As a kid
two brothers on either side
of my timeline
our play time was mostly
playing violent baseball
and digging up worms for fishing.
In doing this
I never understood
why I could pile worms
into a bucket
so that a hook
could be forced down
the throat of a fish.
Even weirder was
as I looked around
no one else seemed to
seems to
Our humanity was lost
somewhere between
greed and pure entertainment,
Treating the end of life
as a hobby or
a political statement.
Treating our own
like fish full of metal
in their throats
bullets tearing through.
Murder seems to be the key
to happiness.
We raise our kids
Teaching hunting as a hobby
but staging active shooter drills
in case
somebody hunts them.
American murder
is the latest trend
red lipstick and blood on our floors.
Cruelty to our own like
barnyard animals in
yet we do nothing
to stop it.