Health and Fitness

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Stillness hides a heart that’s pounding, Music starts and it’s time for giving, 100% of it all confounding, YOLO for it’s all worth living,  
My best friend. You make me happy when im sad. Even when im feeling bad. So i am so very glad. Glad your not mad. You may ask why. Becuase i made you cherry pie. Im glad you didn't die.
*Mosquito Mosquitoes*Today you’re dead, shocked at the sight of my blood sucked and stained on the wallHow happy I was! an unintentional action has killed you!
I toss and turn, but sleep won't come, My eyes are tired, my mind undone. The clock ticks on, a constant hum, And still I lay, a restless one.
I've heard all the names, weird, ugly, and such a freak, yeah they say it's a disease, something that's eating at me,   I can't walk through the crowds easily, why am I so scared,
Flex the facial muscles Free it Feel the relief like the cool ocean breeze Smile   Feel the beauty in the universe Drain your anger Suck in the flexed facial muscles Let it flow
Do not tell me the word elixir has not breezed you  Dew of springs bridge itch for wet encounters 
Everytime I hear you jokes My blood begins to boil Because their not really that different But kind, genuine, and loyal  They may have to sit out sometimes
I look in the mirrorand what I seeis a beat-up versionof the person that’s me  
I look in the mirrorand what I seeis a beat-up versionof the person that’s me  
The cold breeze blew past, the narrow alley way. All doors tight to the knot All windows intact, Not even the slightest ray of sunlight can pierce through the glass.   She walks alone,
The baby was born, at age one the baby smiled and ran, she didn´t see how her father secretly had a devil horn, her little legs took her everywhere she wanted to go to explore as fast as she can,  
My heart yearned to connect to yours I spared no effort Even did the damnedest To achieve an access All I got was Congestion and obstruction Which made me pine away Suffering takotsubo always
Trying not to die, Trying not to drown, Labels weighing me down, crushing me to the ground, making my heart pound.   don't hold me in a cage, don't patch me up and pretend everythings okay,
Did That One Person Help Your Life?Did That One Person Inspire You To Get Back Up?Did That One Person Make You Struggle?Did That One Person Make You Mad?Who Was That One Person?
These warriors became barriers For the covid virus carrier Salute to all the doctors Nurses, Health care workers Who are trying to close this covid chapter..!
Dawn meet the light,  and the twillight the moonall are mirageson labyrinth of mind,ever since time waking.Do you think that our existencemakes any differenceto this vast universe?
It was 4 a.m on Friday When my thoughts all got lost It all seemed like a bad day As my memory appeared short deep and intense in thoughts My head began to spin, My hands couldn't feel a pin.
 1.          Her eyes Shimmers like the sun.          2.            He gives the greatest hugs.  3.            She gives the greatest food.  4.               She goes the extra mile.
 1.          Her eyes Shimmers like the sun.          2.            He gives the greatest hugs.  3.            She gives the greatest food.  4.               She goes the extra mile.
Vigorous motion increases stature Growth quite unlike cancer Sinews stretch, Contract and repair Labored intakes fight back intensity Beads of salty viscous matter Sticking to brows brown
My shoulder hurts. I have woken up  The clock reads 12:15.  For a moment, I thought it meant PM I realize I fell asleep at 6.   
   A decade to the year, a decade to the month, and yet I remember the day. Could have been that last one, if my parents had said No, I could have lied in my own bed that night and died, without say a proper goodbye.
Today she became a widow at the hospital arriving to collect his belongings the virus took his life earlier that day alone she was as his life slipped away His health in shambles
look at my eyes they are mirrors to my soul look and see how damaged I am look and see the damage you did look and see how you shattered me look and see how my soul bleeds because of what you did
Who knew that staying home would be such a hassle I would have thought it would be such a dazzle Believe it or not, School was actually a second family
Breath taken to the depths of within. Only I can uphold what should have been. My waist may be shrinking, but my mind is too. No matter what my brain says, it's what my heart says I'll do.
Tick tock, the clock now annoyingly sound, In that quiet room, she weeps as pain holds her bound, Deep down, she is nursing her depression wound, With no hope for a better life being found  
Happiness is a choice. Being happy is what you decide as a person. Being who you are is the best way of being happy.
Miami was a charm of a city What difference does that make me I learnt to rise and not feel usual hurt.  Time after time it was pleasure for every measure.   Love was the spice of my life 
I believeFor us to tackle Covid 19,The world needs to unite as one big team. Irrespective of race or religion,Ethnicity, culture or region. Wether Asian, European or African,If we come together, yes we can. Just take a look at how the world is ste
Guaranteed payday loans are the generous monetary decisions when you are controlled by the terrible financial record, CCJ's, IVA's, or additional limitations.
Ya Know They Say When You Age … That You Should Stay … " ACTIVE " … !!! Now Physically That Makes Sense To Me …
I have a question why do i feel so fearful? and why do i feel you judge me for my fears? is it truly in your place to judge me for my fears or show me faith? why do you look at me with those eyes 
somtimes its hard life sometimes it crushes you like a bug  sometimes you wanna give up and die or dry up like  a rasin in the sun  but when it all boils down to the bones 
Victims we all are if our minds are focused only on the unhealed scar a cut or a bruise never can we win if our mind is set on "lose, Lose, LOSE." When we have attributed our feelings to unchangeable events;
All little girls look up to their daddy, that man they have wrapped around their little fingers.  My daddy golfed and I played the caddy. And today, the memory of the game lingers.   
As the light hit my face I embraced it Although it was a gloomy day I was still thankful I have so much Much more than other children in 3rd world countries I have food, clothes, shelter
Catch, shoot, swish Catch, shoot, swish Everything in slow motion As I give myself to my devotion My mind is free
Fatty addiction 197mm shredding ripping float extreme conditionsturning heads feeling free technical deep snow.
Health was Failing, Falling, Losing.   Spirit was  Depressed, Distressed, Low.   I couldn't  See The light Ahead,   Though I Had
It started with doubt, hesitation, a pause Then a leap headfirst into the unknown One single jump changed every little thing One single moment became my passion   A beacon of hope and unbridled joy
It Can't Be Good To Hold The View ... That I'm A CROOK Because My Top Has Got A Hood ... !?! The Weather Now Can Be Quite FOUL ... !!! WITHOUT An Umbrella I Could Be DROWNED ... !!!!!
The thing that inspires me the most is sports. I play on the fields and the courts.  I'm always up to catch a pass. Don't worry I'm not skipping class.  In softball I played short stop.
Those dangerously beautiful eyes  Blinks of Vivid colors and shades of black and white  Those eyes  Your pure eyes seen the outburst of this painful world and droplets of kindness Those eyes 
Distractions help ease the pain of constant thoughts. Keep busy.Safe. As the pain and heart break ease, so do the distractions.No more painting. Drawing. Creative outlooks.
As the clock ticks away with the Nick of time, Health is wealth knowest thou all for to live quite sublime, Rich or the poor none have the desire to keep the health in prime,
Asclepius had decided being a doctor was what he wanted to do with his life.  He studied for tests, stayed up all night. He stayed in the library, until they turned off the light.   When he graduated,
Her home lies across Henderson port.The ships here chase the sun inlandFrom east to west and back to east,a pendulum in a grandfather clock.Each turn portends finality, butswings back to begin afresh.No dock for her eyes, just passing boats,sleepy
An Ignorance so bliss An Arrogance so full A Child like innocence  Abstaining, From a world so cruel   Thrust into society  By circumstance at hand Losing at a race
You don't have antibodies. If you don't have antibodies, you can't have mono. You don't have mono. I don't have mono?   Lying on the Doctor's table wondering if I was now claustrophobic 
It’s the sigh of relief after you hold your breath. Growth. Suffocating because I chose to be rooted to my problems. Growth.
One two three four                                         There's a stranger at my door Five six seven eight                                                             It's a ghost made of hate
  25 yards, at age 10 At 11, 50 yards Now at age 18 I am going 1650 yards in one race An average man can go 3 days without water,
The Fight to See   Is that the letter E? I could no longer tell,
I was on my way back to home in the bus In this high temperature with precipitation a child sitting infront of me, with all these sweaty people. Children making noises And the stranger sitting next to me
It’s time to sever ties with those who lie;  It’s Time to free myself from the toxicity of your superficiality, breaking away from your fly trap facade once and for all, never to fall for this sick style of manipulative mind control  -
You begin to understand the flow a little more as you go  This much I know. Never here nor there, It’s ethereal All around us, in the air.   It’s all around you  There’s no denying it   
I have glowed up I am no longer the same Leaving different then when I came I'm as cool as ice in a cup Ohhh I have changed I've changed My attractivness has ranged  I am confident in myself
Once upon a midnight postpubescent, Much I marvelled the silent graafian follicle; Puberty - tormentor of my dreams. I awoke and flung the legal age, In a kingdom full of menses When I thought of the puberty.
I used to play I used to run But now I sit inside and have no fun My body turned against me.
Children Neverending smiling faces Annoying people with an endless stream of questions Only tolerated for future obligations   Never seeing people's true expressions
Bored because no waters  bored by no sea as I shall watch from their I will be  nation by nation stars by stars  looking up in the sky stars I see 
The story begins at my school. I began to sound like a fool. My voice started to crack; I heard a loud quack, Why is puberty so darn cruel.      
I don’t know if I’m going through the stages of grief But rn I’m pretty fuckin pissed and just wanna scream
I’m sorry I showed you the real me and you couldn’t handle it Sometimes I feel it was my fault
  Alas, I am sitting in class, Stressed for the upcoming test. Afraid I am unprepared to pass, My heart pounds in my chest.  
Is there a point to all this? Some sense of release hidden behind years of Doubtful ventures into nothing.   Can I outstretch these fastened wings, And search for some greater feeling,
Pain, Pain, Pain That is what I felt when I got you But I overcame you and conqured my fear Fear of never being able to do the sports I love But hear I am playing today  Free from the  Pain, Pain, Pain
the voice that calls me gives warmness, is it loving it holds me tightly. the lights kept flashing red blue, am i laying down
Oh, dear friend or foe We both remember a time where my spirit was low. There was once a cold darkness in my soul That didn’t allow me to feel whole.
Oh, dear friend or foe We both remember a time where my spirit was low. There was once a cold darkness in my soul That didn’t allow me to feel whole.
Angels are Human Humans are Angels  Ying and Yang Yang and Ying  Karma is a Bitch A Bitch name Karma Chase the Bags  Bags are worth Chasing  Lil Baby Baby is Lil YOLO
Rain patter-pitters on the windowsill. Shouts echo through the hall- broken glass, hours pass. I have seen the countenance of the rain, It shrouds my hill.   I watch-listen for others who felt the chill, Those who have countenanced their rain- att
Up up I go the stares  and the crowd in the distance  all so loud  I begin crack down  my legs  my spine  my heart  my hands  but then 
I woke up every day from being a child to the age of seventeen having a belly, I would eat jelly for fun everyone said I needed to go for a run but I wold just lie down to eat Honey Buns.
Life came crashing down. Derailed by injury. sometimes you just want to quit. And you feel like it’s too much But no pain is forever  That’s why you push your limits  no more excuses!  There are no sick days 
life can trigger you perspectives can confuse you but don't lose yourself.  
The anniversary of his death is upon us, This winter breeze raises my neck hairs, Starring down at the grave, The temperal lobe inside my mind identifies the pain, Pain? Guilt? What is the difference?
It’s hard to walk these halls, Hoping nobody notices at all, My broad shoulders and Big hips, The internet even provides me with tips,  
It’s 11:11 and my father is wishing for his hands to work.
Lost in thought,maybe in too deep.It's a hole fallen intohard to get out of.
Every one speaks against you  You are only one who speaks in favour with you                                                POEM           
Trapped in a body that will not function The smallest tasks become a challenge No more running, dancing, or playing Standing up becomes your new form of exercise With every step you heart races
Born into youth with resilience and ferver Was a boy so young, and so kind, yet clever A boy whose bright mind and bright smile last forever Taken care of by the whole soul of a wise tree  
I love football a whole lot! Especially on days that are really hot. On the feild I ease my mind, Football is a major passion of mine! I hear the crowd roar and chant on the sideline.
The call came, This is what we had been waiting for. Mom answered, “Hello?” she said into the phone.
Fugitive, fugitive, fugitiveYou must not be fugitiveYou must be activeLove your homeMake it as a groomAdorn with every pomponTo show himself handsomeWear and pretty trimAnd be always in the placeTo lead all nationsImitate its way, obey its sayFear
Thank you. Thank you for being inside of me my own little monster who could hide in me confide in me- in my body. A bubble of blood
  Up and over! Up and over! That’s all hear through the crowd and when I look over I realize she’s right  
  Throw the ball.                Don’t be nervous. Catch the ball.                Don’t drop it. Game at 9,              Time to grind.
Ball at feet  Ball in hand Ball equivilent to man  It gave me love  It gave me passion It gave me a unique fashion Ball has my heart Ball has my name Without ball who am I at all.
This goes out to the people who need inspiration. People who need this rap to get something done for the day. Anything. Just know that all you need is inspiration.  
Goose bumps raise like braile The way muffins do when baked A force inside roars
Remember when you broke your right hip? It came as a shock to me. There you were, the picture of health, And only eighty three.   Of course, you were most disgruntled.
But I eat vegan, I drink piss, I'm naturally immune,The crunchy people sing the same shit to a different tune.It doesn't matter if you have just spinach in your diet,When it comes to vaccines, we should to everyone apply it.
My name is nat, I am no theef, I hold the beef, between my teef. When all is sleep, myself I please, I hop above, and cronch the beef
When someone you love dies and you are not expecting it, You don’t lose them all at once: You lose them in pieces and fragments over a long time – Their scents and fragrance begin to fade
When I was young I could not hear I would stand there and wail screech like a banshee Ahhhhhh,for food Ahhhhhh,for drink
A square is my battlefield  where I fight to survive without a sword and shield  I prosper and thrive  technique and hard work are my weapons of my choice  It’s just me and the sound of my fans voice
Being diagnosed with GAD was something very hard for me. I felt trapped in my own mind as though others had left me behind. But through poetry I found hope, a sturdy ground on my slippery slope.
What can be said of the disintgrating people? The ears, the eyes, the mind goes. Ticking time Slow and slow The legs, the arms, the heart show  How age reaps life it once sowed.
This is a perfect worldA world that although not perfectly round,although it seemingly wobbles like a top in its uneasiness and discontent with its occasional imbalances,
I’m writing to you this now, because it has come to my attention that this is a serious issue.   You are so very beautiful, so intelligent, caring and kind. And you have so much to offer.
Evasive splashes rise and fallLeaving but a trace of mistTo reflectThe taste of aweFor gaping jaws to admit
A bit of a pain in the arse Already at the brink The time clock is at rush hour But the heart still beats
 He made my pray. He made me lose my breath.  He made my knees weak.  He pissed me off. He turned me on.  He terrified me.  He inspired me. He made me shy. 
  Dear Syringe, I don't mean to get butterflies whenever I see you. Please understand what happened that night in ninety-eight. It wasn't anyone's fault, 
To Those Who Wanted To See Me Suffer,   Crohn's Disease: A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. This disease,
One hundred and three pounds,  5 feet 11 inches tall Lost Fifty pounds, age 13 at diagnosis  This describes me physically when the brutal Crohn’s disease was diagnosed But this is not me    
Dear Childhood,   I’m sorry, I can’t seem to save you. No matter how hard I try, things always fall through. You’re dangling over an endless void
From across the parking lot  I glimpsed her sweet warm smile, it said hello and beckoned me to stay and talk awhile.   We talked about things near and dear and how we view the world, 
Poem #3: Journey Down, Up!What can be expected?Not much!If you do not jump,We can all see limitations.But the Master can create innovations,Not the popular way!But there is a way;Nothing can be achieved,As long, as you are deceived!Far from this r
Deceitful skin unbinds itself from flesh While struggling cells attempt to mesh No answer, cure, or solution For this troubling ailment reeking of pollution  
Dear MW Never thought I'd be the type to fall The type to fall hard.  Falling hard for one I barely even knew. Although, A quick facetime call  Or A short text from you
  I wonder if you’ll ever believe, in the gifts I see in you. Gifts so real to me; yet, when I sincerely put forth and say, they often get pushed away.
Dear Doctor,   Since day 23 of the pain, my body has been new land. You have colonized me, in every way known to man,
Dear Art,     I've never told you this before, These thing being so dear, So please listen, As I am being sincere.   You've hurt my neck, And even my toe, But that wasn't enough,
It was Valentine’s Day of 2013 when I began wishing you would vanish into an endless black hole. I lied in a hard hospital bed, with wires protruding from every inch of my body. I cried in pain and in fear of  this unforgiving migraine. I know I w
White sheets lay an adventure through my brainCross minded, open sighted lines puncturing while my existence is indicatedWe are the center of our own worldown universeown fight.
  in autumn i think of you. the way a leaf browns, curls up, and floats along wind, rustle becoming tremor becoming fall—  
Dear Epilepsy, It's me again I haven't talked to you in a while I've been a bit preoccupied Finding my stride Finding my smile All while fighting your pain  
Circling 'round and 'round again Circling 'round to see you again Thought I'd been away so long Thought you'd gone and went along Then you shook my hand. Then you made me faint.
Dear Clock, With each tick you seem to remind me that time is always racing ahead The seconds, the minutes, the hours weave together a thin thread Pushing and pulling me forth
Be happy together. Everyday, look for something new you love about your love. Care fully for one another, temporally, emotionally, spiritually. Ask them how their day was.
Sleep. It's something I never seem to get enough of. I don't have insomnia, nightmares, or a bed made of rock, But I still never seem to get enough. High school seems like the easiest thing to blame,
Because I love you I demand We are a team. Through all of our ups and downs And even when steam Comes out of our ears And brings out the tears, We’ll stay together For all of our years.
​ When I was 5 I learned what real tears were My dad held my mom, her cheeks beating and tears streaming As an adolescent I couldn't tell what this fear was for
I didn’t know I could love this much.   Give me your hand, And I’ll hold it close to my heart. Your soul brings light to the dark.   I could never forget the way your dimples crease,
  I ask you, what does it mean to Love? “That feeling that makes you smile whenever you see me?” Relationships and Love are Passion
Because I love you, I will not watch you die. I will find others who thrive.  I love you for your virtues,for your relationship with lifeI love you for your actions...and, of course, for what's inside.
Because you hurt me there is a constant memory in my mind that is of you, that I wish to forget Because you hurt me every breath I take is short and sharp,
Love A fondness chased by man since the beginining  With no real sense of the word A feeling many have come to settle with less  In the hopes that they can fool themselves into believing That they have found
Because I love you, I worry. I worry about if your day is going well, and if you're doing okay. I worry  about if I am doing everything in my power to keep your head above water
I will stand with you though all your life’s seasons Sometimes I won’t know the reason Except, I love you I will stay through the cold times to warm you up again
I beg for you, but the plea falls to no response, The room is so loud, I begin to deafen by the screams, I call louder for you, but I fade into the other voices, I fall to my knees, and pray for you to return
An outbreak of an illness may cause several people harm to those who surround the infected. The case began with students on a campus who visited the informatory at the same time, as these students suspected
Sand in air shoots across sand ground. I am here, but no where to be found My mother, my father perhaps are in the water But no where to be found. Like me, no where to be found.
Walkin down the road Feeling really cool Dont need no gymnasium Dont need no swimmin pool Im gettin my excersise and I'm lookin really fly So wave at me as you go past Cause I'm the walkin guy
   Tick-Tock Goes the Watchmen clock   Tick-Tock The Watchmen has found his prey, a man not beyond his years. A man who still has many of years left to roam and play.   Tick-Tock
Oh say can you see, by the rates that climb, What so gladly we hailed as the American shine? Whose broad stomachs and bright cars through impoverished fight,
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. For health care costs so out of reach, we all can feel the pain. America, America,  please help us in our quest. And give us plans fair to the lands,
The drops that fall are heavy from aching muscles fighting to stay steady under the loads they bare.   Torn benches reveal stories deep. Their scars reminders of the wars we’ve waged.
They hold our economy,no one carea of there agony They have money,but people have no mercy They feed companies, wholesalers and retailers, profit is many With fake products,high price,they indirectly feel the pain
let me tell you something:no one is going to look at you, broken and shattered 
and think -
damn, you are one is going to come pick up your broken pieces off the floor and
assemble them into a beautiful whole.hell, 
you won’t even loo
If you were an artist you'd paint me as a Villain and thus, I felt like I had owed you an apology for why I couldn't be with you. I wanted to apologize but then my reflections of the world glazed over my eyes and settled that desire. For there is
Everyday, I campaign in support  For a good heart, sometimes I win And the others seem not to exist. You don't have to know everything  I want to tell you, but just know Happiness. If the others do come, I give
It seems my body is out of touch The signs are showing, its independence growing Autonomous spasms seize my control My conscious being slammed to the floor Knocked out by my very own host
Knight Hawk grunts as he struggle walks The memories flooding him always The recent past like a nightmare  A never-ending cycle of despair drifting The blood he still feels on his skin seeping
Drip, Drip, Drip… Up my arm the fluids go. Tick, tock, tick… Slowly time whittles away. How long have I been here? How long must I stay?   You can go soon they tell me.
Before, She laid in a hospital bed Now, she makes sure the dogs are fed.  Before, She was surrounded by nurses. Now, she collects designer purses.   Her family used to hope and try
Death is real. Seeing it up close, in the field. Love will help you feel.
If not caught in time, it can kill. A body trying killing itself, does not only cause physical, but emotional strain. Even if you don't realize it, but only a lump.  
You play every moment of every game You think everything will stay the same You never think it'll be you The one who would hear, "Oh look at you"   You come out hard like any other day
A year ago today... 365 days ago today... I believe I was sitting next to my mothers hospital bed Watching her breathe through a tube.  
"Odds are slim" "The pain will be temporary" "Ice at home" "Rest from sports" "You will be fine" The Doctor was wrong My spine paid the price My fracture was stressed
Life wasn't always so easy for me, I needed something to make me believe.  Something to make me feel confident and free, something to make me feel like the person I always knew I could be.  It's really quite simple, and it's so easy and fun.  I fo
Let’s say there was a mirror I’d walk up to it, letting my image become clearer I’ll take a step forward. So would she. Yet, her movements, her posture were nothing like me.
I saw fateful stars, Not twinkling with lullaby dust, But searing, scorching, bright with meteoric impact. I stumbled into black, a murky, messy plight of blurry edges, hollow words.
Strive to fight, Then conquer and destroy. To all who know us, This is our creed. When we fall, We get back up. We hit a wall, We leave behind dust. Standing tall with might,
"You need to eat more" "You are too thin" Man, if it was that easy,  then this disease I would win.   I am well aware of my eating disorder I am well aware my life is not in order However, 
Feet bounding... Feet running... Feet jogging... Feet dying!  I see the familiar road,
“Practice makes perfect…” she told herself as she tangled her legs between his. That’s what she was taught, the motto running through her head. She didn’t want to be this person; the one that falls into bed to push the pain away.
3 boys, several eviction notices, and 1 late energy bill later, You still manage to shine like the light You are.
The short, sharp exhalationsOf a body in motionNight air slipping along skin:Velvet& the inexorable thuds of gravity'sGrip on rubber soles.Earth rotates.Pungent sweat outlining cheekbones,Reflected briefly in a sliver of moonlight.Inhale.Trees
Basketball is what gives me that lift          to me it's life pure gift  boucning the ball up and down the court  basektball is much more than a sport  lving in a world without is impossible 
The Sun intrudes into my bedroom, Her rays glare into my face, With brutal light, its intensity hard to take I was sleepless and down, my body worn out,
Everyday there is stress to succeed in school But those stresses go away the minute I splash into the pool Whether its kicking, pulling, diving, or technique Swim practice always brings that calmness I seek
Escape in the beat of my heart Feel passion vibrate my bones No thing could ever tear us apart You're voice makes me feel home Though troubles come and worry awakes One thing remains real clear
Everyone gets upset. Everyone gets sad. Everyone feels happy. Everyone feels mad. It's not what you're feeling but HOW you are dealing With the pain and sadness or celebrating gladness
Everyone gets upset. Everyone gets sad. Everyone feels happy. Everyone feels mad. It's not what you're feeling but HOW you are dealing With the pain and sadness or celebrating gladness
Everyone gets upset. Everyone gets sad. Everyone feels happy. Everyone feels mad. It's not what you're feeling but HOW you are dealing With the pain and sadness or celebrating gladness
The sun taps on my face like a cat begging for attention. I draw my blanket closer as to fortify myself from the invading forces. I strain to remember the dream that so allured me.
Young and active at the age of three, Up until I had a swollen knee. Doctors were stumped about a diagnosis, Until blood tests proved it to be Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
A satisfied customer can make me grin. Being the person they count on for food  Causes me to feel appreciated, especially  During the period of time in which they Eat.  When they munch down on their
Inspiration, motivation, football, wrestling, track, ideas that pop up in your head when you hear my name Life was always bad to me When I was younger the only motivation I had was rejection
Fingers slick with sweat Sting the cracks of my knuckles Wrinkled, hard, calloused Pounds the bag, pounds the bag Until something drops  
I am not feelin’ good. Instead of staying in my sheets I will hit the streets It was a bad day But this will be a good run.  
Some people feel good when they read, write, and sometimes listening to music. But mine is running, this helps me clear my head and think positively! Run, Run, Run!
Where is the life I used to have Carried in my suitcase Of neon green?   Did it dissapear down  The rabbit hole of Beige, nothing but  b e i g e.   Did it fall down the
It always starts off slow, a calm Before the storm. I hear it, I feel it, Before I see it,   Like the crack of A whip, Like a flashbang being dropped  on the deserted cobblestone streets,
Through tears, Through the months, Through the pain, I wait. Many feel sorry, Many stare, Many judge, But they don't get me. Pain is a hurdle, Pain is a challenge,
When I'm feeling low When I need a win When my mood is down When my patience is thin I pick up my oar  I go for a swim My smile grows rich  My mood is alift 
Life is a journey everyone has to take. the journey is full of good and bad things. people love life's journey,   because it a beautiful journey, but their is an enemy that no one want to come incontact with.
I set out to tendAll differentTake time to mend Some broken Some golden I seek for the flat objectthe one I am so familiar withI place my feet in the comfort of their soles The laces connect in a way I've become accumulated to My body rises and of
The clock reads eight as I face the sun I smell the sweet rolls and hope they aren’t overdone I decide to rise out of bed to go get myself one Parting with my pajamas I prepare for my morning run
Juviniale diabetes not just sweeties  illness with a cure  yet not for sure  young ones not just old   but they will not fold 
Forced, terrrified, pain, lonely, hurting. Forced to deal with the truth of a sheltered life. Terrifed of what came next. Pain for what what was, what could have been, for him, for his future wife.
Just come around, So that I can be found. You can't always cope, But you will always find hope. In sickness and death, Every second could be his last breath.
Dream, hope and wander Always leave me to ponder About the days When I finally get out of this maze I sometimes lose my way And laziness always likes to come say Hey! It’s like I get all up in a haze
I was simply in it for the thrill I was nimbly in it with a quill Every time i had chills Every rhyme had skill Honey I would dream at times Of a pocket full of money and a heart full of dimes
Sweet potato, Sweet Potato Grown in the ground  Sweet potato, Sweet potato Dusty and brown   Sweet potato, Sweet potato For an hour you cook Sweet potato, Sweet potato
Nursin' home Where the ole heads roam Sippin' tea outta gold chalices and chrome Its seasoning, a seizin' king Cant hold em down But i cant leave
At the timely time of ten, As my eyes begin to droop, A clown begins to chase me, In what seems to be a loop.   And then the dream transitions, My surroundings become clear,
In my dreams I lay awake  Trying to figure out how to escape But then comes the beating sound Of the people standing around   I can hear and I can feel But Im not sure if this is real.
Every day we wake up  We fill ourselves up, and the smell of roasted coffee is strong enough to punch you  We leave our house, and count calories Each calorie is an enemy, yet still a friend
She fell like melted cheese off a panini, landed in my arms like a terrified dog during a thunderstorm and oh, how she wept, her tears rivers down my chest.
As I lay here in bed aches throbbing in my head nothing left to give so much more to live needles rip and peirce my veins i can't scream, must endure the pain body paralized waist down
Today I woke up. At 8 A.M. today, I heard songbirds and opened my eyes. And just like some fifty-thousand of the two hundred thousand in Henry County, I rolled out of bed, pulled my pants over my legs.
Shadows are my friends, Keeping me hidden from judging eyes. Blanketing me with promise of safety, And protection of hatred. If I can't be seen by anybody, Then I can't be hurt by them.
Empty pages that stare back, So pure and clean, Untainted with words, And the markings of my imagination. Was that not how I was before? Ignorant, and in bliss Not caring for the world.
Day after day  You start thinking about what you have done You are exhausted And you wonder when is it all going to stop You work And work
There are voices in my head and all around me. The voices talk. The voices scream. The voices cry. They are with me when I sleep and when I wake. But why?
Bubbly bubbly bubbly soap Oh how you give me some kind of hope I step out fresh from head to toe Even in the dark you make me glow Everyday you clean me oh so well So that everyone can always tell
Food's Spectacular, Varys by different cultures,  Oh look, time to eat.
                                   My Cousins Swinging together on a park swing Holding Hands Happily     They swing higher and higher
I remember that morning As many as three times a week   And I remember the shrieks   And I remember yelling your name with a question mark  
The silence was stifling staccato sobs through a static filter it was unthinkable my mind like cogs grinding to a halt i was speechless, my voice failing me what was i supposed to do
we all have one. drugs, alcohol, sex....but what about sugar? that need for the latest energy drink and candy bar, eating an apple to wean yourself off of it I try to go on a diet, eat more but less
Before Her, I struggled everyday. My mind was filled with hordes of demons to slay. Before Her, I started my day numb. I had pills to swallow, life to shy away from.   Now when I feel I can't move out of bed,
Time  is  infinite. I cannot stop time. I can see it. I can hear it.  I can feel it. Time makes me cry when it passes and when it arrives,
Who am I, without my well being To strong for Armstrong, to quick for Usain, and to intelligent for Einstein. On my best day I'm untouchable
She walked along a broken road, Stiffly carrying her heavy load. Strong for too long, almost completely beat, She was always taking on all the heat.
Through the rain, the wind and the snow; over the hills and fighting fatigue; wanting to quit but never stopping. All I will ever need to face the adversity life presents to me, is a pair of running shoes.
 I don't need moneyI don't need fameI don't need perfection Or any other thing What I need is simple It cannot be grasped Nor can it be touched What I need lies within meIt is the beating core of lifeFor when it beats it's very drumI know that I'm
The world’s best computer Here in my head, Is all I need Until I am dead.   The ability to reason And think and decide, If I should run Or if I should hide.  
Rock with the racquet in my hand On the court, I move with rhythm Get to the ball! Coach exclaims Eagerly, I swing with my forehand
Hello Cooking I’d like to talk you about something Very important Very Special To my big big bad belly I don’t want it to happen But it will get bigger So you have to get better
The open road is beckoningAnd your minutes tick awayDon’t leave me here to rust in peaceCarpe Diem!
The will to live  Determined within Needing that one thing We all strive to get Each and everyday We want to be happy There isn't much else  What good is anything If you can enjoy it
It is not like the stories you once read those men did not once show their ache you did not think how much you soon bled you held on, no matter how much to take although you hid it, it was not once fake
A lot of what people "need"Is a person,That's love;Is an item,That's greed;Neither are for me.I don't "need" anyone,I don't need any single item.What I need is much simpler.All I need
Put the razor down baby Release your iron grip of hatred from the sink Take a step back, Breath.   Put the razor down baby And look up, Into those beautiful eyes that are sick with sorrow,
Without it you wouldn’t be carbon-based.Without it you don’t have the energy to make enough ATP to move.Without it you sit in your room half-dead,that’s why certain words leave the air knocked out of you.  
A generation of beauty, wasting away into darkness, the beauty of a smile, the uniqueness of a beauty mark, fading away,
I was seven, naive to the world around me. I can still smell the rubbing alcohol and the antiseptics. The room was white with faded green shades, The air was cold.
                      Tennis Survival   I walk on the court, confident like always My opponent is still in the hallways Her and I have always been big rivals
You loose hope You loose joy As you begin to cry and mope You recieve a hug from a young boy He holds you tight; Don't freat The tears then dry from the tears The boy then says "You are not a threat"
Some may think its just a simple sport, they think its quality is short. I think its my pain reliever, I will enjoy it even on my worst fever. Many injuries and blood are cuased by this game.
Just a little prick at first It all started from birth The names and taunts My dreams they did haunt "you cant do this" "your not good enough" The voices cry inside my head
I am a Harbor   A harbor stands next to land and that is protected and deep enough to provide safety for ships. When I am a nurse, I will stand next to my patients
I am April Renee Silva. I wonder how life would be right after high school. I hear people’s attitudes being rude to one another. I see myself trying to help the world. I am April Renee Silva.
I was seven when I exclaimed, “I want to be a doctor!” I have not changed much through time, Or have I?   I have gone through high school, I have gone through college,
Iphones, Androids, BlackBerry.... Expensive, Complicated, Non-existent.
Today was not a good day Tomorrw may be the same way But I must pray and pray And hope for a better day The pain I feel s rea without a doubt It affects me inside and out I did not ask for it
I am a child Who needs toys, to know she’s loved, coloring books Who loves her mom and dad, school, baby dolls Who sees stickers, scraped knees, birthday parties Who fears spiders, heights, time out
I think of you always.  how you came to me.  unexpected.  not expected at all, really.  a pefect match.  in an instant you saved me.  and we grew together,  you and I.  sometimes, in the beginning, I would forget you were there.
Hurry get me out of this pain Why can I not move at all? For one moment, paralasis ran through my brain. 
ask any of us and we'll say it's hell to run and run and run until our feet swell sweaty tired faces and sore legs too running 10 miles is a daily thing to do
I woke up this morning, And my skin moved as I did A thousand nerves sparked up to tell me Hey, your blanket is soft And your stomach is empty Hey, the tiles are cold and your mom is funny
The odds are real slimI guess I am the oddsI'm the 1, the 2, the 3, the 4, and the 5
In sports you play with one ball in life you're given one soul life is like baseball three strikes you're out only in life three strikes you'r in prison when you're up you're up
People say they get lost in others eyes Well my eyes were lost the day I was born My access to the world around me was never perfect Some people can't see the world in color Others can't see at all
An opaque flame that emits no light  And a white-light supernova that restricts no thing;
Everytime I hear this word, I automatically come back to earth. I feel like I am about put my earphones in and adjust the volume so that it can be as loud as possible.
Breath in. Breath out. Go.   My legs move quick in motion. It feels familiar, like an old friend. I let go of all emotion. I move like it is my time to end.  
This goes out to the sick child.
Life is tough. Life is rough. So get up and show your life who is stronger. We should want life to be longer. Get up go to the gym. Get Slim. Be Happy Be a little Sappy. Dont be weak
Colours we strive to leave behind, Hope of a future beyond our lives. A legacy at the mercy of future generations, It's the only variation.  
No, i cant see life without it once absent of rhythm, peers always doubting the gestures of my body were compared to fools and clowning. The beat is impetuous, as it births genius movement
Once you have emerged from the beer damp and shivered tunnel, the sun will swallow you and spit you out—no, I swear—and then the stadium will open up before you like a modern cathedral.  If you get there early you will see the regular wo
If I sit here long enough,
The glass drops to the floor It cracks from top to bottom
It’s about to start, Take a deep breath in. Don’t worry about other people, This is for you. Training endlessly, For what?A medal?A chance to make headlines?No, none of that.
I open my eyes and look towards my feet. There are weights on a wall seeming to stare at me.
Sleeping peacefully, dreaming a wonderful dream, look at my future.
Beautifully Me
Lost I am,  Deep within the wounds, Wounds of situations I wish would end soon, Lost I am, Confused and hopeless, Struggling to find myself in world of "nope-ness" Lost I am, 
Inhale, now exhale. Close yours eyes and tell yourself you wont fail.Sweat down my back, muscles weakening.fatigue is trying to bring me down, but my mind isn't giving in.
I find it difficult to run for numbers these days. I go out to cross the finish line, I pat myself on the back simply for making it through. The people I love watch me and not watches, they offer their supportive shoulders
I am who I am and I do what I do Not just a disease like the cold or a flu Not even cancer can define who I am Because now I can hold it in the palm of my hand
I'm no Beyoncé 
“Life is like drowning,” She says, her tangled hair rustling in the breeze.
One, two, three- Organized alphabetically.  Four, five, six- this must have a fix.  Seven, eight, nine- but I hate to whine.  Ten, elven, twelve- mentally it delves.
All I want to be Is the girl on a magazine, But she isn’t real. All I want to be Is that girl all the boys see, But I know her body is that way naturally. I don’t hate me But I want to change me.
Take away material possessions, take away all she holds d
Flawless A powerful term Not many are worthy of that word Why am I unique? I am at my peak My passion for law enforcement burns It is above any other concern My dedication has no limits
Well things all changed  With a snap, crackle, and pop My clavicle was fractured The pain had made me drop   It didnt even start  But yet it all ended My Junior season was over
One. I go to the doctor's office. He looks at me with an intense face, Grim Like I have an illness more serious than cancer. My heart starts pounding, I'm afraid I ask "What is it doc?"
The brain is a magnificent thing A blessing and a curse Serotonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine Something wasn't balanced Depression, mania, and anxiety The psychiatrist tells me I need medication
I work and work, I grind and grind, Go about my day with leaving nothing behind. I train night and day like there's no tomorrow. Because the thought of failing fills me with sorrow.
Life will give you lemons
Truth lies behind the person who smiles the most.
In a forest where I constantly keep walking,
Short of breath short of life-asthma  My lungs are enslaved laborers  Constantly working over time with no reinbursment  Too cold too hot asthma you're a petty one   
Looking at my face You'd never know In my life A war grows On the outside I`m filled with life On the inside I`m dying Not from sorrow Not from strife Literally I fight
7am every morning day in  day out no breaks work, school, sleep repeat what keeps me going i don't want to go to the gym today or school or work
I go through my days with a smile on my face, while I silently scream in my head. Those around me don't know how badly I hurt inside. Those who can see pretend they don't, they would rather think I really am happy.
I go through my days with a smile on my face, while I silently scream in my head. Those around me don't know how badly I hurt inside. Those who can see pretend they don't, they would rather think I really am happy.
somehow i found you and for some reason you answered
Dear Motivation,   
She is perfect. Prosperous grades, Belle hair, Admirable girl.   She's stuck up. Favorable grades, Pretty hair, Commendable girl.   Her home is broken but she has
Ten seconds left. Start the countdown. Engines ready!  Get the party started!   Nine seconds to go. Hold on tight. I hear the ride is bumpy and the road's full of potholes.
Who is this girl in the mirror? Everyone seems to know her but me.  I stare in the mirror and who do I see? A friend or my darkest enemy? A beautiful gal or nobody's pal?
Roses are flowers and so are violets. I really like nursing, it is my dream. I'm gonna help people and that's important. Who knows? I might help your child someday. My rhyming is terrible and so is this poem,
My alarm shrieks and almost robotically my arms and legs remove the covers and put me on my feet.   I fumble across my squeaky bedroom floor, reaching blindly into the darkness
I step out carefully, feeling, more than listening, to the nuance of the music   I let myself linger reaching out, breathing out   My energy rises, my steps quicken,
My love for fashion wildly grows, For everytime I walk into a store I cannot help, but buy more clothes; I shop, and shop until I snore. Blouses, skirts, and pants alike,
   Time   Tic, toc, tic... The infinite sounds of time The infinite turning of the hands   The withered leaves The abandoned buildings that used to be
I am clumsy like a leaf. I hit the ground with disbelief. I was shaken by the wind and couldn't get back up again. The doctor said it was a tear so a boot I'd have to wear.
Pulse quickens, hands shake
I find my smile in a round ball. I kick it and chase it throughout the halls. On game day my stomach churns but I know I will not fail. No one else is up to my scale. Scoring goals and winning games that is what makes my day a little less lame.
When i am in the gym i feel at peace, The hard work and the sweat prove to me my determination, When i find myself angry the gym is a release, This body i build, my very own creation,
Makoura is me, I am Makoura I live in an oval  Full of eight lanes With one big heart Many people wish to live here  But not many are willing  To make the sacrifice  and work it takes,
What is happiness? It is the feeling you get when waking up on Christmas morning,  It is the sound of laughter while being surrounded by your closest friends,
What is happiness? It is the feeling you get when waking up on Christmas morning,  It is the sound of laughter while being surrounded by your closest friends,
Bouncing bouncing, the echoes silent around the room bouncing bouncing, the echoes silent in my tomb. As it bounces the crisp sound of a whip is heard, through the net, back on the court, bouncing...
Strange faces surround me. Filled with sorrow, concern, and fear. Did I know them? Who could they be? People linger I can’t help but leer.   I awoke in a different place.
    Rushing thoughts empty ideas heart beats fast comprehension slow going in circles around a drain around a block lost or losing
Oh, the intensity that I feelThe sweat dripping down my faceI concentrate on the stealNo, it does not include a base
Alive I still am, despite the scars, and countless IV stabs. Fighting for life has been my strive. Numerous visits to labs, and hospitals become me.
When a function on your body isn't working
It's Pain which lead's us to Achieve Some 
I keep blocking it out Tying not to hear it Can't face the truth Can't bear to stand it   Trying to stay strong But it's so hard to do Because I can't help but hurt
They see me As  I am Beauty and perfection.   Yet not at all
Finally the time has come to run Spring time is always filled with so much fun   Laughs and cheers fill me with bliss Everyone is over joyed and the snow will not be missed.  
As time flies by the better I get Staying focused is hard ,but lets make a bet That I will push until there is nothing left My Dream pushes me every day  Same routine day after day 
Imagine you wake up after a full night’s sleep Feeling as if you got no sleep at all. Your joints ache and creak. You can barely walk out of your bedroom. You sit around your house all day,
You see that person sitting alone? That person hiding pain behind a smile? Had you even looked into their file Would you not have seen the suffering? Would you not understand?   You see that person?
This long, wavy, blond hair represents her soul. It represents the blood, the sweat, the tears of that month. It reminded her of the only thing she felt she had left.
When the rest of the world seems like a movie reel Spinning incessantly Spitting useless nonsense Faster than you can process, But it's playing a beautiful picture You've heard
Walking in to a place that not many understand  Sometimes not even feeling like a groan man  Broken and torn down from the lonely road  The wear and tear from this heavy load   
We don't talk about how I cried myself to sleep for months We don't talk about how I didn't want to live any more We don't talk about how I couldn't have children  
With a helping hand, I'll be there to help you stand. When yuou need someone to be there, look no further than right here. This future Medical Assistant has a healing touch, for when it seems like its just too much.
My entire life I fought a war;The struggle of weight and a healthy core.The kids were always as harsh as could be;They never understood what it was like to be me.
The spirit of a Pioneer is strength from within,From the field of battle comes the roar of a win.The blue stands filled with a crowdThe blue band playing proud.The gifts from above and the determination below
Do you ever feel like you are made of glass— Ever trying to reflect the sumptuous nature of the light Scratched but not yet broken On the brink of shattering into far too many pieces to reconstruct you  
Doctor tells me these words, "You have Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy." "This means that your heart muscles are too weak to support you." He prescribes me another seven medications and sends me on my way. At home, I get curious,
Do you ever feel like you are made of glass— Ever trying to reflect the sumptuous nature of the light Scratched but not yet broken On the brink of shattering into far too many pieces to reconstruct you  
Do you ever feel like you are made of glass— Ever trying to reflect the sumptuous nature of the light Scratched but not yet broken On the brink of shattering into far too many pieces to reconstruct you  
Some say you must hate to lose, more than you love to win.
Although I have not lived a hard-knock life I have been through some struggles Of not knowing who I am or what I want Constantly and repeatedly putting myself in a bubble My lack of honesty would cause me so much pain
The pounding on the asphalt is all you can hear as your body takes a chance of letting out your fears the pain in your legs, a dull ache as the exaustion begins to make them shake
With so much to think about It barely rests As time goes on, it thinks about moving on Should animals go extinct, This mind filled with thoughts would retreat As months turn into weeks
Words that never escape your lips The cheeks you’ll never kiss The fantasy of bliss You’ll never see
No sight! No taste! I’ve lost senses. A cane? A limp? Yet atitude still skimp  Jump into my shoes and one would see That limping through high school wouldn’t leave one with glee.
  muffled footsteps past closed doors paper covers rip under me like
Anesteshia seemed to be my only friend  buh she tricked me bac into life again  doc shoulda jus left it out clean my body let me go  its too much on this road  too much made me fall 
Shake it Out, Let it Loose Don’t stop moving until you got the juice   BANG   Yes you go this and you’re on your way You’re feeling great and feeling okay  
My 87 grandmother has been through a lot. She’s had five different cancers, Multiple tumors, intestine troubles, and a stroke. She lost all control of her body, time after time. But she never gave up.
The precise beauty of daylight is too valuable to waste,I love to exercise, never in haste.As I walk downward, towards the lake,All my senses are fully awake.
I went roaming in their territory,
I lay in bed My body warm Inspiration has come In painful form   Physical torment Parental grief But I am alive I sense their relief   The tumor is out
A pastiche inspired by Sylvia Plath’s Cut
I will not be defined by what size I wear I am not fat I am thick 
It's been days when you've been just sitting there relaxing Relaxing like you don't feel those contractions It's been years since you felt satisfation It's time for a change, put in action!
Everything must fit: Lines run to the left over strokes going right. Bunching and stretching, proteins moving and changing. Parades of cells marching by, in columns and columns and rows
My feet touched the velvety green that lie beyond my door I knew it was grass but couldn't remember the feel anymore The sky, a beautiful blue orb with splotches of white and grey
What little time to care, to change; Oh how much time is tossed and turned away For the pursuit of glory and fame; Am I any different? To this I say "Nay." Though heroes of old, enriched in their tales,
Water, air, and wind. You are sitting on this Earth alive, breathing every second of every minute. There's one of you. You have a heart. Can you hear it? It's pumping blood, working every second of every minute. 
What would you do, What would you say, If someone said to draw your troubles away? Would you paint landscapes of fire,
A mission, a venture, a task to complete Not to meet, but to reach above the level at which you compete. Gear up for the storm, ready yourself for tension
Eight hours until practice and the house is still boisterous Seven hours until practice and the television is blasting Six hours until practice and the yelling downstairs is moving continuous
When someone says thank you That look of relief, These are the things that I think are neat.   The twelve hour nights The patients that fight, These are the things that make me sigh.  
Rise early, rise now get up and go, be on time good morning, lets go.
Running...Breathing... In and Out. 1-2-3  Trees. Cars. wow FAST who's in front?
What disease has plagued us causing generous people to become so treacherous? Is it poverty, obesity, or something with the heart
 I wore these, these latex gloves Tinged by the crimson life Poured out from a being I held the core, Its rhythm etched into my fingers
Once I dream a dream of me, I was a doctor, I create smiles by taking care others
Lacrosse sticks for me, lacrosse sticks everywhere, lacrosse is my life.
Savinig lives daily,  Protecting them from the end,  My job is to save
Life is not easy to give. Impermanent like the soft wind that caresses one’s cheek. Convoluted like the active glomerulus inside both kidneys. Dense like the bones wrapped in muscles and skin.
A step away from victory An inch away from the final A lengths away from The End Frustration, Disappointment, Blues   The ringing sensation of failure lingers   You leave wishing
I sleep in fear, While clinging to my life.  I held your hand When you were not there.  Where did you go? I refuse to touch  Upon the pain I feel,
  I want to be successful in life you see, that's why I've taken my time on choosing what I want to be.  I could have chosen a 
As the seasons collide, The persistence grows, The uncontested eagle flies, The adversity merely shows.   From start to finish, the flag is raised, Time is of the essences,
One job may change my life but if I make it my life it becomes so much more. No matter what I do, or what you do,  It is important we do what we want, It is important we do what we love,
For the greater good, for the information that the people need The people that work hard to find new technolgoies, tests, and cures that will heal the sick -   
I saw a smuge of eyeliner  on her sunned, freckled cheek I wish I didn't have to watch her shimmy  sighing hard  into her jeans or smearing her lipstick  on a dry dark mouth
Help people. Help the world. Help myself. How? With one job.   One job...may change my life... My work. Rippling into others' worlds. Change lives. Save lives. This is what doctors do.
Our Heart beats oil, nourishing the blisters of our skin. Laying in a hopeless state and devouring the prescribed saturated medicine. When the hunger strikes again, you must see the doctor. His name is Dr. McDonalds and rumor has it he's Legit.
It was an empty abyss, one that many people know or have seen. That blank stare that screams more powerfully than words ever could.
Change is something difficult, Not something that can be done in a day, you must work hard to get where we wants to be, for me it's to be healthy, not skinny but thin, not lighter but stronger, someone that I'd be proud of when I see how far I'
Change, this can seem so short term.
Food. Our Food. Our Children's Food.
Me, me, me Who am I? It all comes down to that question.   I am not who I was one minute ago Yet I see no difference How subjected thus?   I only wish to be whom I destined to be
Bandages heal wounds Medicine cures the patients Doctors help people
The name is Mark and I am considered a jock
Earning the blessing to be a pharmaceutical scientist…that is probably one of the most selfless things conceivable to me.Every day on the job will be an effort to eradicate disease.Tuition,SAT,GPA,SSL hours?
To help save a life tears are shed all good and bad, so many different sizes all of the utmost importance;
As Seasons Change I Look Back And Ponder On What I Lack I Think About How I Could Grow And What Would I Show What Could I Do To Improve Trife In This World And My Life
I went on a journey to find love,
These hands do all of the hard work in this life
Pharmacology, the precursor of modern medication,                                                                                        It catalyzes all my dreams,                                                                                  
I am from the adrenalin, sweat falling down my face.
My dream job is to serve as a doctor I never thought this kind of occupation could open for me But the more my heart grows for the people, I burst with a fight inside A fight to beat cancer for others
What is the most powerful thing in the world?   Is it the desire to achieve greatness? Or is it your desire to crawl out of bed in the morning knowing you have to get to class and can't be late?  
Save a life Just save one life.
Society’s definition of beauty is highly skewed Depicting only images of skinny people is rude You don’t need to ne stick thin to be pretty Beauty can be found in people who are witty
The power to heal I would aid the entire world Sickness is no more
I am a six year old girl Swinging my legs from a comfy bench Blowing bubbles at my dad’s face His glasses film over with soap All is great right? Well I’m actually positioned securely
Just one child the time of day. Just one child help the pain go away.   I am here to help. I am here to hear. I am here to take care of you.
I will not be defined by giving up. My dreams are big and growing. In my future, the world cup.
Trotting down the street 
The gym, so musty and cool. The weights clanging against the ground. The buff guy, I thought “what a tool.” The hydraulics hissed, and gave out a sigh. The tap-tap-tap, of feet on the treadmill.
Modern times deliver new changes equal wages equal rights and equal lives tattoos and piercings as common as high fives anyone can get married and even hair color has become varied
The boy is crying, His mom is on death's doorstep, because of disease.   
Inside of me, inside of you, Within the wondrous, selfless earth,
It came without warning It came fast It attacked people I love It took my wife's ability to have children It took my dad's ability to farm It doesn't pick and choose Just slithers about
Jumping over the obstacle and breaking through, No one is going to tell me what I can and cannot do. I've got my shoes laced up and headphones in, The beat of the music telling me the power comes from within.
Whats my verese? will My verse, is not build from pain or loneliness. It's not based on the past or the present, its the tomorrow. I don't believe in things, or people, not even Life itself.
Somthing i would change to make the world much better,
When the time comes  it will be my turn to live the dream,  the one thing that would change my life is becoming a physician.
I want to change lives, one DNA strand at a time.  The key to wellness, is abandoning the helplessness.  We need to provide knowledge, so here I am at college,  separated from home by hundreds of miles,
Barefeet running through green grass Hair wiping to and fro gently in the breeze Sunshine reflecting off eyes colored brass Loving the wispers of the seas   She sounds goregous, free and alive
To feel love is not a sin To feel love come from the soul within When the cold wind blows and you lose your way Keep your faith don’t let the colors turn grey
Cancer. It's a strong word. Very strong actually.  It's a word that can bring about emotions that are so heavy, even the strongest of people can't hold them. Shock. Uncertainty. Devestation. Desperatness.
3 months of my life I don't remember   Nuerons dying Brain bruised   When I woke up from the sudden sleep I had no answers   The Doctors who have dedicated their entire
We all have fantasies About our future, Our love life, Our career, When we’ll die, How long we’ll live, We all fantasize something. Sometimes though, We let them take over us.
Waking up in the morning,  At six thirty A.M. Walk through the doors,  With only a monster in hand. After slaving for nearly a year,  What im doing? Ive done this before, I dont need to hear.
Being healthy is very important to me, On nights, and weekends when others party, I am one with the iron I am lifting. When others make the decision to eat unhealthy,
I write to encourage I write to be free I write to make love To the words that I see   Inside my head
If changing who I amWas as easily accomplished as changing the sheets
A disease, That no ones knows, But it stings like bees, Yet still no one sees.   My father, Has this curse, He looks at his daughter, She knows it hurts.  
Go to bed at eleven Wake up at seven Go to the sink Then look at the mirror  and blink   Brush my teeth Brush my teeth   Gargle some crest Now I’m minty fresh
Oh how I treasure my sweet Mountain Dew, Whose fluorescent liquid gleams like the sun. Providing pleasure to more than a few, Your sugar content prompts my heart to run. Like sweet Jupiter, the bringer of joy,
A few months old I watch around, Three years bold I am safe and sound, Five year leader small, mighty and loud, Eight years eager I might as well be crowned, Rebellious at ten
  Happens to be here        within the mind,             caressing the soul                  moving the body,                        closer to the end.  
My passion lies within the iorn. With it, I fight for what I desire. I sweat, and I cramp. I relish the burn. Armed with it, my tendons are like fire. At war with genetics, I'm sure to lose. 
I sit and watch the sunset, Are you with me right now?
I wish I could remember How I felt just last December Before everything went wrong When the days became long I always knew there would come a time Not long after is when God gave me a sign
You’re In the Blink 9th grade, you don’t really remember
The passion runs through my vains
Feel the fear running through your viens Feel the fear breathing on your neck Feel the fear confonting your mind BUT DON'T LET IT TAKE OVER!   Fly like you've never flyed before
Three things there are more beautful  Than any women could wish to see   
i haven't
I've much to do A full schedule I'm busy Every hour but a few Never a lull It makes me dizzy I don't have much time to exercise Or to watch what I eat But I tell my body lies
Beth & Natalie No words strong enough in tragedy, Loving you with every breath. Forevermore, watching over us
Won't you dare to bleed, Pen and paper breathe. Fortune favors the brave, the ink is not so grey. There's no reason to hide, behind the mask, behind the past. Oh Renaissance Man,
First I was different
Sitting on the warm hard tiles engulfed with water and soap Pondering about life and all of its hope The water stops and the door swings open Only to reveal a provoking commotion
Everyone in high school wants that cute boy  To hold your books
Can't wait to be the gazelle that strides across open plains.
These cold hands are stuggling  Can't get warm if anything I try and try again Only to get colder than The heart of this dead body walking I can't resist the coughing
As the sky turns gray and the leaves fall
I know a boy who thinks too much
She sits there blankly
Why did I choose health care?I clean up fluids tha
Rushing through my spine Spreading throughout my mindChills that left me coldFreezing every time
What are you thinking kid? You think you got it bad? Well let me tell you a story One that'll spin your head.   We don't even deserve this life We deserve to die
The wall of the wave comes powering forward from a small distance My heart races with beat of my stroke as I paddle into a good position
Chubby Will Not Be My Middle Name   A table set with perfection Not a single article out of place My family gathers around holding hands We then recite Grace  
  I lie awake; I try to sleep, In the middle of the night. I think about the secrets I keep, In the middle of the night.
Water flowing from my eyes- 
Some people love chocolate, sugar, and cakes But I must say that I love dates! Icecream, coco and peppermint don`t satify me, no not one bit. surly if I am healthy, I also will be wealthy.
The sky, it's so blue . The grass, it's so green. The air, it's so crisp. The sun, it's so warm. Why would anyone, anyone, want to remian inside. Closed off.
You  Make me feel like             A million desperate little pieces Aching to hold each other together             When your hand is in mine
  So quivers my heart in joy and delight To raise the gold trophy in sweet valedictory It took my complete strength, and tireless might To appetite my quench for victory  
Tonight, the waves seem gentler
I met a girl on the trax platform, through a simple act of kindness we became friends, through an act of absence we became more then friends, through an act of dishonesty we despised eachother,
As I'm sitting here begging you please hold on You gotta promise me you won't leave me alone But don't lie to me and set off on your own Before I even know you're already gone  
For a long time I changed myselfBecause I never gave myself the Time and opportunity the ability to Understand myself
  As I drop my book bag to the ground
  Dear Marlo, Drum, Drum, Drum I’m like a spy Drum, Drum, Drum I sound like I'm steppping on clouds in the sky   So I run into the kitchen As sly as a mouse
      People today smoke.               Some say it kills and some don't.        Who is truly right?
I suffer from anaphylaxis allergies. I was born trying to die. I was allergic to clothes and food and hugs from careless aunts and the outside. But I was loved. I suffer from anaphylaxis allergies.
If you look deep in my eyes You could find out about me I never express it  Unless it's in poetry
You tell me you aren't special,
Running down the court, Fast and in a sport. All of a sudden she stops, With a jump shop.
Stay strong for yourself and others,
I slam the door again, as I enter my solitude, it's now my only peace. Long ago I made a goal, to forever be that person that nobody needed to worry about.  
The line stretched across the field, holding back the competitors like an electric fence. Crowded behind stood the athletes, sweating a mix of anxiety and excitement.
From a crack I grew Born to die I learned to live life anew  And to always thrive I'm young and I head the beeps I look over to my moms tears We're both restless and cant sleep 
When the lunch bell rings, students groan with dismay As they choke down mystery meat long after its slay. With the retched appearance, gagging fills the hall As students wonder why they must suffer at all.
Distress. I lay there in a bed that's not even mine, my tongue still  scorched from earl grey tea that now begins to simmer into my bloodstream, taming my trembling fingers and knocked knees. 
Working hard, Playing harder, 17 is worth it,
Nearly crumbling on the edge of sanity — tip-toed, teetering and tottering I am ready to collapse at any given moment, at any given second. I am fairly certain of my inadequate understanding of this world.
Its scenic sides of beauty, cannot compare to the city, as we hike up and down the mountain side, all we can do is glide, but in our minds we think when does this journey end,
Light like the dandilions in the midsts of April.Fresh like the grass gleaming greenCalm like the summers breezeExilirating like the morning humming birds 
My Life   A ripple spreading from a pond’s translucent core, born from a single drop of rain,
The Time of a Human by: Linda Oostendorp  
Four hours of tourcher have now passed. The bell has now rung, Everyone races to the lunch room. Dashing and skipping to the front of the line, Their eyes widen like a flower in the spring that blooms.
Helping people is something that is a passion for me. I dont know what it is but I just enjoy and love helping people. I have been the most caring and giving person since I was just a little girl.
My food in school is quite terrible And the pizza is frankly unbearable The Meat’s pink in the middle (Of which there is little) And where this food was grown cannot be arable.
I want to be a creator A contributer and every day my field lies fallow my soul rots and I slowly fade  
Peaks of good and bad Patterned patches of plaid Life clenches us in its hands We must pay for what life demands For if we do not LIfe will leave us out to rot It can loosen its hold
Running for hours                                                                                                                                    It's the story of my life    Learning of myself                                                  
The Dangers of Sedentariness-   Some people that relieve stress with rage Are freedomless, locked up in a cage. No liberty to run. Not even to have fun. With a future of minimum wage.
Sitting in silence turning this daymomments sweep by, memories stray. the beauty of change is that in the mind,even the sweetest momments go bye. So dont hold on to memories they arnt stillthey are simply important if you give them the will.let th
Don't judge me because I'm a jock Doesn't mean I'm dumb or one of the flock Of guys who live and die by the clock Who don't care about grades and c hoose to mock.    There's more to being part of the team
Survival, hurt What could be worse
My soul is so empty, you've taken all of me From my breath to my heart, you've consumed me No pulse no beat, I'm all dried out The love that once was is now all gone, you've moved on ... you can do without me now  
Death, be proud, For you have covered life in silend shroud Is it not so? That even the virtuous have let go?   Indomitable Death, not overcome by love
Why do I write poetry?
I love you  I do  I think I'm even in love with you  When I see your sweet side  It melts my heart completely  It scares me sometimes I wonder if its real Could it really be 
Ever since I was young, I've had one dream To hold up a gold ball with my team; But now that I am older, I come torealize That trophies are not valued by their size. Sports gives us trophies that we have never known
Unfit I was, high school started. Scared of words, I suffered Months of hunger, I chose Not small enough, I continued. At a time where anorexia played a factor, Words from others became a fear.
What happens to you when you found out that your life will end, if you continue to fall in the lies told by obesity? Well that type of situation happened to me just at the tender age of 15. Obesity has been my best friend since I was very young.
Coma.. Your body next to me, It's like a dream,  So warm, so soft, I never want to escape, This suffocating feeling of embrace, You breath on my cheek, You doby twitches, so slightly
Sit, sit, sit. All we do is sit. Is there any exercise? There is none of it. Sleep, sleep, sleep. All we do is sleep. "Can we take a walk please, sir?" "No, don't make a peep!"
I used to be strong. I never fell down. I tumbled  So close  But so far from the ground. I held people up. I’d say, 
A boy named Kaj on his way to class Collapsed. Friends took him to the health center, Then to the hospital. Not only had he collapsed on the ground, His lung had collapsed inside him.
  Come on Taylor, do work, Lets Go MULES I love this feeling in my body Pearl City High School against Leilehua High School
I run for me, and not for you. It's time to improve myself, and be the person I want to be. I lift because it makes me stronger, and gives me power. Every muscle cramp fuels me to go harder.
My body aches. I sweat. My muscles hurt. I sweat. Exersice causes me to sweat I sweat out my pains, and my fears I sweat, to feel.
Lacrosse is my favorite sport I love running and I love to score Without lacrosse my life would be a bore I never want to quit I only want more When I am on the field I run as fast as I can
Love, love comes and goes without a trace It holds you, and leaves you when you need it the most  It's everywhere and nowhere !!! It's magic, tragic, and fantastic
I heard stories from my aunt, who was a nurse. In a hospital. A baby nurse. I wanted to be a baby nurse. I wanted to hold the preemies, Feed them their tiny bottles. I wanted to wear blue scrubs like her
The gun shot goes off I am breathless and so tired But I keep running    
How bad do you want it? Reaching for the top, lap after lap Shot after shot, my body can’t stop Because my hear won’t let it Gold is the goal, I won’t stop even once I’ve met it  
Whatever it takes Freedom on the field Freedom on the court Hard work hall not yield Because I love these sports.   Sweat on my chest, Sweat on my face,
No pain, No gain,  That is what they always say, We go through this life, Feeling the pain, But don't give up, When the going gets tough,  Pull it together, It's only a rut, 
"As soon as you walk in tomorrow turn in your homework" See my teacher expects me to waltz up in here, doing stuff we are never going to apply to life. y=mc to the power of "why am even i here"
Why am I always the one to get hurt?Does pain have no compassion?Let the fierceness of the stormCalm downCause the waves keep pushing meAway from life and reality
Does it ever feel like your life is crumbling? Like problems keep tumbling And you cannot stop struggling?   Have you ever been told just a little thing That causes the anxiety inside to take over and win
Poka Dots and Stripes T-shirts and Pj's I love all these types What time is my bed time? Right hre are my socks I want my monkey although he needs shot, These socks are quite funky!
Sitting, day after day In a cold boring room, The light bulbs flicker away And the air reeks of gloom.   The walls hold me tight, They keep me in line, Remind me night after night,
I open the window it indicates its a new day It’s raining once again so I turn away “It’s gonna be alright” Are the words I try to say
Fear is unknown Emotions can't be shown This is a field of battle where you must hold your own Not for your self but for your team A group of guys who don't seem To strive to acquire the same goal
The briny breathes of the Humber welcomed my parents to the its shores, and left their cheeks flushed along with their hair unkempt.
  Run. Go forward, Trust your legs. Are they pillars or twigs?   Faster. Like Hell. Towards The Destination. Times’ scythe nips at your heels.   Recover.
She’s trapped inside,Inside the walls,That once was her mind,The woman she used to be,Has long been gone.There are many times,Memories amble through her mind,But then they slowly fade,
  The summer of 2010 was the beginning of the end. From then on, my soccer career started to descend. As I played that game on that humid, Louisiana day, I should have cherished my ability to play.
I breath in, and out.  Slowly at first, quicker as I go. Hair begins to tangle. My skin becomes clammy. I continue, my throat dries. Faster, harder, longer. Yesterday is behind me, move on.
Parent, the nucleus, Out of all the organelles, Why the nucleolus?
I look in the mirror and see many faces.I see the face of a seventeen year old girl,Shoulder length brown hair and circles under her eyes.Wipe off the mirror with your sleeve,and you’ll see something more.
Fix it, the bed you wake up inFix the mattress. The place you call a casket for your dead dreams Fix it.
Forethought to Audience: Each stanza contains at least one symbol of an unfortunate circumstance that has occurred in my life. If a person has changed, their past doesn’t portray who they are. Rather it shows others how strong they are.
What is health? It's more than just self wealth It may be seem hard and be out of sight Relax, all you have to do is exercise and eat right   Being healthy makes you feel better
Stress is like the Black PlagueIt trickles from the inner most depths of the soul, progressively towards the mind and forms into a monstrous creature that corrupts your entire body. There's no way to fight it , no way to relieve it.
  In silence, the monitor beeps. One button and it all stops. And now he sleeps.   Hospitals give most the creeps, The dim lights and dark halls. In silence, the monitor beeps.  
I had been overweight for a while too  many donuts and I couldn't run a mile I ditched pizza and cakes for running and lifting weights Now I spend more time at the gym and in the kitchen
Everlasting That's what he said we'd be Forever Loving Soon became hard breath 'cause in my head were disillusion you can't understand and in my head, I'd found the perfect man
Everlasting That's what he said we'd be Forever Loving Soon became hard breath 'cause in my head were disillusion you can't understand and in my head, I'd found the perfect man
I wish I was famousSo I could expose your greatnessI want the world to seeHow much you mean to me
some people play this sport, either your tall or short, basketball is the game, up and down, round and round, shoot and wish, you hear a swish
I don't even remember,  the times I used to cry All that I can remember,  was redness in my eyes I keep on laughling, like the light is all I see, when deep down inside, I'm tired of being me
Just Breathe. Take a breath, Realize it’s an action we take for granted every day. I tell myself… to "just breathe" when I’m stressed, to "just breathe" when I’m angry,
6:05am. My alarm beeps 13 sharp, incessant shrills that shake me up and drag me out of bed, onto my yoga mat. The house is silent and there's just enough dark to see. I inhale deep…exhale deeper, letting my breath roll over my head.
I cried an ocean of tears. Then I swam through all my fears. Just to get to you. I was never afraid To prove it! I have always loved you. You always knew it. I would do everything 
You follow coincidence down the path of least resistance Your decisions dictated by circumstance Your every move driven by nature and nurture It is not too late To live intentionally
I stacked them up as tall as the sky Which may sound like very high Though really it was just a lie, Probably because I was small in size.   My mother brought them home each month,
  There's a point in time when sadness becomes unshakeable.  and becomes a being whos thirst for bearing pain is insatiable. When you allow it to, sadness will find a voice of it's own and start speaking
When I see you come from yonder I feel a strong, fast ponder. Yes the sensation in my chest only that and not the rest. Sometimes it's fast or it could be slow but what about the blood that flows?
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } The P.E teachers at school Always said, “Get another lap in there!” “Don’t stop moving!” You struggle and struggle... Trying to finish strong
The morning came And everything was the same, except it wasn’t. You hear voices But you don’t know what they’re saying. Everything you once knew before Is lost like your football t-shirt from middle school.
Dreams fade Goals aid   It's the cold brigade The heart played Hands swayed And hair frayed   Dreams delayed Goals persuade
-She walked along the darkness of it all. That was it. The darkness, it seemed like she was blind walking without seeing anything around her. The Abyss.
Making sence of things,  how did we get here? So in love with you,      in love with me.  Won't ever let go. Completing me,   completing you. Without you I'll die.
Our happiness can't be judged by the money we haveIt can't be judged by the objects we ownNot even the smile we put on to hideAll the saddness that we've built up inside
My body broke down on me, and it was my hardest realization, to not be like everyone else. Doctors told me, by the way you have lupus, no sunlight, here's some drugs and then I was home,
Every day I keep working towards my goals: I eat healthy, I exercise, I drink water, I get my needed rest, and soon it will all pay off.
  Inhale Exhale Bounce Toss Load Jump SLAM! Recover. Turn left Prepare Backhand WHOOSH! Recover. Remember to breathe! What next?
A migraine is a war zone Popping, banging, booming Thumping in my head A migraine is my worst nightmare Like someone stabbing me in the head The agonizing pain, the squeezing, splitting effects are terrifying
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my hart......There is so much to say I don't know where to start.......But here it goes remember it's from my hart....You are everything and more to me ........My sun my moon my ocean my sea.....The oxy
Carlyn Frye Why I Write Scholarship 08/10/2013 Troubling Inspiration   Married, four kids, a big household Working for a company with a huge work load
Simple letters joined together to make words and a mere piece of paper created to record In life there are moments we rather face alone as a time of reflection or moment to console
Loving you is like walking ten miles of bad road on a hot summers day..........Sometimes I want to give up and stop walking but I go on anyway.......What kind of fool goes on walking the same old  rocky road day after day ........When each step he
I can still see her deep brown glistening eyes The way that she walked around with nothing to disguise I can still smell the sharp expensive perfume
Close your eyes and imagine how I feel. I feel like the clear blue sky, I feel like the confidence girls have while wearing short skirts.   I am, the fresh air breathed in,
Every day from noon until evening, You’ve devoted your whole childhood. What once was a hobby quickly became a lifestyle.
I once had a twisted spine, But my curved back is now aligned. With bolted screws and titanium rods, I was lucky enough to beat the odds. I went through not 1, but 2 surgeries.
What more can I say But that I hate Valentine's Day And all the stupid clichés I mean, come on Get real Roses and flowers only lead to allergies Chocolate and strawberries lead to more calories
The abandonment that I have experienced,  no other should feel. Enjoy your family, if not for you. Do it for the peole like me. People who have no mother to say "I love you".
We hear the anthem singing in th wind. We cant wait for the game to begin. All we want to do is beat the other team. As we do it, we like to hear the fans' scream! When we step up to the plate to hit,
I am a Vegan I love fruits and vegetables Love to exercise My body is a temple Let food be my medicine.
Pulling aside the dark curtain, sunlight falls in Like a spilled bottle, the light runs over me Shrinking away from the light till my eyes adjust
Running is my second religion,<br> Kick boxing is my third.<br> My happiness is opposite of a smidgen,<br>  these things my age is often unheard!<br> I'm healthy and smart,<br> and no matter what people say,<br>
he can only feel                if he's slicing his skin open if he can feel blood                pouring from a wound he can only feel                 if the feeling is pain the more it hurts 
Stressed, frustrated, or angry Words pour out. Letters turn to words, words turn to sentences. Emotions guide my hand. Almost done with the page I'm feeling less frustrated.
We crawl on all fours We stand on our two feet We eventually rest
I will prove you wrong.  I will show you that I can.  I will never quit.  I will fight for it.  I will be knocked down.  I will want to stop.  I will get back up.  I will do it for ME. 
Who's alive and out to thrive. By and by we must try. Earth is abundant don't just be a pundit. 
My feet are set I am down and ready My brow breaks into a sweat But I keep my focus steady Bang! My heart leapt with the shot My adrenaline began to flow My blood ran hot As I let my body go
You wake up in bed,It's killing you.At breakfast,It's killing you.
Two golden, iridescent globesFlames shining through the dusk withRegret;Enlightenment. Innocent hands tarnished, sinking spiritBlood red petals blossom on the angelic curtainRealization;Resolution.
Something calls beneath my veins what's suppose to be quiet is now so loudly insane I hear my pulse quickening as the beating drums quicken faster to the searing sun it's racing faster as I try to breathe
  My oh my How I live to die For this delicious fry   What else would I want in life Besides my health cut with a knife The knife of a shortened life  
Latey I've been feeling a little dead inside ........It's been along time since I let my freak flag fry.........It just seems like life is just aboar ......Since I don't have you to share it with me anymore .......So please give this old fool a se
Back and forth I go, Swinging to and fro, As the world spins below, For a reason I do not know. Pumping my legs and gaining height. Thinking that the spinning would stop and hoping that it might.
As my nails hit the keyboard, I find my flow. I write because I have something to say or there's something I wanna know.  I can't stop. I won't stop. I've found my release. 
WHEN CHAMPIONS ARE MADE   Its' the dead of winter It's January, February, and March That;s when it counts, Where you become faster and stronger This is when dedication turns to starting time  
In a world full of pain and fear she finds peace In a world full of darkness and cold she finds light and warmth In a world full of despair she finds faith   She knows not of the life outside this dark room
Big white and shiny, The tooth glistens in his mouth Waiting for a meal.   A chew so graceful, Helping relieve the hunger So you do not starve.   And now after work
cancer can chemically commence critical coma. colon cancer close cartilage people penalize pure patients
cancer sickens people it destroysbody cells  lives are being torn to pieces disease
(poems go here) There once was am man with cancer His name was Mr.Dancer  He loved to sing  He loved to dance  but could not find a partner.
Cancer hurts loved ones Go for check ups frequently Life is VALUABLE
I'm not an addict of drugs nor self inflicting pain  I'm an addict of a body I wish to never see again.  The story starts with an obese girl, she swore to herself she would lose all the weight and conquer the world. 
"Hey baby" you said as I came in Running to tackle-hug you in the green velvety lounge chair nearly tipping you over   Your cheeks ruddy with laughter as you taught me how to swim
The reasons I write are like      stars in the night. Numerous and bright;     I sit in awe, in the light     that comes from lines Of my emotions, my truth.      With my pen as the sleuth
“Why did this happen to me?” I ask this all the time. “Will I have a spasm today?” I ponder in my mind.   My friends, they all worry My teachers worry too.
Eat healthy. exercise daily its the start of a new you work hard, feel determined don't let anyone bring you down sweat more, eat less you are almost to the top plan ahead, have fun
  8pm and orange setting suns. the soft spring nights resemble what is to come. The track smells of melted plastic with lines of deep blue, the midwest sun glaring, relentless and with no hue.
  We are the poor kids. The outcasts.  From the unknowns of the Country in the Unknown of the Country.  And yet we are known.  We are that thought in the back of your head. We are the “What If…” of the Race.
Have you ever seen the rain come down? Those days where the grey is less white than the pain, Desolated days where the chains hold you at bay, yet the wind ceases to balm
Life has only begun, The past are my lyrics that I've sung. My sickeness held me back, but I'm taking that step forward to get life on track. Unstoppable, strived for greatness and I achieved, nevered fallen because I always believed.
As sons and daughter of the most high God We have standards to uphold, as we are representing Zion And as we live in a dark and hateful world
Hidden beneath my long red socks. Rarely seen by teammates and fans, you are always ready to do your job. Like the bullet-proof vest of a proud police officer. You take the shots hit after hit
Handles like AI Jumper like MJ Balling is a habit and it's a new season. Cross like Crawford Gas like, kiss the glass like, step back and cash like pump like jump like
When I run, I am free, my chains are broken. My shoes are like the13th Amendment; I am no longer a slave to society. When I run, no one can own me, the road becomes my empowerment. Strength, Struggle, Satisfaction.
Интересно пишете, жизненно. Все-таки, для того, для того чтоб делать по-настоящему увлекательный блог, нужно не только сообщать о чем-то, однако и совершать это в интересной форме.
A match too tempting, a flicker unrelenting, The cottage was downed by a stupid boy; “And that, me lad”, I said, “was why I slapped the back of your head!” It is a decade later, why couldn’t he grow any brighter
(poems go here)
What is a mistake if we along with everyone around us cannot learn and benefit from it? Too many of my family members, friends, teachers, this generation and ones before me have been effected by numerous heath issues such as:
All of a sudden I feel this pain in my chest Like someone is stabbing and sitting on me It is the beginning of yet another hospital stay The pain just will not go away I've had surgery and take 16 meds a day
Our dreams are not like hers.
Seeing you go would kill us too. I truly don’t know what we would do without you. Your heart would make you go But there is something I really want you to know
Exercise is good for you, Blood, sweat, and tears, will get you through the deepest blue and fit throughout the years, you may not like it at the start but then you get addicted,
(poems go here) Got love for soccer got love for football got love for anything that catches my eye I may be good but not as good as you so I stay practicing screaming yes I could do it yes i could do it and Im pretty sure i'll be better then you
Tick tock the last of the clock i listened for the beat waiting for the sweet repeat the beat of the heart retreating like a con condemn of cheating banging heavy and misshapen
When I read in the paper a year ere, I saw in script a mother’s worst fear. A model child whose temperament was mild, The child’s face was perpetually clear of tears, Revered by all, big or small,
I woke up Unwilling, unmotivated, exhausted I woke up I woke up To the sight of black and a sound so similar I woke up I woke up Not because I want to but have to I woke up
What can I say about cancer? I looked to my friends and did not get the answer. It is scary and such a bad cry To watch your mom nearly die. I had to learn to take care of myself And put my feelings on a shelf.
Gazing anew at the world around her, Agony, pain, and suffering all were Colors, images, fading with time. Mindfully saving The soul who became so sure.
My little love, she means the world to me She's so beautiful, thats all I want everyone to see Six months old, yet she's been through a lot All I can think of, is all of the battles that shes fought
Apart from the world is how I feel. Yet to me, this pain is everything that's real. I close my eyes to remember a time; of better days, the days I felt fine.
Anticipation seizing him, The swimmer stoops to grip his block, All ready for that single beep That will begin the clock.
March is Colorectal Awareness Month! And here you are, at the doctor’s office once again… So why not be a super trooper And take steps to save your pooper?!
Turning the wheel of my mechanic carriage, I pull up close beside the menu of drinks. With my mind being set I have advantage to quickly order before the hot sun sets. Sips of scalding black liquid, I do not desire
have you ever even seen me have you ever even seen you do you ever see me i wonder why ive seen babies grow birds fly flowers bloom but ive never seen you
Hunt Spot Run Kill Gather Cook Eat Now Drive Up Order Wait Pay Grab Go
Peacefully asleep Falling into darkness Waking to sunshine
Diamante Diamond a rare stone; It’s origin is not unknown
“Sweetheart” you said, “Please listen my dear”, My insides were squirming, A side effect of fear.
A poem inspired by Langston Hughes’ Daybreak in Alabama.
Dear You,
Fighter Put on those gloves and I feel the power surge.  I feel the lightning in my veins. I hear the thunder in my heart. I become stronger with every drop of sweat. I become faster with every breath.
Some call it beautiful. Others say it's butterfly, Those who feel it say "love is in the air" But I say, love is what you give. The greatest achievement for every man Is to love God, himself and others.
You sit by my side while I sit comfortably in my chair I don't have to get up to switch to my favorite show You've gone missing now and give me a scare How could I survive without you? I don't know
Thinking clearly. Breathing freely. Away from modern. No voices. Only the ones in my head. Pushing myself further.
Who are you? You change with the seasons Hiding from the rays of the sun shivering in the snow visible- you are not Yet, I see you I know you at least - I think I do
So. Is that what you think? You think this is a game? You think if you lose, that you’ll only be short a few sheets of monopoly money? You’re wrong. You aren't gambling fake cash! This is a life you risk!
I am an anxious Gymnast I wonder if I can pull off this bar routine I hear the bar squeak as my opponent performs ahead of me I see the chalk soaring through the air as vaporous powder
My body shakes as i nervously step onto the court when they announce my name is just one of my favorite parts. The key moment in my life has now arrived I'll never give up until the day that i die.
Life is precious as a crystal door But you vandalize it And chastise it Until it hits the floor. Suicide is permanent- Life is worth living for Why loose what is yours When you can keep it?
Bare arms and toned legs fill my view My own tremble slightly as I make my way to the edge of the concrete I try to remind myself that it’s only the beginning I try to remind myself of my hours of preparation
It's human nature, part of what we are Hunger: the desire or need for something but do we stop to see if the world is up to par? If a moment was taken to look around to see what we surround we see hunger
The purple and dark night sky Transcends into the time that a runner opens her eyes The cool brisk wind against her skin Embracing the movement of her body and the wind The crickets and birds are now awakening,
The Bad. Disease and Debt Depression and Self-harm I’m sorry you have to deal with me. One more try and you can all be free. The Good. Friendship and Hugs Love and Support I need you around.
Butter, you simple, fatty, yellow glob, How many times has Paula Deen used you? Your flavor goes well on corn-on-the-cob. Other substances, you they can't outdo.
People who scream and shout, What the fuck is that shit all about Today you said I love you, I hate you, I wish you were dead But at the end of the day you should be lucky to be blessed.
People who scream and shout, What the fuck is that shit all about Today you said I love you, I hate you, I wish you were dead But at the end of the day you should be lucky to be blessed.
Hey comes fast, But bye come faster, Over comes last, But under comes after, From set up to set hut, In from the monotone cadence, From plastic and head buts, Out roar of excruciating patience,
I looked at the glass half empty. Lemonade tipped on my lips. I looked at the glass half empty. My toes drew colonies in the sand. The glass looked half empty, the sour taste was bland.
Under all that armor You see a broken-hearted man Stuck in this mess He was cryin’ He couldn’t take the stress. Prayin’ “please take me away From this misery”
Laying near the gate broken. I stretch out my hand. The gate stretches on forever. Will I ever be able to reach it. I try to move but my body screams out. With a start
Living life with empty passion, Never finding time to take action. Truly unmoving thoughts and dreams, Shirts and trousers bursting at seams.
When you’re sick you don’t feel right. You want to run away, But you have to fight. You don’t feel bright, And you never know what to say. When you’re sick you don’t feel right.
I Am Invincible Running, flying, soaring Nothing can touch me As the ground rushes under my feet And the sunset blurs into a pink and golden haze Running
(poems gI feel my pulse racing through my body. The rush is almost unbearable. I use my fast pace to reach my target. Using all the power I have, I launch the ball. I watch it fly over the fresh-cut field.
The moon, staring down from above. The stars, sprinkled across the sky. Her mental state, weary. Her physical state, exhausted. Sleep does not consume her. Eyes, staring into nothingness.
I picked up my pen today; It felt good to let the stress flow With every stroke and line finished, I began to breathe easier Many young teens now smoke, cut or drink but I will write and pray
Oh, the efforts of exercise It just seems so fruitless sometimes I run, I bike, I jog Working hard as I can Then, after some time Of staying in line And keeping my focus on the goal It happens
I’m Leo I like to run around town When the sun goes down My bed makes sounds My passion spreads around
My whole life I’ve played the game Now my talent has come to a halt I wonder why, maybe my coach is insane
Someone once told me "Life is a playground. At times you fall off of it or sometimes you slide down without any scrapes." I've been through so much in my life and I don't ever wanna regret it so here's my tribute to the people in it.
There was a time when the birds that chirped, and the trees that swayed in the air would  collide
He haunts me. Like a ghost, my husband haunts me. The red-tailed hawks that cry out over head taunt me mercilessly. That was his favorite bird of prey. Cardinals that whistle and sing as the day wakes up
There comes a point In everyone’s lives To turn the page And step into the light To let their future Take its course Let it run free No fear nor force
There comes a point In everyone’s lives To turn the page And step into the light To let their future Take its course Let it run free No fear nor force
4 Keys One Heart Our heart is composed of a four chambered valve with blood flowing in and out In and out Ideally our heart consists of four secret gardens that can only be unlocked by four different keys
Calm is a heart that is at rest. Which keeps the body intact. It is the vital organ to life. Each one holds a precious life, maybe even two. And never stops beating. Sitting still day after day.
Let love go, to let it return; Let love out, to let it in. So it is with us: Let us go, so we may return. Let us out, so we may enter Into our own. Let love go from us; May it come full circle.
I wake up in the morning wash my face and brush my teeth. But before that I thank God for blessing me with this day and pray real hard that things go a way that will make me better in some way.
Don't let it go Fight the urge to die Always needing more, Reaching and fighting for more Let it burn Don't let it go Fight the urge to die
I cut deep within my veins Treating myself to the quiet pain, Digging inside to cut the hurt out And feeling the blood begin to sprout.
Running from fear, Running from the past. One moment, a lifetime, is spent here; The next, he is gone at last. Running from life. Running from pain. Running from strife.
By Pearl Knowing that I was gonna try and fail many times in my life I really wasn’t prepared. I’ve been over weight since head start Pre-K although I didn’t look at it as a deformity everyone else did.
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