneel to kings,
And kings kneel to gods.
And though no monarchy holds my allegiance,
And no deity my faith,
Why me? What can I do? Why am I more deserving than others for financial elevation? I’m not.I’m just a girl with dreams of making a differenceBut I want anyway.I want to erode my own name out into history
Where is the wisdom now lost?
Is convenience really worth the cost?
Books replaced for screens and instant streaming;
Concertos and Symphonies for banging and screaming.
Free-for-all America turns itself into thirds:
Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans.
Ideals upon policies upon slanders building on each other
Make the basis.
But never a sound comes from the reasonable.
Democrats hate America while Republicans hate minorities.
Democrats despise business while Republican despise facts.
Single issues control us, dividing and conquering.
Prejudice overtakes us, judging and presuming.
So sick of freaking war
I turned on the television
Flipped the channel to watch some CNN
For maybe bout an hour or more
All I could see was war
All the fighting in Washington
Enter head on, in your binding.
So called companionship, misinterprets
For; contract.
For it will be a "duty" and "privilege".
From his majestic Office, he reads the anonymous letter...
"There's alot of speculations going round
About a tightrope walker balancing without a song.
He shifts his weight from side to side
The flow of the human race is nothing more than a flow
We seem more and more content in our ways we forget to grow
The Individualistic idea has inspired oneself to lead a life of independence
Perhaps it belongs to an animal
Who squeals for mercy
But instead is stunned and skinned
But no, it couldn’t be them
Because there’s no blood once it’s been rinsed away
Or maybe it’s the young women
Perhaps it belongs to an animal
Who squeals for mercy
But instead is stunned and skinned
But no, it couldn’t be them
Because there’s no blood once it’s been rinsed away
Or maybe it’s the young women
From the ashes, we rise like Kings.
From our fallen blood, we learn to grow limbs.
WIth each broken brick we build a home.
Our fate is made in our blood and stone.
You may take our bodies,
Where am I?
The question we always ask. Trapped in a box wearing just a gas mask.
Let me out. I can barely breathe.
I want to be me, but you don’t fucking agree?
Black smoke looms over the horizon
Ignored by the world around.
The people instead look at the sun,
Ideally, there, hope is found.
The elephant in the room
No one wants to mention.
We still feel the sun’s burn after a long day.
We still smile when we see the rains come our way.
We still have the haunted eyes at the fire side.
A passion is a longing,
A deep down tug or sorts,
That pulls and guides you every day,
To new mountain tops and new ports.
My passion is very special,
It involves all of you,
In the short lapse between life and death, an individual is taught by society who to love and how to act.
It angers me that so many people follow what they are told.
The mask covered his imperfections.
The mask hid his hatred with a smile.
The mask hid his corruption by showing him as just a city worker.
The mask hid his evil tongue by showing him as a good man.
You, the ones before us, burnt the world to ash
And we were left to pick through the cinders.
You say to yourselves in muffled voices,
Dreams and Clock Work By Devinn LoVette
Consciously defying my sub-cognitive count down to catatonic, back-breaking autonomy
Sweat silently streaking to the hardwood floor
The school dress code states:
Girls may not wear shirts without sleeves
Girls may not wear shorts that do not extend past fingertip length
Girls may not have shirts that dip down the width of her hand from her neck
A world once of simplicity
Has fallen into a mystery
From chaos and destruction
Humanity could only blossom
It weighed so heavy on my Daddy.
The thick black coughing dust.
He didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Just the weight of my future, but I am his world.
He wanted the brightest light for me.
Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
Flags are nothing but color.
Caucasian, Indian, Islander, African
Skin is not the issue in particular.
Trans, Gay, Straight, Bi
We are all the same.
I sit at home, reading about the calamities of the world
And think to myself, "Couldn't these be handled better?"
More often than not, the powers that be twist their authority
For one job could change my life,
For one job may have another kids college paid for, just for looking nice,
For one job may make my money right,
For one job could land me closer to my future wife.
People dedicating themselves wholly to an ideal
Accepting a way of life that is almost surreal
Submitting their transient needs for something greater
Solving problems on coffee, feeling like a martyr
Sometimes I look in the mirror
and see myself in fear.
What I see is a mess
and I think of a makeover and nothing less.
Our government, while always great
seems to need the same help as of late.
The world has too many flaws
But these flaws only come from us
Most people don’t care
They don’t think they can make a change
But we are greater than politicians
We are a family
You protect me with your torch
And feed me with your golden dollar
Your armies light my way
While my body rests in flaking corn
It's red, staining the ground someplce I've never been
and never will go.
For me.
It's a sacrifice, a total giving of life
So I can keep mine.
I can breathe
Numerous years past, through our eyes, is the founding of our country, yet in perspective, just a few decades.
I am the one the leaders should answer to,
I am the one that began a nation,
I am the one who fights, the one who dies,
I am the one you depend on.
I am the people!
Do you ever stop to think about irony?
I pursue those who reject me.
I reject those who pursue me.
What a mystery!
That is simple irony.
Do you ever stop to think about irony?
We wait in thick silenceWhile a genocide sleepsClaim to see all,When they know the leastThe mighty get mighterAnd the weak, they bendWhile we're made to sufferFor the ignorance of old men
Days wasted, in a world full of hurt
Sitting taking advantage of your right to be calm
An angel cries when a shovel hits the dirt
Elephants toot at the Donkeys neighs
but neither are willing to stay and play
A problem of sorts, that holds a grander weight
that could ruin livers and end the states
Politics to Black Friday
You have a manager at a store that sets the prices.
They open the doors and show the ideas to the crowd.
Then they sit back and watch the crowd go wild.
The last light of day has drowned
And day the night has slain
Darkness ever yet holds its ground
Though rebellious stars abound
It protects by force its reign
The last light of day has drowned
I lie, I steal, I cheat, I corrupt
I don't listen, I don't glisten,
I fight, I argue, I whine, I pout,
I don't agree, I don't plea,
My colleagues and I, are all incompetent,
Dear Congress,
Why must you treat working class citizens like the scum of the earth?
I am sorry that I cannot fill your pockets with my parents’ money.
I am sorry that I want my voice heard instead of my wallet.
A whisper in the night,
Unnatural chill, causing a fright,
But my shiver isn’t from fear,
As sharp nails, like claws,
Run down my bare back.
Shining eyes in the dark,
What was it you were thinking?That fateful day you leapt,out of those burning towers,as we all looked on... and wept.
What is the lesson they intend to instill?
Pretending to move forward in our best intent
But watch, back they run, now slipping and sliding
Forgetting all about promises made
To be one nation under God
Sophisticated, overrated hot shots without any happy thoughts except cruelty. Where is your humility and the simple ability to be kind? I find people don't use their hearts but instead their pride. Their over played egos and overpaid pockets.
Time rewind my past tracks,
As I hurtle towards the future.
I feel the need to fix the beat,
When I cannot refuse it.
Limitations are a key confliction,
Being quiet restricting,
Some may call it stupid.
Other call it dumb.
The consensus is: A government shut down makes people glum.
The resounding question is why can't they just agree?
They are acting like children if you were to ask me.
I peer into your eyes,they quaver and fillbig, somber: greenthey overflow and spill. The tears thunder down your cheekslike the towers in the daythey crash and they screamfaster than anyone can pray. Your flushed cheeks utter gaspsof horror and pa
Our political system is crazy,
It’s like all the politicians are lazy,
They just take, take, take, and always try to get their way,
It’s like compromise is a word they’ve never heard anyone say,
At five years old, I hardly understood
The tragedy that had just occurred.
I vaguely remember my kindergarten teacher
Frantically racing from one room to another
Desperately trying to gather information
She makes her way around the grounds,
following birds and whistling loud,
she cherishes those sounds,
letting her know that its all safe around.
Soon enough the peace is gone,
a sudden scream,
A uncontrollable chaotic madness
We feed from its miserable emptyness
What do we gain?
Another day of wishing death upon death
Dreaded voices of pious cretins
Talking about peace
I didn't mind Paul Revere until now
cruelly depicted
on the silken noose
cinched tight to keep his head up
And with a cry of
"The liberals are coming!"
he sneers behind crooked teeth
We as a nation fail to realize what's what when it comes to politics. When something goes wrong we're quick to blame our president. If someone kills someone pf a different race, they're racist or a terrorist.
America, America,Land of the free.Boast it all around the world.Equal opportunity.
America, America,What does it mean to be free?Tell it to the poor womanwho sits right beside me.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag”and sell my soul to it’s stars and stripes.And to the glory it all withholds.To a nation of spinning clockwork,Perfectly intertwined, two faced,and brainwashed as the injustices
Ode to a time when our nation was in shamblesWhen war and politics left us shaken to our coreWhen terrorism frightened us,When our economy was at its lowest,
You are not a shark:a woman does not attract you likeblood in water.You do not exist to fill the roleof predator.Your kind, if so suitable to law make, legislate, mandate,
Because we inhaled
The tainted air,
The air provided to us
By the one above,
not God
But the dictator.
The only leader we have known
In our short lives
Because we inhaled
This world's gone crazy it seems,
Everyone's wrapped up in celebrity dreams,
While just down the street, another child starves,
No one paying attention, drowned out by the sound of the cars,
My mother is the queen,
For control is all that matters.
My father is the king,
The foreseer of decisions.
Mother fends for her bishops,
But they cannot save her children.
if you never stop questioning what you're toldwhat you're shownwhat you're guaranteedwhat you're spoon-fed by the hand ofstingyswinishshrewd and slybusinessmenwell that's half the battle.
Say "The Pledge Of Alligence" every single morning, to start the day off right. Hands over our hearts and the viel over our eyes.
lately my grandmother has been practicing her english with the phrase:
no one should have to die with pain and suffering
the pencil marks bow through the pages so earnestly
You know that this is a war,But what are you fighting for?You drop words like bombs,Through the destruction you're still calm.You don't argue for a right,You just argue to start a fight.
I use poetry to bring fort important discussions,
I don't believe in limiting topics because I'm young,
But for starters, I've lost friends,
They're legal and I'm just a teen,
Life seems frugal with a hint of mean,
Nothing was simple, not even before.
Unanswered questions appeared at the door.
For months nothing seemed to make sense anymore.
But we sang about peace, just like children.
I saw the best of their generation enveloped
In the blaze of their heat In the passion of their words, In the rhetoric of their demagogues
SHE woke upTo EXPLOSIONSbursting her earlobes …Gun shots brought her to a state of CONFUSIONAs time SLOWED Then stoppedThunder crashing, people gasping, CHILDREN cryingWhy must we WATCH themslowly Dying, fighting, HOPINGCalling out to a world tha
The world would be a much better place if we were all color blind
If people thought with their hearts instead of their eyes
If just because of who we are didn't make us an "other"
(oh, politics)
are you only for adults?
the world is filled with children
who can't even voice their own opinions.
you raise us to be independent
you raise us to be proud
International relations
Gnashing their teeth
Stomping their feet
To the beat
Of peace
They hope to find in signed
By declerations of war
Stirring up unity
A prophet crossed the white line
And he did not eat a swine.
Disgusted by booze,
He kept out the Jews.
After that he drank palm wine.
A President in a funk
Whose once broad support, now shrunk.
All the voters now
Prefer cash for cow.
His career ends with a clunk.
Stop the crying
The bleeding, shouting—
I can’t sleep.
Oily unease bubbles out
My knees grow heavy
Throat cluttered by horror, undigested
The buildings alight across the city
The world has gone indifferent
You can taste it in their kiss
Once so beautiful; exquisite
Now cares not for loneliness
Democracy became capitalist, lady liberty dictates
Long ago in the old folk’s place
A boy with innocence on his face
Came to knock on the gated door
The man behind it saw a child there
With blue eyes and mussed blonde hair
We wait for what never comes
We listen for what is never said
We see politicians hold up their thumbs
But so many soldiers are dead
We hear the cries of the families
They mourn the lost with memories
Take me back to a place worth seeing,
these bleeding rafters that hold mud ceilings,
we cry out to hear an echoes embrace,
for dreams laying hollow among this place,
Bells ring among powder's stench,
Land of the freeLand of the apatheticLand of the dreamersLand of the broken
Home of the braveHome of the hopefulHome of the better tomorrowHome of the bitter
If our Founding Fathers saw the world today,
Their jaws would drop and mutinies would come to pass.
If they saw our struggles to appease the mass,
They’d assume our society would soon decay.
There is a time and place
To make a smiling face
At the world that is so wrong
And has been, for far too long.
I frown at the ones that smile
From lies that they tell, all the while
I listen to them, I listen well
They tell me to listen with my eyes
What I see through the screen is perpetual hell.
I left them...
Last night I had a dream
the world was ending,
I was reduced to ant size and lived with a snake,
she was friendly but scary,
green and alive,
I am awake now, paying my credit card
His side, her side
Is this right?
My side, your side
Fight to fight?
Left side, right side
Stand for one, then stand for all
At the crossroads you are balanced on the precipice overlooking every choice
And you like to point to the path that pleases your personal prerogatives
I have rotted in the ground
Beaten by the howler’s hounds
Galvanized another bound
And, I escaped it
(poems go here) Liberal, conservative
Left-Wing, Right-Wing
Democrat, Republican
Politicians have made their career of public service
into an unjustified disservice
through decisions that have been delayed
or have still to be made
for we are the center of a joke
that has made us broke
I don’t want to know how to win, I only want to know how to grow.
We swear that the tumor only grows on the Devil, but it grows on our Land.
Her soul was ripped of it’s property and we are ripped of our choice.
The evolution has changed drastically.
First there were role models, then there were icons
But now a red sole defines one as her majesty.
From the likes of Sojourner to Rosa
You can’t watch, follow, or listen to that
Those politics full of evil whether you’re Republican or a Democrat
Don’t listen to those unholy people, they are no good
There is a man whose tongue is always aflutter,
Off his lips, his words drip like warm melted butter,
The masses cannot resist,
Such awesome, wonderful things he does insist,
Today the man takes the stage,
What is War?
To the average citizen, it is life and it is death
To the oppressed, it is a chance to stand and fight for your rights
To the blood thirsty, it's another circumstance in which to kill
Look at this room,
Why does everybody look the same?
Are we still in the same Atlanta, Georgia?
I don't understand.
You wouldn't think this was a presidential election.
The cameras come near us,
(poems go here) The wind it sits, highly enthroned,
Its voice a commanding power,
Pulling over trees into prostrate positions, mocking humility.
The wind, when edged voice speaks,
Stridently spoken, bold-hemmed terms,
Blindly, we follow and nod our heads to the beat.
Lyrics are nonsense when music is an industry.
Nobody wants to think.
Nobody wants to learn.
We defer to the media to dictate our concerns.
Run son
Look how far we have come
The worlds a better place and our problems are undone
But have we really took the leap we thought?
So many things are wrong with this one life we got
English is not enough
Sentiment cannot be bound by syntax
Punctuation cannot portray passion
Grammar cannot grant the grieving soul grace
Words are a well to a worn world
You have the right to remain silent. More like the reason to stay silent actually.
Anything you say or are can be and will be used in not only a court of law, but throughout your entire life.
(poems go hThe System
Well, it's all messed up
Kinda like a pooring a drink with no cup
The system appears to be fine
But that’s why cosmetic refers to the outside
Chest thumping, pulse racing, thoughts chasing
You Are Who
Thoughts returning, pulse slowing, chest extending,
Who You Are
Just the being you choose to be, as justified in every constitution,
Our World is quiet, and operates in shadows.
The secret committees commence with their meetings.
The silent leaders annually rendezvous.
We are strong and stealthy, though we are only teething.
I’ve got a noose around my neck,
And a fire outside my door.
I’m about to dangle in my distress
I’m on the 107th floor.
They say:
Stay there, we’re coming.
We’ll be there soon and,
A story about my Uncle Sam who doesn't seem to get enough money, and it's hurting every single person out there.
Can you hear them?
Can you see them?
Can you feel them?
Those chains
That everlasting bondage that keeps us unchanged
It's like this
so quickly we miss
what things we try to remember
the things we have forgotten
and so I look on over the lives of those age has forgotten
I’m sick of these family ties holding me back,
And if I ever tried to leave you’d be right there to put me right on track.
Chastise me and ridicule me for everything I lack.
Ask me how I am I’ll lie and say I’m grand.
Government—take to court the injustices all about;
Find not a solution, so at thy enemies flout:
With thy sovereign voice shout down the other man
And send to war the Poor, the slaves from your clan;
A droplet drips down
Ruby red and perfect
Falling from the wound
Of the fallen man
Lifting his head
He tries to stand
But, alas, he can't
He is a fallen man
A river runs red
Blood soaks into the ground
Aided by the rain
Corpses litter the field
Bodies with faces
Life lights their eyes no more
What's that young man's name?
No one is sure
My Dear Love,
I don't mean to be crude
But I feel it my duty
To tell my story to you
If you could be so bold
To not shed a tear
I will be in your heart always
Fighting with your fears
One day I’ll to support myself like my parents.
To defend my political views.
To defend the defendless.
To see for the blind.
To change the world.
To solve world hunger.
To understand how one who killed
Of shrimps and steaks and sizzling soups
And turpentine rolls and cabbage groups
Comes a man of greedy, vicious frosting
The essence of virtue he is lacking.
An effervescent mind when he wants it to be
I can't sing but the way you make my heart feel is wonderful
and I cant dance but the way you make my body feel is beautiful
but you can't run your hands through my hair with your fingers
Let me tell you a little bit about the people you pass by every day- in school, in the drugstore, in the mall, on the street, in your one home