"Opinions" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 27/6/2005


United Kingdom

Now YOU MUST Know The Saying ...

... "Opinions and Assholes, are one and the same !" ...

EVERYONE's Got One Even If They Are ... LAME ... !!!!!

Now If This Is ... TRUE ... ?!?
I Think I Should Share My Opinions With You ...

I'm Just A Cool Dude With A Bass Driven Drool ...

Who Likes To Write Poetry Based On The TRUTH ... !!!!!

I'm Sorry If This DOESN'T ENTERTAIN You ... !!!

But Entertainment Is NOT What I Do ... !!!!!

I'm ... NOT A Stage Clown ... !!!
Like Poets On Stages Across Different Towns ... !!!

I'm Sorry IF Things I Say May Get You Down ...
Or ... DON'T Make You SMILE ... !!!!
But In Fact Make You ... FROWN ... !!!!!!!!

My Writings And Quotes Are NOT To Gain Votes ... !!!
Cos' People Who Voted Are On The WRONG DOPE ... !!!

Political Games From The Same SHAMELESS Names ... !!!!!

What's Wrong With You People You ... MUST ENJOY PAIN ... ?????

Like Taxation RISES And Financial STRAIN ...
It's Like The Dark Ages ALL OVER AGAIN ... !!!!!

I'm NOT Like These Poets Who Just ... " ENTERTAIN " ...
These ... WANNABE Actors Who Want TV FAME ...
Or Rappers Who Really Do NOT Have The Game ...
To Get Themselves Into ... Hip Hops' Hall of SHAME ... !!!

NO NAMES Will I Mention Who Hold Such Pretension ...
Cos' People Like These ... TAINT Public Perception ... !!!

They LACK TRUE Direction They're Spreading INFECTION ... !!!

The Style They Present REALLY NEEDS CLOSE INSPECTION ... !!!

What Comes From Their Lips Are NOT Witty Quips ...
Most of Their Wordplay Is Really NOT FIT ... !!!
For Public Performance... Their Cue Has NO TIP ... !!!!!

LAUGH If You Like CRY If You Like ...

All That I Ask Is Some Time To Recite ...

You May Be SURPRISED By Prose I've Comprised ...
BELIEVE When I Tell You My Words AREN'T Contrived ... !!!

My Poetry's Written From ... " Everyday Life " ...
While Many Are Writing PURE Poetic LIES ... !!!

I Wear NO DISGUISE My Words Are Devised ...
To Make People See What They Hide Deep Inside ...

So What's In The Mind of A Poet Who Rhymes ... ???
Is It DEPRESSION Or ... Simple Expression ... !?!

My Mind Is Inclined To Share Views With You ...
Even If Some of Them Make You Feel ... BLUE ... !!!!!

I Just CANNOT Abide These Poets Who TRY ... ?!?
To Hide Who They Are Behind Humorous LIES ... !?!

Cos' Life Is A Ride From Which You CAN'T HIDE ... !!!!!

Opinions Give CLUES So What Is Your View ... ???

Has This Piece Called ...
" Opinions " ... Entertained You ... ???

I'm NOT Here To Please You ... !!!
I'm Here To Speak... TRUTH ... !!!!!

So DON'T EVER Think I Need A FAKE Crew ... !!!!!!!!!

I'm Looking For People Who Want Something ... " NEW " ... !!!
A Poet Whose Words Asks Question of YOU ...

Comedy's GREAT I LOVE A GOOD SHOW ... !!!

But Leave Comedy To ... " Comedic Pros' " ... !!!!!

All Poetry's DIFFERENT ... OKAY YES I KNOW ... !!!!!!

I'm Simply Expressing My Views In This Prose ...

CAN'T I Do THAT ... ?!?
I'm Walking 8 Mile WITHOUT ... Battle Rap ... !!!!!

Now If You Don't Want To You DON'T Have To Clap ... !!!

I Just Want To SEE Who's TRUE TO The ART ...
And EXPOSE These Poets Who Talk Out Dem' CLAAT ... !!!

I Don't THINK I'm Smart ...
... I KNOW That I AM ... !!!

And If You Applaud ....
That Must Make Me THE MAN ... !!!!!


..... “ OPINIONS ” .....

This poem is about: 
Our world
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