Conceited Politics
Politics to Black Friday
You have a manager at a store that sets the prices.
They open the doors and show the ideas to the crowd.
Then they sit back and watch the crowd go wild.
The Government makes laws, decisions, and policies.
They release the scoop to the media and sit back and watch the crowd go wild.
Politics to absent progenitors
Your parents make all the decisions.
And they might even ask for your opinion or maybe not.
You may be free but there are still rules.
Suppose they know best.
The government gives us no choice but to abide by the law.
If you do not abide, there is nothing left but solitary confinement.
Or maybe the government forces you to go to someone to talk and solve your problems verbally.
Suppose they know best.
Politics to Politics
The Government knows what they are doing.
They just tell us what we want to hear.
It`s nothing but the rule of politics.
What gives them audacity to appease the eye instead of joining together.
We are indeed the United States.
Is our motto not E Pluribus Unum.
Oh, I know, it`s just the rule of politics.